You’re So Cute Chapter 13



“I’m of no use… … .”

Although I admit this to myself, the moment I said those words, I felt like my heart was aching for some reason.

“Rozny. “Roro baby.”

The Duchess cupped the cheek of Rosny, who was lowering his head as if depressed, and gently lifted it up. Meeting her child’s eyes, she smiled with all her affection.

“We smile so happily because you’re here.”

“… … .”

“Andrea is happy every day, and I and he are really happy.”

“affection… … “What?”

“okay. It’s all thanks to our Roro baby. So don’t ever say that. It’s not useful at all. And even if it doesn’t play any role, the child is a precious and lovable being in and of itself. “He deserves to be loved by everyone.”

“… … .”

My heart tickled. But even so, her words didn’t completely resonate with me.

How can one become precious without doing anything? How can I receive love?

“Baby, I hope you can smile happily without any worries.”

“… … .”

Rosny’s eyes widened. He couldn’t help but feel his whole body this time. That there is someone who wishes you happiness. Is there anything else that fills the heart as much as that?

“Okay, thank you. I… … I will try harder. Thank you so much… … .”

Rosny was already so happy. In the end, she broke down into tears.


Today was another fun day. It was so fast that each day was an instant.

Andrea decided to give up her role as a nanny not only for that day, but until Rozny decided it was okay for her to sleep alone.

“I’m familiar with this place, and I’m two years older than Roro… … . So, I’ll lend it to Roro!”

The duke and his wife were very surprised to see their son, who had been immature and young, become dignified as if he were an older brother. And perhaps because of that, Rosny gradually became accustomed to the fancy room, which had been so awkward at first.

As I ate well and slept well, my rough complexion bloomed beautifully. As her two dainty cheeks became more desirable day by day, her initial act of pinching her thighs every day, wondering if it was a dream, was fading away.

This was a really strange place. I can’t believe you’re full of compliments just for eating and sleeping. At this rate, I even had the absurd idea that they would praise me even if I just went to the bathroom well.

“Oguogu, my baby. “I’m good at pooping too~!”

“… … .”

But I never thought it would become a reality.

Rosnie, who was praised for going to the bathroom really well, felt embarrassed and her face turned bright red.

‘Yu, Nanny is bad… … !’

too bad. It’s really too much! It’s not a baby, it’s really not! He’s not three, not five, but seven years old, and why can’t he praise him like that in front of him?

“Roh, Rosny is seven years old… … !”

Referring to himself in the third person was already a babyish way of speaking, but Rosny, who had been secretly brainwashed into thinking that this was how it should be done by the Duke, was completely unaware of the problem.

“wow! “Roro always succeeds every day?”

However, Andrea seemed completely unaware of her embarrassment, and her eyes sparkled as if she was amazed. There was no sign of teasing anywhere, but Rosny was so embarrassed that she wanted to cry.

“young master… … ! “No, I don’t know!”

In the end, Rozny ran away with even the tips of his ears dyed red. The adults who were watching ended up bursting out laughing.

After returning to his room, Rozny jumped into bed and buried his face.

‘Huh, that’s too much…’ … . I’m really embarrassed… … !’

Rosny was so embarrassed that she waved her cute legs in the air. If someone saw it, they would want to make fun of it even more because it was cute.

Rosie, who was shaking her legs, soon relaxed and sank into the bed. Even though I was embarrassed, I was happy at the overflowing love that I felt with my whole body.

‘It feels like a dream, but it’s not a dream.’

However, not everyone in the Dukedom was friendly to her.

smart. Suddenly-

With a formal knock, the maid opened the door and came in.

The maid, who came in thinking it would be empty, frowned when she saw the child. She couldn’t look pretty rolling around in bed in broad daylight.

Some people are working so hard, but all they do is play all day!

‘What is Rosny Evelyn Clave!’

No matter how much they controlled the maids’ mouths, the truth did not leak out of the Dukedom, and everyone knew that Rosny was a commoner from an orphanage.

Because no one believed what the Duke had said when he created the castle for Rozny – that a lost child from a noble family had been found in an orphanage.

“I have to clean, so I’m out.”

Rosny was naturally intimidated by the voice, which could be seen at a glance as ticking, but nevertheless expressed his opinion cautiously.

“Well, I can do it.”

