You’re So Cute Chapter 15


Although he couldn’t say it, Rozny really liked the Duke. I thought he was a scary person, but he was really sweet.

“Roro. Hey… … .”


“Hey. “Why don’t you call me ‘Oh, brother’ instead of ‘Master’?”

Rosny jumped at the unexpected words.

“yes? How dare I… … . “You’re my brother!”

Andrea became sullen due to the fierce rejection. Chiit. I don’t think it’s time yet. First, we need to back off and attack slowly.

‘I need to pester my father quickly!’

It won’t work. I need to ask Roro to become my real younger brother quickly.

“Hehe, it’s still good though.”

Sunny weather, clear skies, and a perfect breeze.

It was an incredibly picturesque moment.


Maybe it was because she was having fun without worrying about anything, but before she knew it, Andrea had fallen asleep while lying down on the lawn.

“young master?”

Instead of an answer, only the sound of snoring was heard.

“… … .”

In the warmth of the languid afternoon, Rosny became bored.

‘What should I do alone?’

Rozny, looking around, suddenly got the idea that he wanted to climb a tree.

When I lived in an orphanage, the only way to see the outside world was to climb a tree. Because I couldn’t go out and see the outside world.

It was the same when I came here. Rosny has yet to go outside the duchy. The child’s world consisted entirely of the orphanage and the castle. It was natural to be curious about the outside world.

‘Can I ask you to take a look outside?’

It was a big improvement for her. She said that a child who had never once thought of asking for something from me first thought of expressing his desire for the first time.

Anyway, that’s for later. Right now, I wanted to at least climb a tree. The site is so large that even if you climb the tree, you won’t be able to see outside… … .


Rosny grabbed the tree and started climbing up. Once he started, he did not hesitate. Fortunately, Rozny was confident when it came to tree climbing, and his athleticism was also quite good. So much so that I have never fallen before.

But there was one thing she overlooked. Unlike her orphanage days where she would run around barefoot, she now wears pretty but uncomfortable shoes.

No matter how naughty a child may be, a child is still a child.

‘It’s too high.’

Moreover, the tree was much taller than the one at the orphanage. Once you reach the upper branch, you will find a stable place to settle down, but there is still a long way to go. The situation below is also already in the dark.

At that time, my foot slipped. The price of forgetting he was wearing shoes was high.


In an instant, my body began to flow. no… … ! If this continues, we will fall!

I tried to hold on to something, but my palms were all hot and chafing. The downward slide became faster and faster, and unfortunately Rozny lost his grip when he hit a rough part of the tree.

The body bounced slightly off the tree and floated in the air.

‘Falling…’ … !’

My mind was filled with the fear of gravity and the fear of the pain to come. I was afraid that I might die like this.

I don’t want to die, but I finally found out what it feels like to be happy!

Rozny was so scared that he closed his eyes tightly.


However, contrary to the expectation that the impact would come as if my body would be shattered, something hard yet soft supported my body.

“… … .”

Rosny carefully opened his tightly closed eyes. Someone I didn’t know was hugging me.

The first thing I felt was relief that I was alive.

“Thank you!”

First, Rosny said hello. My shocked heart was still pounding like crazy, but my priority was to express my gratitude for saving him.

“… … .”

But the boy who accepted her just stared at Rosny without answering.

“I… … .”

Rosny also quietly looked up, wondering who the person who saved her was.

‘Who is it?’

Although it was my first time seeing him, the tall boy somehow resembled someone else.

‘customer… … is it? ‘I didn’t hear that there would be someone like this among the guests coming today?’

However, looking at his luxurious attire, it seemed like he was definitely not an attendant.

Rosny tried to get out of his arms. When she wriggled around, the boy didn’t hold back and immediately put her down. But Rozny, whose legs gave out, stumbled as soon as she touched the ground.


The ankle I slipped was actually fine, but when I placed my scuffed palm on the floor, a scream escaped me. Andrea, who was still asleep, opened her eyes when she heard Rosny’s voice.

Andrea didn’t know what was going on so she rubbed her eyes for a moment and then suddenly shouted.


… … brother?

Rosny’s eyes widened.

‘Then this is the first master?’

He is Ulysses. It was the Duke of Marques, the eldest son of the duke.

“brother! “What’s going on at home?”

It was an unexpected appearance that even Andrea did not know about. Andrea ran to his brother, half in joy and surprise, and cried out in surprise when he found Rosny sitting on the floor.

“Uh, uhh! “What’s wrong with your hands!?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I was just acting a bit stupid… … .”

“It’s nothing!”

Andrea was shaking as he looked at Rosny’s hand, but belatedly remembered his brother’s presence and turned his head again. Just then, Ulysses asked.

