Transcension Academy Chapter 83

Episode 83 – Rapid Growth?

Seo-jun blankly looked at the scene in front of him.

That would be the case, too. Ran was, in a way, just a simple swing.

However, the result of that simple swing was not simple.

“oh my god···”

Of course, compared to the ran (欄) that Jecheondaeseong showed in the lecture, it was a lot of power.

However, even taking that into account, the power just now was outside the normal range.

Destructive power, as if using some of the power of divine power.

maybe that’s why

“I’m out of energy… I’m losing a lot of energy.”

Seo-joon was feeling quite exhausted right now.

Then the mentor nodded as if it were natural.

<Of course. Instructor Jecheon Daeseong’s lecture is an intermediate level lecture.>

<It is taught under the premise that the students have completed the beginner’s lecture, Divine Power, or a lecture equivalent to it, so Kim Seo-joon is currently having a hard time.>


Seojun nodded at once.

In a word, it meant that it was a side effect of moving on to the intermediate lecture without completing the beginner lecture.

“It wasn’t as good as taking a high-level lecture.”

<Sure. We’re not making a curriculum for nothing.>

At the words of the mentor, Seo-joon fell into deep trouble.

In my current state, it seemed that even 10 daily tasks would be difficult, let alone 1,000.

In other words, it was nothing more than a light apricot.

So when I was thinking about what to do with this, the mentor added a word as if not to worry.

<But don’t worry too much. If it was really impossible, I would have stopped you right away and told you not to listen.>

“Is there any other way?”

The mentor nodded and said.

<You didn’t intend to attend the Mana lecture too, did you? Kim Seo-joon’s divine power progress rate is high, so if you accompany the mana lecture, it will be possible.>


Seo-joon shouted with a flash of color.

And immediately checked the remaining balance.

Excluding the 1 billion won for the mock exam and the 5.4 billion won for Jecheon Daesung’s lecture, the remaining money in Seo-joon’s hand is 16.1 billion won.

The 10 billion mana river and the 2 billion elixir were enough to handle.

Seojun immediately connected to the transcendent academy.

And the other day, I checked the list of mana lectures recommended by my mentor.

[The first step towards the Uhwa Deungseon. Internal Mind Law. (Instructor: Sambong Jang)]

[Anguish in the heart. meet the whole self Cheondunsimbeop (天遁心法). (Instructor: Geomseon Yeo Dong-bin)]

[A Round Table Aura that combines Merlin’s wisdom and the know-how of the Knights of the Round Table. (Instructor: Arthur Pendragon)]

[Power like a seething dragon. Dragon Aura. (Instructor: Siegfried)]

“At that time, you said that if you seek stability, it is Simbeop. If you are looking for efficiency, you said that it is the seniority method, that is, an aura, right?”

<Yes. You can choose according to your taste. It’s good to listen to the sample lecture… Listen to it now, as it has been said.>

However, Seo-joon first logged on to ‘Chatting of Beginners’.

It was to check what other freshmen were like before listening to the sample lecture.

<Do you want to check the community first before listening to the sample lecture?>


<Mana lectures should be chosen carefully. This is a very good method.>

The mentor nodded his head in satisfaction, saying that he was doing really well.

Seojun’s search keyword is ‘mana lecture’. ‘Sympathy’. ‘Come’. Searched by setting

Then, several posts are listed.

Seo-joon checked the posts one by one, and among them, he was able to find a post with a situation very similar to Seo-joon.

『[Wanderer of Darkness]: Which is better, Psychology or Aura?]』

Seojun immediately clicked on the post.

Hold on.



『I’m about to take the Mana lecture, but I’m worried about what to take…

The lecture recommended by the mentor in charge is the inner house mind method and the heavenly heart method.

There are 4 Auras: Round Table Aura and Dragon Aura.

They told me to choose according to my taste, but I didn’t know what that taste was, so I had a decision disorder.

I want to hear the advice of seniors ㅠ.ㅠ』



Seojun scrolled down to check the comments.



B[Narak Savior]: What is the transcendent occupation?

B[Wanderer of Darkness]: Oh, I’m sorry. The spear is the primary weapon in combat.

B[Narak Savior]: Then the mentor recommended it well. All 4 lectures are good, so it doesn’t matter if you listen to any, but… I personally recommend the Cheondusimbeop.

ㄴ[Wanderer of Darkness]: Is the Cheondusimbeop better than the Nagasimbeop?

ㄴ[Narak Savior]: Rather than that, the Cheondosimbeop seeks a little more stability than the Innersimbeop. Does the introspection method mix stability with efficiency?

