You’re So Cute Chapter 12


“ah… … .”

Since the gender has changed, the status recorded at the orphanage would now be meaningless, but the Duke is the one who has the final authority over Young Ji-min’s status anyway. It wasn’t even a task to create a new identity.

“Just sign here.”

Although he didn’t know the word “signature,” Rozny understood that all he had to do was write his name. Because there was already something written on one side in a fancy font – probably the duke’s name.

“The contents are about your identity and the signature of the guarantor that there is no lie about it.”

In any case, both the guarantor and the approver were the same duke, so it was a meaningless pledge. It simply means that by becoming a guarantor, you are officially declaring that you are her guardian.

Rosny picked up a quill and wrote my name with trembling hands. As the duke said, he added an s-shape between the original spellings of ‘Rony’, and the signature ‘Rosny’ was created naturally.

“Your full name is now Rosny Evelyn Clave.”

“… … yes?”

Rosnie, who had only written down her first name, was surprised by the words she heard. Even so, Evelyn is a Clave?

“It is the castle of a fallen nobleman. “I kept the last name I was given, Evelyn, as my middle name.”

The duke smiled slightly, looking at Rosny, who was still dumbfounded. It was a little bit of work, but it seemed like a good thing.

The duke searched through the genealogies of the noble families belonging to the duchy, and found a branch of a Korean-American family that had branched off from its main family and had completely lost its lineage. She meant to add it to her last name.

The Clave family, a rankless noble family.

Since he was a fallen aristocrat, there was no way anyone would care about him, so it was perfect. In this way, Rosny became Evelyn Clave, the only bloodline of the Cleve family.

“Gwi, it’s a nobleman’s castle?”

Rosny asked with a white face. It was natural that I couldn’t believe that I would be named ‘noble’, which made my stomach tingle just by hearing it.

A nobleman… … . Nobles are noble people who are born different from people like me. It is said that a special power called ‘spiritual power’ flows through the veins.

“okay. So it happened. I’ll keep this until you become an adult. From now on, I am your guardian and protector.”

“… … .”


It was a new word that came out even before the shock of the word noble had subsided. Rosny’s nerves immediately shifted to the word ‘guardian’.

“after… … traction.”

I don’t know the exact meaning, but since it is said to be a ‘guardian and protector’, it probably means that it is someone who protects oneself.

Rozny repeated the words, which had a strange sound, in his mouth. custodian… … custodian.

‘This is what it means to be ‘protected’ by someone.’

It’s not like there were no guardians during that time. The legal guardian of the orphanage children was the director. However, Rozny has never received ‘protection’ in the true sense of the word.

“okay. custodian.”

Right now, I was only qualified to that level. However, in the near future, this child will become the duke’s adopted daughter. Although there are still a number of steps that need to be taken to achieve this.

‘Not only is it necessary to be of noble status, but the approval of the imperial family is also required… … .’

A later story that hasn’t come yet. For now, I was satisfied with just having this little child in my shadow.

“I’m sorry.”

“… … yes?”

“It’s my fault that something like that happened in my territory.”

The duke was truly reflecting. No matter how devastated the state was not long after the end of the war, it was his own fault for failing to take care of every nook and cranny of his people’s lives. Even though it was a temple affair, they should have been properly managed and supervised since they were on their own land.

I had no idea that so many children were living in misery. Although I couldn’t bring them all, I planned to at least do my best to ensure that the children were treated like human beings and could grow up.

“Oh, no. How could the duke… … .”

“The duke family decided to run the orphanage directly.”

“… … .”

“I’m glad you survived there so well.”

I meant it. If this pretty child had lived so miserably and eventually died… … What a terrible tragedy.

The duke was truly relieved that she had survived that hell safely. It was a pity that she had gone through such miserable times, but she was still fortunate to be alive. There will be days when you will be happy if you are alive.

“For saving me… … And thank you so much for helping the kids. And I… … I took the duke’s name… … .”

After hesitating for a moment, Rozny mustered up the courage to ask the duke if he could ask his name.

“He is the one who took me in, but without even knowing his name… … .”

That’s why I was going to ask, but even after saying it, Rozny thought I might be being too arrogant. How dare you ask the name of a nobleman?

“You are right. “I haven’t even told you your name yet.”

The duke nodded.

“You should at least know the name of the person who will be your guardian.”