“This child… … ?”

“Ah, this is Roro.”


It was a nonsensical conversation, but it made sense. Only Rosny was caught in the middle and didn’t know what to do.

‘oh my god. To the great master, from the first day… … !’

Rosny glanced at his side with concern.

When I looked again, he really looked exactly like the Duke. It is no exaggeration to say that its appearance is almost like a miniature version. Of course, thanks to his wife’s blood, he is an upgraded version and more handsome.

However, even though he was three years older than me, he had a physique and height that definitely did not make him look like he was twelve years old. He could almost be fifteen. She was probably tall, resembling a large peacock like a bear, but perhaps because she resembled her wife, she seemed to have a slightly slender physique.

“Let’s go in first.”

It seemed similar to the duke not only in appearance but also in personality. He walked away without saying a word.


I hug Rozny again.

“brother! Roro is surprised!”

Rosny instinctively knew as soon as she was hugged that this was the princess’s hugging position. Maybe that’s why I felt even more embarrassed.

“Jeez, I, Rozny can walk. Please drop me off… … .”

No answer came back. Instead of answering, Ulysses glanced at Rosny’s knee.

“ah… … .”

I didn’t know, but my knees were also completely bruised. It looked like it had slipped and fallen from a tree and was completely swept away.

“You better not climb trees from now on.”

Andrea went into an uproar at what Ulysses suddenly said.

“Roro, did you get hurt climbing a tree? What did you do! “I’m going to be in big trouble!”

Andrea nagged for a long time. Ulysses laughed in bewilderment at the sight of him nagging his father, who was only two years older than him, as if he were his father.

“Let’s just go.”

He walked without holding Rosny in his arms.

“… … .”

Rosny’s face turned red and her heart pounded. The sound seemed to be heard outside.

‘Why is my heart like this?’

It was the moment when the little lady fell in love for the first time.


The two happened to encounter a group of guests, including the Duchess, who were coming out of the entrance. When he didn’t come back until dinner time was up, he came to pick me up himself.

“Oh my, Youth?”

The Duchess’ eyes widened at the unexpected sight of her eldest son, but then her expression quickly changed to a welcome one. It seems she came right away as soon as she received the letter, but she didn’t know because she didn’t contact me.

Ulysses nodded and greeted Rosny while holding him.

“It’s been a while since I saw you, Mom. And my aunt.”

The Duchess looked a little disappointed at her son’s stiff appearance. The eldest child is all good, but he is too polite and uncharacteristic of a child. It’s okay to be a little more foolish.

However, unlike Andrea, Ulysses was not a pampered child even when he was young.

“Oh, Ulysses. I can’t believe you’ve already grown this much… … “I didn’t expect you to come back to the castle, but it’s nice to see you.”

The Marchioness of Rodham, the Duke’s younger sister and the children’s aunt, approached with a smile on her face. Next to her was her daughter Lydia.

“It’s been a while since I saw you, brother. Andy, you too.”

The look in Lydia’s eyes as she looked at her cousin, whom she had cared for for a long time, was unusual. To be exact, his gaze towards the unidentified girl in his arms.

A spark flashed in Lydia’s eyes.

“… … .”

Rosny instinctively felt those eyes. Just as the awkward atmosphere was about to flow while I was held tightly in your arms,

“mother! Roro is hurt! “I need to quickly take him to a room and treat him!”

Andrea made a fuss.

“oh! You’re bleeding… … !”

The Duchess, who only then discovered it, was shocked and embarrassed. Her knees could not be seen because they were hidden by the hem of her skirt, but she could see that the child’s palms were secretly covered with scratches.

“I’ll tell the doctor, so send him to his room quickly. Youth, it would be nice if you could help us out.”

As if he had already planned to do so, Ulysses bowed his head and walked away.

“brother! “Let’s go together!”

“Andy, you need to change your clothes. A guest has arrived. What are you wearing? “Quickly change and come down to the living room.”

Since I rolled around in the grass, it was bound to be a mess. Andrea was captured by the Duchess and handed over to her nurse.

After sending her two sons, she then spoke to the Marchioness. Although she was not very happy to see her as her husband’s younger sister, she could not neglect her hospitality anyway.

“I’m sorry, Sophia. We were completely unprepared to welcome guests. “I’ll prepare some refreshments first, so Lydia and I are resting in the room for a while.”

Instead of showing off her displeasure, the Marchioness put on a nice mask.

“Oh oh. Is that possible? Persera. I am always grateful for the warm hospitality. Room while waiting… … “I just need to unwind from my travels, so it’s okay to prepare slowly.”

However, I couldn’t stop my face from slightly frowning the moment I mentioned the word ‘room’. Because I was so angry that I couldn’t control my facial expression.

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