B[Devil of Slaughter]: The person above is right. Conversely, Round Table’s aura is a mixture of efficiency and stability. So I recommend Dragon Aura. Unlike the Chundusimbeop, it pursues extreme efficiency.

ㄴ[Wanderer of Darkness]: Ah… It feels like the Cheondusimbeop and the Dragon Aura are on opposite sides. Haa… I’m worried ㅠ.ㅠ

B[Destiny Eater]: To be honest, I don’t mind listening to anything. The mentor in charge is not just recommending 4 things and standing by. It’s transcending anyway, but it doesn’t have much effect, so I’m going to choose the worst one.

ㄴ[Enforcer of Oblivion]: I agree 100% with what you said above. Whatever you do, just listen to the sample lecture. Cheondusimbeop, Dragon Aura. It would be better to listen to these two and decide whether you seek stability or efficiency.



“I guess I should listen to the sample lecture.”

Seojun connected to the transcendent academy again.

And based on the information I just got from the community, I first took a sample lecture on the Chundusimbeop.

Hold on.



[Building inner energy is like increasing the size of a bowl. Kihae. We call that bowl a dantian.]

The character who appeared along with the regeneration was a man sitting quietly in the green bamboo forest.

It was not difficult for Seo-joon to know that the man was Yeo Dong-bin, a swordsman.

In the legend, he is one of the Eight Immortals (八仙) and was given the name Swordseon (劍仙) because he saw the tip of a sword.

However, unlike the image of the immortals we commonly know, Lu Dong-bin was the owner of a gentle student-like atmosphere.

[Thus, Dantian means the most central part of the body. And the Danjeon is largely defined in three ways. Upper Danden, Middle Dandan, and Lower Dandan are those.]

[First of all, Sangdanjeon (上丹田) is the mental world of the practitioner, and it means the door and the Dharma gate to enter the Sammaji (三摩地). To put it simply, it is the ultimate vessel to the transcendental world.]

[In other words, Sangdanjeon is the practice of Yeonsinhwanheo (鍊神還虛) to return God back to Heo. This is the central point in the head, the area of ​​Lee Hwan-gung.]

[So, it can be said that Sangdanjeon is the most important of the three Danjeons, but unfortunately, this lecture does not teach the practice of Sangdanjeon.]

“What is he saying now···?”

Seo-joon couldn’t really understand what he was talking about.

But what was really ironic was that it didn’t mean that he couldn’t understand Lu Dongbin’s words.

I can’t explain it to someone, but I can say I understand it intuitively.

‘Could it be because of the Merlin River?’

Merlin’s lecture that Seojun was currently listening to was about understanding mana.

What you can get by completing him is ‘Insight [S]’.

I don’t know, but it seemed to have an effect.

Anyway, Yi Hwan-gung (泥丸宮) meant the ‘brain’, a part of the body.

In other words, to summarize Lu Dong-bin’s words, it was as follows.

“So, since the brain is in charge of the upper level, is it a mental area?”

In the video, Yeo Dong-bin continued to speak.

[Therefore, it can be said that from the middle of the field (中丹田) is the vessel of inner strength. Jungdanjeon refers to the place where blood (血) gathers, that is, the heart (心臟).]

[In other words, using the dandanjeon as a vessel means to accumulate the naegong that has melted into the bloodstream. And internal organs stored in the heart spread more easily throughout the body through the bloodstream.]

[Mana training method So, this is the reason why Aura can exert a higher power with a very small amount of internal energy. It’s because it’s a representative training method that uses the medium-sized bowl as a bowl.]

[However, it is difficult to hold it in one place as it flows rapidly along the bloodstream. That’s why the danger of the main fire infancy is quite melted in.]

[In that sense, the Cheondunsimbeop (天遁心法) uses none other than Hadanjeon (下丹田) as a vessel.]

Then, Dongbin Lu explained Hadanjeon while comparing Hadanjeon and Jungdanjeon.

In summary, it was said that the utilization of internal energy was lower than before the middle school, but it was easy to accumulate.

And only then did Seo-jun understand the meaning of stability and efficiency, albeit roughly.

That’s how Dongbin Yeo’s sample lecture ended.

‘huh? Is something strange?’

Suddenly, a question passed through Seo-joon’s mind.


Seo-joon tilted his head and thought about the question that came to him.

I immediately listened to Siegfried’s Dragon Aura sample lecture, but it was hardly resolved.

