Transcension Academy Chapter 98

Episode 98 – The Approaching Hunter Exam (1)

“Then I’ll come back after the Pro Hunter test.”

When the situation was roughly settled, Amseong prepared to leave.

Being in a hurry more than usual seemed to disapprove of the position with the sword castle.


Like that, the ignorance disappeared as if it melted into the background.

Seeing that there was nothing that even caught Chiron’s senses, it seemed that he had completely left.

“What does that have to do with Cancer?”

Geomseong also asked Seo-jun if he had confirmed that the cancer-seong had left.

Seojun pondered for a while before answering.

“There’s no such thing as a relationship… but if I had to say it, should I call it a business… relationship?”

In fact, it wasn’t even a business relationship.

It was just that I couldn’t bear to say that I was a nanny.


However, the swordsman’s expression was not serious, as if he had misunderstood something.

In the first place, it was not common to have a business relationship with a cataclysmic hero.

In particular, Amseong (暗星) is a figure known as the pinnacle of assassins.

When it comes to business relationships with such cancer, there are several images that come to mind.

“Cancer, a business relationship with Mr. Cancer…?”

Sure enough, the misunderstanding reached its climax with Lee Ha-yoon, who hadn’t heard the previous story.

At Lee Ha-yoon’s muttering, Seo-joon and Sword-Sung’s eyes simultaneously turned to Lee Ha-yoon.

Did the Sword Saint put it down or was it abandoned?

Lee Ha-yoon was sitting on the floor.


As Seo-jun and Geomseong’s gaze turned to Lee Ha-yoon, he began to panic.

Seojun let out a slight sigh and asked.

“Why are you here?”

Lee Ha-yoon did not have an answer.

The two eyes just lost their way and didn’t know what to do.

“Are you following me? I must have told you not to follow me…”

“Oh no! I didn’t follow you!”

“Then why are you here?”

“That, that’s…”

Lee Ha-yoon evaded the answer, evading his words.

“Aren’t you talking straight? I don’t know what the sword saint will do if you don’t speak properly?”

Lee Ha-yoon slowly turned his head to look at the Sword Master.

Swordsman was staring at Lee Ha-yoon indifferently.

However, contrary to what Seo-joon said, there was no sign of interest, as if he had no interest.

Lee Ha-yoon slowly turned his head and looked at Seo-joon.

On the other hand, Seo-jun was looking at Lee Ha-yoon with his eyes wide open.

Is that why?

Lee Ha-yoon’s image of Kim Seo-joon, who had just shouted at the two heroes, overlapped.

At the same time, the two heroes who turned their heads while watching Kim Seo-joon’s notice came shimmering.

With an honest heart…

Lee Ha-yoon was more afraid of Seo-joon than the swordsman.

“He’s still out of his mind.”

After Lee Ha-yoon had been absent-mindedly for a while, Seo-joon took a step forward.


Lee Ha-yoon freaked out and quietly ran away.

After snooping around the dream academy needlessly, he gets beaten to death by the swordsman.

Lee Ha-yoon thought the rumor was a lie, but the truth he faced was the Sword Master in front of him.

But to be honest, I was sure that the Sword Saint wouldn’t kill me.

Cataclysm heroes won’t kill people so easily.

But Kim Seo-joon… I don’t know.

It is also true that I can still see the image of him hitting without hesitation in the exchange match.

The bruises I got then haven’t healed yet, and they still ache.

Especially, that fist of tremendous power shown at the end.

I could have been beaten to death by Kim Seo-joon!

So I had to spit something out.

Even if it was an excuse that was not embarrassing, even if it was an excuse that didn’t sound like words, I had to spit it out now.

Ha-yoon Lee closed his eyes and shouted.

“Me, me, me too, I want to enter the dream academy!”


Seo-joon’s approaching steps stopped abruptly.

At the same time, Seo-jun’s head tilted and he expressed his doubts about the situation.

On the other hand, the swordsman showed no reaction.

“You want to join Dream Academy? you? why?”

“That, that…”

Lee Ha-yoon had nothing to say.