It seemed like the child wasn’t just surviving. Considering his young age of only seven years old and his lack of proper education, the child was quite bright. He was good at speaking coherently.

“My name is Alexander Hayes Marquez.”

Alexander, Alexander Hayes Marquez. Rozny repeated the name in his mind.


Rosny was impressed by the trivial name, and his eyes twinkled as he thought that His Majesty’s name could not be more wonderful.

Before she knew it, the Duke had become an absolute being to her.


When I returned to my room after a long day, my nanny was waiting for me. For a moment, she wondered if she had come to the wrong room. The nanny caught her child as she tried to leave again.

“Welcome, baby.”

“Um, me?”

“okay. Our Roro baby. “This nanny will let you sleep today.”

It was thanks to Andrea’s special generosity, saying, ‘I’ll give up the nanny to Roro tonight!’

“… … ah.”

I’m okay with sleeping alone… … She tried to say it, but Rosie, pushed by her nanny’s gentle spirit, soon gave in to her touch.

And when I came to my senses, I was lying in bed. It was the bed that I didn’t even dare to touch yesterday.

The nanny brought a blanket that looked as sweet as cotton candy from somewhere and carefully placed it inside the blanket. Since she was still a young child, I thought she would need a blanket or doll, etc.

The fluffy blanket smelled nice. Sweet yet refreshing soap scent.

‘Good mood… … .’

I loved the soft feel of the pajamas and the soft blanket. The bed was so soft that I felt like my body would be absorbed into it.

And the sound of a crackling fireplace and a warm embrace.

It was my first time going to sleep with someone holding me like this. I don’t know what it was like when I was a child that I don’t even remember, but there was never a time when I could remember.

Although I said it was okay to be alone, I was actually so happy that someone was by my side. I was so happy and happy that my heart was pounding.

“Thank you… … .”

“Don’t worry, sleep well, baby.”

Rozny’s cheeks turned red as the nanny kissed him on the forehead.

‘It’s so good I don’t think I can sleep.’

Unlike the first day when I felt like I was fainting, I didn’t feel like I could sleep at all.

However, when the nanny comforted her with a gentle hand, Rozny quickly fell asleep.


A dreamlike time passed quickly.

It’s already been a few days since I stayed at the Duke’s house. Rosny’s routine was truly simple.

Looking at her day… … .

Once I open my eyes, I go straight to Andrea’s room. Andrea, who was going to wake up soon anyway, was going to look for Rosny as soon as she opened her eyes, so I decided to go ahead of time to wake her up.

The two, who have been close friends since morning, go down to the restaurant together and eat first. And after breakfast,

‘Let’s go to my room!’

play together And after playing,

‘Let’s go to the garden!’

Going to play again

In short, we just play together and play again… … .

It may be natural since they are playmates, but when are you going to study? … . I couldn’t help but feel worried. No matter how I looked at it, I felt like I was a hindrance rather than a help.

Of course, there were times when we were alone. Because Rosny also had study time.

It wasn’t a big deal since he was still only learning letters, but it was quite an exciting time for Rosny, who was new to learning.

The nanny herself taught the letters. This was because there was no need to call a tutor for this level of learning yet.

And during that time, Andrea practiced swordsmanship. I also study occasionally.

In this way, Rosie spent each day no different from a minor princess. But on the other hand, there was still some uneasiness lingering in a corner of his mind.

Then one day, Rosny asked the Duchess with concern.

“Well, I… … “I don’t know if it’s really okay.”

“huh? “What do you mean?”

“Even if you don’t do anything like this… … .”

No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed like there was so much to do. I definitely have to do something called work… … .

For now, she was doing her best to eat well and gain weight as per the duke’s instructions, but she thought that she could never just continue like this.

Actually, it was worth worrying about. Most of Rosny’s days these days are about playing.

“I… … I want to help with other things, but I just can’t find the time… … .”

Rozny was still suffering from an obsession to help with something. She thought this was something she could never do more than just play and eat.

“Baby. “It’s not like you’re worried about that.”

The Duchess smiled softly and said to Rosny. It was an elegant yet warm smile.

“… … yes?”

“The baby just needs to see and hear good things and grow up well.”

“… … .”

Rosny’s expression became even more strange. Really, I couldn’t understand it. After some hesitation, Rosny suddenly asked.

“Why is everyone so nice to me?”

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