“Hmm, that’s strange. Did I misunderstand?”

Just in case, Seo-joon logged on to the chatter of freshmen.

And I searched for the question that just popped up, but I couldn’t find any related posts.

<Do you have any problems?>

The mentor asked if he saw Seo-jun as strange.

Seo-joon told his mentor as if everything went well.

“Mentor. There is something I would like to ask you.”

<Tell me.>

Seojun immediately opened his mouth.

“Can’t these two learn together?”


Then the mentor’s head tilted.

Seo-joon spoke again to such a mentor.

“This Simbeop and Aura. Isn’t it okay to learn together?”

<That’s… what do you mean? Are you learning together?>

In response to the mentor’s question that followed, Seo-joon explained in detail the question that arose.

It was none other than the question about the upper-tier war that Lu Dong-bin explained.

According to Lu Dongbin’s explanation, Sangdanjeon (上丹田) was the realm of the spirit.

that means that.

“Isn’t Shakyamuni’s unsteady mind playing the role of an upper-tier war after all?”

And this immobility was an essential subject to learn in the process of transcendence.

In that sense, it could be said that all transcendentalists train the upper stage with the unsteady mind of Shakyamuni.

Then, in the end, it was the same as using two short circuits at the same time.

Because if you learn the lower part of the simbeop, the combination of ‘upper part + lower part’.

If you learn the middle battle of the aura, it would be like using the combination of ‘top battle + middle battle’.

In a word, it was the same as using two short circuits at the same time.


“Isn’t there anything that can’t be used together with three?”

What is the reason why you can’t use the upper end + middle end + lower end together?

Then the mentor muttered with a blank expression.

<Uh…ra…? does that happen?>

“is not it?”

<Uh… that, well? I don’t know the details if I dig deep into the content of the lecture…>

The mentor looked puzzled as if this was a question he had heard for the first time.

In fact, Seo-jun was only asking with a half-doubt.

But just then

belt ring.

<Merlin Lecture Progress 78.1% (+16.2%)>

Seo-joon was able to gain some confidence in the progress of the Merlin River, which went up in an instant.

“Did the other students under your mentor say nothing?”

<Yes. I just picked one to suit my taste. Well… But shouldn’t we see that there hasn’t been any other stories so far?>

It made sense.

Because these people were far beyond the category of genius, literally transcendent people.

“I’m not sure, though.”

<That’s true, but…>

Even so, there was an unforeseen possibility.

“Can you ask the instructors a question?”

<To the instructors?>

“yes. I want to ask the community, but I can’t leave a post.”

Seojun did not have an ID due to a causal error.

So, even though I could check the community’s posts, I couldn’t leave them myself.

“And wouldn’t it be more accurate to ask the instructors directly? Couldn’t it be because it’s an online lecture, not an on-site lecture? Or… maybe another money?”

<No, it’s not like that…>

“Then please. Students sometimes ask questions about the contents of the lecture.”

<Um… I see.>

The mentor nodded slowly and left.


After the mentor left, Seo-jun headed back to Dream Academy.

It was unknown when the mentor would return, but probably not right now.

Seojun decided to return to Dream Academy and wait for a mentor.

‘But if you can hear the two together…’

If that’s the case, Seo-joon had the idea to listen to the two together.

Who would say that he can take both stability and efficiency?

‘If that happens, the problem is money again…’

Currently, Seo-joon’s money was 16.1 billion.

Assuming you listen to one more, it cost an additional 10 billion won.

In addition, including the cost of the elixir, a total of 22 billion won was needed again.

“How did this bastard’s academy really turn out? No matter how much you pour, you can’t see the end.”

At this point, it was safe to say that it was not a training academy for transcendentalists, but a training academy for debtors.

“Ehh, let’s think again once the mentor comes back.”

It was still in a situation where it might not be possible to listen to the two together, so it was forbidden to make hasty judgments.

So Seo-joon thought about this and that and went back to Dream Academy.

“I am here.”

And right at that moment.

“Ah, Seojun. You are welcome.”

“yes? Are you coming along well?”

At Seoyoon’s meaningful words, Seojun tilted his head and asked.

However, instead of answering, Seoyoon quietly stepped aside.

And behind Seoyoon, three people slowly walked out.

It was the first time I had seen them, but they were familiar faces.

“Who are these people…?”

“Greetings. You are the representatives of Hunter Mill, Ale, and Gaon.”

In line with Seoyoon’s introduction, they opened their mouths in turn.

“nice to see you. My name is So Jin-hyun, the CEO of Hunter Mill.”