I didn’t want to get hit at first, so I spit it out, but I didn’t think about it after that.

But if I picked it up again, it seemed like there was really no going back.

“Even the pro hunter test is not far away, so what are you going to do? You can’t…”

Seojun Kim frowned and shouted.

“Huntermill spy?”

At that moment, the swordsman’s eyes flashed and he felt a tingling sense of life.

A situation where your neck can run away if you do it wrong.

“Oh no!! It’s not like that!!”

Lee Ha-yoon vehemently denied it.

“Then why are you saying that?”

“Because I really want to go in!”

Since this happened, I had to enter the Dream Academy even if I had to dip my toe for a short time.


Seo-joon checked Lee Ha-yoon’s appearance here and there.

And just then.

The swordsman suddenly turned his back without a word.

“uh? Will you just go?”

“Is there any reason for me to stay longer?”

“No… that’s not it”

Seojun pointed at Lee Ha-yoon with his finger and said.

“Then what are you going to do with him?”

“Take care of it yourself.”


Dealing! Dealing!

Lee Ha-yoon begged him not to go inside.

Even if he went, he begged him to take him with him.

Because Lee Ha-yoon would rather be beaten by Geomseong than being beaten by Kim Seo-jun.

However, the swordsman left the building without looking back.

That’s how I was left alone with Seojun.


Lee Ha-yoon trembled at the cold words of Seo-joon coming from behind.

As Lee Ha-yoon slowly turned his head, Seo-joon spoke again.

“You want to join our academy?”

Lee Ha-yoon vigorously nodded his head up and down.

Seo-joon looked at Lee Ha-yoon and said.

“I don’t know if that’s true or not. First of all, it’s not a matter for me to judge, is it? It’s a matter for Seoyoon to decide.”

Seo-jun immediately continued.

“By the way, Mr. Seoyoon is out of town.”


Lee Ha-yoon sang joy inwardly.

Since the academy director wasn’t there, I just had to leave this place with the excuse of coming back next time.


“So, wait for Seoyoon to come.”

As if seeing through Lee Ha-yoon’s thoughts, Seo-jun added.

“And it’s a pity that you followed me anyway. Until then, hold this and stand there.”

Meanwhile, Seo-jun handed one of his pockets to Lee Ha-yoon.

It was a pocket the size of a fist, and it was a question of what could be put in it.

Lee Ha-yoon accepted the bag without thinking.




I couldn’t come to my senses at the enormous weight that I suddenly felt.

Lee Ha-yoon hurriedly drew out the power of mana.

Even so, it was a huge weight that I could barely carry.

‘I-he lifted this weight casually…?’

Eyes wide open and muscles trembling softly.

“I’m going to practice, so don’t disturb me.”

Seo-joon only coldly turned his back.


Returning to Sega, Geomseong immediately looked for Seoyoon.

Seoyoon sat in the same posture as the swordsman left.

On the other hand, Seo Mun-cheol was restless, not knowing what to do.

Geomseong walked in front of Seoyoon and said.

“Is that still the case?”

Seoyoon nodded slowly.

Seoyoon’s appearance without hesitation.

Geomseong stared blankly at Seoyoon, then trudged and moved.

Then, he pulled out the blue dragon sword that was placed in one corner of the room.


The blue dragon sword was pulled out of its scabbard as if it were sprinkling ghastly murder all over the room.

That moment.

“The quick sword is a sword that pursues speed. It is a sword that drives opponents with quick attacks.”

With those words, the Sword Saint’s momentum changed completely.

At the same time, Sabak and Swordsman stepped down.

moment again


The Blue Dragon Sword of the Sword Master swung at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The figure of the swordsman who could clearly be seen was wielding a sword, but the trace of the sword was not visible.

Wedge! Wedge liquid!

Only the sound of gongs cutting through the air signaled that something had passed there.

“The pointed sword is a sword in which stabbing is the mainstream. It is important to secure distance from the opponent, so it shows a weak aspect to opponents who cling to it. However, the act of stabbing is often used in parallel with the quick sword, which is the fastest among sword attack methods.”

