Transcension Academy Chapter 90

Episode 90 – The road to walk (1)

chums chums chums chums chums!!!

Seo-joon closed the door at the camera flash, unable to even open his eyes.

Then he turned around and told the official.

“Do you have anywhere else to go?”

“haha. Please follow me.”

The official smiled once and then moved on.

Seo-joon followed the person in charge.

Then, out of curiosity, I asked the person in charge.

“Ah, is Seoyoon-sshi also there?”

“Uh… are you referring to the director of Dream Academy? That person is in the waiting room…”

“That’s it.”

In response to the official’s reply, Seo-joon stopped following.

“yes? What do you mean…”

“I’ll just go to the waiting room.”

When Seo-joon turned around without regret, the official said in embarrassment.

“But as you can see, reporters are blocking the way. We’re sorting it out, but… it’s so extreme that it will take some time.”

“Can you tell me? I have to break through.”

At that moment, the official’s head tilted.

Seo-joon laughed at the person in charge and opened the door again.

Then, what Seo-joon saw was none other than officials fighting with reporters.

Somehow, I didn’t want to kick the door in, but the officials were blocking the front.

However, when Seo-jun, who had disappeared, reappeared, the reporters’ eyes began to roll.

Officials could no longer stop the reporters from rushing at them like a herd of angry buffaloes.

chums chums chums chums chums!!!

“Seojun Kim!! Please just say one word!!”

“Have you thought about your next steps after the pro hunter test!!”

“Love calls are pouring in from all guilds. Do you have a guild you’ve decided on?!”

Reporters rushed to Seo-joon with flashbangs exploding.

Faced with such reporters, Seo-joon kicked the ground, and at the same time, Seo-joon’s new model disappeared.

“……uh? what? Where has Kim Seo-joon gone?”

“You were there just a moment ago…?”

Reporters as well as officials began to panic at the sudden disappearance of Seo-joon.

And somewhere Tak! Tadak! widely! A voice was heard.


Someone pointed a finger and shouted.

People’s eyes naturally followed that finger.

There, Seo-jun was running between walls.

The movement was so mysterious that it made me feel as if I was walking in the sky.

No, maybe it wasn’t an illusion.


At that moment, there was a huge bang sound, and Seo-joon was shot forward.

And it happened by kicking the air, not the wall.

Heavenly Heaven (天上梯) – Neunggongheodo (凌空虛道).

Now that Jang Sam-bong’s step-by-step lecture had increased, Seo-joon was able to imitate it to some extent.

“This, what this…”

“Go there, is it possible…?”

The reporters all looked shocked at Seo-jun’s appearance.

But did he think that Seo-jun could do that?

“Ah, I don’t know. Just take it!!”

chums chums chums chums chums!!!

Rather than questioning it, he was in a hurry to capture it on camera.

Camera flashes bursting out in all directions and Seo-joon’s phenomenal movements to avoid them proudly.

All the officials who watched the scene silently shook their heads.

In that way, Seo-jun was able to pass through the reporters and arrive safely in the waiting room.

When Seo-jun opened the door to the waiting room with a click, he saw Seo-yoon sitting alone.

“I am here.”

“uh? Mr. Seojun?”

Then, Seoyoon opened her eyes in surprise and looked at Seojun.

It was as if he was wondering how he could have come here.

It was like a surprised cat, so Seo-joon unknowingly burst out laughing.

“How do you feel…? Weren’t there reporters on the way? I was stuck here because of that…”

“It broke through.”

“……Can you break through?”

Seoyoon tilted her head.

came through For the meaning of these words was very doubtful.

In general, of course, that meant running past the reporters.

However, the terrifying punch that Seo-joon showed against Lee Ha-yoon.

Seoyoon couldn’t just think that way.

Seo-jun looked around the waiting room and asked if he knew what Seo-yoon was thinking.

“How about Suyeon and Minyul?”

“Oh, I’m going to the hospital now.”

Then Seojun’s expression hardened slightly.