“nice to meet you. My name is Cha Hye-in.”

“It is binary.”

It was a way of speaking that clearly revealed their personalities, as if each had a strong individuality.

“What are the representatives doing here…?”

And Seo-joon couldn’t hide his embarrassment at their appearance.

That was also because each of these people was not someone one could easily meet.

Representatives of Korea’s top 3 academies, they are S-class hunters.

They were never in a position to move directly to meet someone.

“I will tell you that.”

As if to answer Seo-jun’s question, Hunter Mill’s representative, So Jin-hyun, took a step forward.

And they began to explain each and every business they came to.

It’s a lengthy explanation, but to summarize:

“Exchange war?”

He said that he would invite Dream Academy to the exchange event.

“At the level of Dream Academy right now, you deserve to participate in our exchange matches.”

After So Jin-hyun’s words, Cha Hye-in added a word.

And Cha Hye-in had an expression as if to know as an honor.

“I hope that Dream Academy and Kim Seo-joon will participate in the exchange and brighten up the event.”

At So Jin-hyeon’s words, Seo-joon slightly turned his head to look at Seo-yoon.

“I’m OK. Seo-joon, do as you please.”

With Seoyoon’s permission, Seojun nodded his head with a slightly tinged face.

It was because Seo-joon was in need of additional money at the time.

‘How much will the prize money be for the exchange?’

Seojun turned his head again and asked.

“What about the prize money?”


“There is no such thing as prize money.”

“It’s an exchange game no matter where you go. The only purpose is to develop the spirit of improvement through confrontation between like-minded geniuses.”

Seo-jun looked at Seo-yoon again and asked.

“Mr. Seoyoon. Is there anything that will benefit Dream Academy if I compete?”

“no. There is nothing like that. Exchange matches are unofficial competitions, so it’s okay to go out or not.”

Seojun nodded and said.

“Then I am done. I will not participate.”




Then, the expressions of the three people began to be dumbfounded at the same time.

On the other hand, Seoyoon shook her head towards them as if she knew that.

That would also be the case because Seoyoon knew Seojun’s money bug habits, and he had expected this to happen.

However, it was quite embarrassing for them, who thought of Seo-joon as just a student who longed for growth.

“That, what is that…?”

“It is an arena where you can compete with geniuses like Kim Seo-joon. Are you willing to turn down such a good opportunity?”

“Then what do you do? If you win, you get nothing.”

“There are things you can only learn by bumping into them. It will be of great help to improve your skills, right?”

It’s much better to practice Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal while arguing with them.

Seojun swallowed his words.

“How about thinking about it again?”

“It is also an honor for Dream Academy.”

However, they persistently held on to Seo-joon and stretched out.

‘That really bothers me.’

Seojun turned his head around.

Then he shouted at Minyul, who was training hard alone in a corner.

“Hey Minyul!”


At Seo-jun’s cry, Min-yul raised his head and looked at Seo-jun.

Seo-joon gestured to Min-yul as if he had something to say.

And when Minyul got a little closer, he opened his mouth again.

“Are you thinking of going to an exchange match?”

“Exchange war? I? Why isn’t the captain leaving?”

“I have a busy job, so it’s hard to make time for it.”

“okay? It’s me… it doesn’t matter. Can I do well?”

Seeing Min-yul’s lack of confidence, Seo-joon asked what he was talking about.

“If you can’t do it, are there any students who can do it? Don’t worry about that.”

“ha ha ha! It feels strange to hear such a thing from the captain.”

Min-yul still seemed insecure, but Seo-joon never thought that way.

In fact, Seo-joon was so overwhelming, but Min-yul was never an inferior student.

Amseong’s disciple, and the only student who pursued Seo-joon in the Hunter Mill mock test.

Even though it was one of the top 3 academies, there was hardly anyone who could beat Minyul at the student level.

“I am just suggesting. You don’t have to go out if you don’t want to go out.”

“No, it’s not like that… then is that so? I just wanted to try out my new skills. It’s obvious that testing the captain won’t work…”

“Good. Then you go out.”

“What if the captain doesn’t go out? okay.”

Seo-joon turned his head and said to the three people in front.

“Min-yul will go in my place. Then I’m fine.”

And Seo-joon turned his back and left without regret.

Leaving without the slightest hesitation was not a speculation, but it seemed that he had no intention of participating.

“Oh no wait!”


“Wait a minute!”

So Jin-hyeon, Cha Hye-in, and Lee Jin-seong shouted in embarrassment at the same time.

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