You’re So Cute Chapter 14


It was obvious that this was the place to go after getting out. Rosny rushed to Andrea’s room. I have already forgotten the embarrassment of the poop incident earlier.


As expected, Andrea welcomed her.

“Why did you suddenly run away earlier?”

“Well, that…” … . “It’s just, nothing.”

Rosny, who was embarrassed, hesitated, but instead of asking further questions, Andrea grabbed Rosny’s hand. He was originally a dull person who easily overlooked trivial things.

“Let’s go play in the forest today!”



Rozny flinched despite the hand he was holding proudly.

This was because he knew that the Marchioness and her party would arrive soon. I guess I’ll have to wait at the castle… … .

“ruler! Let’s go~!”

“Do, master!”

But Andrea was stubborn. Rosny had no choice but to be dragged by Andrea, who was running over and over.

Then, the moment I turned the corner of the hallway,

“… … oh!”

“Uh, father!”

I ran into a duke.

Rosny’s hands stumbled while trying to dodge in a hurry, but lost their place and ended up clinging to the Duke’s legs.


There was no way he, who had such a developed sense of humor, would not have known of the child’s existence. He just didn’t avoid it and left it alone. If he avoids it, he might get hit by the knight following him and get hurt.

The Duke looked down at the whitish bundle hanging from me, Rozny. It was so small that I had to look down for a while.

“… … .”

I feel it every time I see it, it’s really cute. Why is there such a white and pretty baby like whipped cream?

He hugged Rozny. He was in a different position this time because he had been nagging his son last time. However, as if she didn’t know what a ‘princess hug’ meant, she was held in a more serious posture than the last time, as if she was being held by his side.

“If you run, you’ll get hurt.”

Rosny waved his legs. However, the duke, perhaps unaware of his shame and embarrassment, did not even flinch despite the rather strong shaking. The body was so hard that it felt like a rock or even steel.

“Oh, Duke… … Please drop me off… … !”

Rosny muttered in a voice like an ant.

“hmm? “Is it uncomfortable?”

That was natural. Rosny had little contact with the Duke since then. Although I saw him every breakfast, he was so quiet that he rarely said anything.

There’s no way my body and mind would feel at ease after suddenly being hugged in such a situation. Besides, I was a little worried that if I was hugged like this, I wouldn’t be able to see up to my skirt.

But Rozny could not bear to say so.

It was Andrea who came in after breaking the gap.

“father! “I’m going to the forest with Roro!”

Thanks to Andrea’s words while pulling Rosny, who was dangling in the air, Fortunately, Rosny was able to be lowered to the floor again. Rose Ni, who had landed on the ground, quickly adjusted the hem of her skirt.

“Are you going to have fun again? Your aunt will be arriving soon, so we need to prepare to welcome her. Wouldn’t it be better to wait for Lydia to come and play with her?”

“I don’t know! I know when it will come. I want to go play first! “I want to show Roro the eastern forest!”

The duke’s expression, which was about to scold him, relaxed.

“Are you okay?”

In fact, Andrea’s words citing Rosny were closer to an excuse. Because his real purpose was ‘escape’. The duke knew that too, but he nodded his head as if he didn’t notice.

“okay. “Go ahead.”

The duke gave his permission, but Rosny’s heart became heavy as he watched. He felt sorry that the Master didn’t study more because of him, but how dare he abandon his precious guest… … .

‘What if you think I’m in the way?’

“as… … .”

Just then, the duke opened his mouth as if to say something. But he immediately froze before Rozny even pricked up his ears.

“No, no.”

What were you trying to say? Rosny glanced at the duke’s eyes. He tried to guess by his expression, but it was a face he couldn’t guess.

‘You’re probably thinking about something very important.’

Contrary to Rosny’s thoughts, the reality was completely different.

‘It’s a nickname I gave you, but why can’t I actually call it that?’

I knew myself that I was blunt and not good at expressing myself. But she didn’t know that she couldn’t even say a nickname… … .

“Um, Duke… … .”

“Rosney, me too… … .”

As it happened, both of their mouths dropped at the same time.

“Speak first!”

Rosny stepped back, and the duke paused for a moment before hesitatingly opening his mouth.

“me too… … .”

“Yes, Duke.”

What on earth are you trying to say so seriously?

“Can I call you Roro too?”

“… … yes?”

I didn’t understand what he was asking. You can call me whatever you want, but why are you asking that? The duke was the one who gave me that nickname in the first place.

Contrary to Rosny’s thoughts, it was natural for the duke to remain silent. He impulsively gave me a nickname because of his cute appearance, but even if my son was just like him, wouldn’t it seem disgusting for him to do that out of the blue himself?