Suddenly, the Sword Saint stood still.

With her long sword hanging down, she stared at Seoyoon.

and momentarily

I wanted to burst out of fierce momentum, but before I knew it, the white blade of the blue dragon sword was approaching in front of Seoyoon’s eyes.

“Byungeom (變劍) is a sword that exposes the opponent’s loopholes with ever-changing swordsmanship. That’s why speed is important, but the key is ‘variable attack’. It is a sword that rapidly changes its focus and inflicts unexpected fatal wounds on the opponent.”

The trajectory of the blue dragon sword he wielded suddenly stopped and began to bend in a strange direction.

As if breaking the law.

It bends and bends as if the blue dragon sword is alive and moving.

Even though I was watching it with my own eyes, I couldn’t predict the flow at all.

“The blunt sword is a slow sword. But just because it’s slow doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Poles and poles resemble each other. It is a sword that slowly walks into the opponent’s territory and gradually encroaches on it.”

The swordsman slowly swung the blue dragon sword.

A blue dragon sword that swings so slowly that it can be seen clearly.

However, from the perspective of facing it, it felt like a heavy weight was slowly strangling my neck.

“A strong sword is a sword that is wielded with weight on it. It is a sword that puts power into each blow and quickly takes down opponents in a situation where you are dealing with multiple people.”

Pushok, the air settles on the sword that strikes.

Quaang, the air scatters as the sword is swung.

The steps he took weighed heavily on the ground, and the blue dragon sword that embroidered the air stretched out with a momentum that seemed to cut through anything in the world.

“Heavy sword is a sword that adds weight to weight at the next stage of the steel sword. In a sense, it is a sword that is on the opposite side of a quick sword. It is also the most destructive sword among all swords.”

Seoyoon’s mind was dizzy at the momentum.

The atmosphere presses on the sword of the invisible Sword Master.

The sword slowly but quickly cut through the air.


“Unlike the ever-changing Transfiguration Sword, the Hwansword is a sword that dazzles the opponent’s eyes. footwork and quick movements. The optical illusions resulting from this confusion create a false foundation for the sword.”

One step, two steps.

The Sword Saint’s footsteps continued as if they were going to be cut off.

The swords of the Swordsman poured down like a rain shower on top of the entangled shape of the Swordsman.

“Yu-geom is a sword that aims for a counterattack by gently flowing the attack. It is a sword that reduces the burden on the sword and at the same time dissipates the power of the opponent’s attack.”

“Pain Sword (覇劍) is a combination of a quick sword and a strong sword. Fast and heavy again. That’s why even when swords collide, the opponent feels overwhelmed.”

Wedge love!



Seoyoon stared blankly at the sword of the Sword Master.

He is one of the 5 heroes representing Korea.

The name given to the person who pursues the tip of the sword, Sword Star.

Even though it was her own grandfather, Seoyoon could feel why people were in awe of the Sword Master.

After the demonstration that was like a dance, Geomseong stopped.

A neat appearance that did not disturb even an inch of breathing.

The swordsman said to Seoyoon while holding the blue dragon sword.

“These are the basic tricks of the Divine Sword.”

Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

It was the formal name of the swordsmanship used by the Sword Master.

Those who use swords, those who want to become hunters.

An extremely powerful swordsmanship that no one hesitates to learn.

“I will give you a deadline. Complete the swords I just showed you within that deadline.”

In an instant, doubts appeared on the faces of Seoyoon and Seomuncheol.

“The deadline is before the end of this year’s Pro Hunter exam. If you don’t complete all of this in it.”

The swordsman continued his words firmly.

“I will never allow you to hold a sword again.”

“Lord Moon!”

Seo Mun-cheol shouted.

It was because I knew better than anyone that it made no sense.

Seoyoon’s talent was not outstanding.

It wasn’t until Dunjae, but she wasn’t the owner of a talent worthy of the name of the swordsman’s granddaughter.

If he had excellent talent in the first place, he would not have stopped being a B-class hunter.