Seeing Seo-jun’s expression like that, Seo-yoon hurriedly continued.

“It’s not a problem, just in case. There is nothing wrong with being careful.”

Seojun finally relaxed his expression and nodded slowly.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Seo-yoon smiled calmly.

“Rather than that… do you know that Korea is upside down right now?”

“Are you flipping over? why? Come to think of it, the reporters outside are also extreme…”

Seeing Seo-jun tilt his head as if he didn’t know anything, Seo-yoon rolled his eyes.

Do you really not know what you have done?

Seoyoon looked at Seojun with tears in her eyes.

However, I stopped laughing at Seo-joon’s fierce expression.

The Seo-jun that Seo-yoon had seen so far was originally that kind of person.

Even if it was an unapproachable irregular, Seo-joon remained the same.

Instead of explaining in detail, Seoyoon took out her smartphone.

And after manipulating it several times, he turned the screen and showed it to Seo-jun.

What Seoyoon showed was an article.

『I couldn’t even touch the talent of the previous level in the history of professional hunters.

The unapproachable irregular, Kim Seo-joon. The first hero class student in history?!』

The article contained a brief description of the confrontation between Seojun and Lee Ha-yoon.

It hadn’t been long since the game had ended, but it seemed that the article had been written in that short time.

Seojun scrolled down to check the comments.



ㄴ(Best!)[Spy]: I… I hated watching the finals… Some people say that short-term memory loss comes from watching something shocking, but honestly, I’m not a fan of it, and that’s about it…

ㄴ(Best!)[Spy]: I… I hated watching the finals… Some people say that short-term memory loss comes from watching something shocking, but honestly, I’m not a fan of it, and that’s about it…

ㄴ(Best!)[Spy]: I… I hated watching the finals… Some people say that short-term memory loss comes from watching something shocking, but honestly, I’m not a fan of it, and that’s about it…

ㄴ[When the couple climbs the mountain]: Is it a true story of 3 consecutive bedets?

ㄴ[The Little Girl and the Woodcutter]: Lee Ha-yoon said that Kim Seo-joon couldn’t even deal with him? Is it true?

B[You paid me for the bath]: Actually, wasn’t Lee Ha-yoon not a big deal?

B[No way]: No, no. Seojun Kim is just crazy. Hunter Mill officials, please leave quietly.

ㄴ[It was like that with Hansel]: But really, isn’t there anything to say even if you call it a hero class student?

ㄴ[The King who is already naked]: You crazy bastard!!! Why don’t you have a personal broadcast!!!!!!!!!!!



Even at this moment, comments were still running in real time.

And at the same time, it was automatically refreshed, and new comments came to mind.



B[Uruk Oh Why Uruk]: At this point, you are curious about the identity of Dream Academy. What are you doing there?

B[No way]: The director of Dream Academy is the granddaughter of the Sword Master. It comes in just the right size.

ㄴ[I don’t have a girlfriend]: Are you saying she’s also the granddaughter of the swordsman? class is different

ㄴ[Raise your money and give me your hand]: But rumors at first glance say you’re a B-class hunter?

ㄴ[It was like that with Hansel]: Yeah? Her grandfather is a swordsman, but her granddaughter is a B-class? Does she make sense of that?

B[Should I run?]: What is it? So, was Kim Seo-joon just riding the bus?



Seojun saw only this far and closed the comment window.

Then, he looked at Seo-yoon for a moment, but Seo-yoon’s expression was slightly darkened.

I think I saw those comments over there.

Seo-joon returned Seo-yoon’s smartphone without saying anything.

Then he asked Seoyoon in the same tone as usual.

“Rather than that, what will happen now?”

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Seo-yoon also answered as if nothing was wrong.

“Well… I haven’t heard anything yet about whether or not we’ll have more exchange matches.”

The exchange match, which was notified in advance, was conducted in two rounds.

The first round was a tournament between students, and Seo-jun had just won and was on his way.