“hmm… … “I guess it’s a bit like that, right?”

Rosny tilted his head. I couldn’t figure out what was so bad.

‘But the tips of your ears seem a little red?’

Is it an illusion? It must be an illusion, right?

For some reason, the Duke looked embarrassed and embarrassed. That expression is somehow… … .

‘cute… … omg!’

If you dare think the duke is cute, you will be reprimanded if you are caught. Rosie quickly cupped his mouth in fear of making a mistake.


But even though my mouth was closed, laughter came out.


Rozny was surprised and wondered if I had made a mistake. But the source of the sound was somewhere else, Andrea’s mouth.

He was already clutching his stomach next to him. If it weren’t for his father, he would have already been rolling on the floor laughing.

The knights standing behind were also doing their best to keep their expressions in check. Don’t you dare laugh in front of the duke. If you do that, you will be sent straight to hell training.

“therefore… … Even if I call you Roro… … .”

Fortunately, the duke’s ordeal did not last long. It was because Rosny, who had heard that far, quickly nodded without thinking for a long time.

“yes! “Of course!”

It doesn’t matter how I call him, but a nickname would be better. I like the new name ‘Rozny’, but I like ‘Roro’ more. As long as you didn’t use the word ‘baby’, you were welcome.

Rosny smiled happily.

The Duke was momentarily frozen by the wide smile of the child he saw for the first time. Even though she was frightened and shaking, she was so cute, and when she smiled brightly, it felt like the world was brightening up.

“… … .”

The peacock just melted away and disappeared.

“let’s go! Roro!”

With an expression on his face, Andrea threw away the loose peacock and snatched up Rosny. “I never knew my father was like this,” she muttered.

Rosny glanced back as he was dragged along helplessly.

‘I think the duke is acting a little strange today… … .’


The kids’ picnic couldn’t have been more peaceful. Andrea and Rozny entered the forest alone without any maids and sat down on a mat in a comfortable spot.

“Wow, cool!”

Rosny tilted his head. Cool? The sun is warm and the wind is gentle?

“That’s what adults usually do when things like this happen. Ah~ so cool! Just like this!”

“ah… … that’s right! “The air feels so refreshing!”

It didn’t seem like the expression was right, but Rosny was excited and nodded roughly. He felt really refreshed as he smelled the fresh air of the forest.

“Tsk… … ! Ugh, it’s heavy.”

Andrea put down the large picnic basket she had received from her nanny. She carried it all the way here on her own, resolutely ignoring Rozny, who was shaking his feet next to her, saying she would carry it herself.

“sorry. It must have been heavy… … .”

“This is it! “Leave this to your brother!”

Beating her heart, Andrea brought out a variety of foods. There were small sandwiches, bite-sized desserts, juice, etc.

“Now, hurry up and eat it.”

Rosni enjoyed the food comfortably without worrying about what anyone would think.

It felt really good doing this. The gently blowing wind made me feel like I was in paradise. The sight of the bright blue sky seen through the gaps in the trees with sunlight shining through was so beautiful.

“I never knew the sky was this pretty.”


“It’s the same sky, but it seems so different.”

Unlike when I saw it at the orphanage, the word was omitted.

“… … .”

Although she was still young, Andrea seemed to be able to understand Rosny to some extent. It must have been a world she couldn’t even imagine.

“If you eat this you will feel better.”

Andrea, who thought she was depressed about old times, handed her the teddy bear jelly she had been saving.

“ah… … .”

But Rosny instead became tearful.

The little bear was so cute. So much so that he doesn’t even know where to bite.

How do you get rid of something this cute?

If you eat the head first, only the body will remain ugly, but if you eat the body first, only the head will remain ugly.

Should I just swallow it in one gulp? But then wouldn’t the bear be in too much pain at once?

“It’s so cute… … I can’t eat… … .”

Rosny puffed out his cheeks and shook his head.

It was so cute that I wanted to bite it, so Andrea unconsciously grabbed the child’s cheek and stretched it. Perhaps because she had been eating well for the past few days, her cheeks were very plump.

“Ah, it’s a city… … !”

“lol. Because it’s cute. “Who did our Roro belong to?”

Andrea asked, still pecking her cheek with one hand.


“No! Roro is Roro? “I only own the size of this cheek!”

“Uh… … “Yes, I am.”

It was something I had already heard as if I had been brainwashed. Just this much is mine!

Rozny somehow felt like the ownership of his body was scattered here and there. The cheeks are yours, your hands are your nanny’s, and your hair is yours. This happened when everyone thought it was cute and thought it was mine.

And the nickname Roro is,

‘The Duke’s.’

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