Although the sword castle was only the basics for learning the Divine Sword, even that was at a considerable level.

Above all, there are only a few months left until the pro hunter exam.

It was virtually impossible for Seoyoon to complete those swords within that time limit.

Therefore, the words of the swordsman are:

It was no different from saying that he would not allow Seoyoon to hold the sword again.

“If you think you can’t do it, give up now.”

However, the swordsman’s will was firm.

If Seoyoon had simply wanted to learn the sword again.

The swordsman would not have put forward such a condition.

Because the swordsman also wanted Seoyoon to learn the sword again.

However, the reason Seoyoon wanted to hold the sword again was to be with that bastard, Seojun.

and today.

Geomsung looked at Seo-joon like a tangled thread.

It is already at the point of twisting with various heroes.

It is difficult for anyone to meet even one hero in their lifetime, but there are already three heroes who have been connected to Seo-jun.

Besides, from what I hear, Jinrihoe has been impatient because they can’t catch and eat him.

If you do this in a situation where you have not yet become a pro hunter, the future will be more than this, but not less.

I don’t know, but all kinds of hardships and trials that are tougher than any other pro hunter will be poured out.

Perhaps it was even more difficult than the path of cataclysm he had walked, the sword star.

To be honest, Geomsung didn’t approve of Seo-jun.

That’s why Seoyoon was not happy to be with Seojun.

But only this time.

He vowed to respect Seoyoon’s wishes.

However, if Seoyoon wants to walk the rough road like Seojun.

At least not to be swept away by the wind.

It is not simply the will.

He had to have those qualifications.

Geomseong looked at Seoyoon with serious eyes.

Seoyoon did not avoid the eyes of the swordsman.

Even just a few months ago, it was the most terrifying look in the world…

Now, something more frightening and even scarier than that happened.

‘If I had been alone, if Seoyoon hadn’t been there. I would never have come this far.’

I want to be together.

‘So I’ll ask you again. No, I will ask for it in the future. In fact… the only person I can really trust is Mr. Seoyoon.’

I want to go with you.

Until now, I was shaking my head.

He was the one who always ran away.

So this time.

“I will do it. No, I will do it.”


Seomuncheol shouted, but Seoyoon’s eyes were shining more resolutely than ever.

Geomseong looked at Seoyoon and slowly turned his back.

It was her grandfather’s back that she had seen every time, but Seoyoon thought that the back was the same as Taesan today.

On his back, the past days of the Sword Saint, who had endured the cataclysm and walked silently, were engraved.

The one who chases the tip of the sword.

sword star.

And from now on, the path you must follow.

I didn’t know when it would reach its end.

“Grab the sword.”

Seoyoon took the first step of that long journey.



‘Why, why don’t you come…’

Lee Ha-yoon was sighing heavily at the sight of Seo-yoon not coming.

A situation that has already been waiting for several hours.

However, the director of Dream Academy was not thinking of coming.

The muscles in his trembling arms seemed to be about to break as if they were at their limit.

The consumed mana was slowly showing the bottom.

“Oh, are you not planning to come today?”

Does that mean you have to be like this all day…?

Lee Ha-yoon was dizzy.

‘Should I just run away?’

Lee Ha-yoon gently turned his head.

And I was able to find Seo-joon sitting still in one corner.

I’ve been sitting still for several hours.

Honestly, even if I ran away like this, I didn’t think I would notice.

Besides, he had no idea how to escape.

Even though he wasn’t an opponent to Seo-joon, his skills didn’t go anywhere.



What the hell are you doing?

It wasn’t a joke, but compared to the energy from when the Darkness and the Swordness collided earlier, it was at all comparable.

To think that the energy of students can be compared to the heroes of Cataclysm…


“Ugh! Arm down!”


Why does it have eyes on the back? Even if you use a little trick, you will notice it like a ghost.

Lee Ha-yoon briefly imagined what would happen if Seo-jun caught him while running away.

‘Why, why don’t you come…’

Lee Ha-yoon had no choice but to put aside the thought of running away.

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