And the second match was none other than the academy match.

It was a way to compete in a dungeon raid by forming a team between students belonging to the same academy.

However, Soo-yeon and Min-yul were currently in the hospital.

Therefore, Dream Academy is in a situation where it is impossible to form a team between students.

Moreover, even Lee Ha-yoon has become like that now.

In fact, the second round had to be seen as impossible to proceed.

“I guess I should ask the person in charge. Seo-joon is resting for a while.”

With those words, Seoyoon got up and left the waiting room.

As Seoyoon said, Seojun sat down in a suitable seat to rest his tired body.

Even if I pretended not to be, right after I used my divine power, I was very tired after using my footwork to break through the reporters.

Just then, while taking a break, to wait for Seoyoon.


<Seojun Kim! I’m here!>

“Wow sir!! It’s a surprise!!!”

Seo-jun was startled by the sudden appearance of a mentor rising from Seo-joon’s chest.

And that surprise could be said to be the greatest ever compared to what Seo-joon had been surprised about.

<Uh… Why, why are you so surprised…?>

Then, as if the mentor was embarrassed, he spoke cautiously.

Seo-joon shouted at his mentor in anger.

“no! Aren’t you surprised?”


The mentor flinched as if he was sorry.

Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon only let out a deep sigh.

Even if he seemed sorry for the world right now, it was because he knew for sure that he would do it again next time anyway.

Seojun shook his head and asked.

“Ha, that’s all right. Rather… how did you go?”

The mentor left to get an answer to Seo-joon’s question last time.

The question was whether it was possible to use both the middle and lower fields at the same time.

Sure enough, the mentor quickly replied with a pleasant expression, as if he had never shown an apologetic expression.

<I have asked not only various instructors, but also the director to make it more clear about what Kim Seo-joon asked!>

“If you’re the director… you’re talking about the director of the transcendent academy, right?”


Seojun nodded his head at the mentor’s strong reply.

Of course, Seo-joon did not know who the director of the transcendent academy was.

But even if you don’t know it, being the director meant being in the highest position in the transcendent academy.

And almost all of the staff at the Transcendent Academy are Transcendentalists.

In other words, it was not difficult to guess that the director was the owner of the highest class among the transcendentalists.

If it was the opinion of such a being, it would be safe to say that it was almost the correct answer.

Seojun gulped and waited for the mentor’s answer to follow.

The mentor paused for a moment and then slowly opened his mouth.

<I’ll check first… Aren’t you still listening to the Mana lecture?>

“yes. You told me not to listen to the Mana lecture the other day.”

In response to Seo-jun’s answer, the mentor nodded, saying, “You did very well.”

And then he immediately opened his mouth.

<In conclusion, you said it might be possible!>

Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

And I asked my mentor about the questions that came to mind.

“You think it might be possible?”


A mentor who responds vigorously.

Seojun asked again.

“Are you saying that might not be possible?”

<That’s it. Oh, to be precise, it’s impossible. All the instructors shook their heads.>

<To briefly explain the reason… This concept was a bit difficult for me too, but you said that each existence has its limits. That’s because mana itself is the source that constitutes the essence of existence…>

Then, the mentor hesitantly continued the difficult explanation.

These concepts were difficult for Seo-jun to understand, but to summarize, they were like this.

If you use the middle and lower fields at the same time, the existence cannot withstand the power of the two mana.

In other words, it was said that it was impossible to use three danjeon (三丹田) at the same time.

“Ah… it didn’t work out after all.”

<The lecturers said that if that was possible, the unimaginable would happen. A transcendent that no one can oppose will be born.>

Seojun nodded his head in regret.

There was no way that Hagishi, the Transcendentalists, could not have thought of that.

Because they were transcendent people who transcended the concept of genius.

Then suddenly, Seojun remembered what his mentor had said for the first time.

“But what do you mean it might be possible?”

Then the mentor grinned and replied.

<The director said it might be possible if it was Kim Seo-joon!>

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