It was still very awkward for Rosny to have someone clean her space for her or to have someone help her.

“what? Are you doing this to see someone get scolded?”

“That’s not it… … Even if it’s just to help… … .”

“it’s okay! “What good do you have?”

“… … ah.”

This was Rosny’s weakest point. No matter how many good things he heard from the Duchess, the obsession with the treatment he had received throughout his life was not going to go away easily.

‘If it were Anne, I would have praised her for offering to help… … .’

Anne, the only one who was kind to her, was the one who came most often to take care of Rosie. Except for her, the other two maids disapproved of her Rosie.

However, rather than thinking that Rozny was hated, she simply accepted that each maid was a little different.

She was sensitive to other people’s opinions as she had lived her entire life without paying attention, but the problem was that she did not fall into the category of being bullied to this extent by Rosny.

As I tolerated it, thinking it was no big deal, the maids’ cold treatment and harassment gradually increased in severity.

The maid became even more elated at the sight of the child looking sullen and intimidated. The thought that she was being a little harsh quickly went away.

‘What can you do?’

The maids in charge of Rozny were also cautious at first, fearing that the child would startle them. But at this point, it could have happened at least once, but nothing happened. The situation was such that I began to ignore it even more.

Unfortunately, no one knew about this situation because it was a private affair between some maids. Not even the nanny, let alone the duchess.

‘Oh my gosh, this treatment is not suitable for someone!’

The time when people feel the most intense jealousy is when someone they thought was below them rises above them.

Even though they are commoners who have nothing, it is safe to say that they will comfort each other and get along well.

Rather, it is human habit to create hierarchies among themselves even with the slightest differences, and to trample on them without hesitation if they feel they have the slightest advantage.

That microcosm is the world of employees.

While they were so critical of the nobles who treated the commoners so carelessly, they did not know that they were also doing the same thing.


Lady Lydia wouldn’t just ignore this.

The maid hoped that the Master’s cousin, the Lady of the Marquis de Rodham, who was scheduled to visit today, would come forward. Please give that little boy a hard time so he can understand the topic.

‘Compared to Lady Lydia, who is a true noblewoman, such a commoner orphan girl is nothing more than a piece of cake!’

It was ridiculous. She is such a precious young lady, but doesn’t she know that in the eyes of her marquess and her daughter, she is also seen as a lowly being… … .

However, for her who did not know that, it was more comfortable to look up to the nobles, whom she could not dare to ignore, and pretend that they were completely different from her.

‘At least if you’re a noble, you should have somewhere more special! ‘What kind of divine power does this girl have?’

It wasn’t unreasonable for her to think that way. Nobles and commoners are fundamentally different beings. Unlike commoners, ‘spiritual power’ runs in their blood.

The origin of this ‘divine power’ flowing through the upper class goes back to the founding myth. In the beginning, the Elyos came down to earth and established a country, which was the beginning of civilization. Later, it split into several countries and became the current continent. It was a universal theory.

Those who inherited the bloodline of the first emperor and other Elyos under him were said to have a special power, ‘divine power’. And they were passed on to the current ruling class, and the imperial family and high-ranking nobles generally lived long lives, did not age well, had quick recovery, and were highly resistant to disease.

Of course, they were not immortal, so they died like ordinary humans, but they were incomparably superior to commoners.

It was for this reason that I had no idea what to do with Rosny giving me a noble surname.

“Uh, over there… … .”

Tuk-tuk. widely.

The maid continued to mutter to herself and brushed the broom more harshly. She thought that there was absolutely no way this unlucky little boy in front of her could be such a special child.

It would have been natural for her to be far from divine power if she was a common noble without a title anyway, but for her, who had fantasies about nobility, Rosny’s ordinary appearance was especially annoying.

‘joy! ‘To a commoner who is no different from me!’

Even among commoners, there were occasionally people with divine powers. But it was only a special case. In the distant past, he was originally of noble blood, or was a secret illegitimate son of a noble family, etc.

‘Why on earth, His Majesty the Duke, is this kind of kid…? … !?’

“Quickly get out of the way!”

Rozny was downcast at the sight of the maid being particularly sharp.

“Then I’ll be out.”

She had no choice but to obediently leave the place as requested. She says she has to clean up, but I can’t be a hindrance if I can’t help.

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