Transcension Academy Chapter 82

Episode 82 – Transcendent Event (3)

Seo-joon casually heard the screams of Mugan Hell.

Of the eight heat hells, the deepest and darkest, the eight realms of the Eight Hells.

This was a hell where sinners who committed unredeemable sins were tormented for eternity.

It is said that even the sinners of Hell in the other seven realms forget their pain and tremble in fear at the screams heard there.

The word that came out after seeing him was ‘Abi Gyu-hwan’.

The word abigyuhwan was a word that originated here in Mugan Hell.


-you···! you made us like this!!

– It’s all your fault!! Aaaaaaaagh!!

“I’m sorry, but I’m seeing you for the first time today?”

However, Seo-joon was not affected in any other way.

<Step 4 Success!>

Seo-joon passed the 4th level without incident.

<Oh, no, how the hell…?>

At this point, the mentor had no idea how to deal with this.

However, apart from the mentality of such a mentor, the 5th stage mental test began.

<Time limit: 1 hour.>

– a pleasure that even Faust could not endure. The 7 sins are the kingdom of heaven where the 7 desires are reflected.

Along with the sticky voice, Seo-jun’s spirit stirred all kinds of emotions.

Seven Deadly Sins.

The hell of ‘lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, anger, jealousy, and conceit.’ unfolded in front of Seo-jun’s eyes.


Numerous men and women were entangled on the endless sandy beach.

This hell of lust bursting out in all directions was a paradise where no desire was denied.


The glittering gold piled up like a mountain. A world where everything you want is there and you can have it all.

This hell of greed, where you can have everything, was a paradise where lack does not exist.


A procession of tables filled with only the best of the best food unfolded in front of Seo-jun’s eyes.

Beautifully grilled meats and buttered lobster.

This hell of gluttony, where food did not diminish no matter how much I ate, was a paradise full of only abundance.

And the hell of indolence, where even angels smile the happiest.

An annoying boss, abusive parents.

A hell of anger where you can torture those who have tormented you to your heart’s content and express your terrible anger.

A hell of jealousy that satisfies envy for things you couldn’t get yourself.

And the final hell of conceit.

that world…

“Uh… this is a bit dangerous…?”

<Step 5 failed.>

<Remaining time: 22 minutes.>

In the end, Seo-joon collapsed, unable to endure the pleasure of the last hell of conceit.

<Would you like to try again?>

<Remaining chance – 10 times.>

Seo-joon made up his mind and tried again one after another.

However, in the end, he could not endure the pleasure of the hell of pride.

<The fifth subject (mental) test has all been completed.>

<Tests for the following subjects will be held in 3 days.>




That’s how the fifth subject mental test ended.

<What, what, what?! Uh, how can I get to level 5?>

And as if he had been waiting for this moment, the mentor urgently shouted.

The look on the mentor’s face was as if he had seen an unbelievable sight.

Seo-joon replied with a laugh leaking out for no reason.

“Are you just going to endure it? Probably because my immobility has risen a lot.”

<How much did you upload in such a short amount of time… What is the progress of the Free Mind lecture?>

Seojun briefly checked his smartphone and replied.

“Now… 31.7%.”

<…… Yes? what?>


The mentor paused as if he was speechless for a moment.

After a while, he opened his eyes wide and shouted.

<3, 3, 31.7%??!?>


As Seo-joon nodded calmly, the mentor shouted again as if to stop lying.

<No, no way!! Wasn’t it 15.5% the last time I saw it? You raised 16.2% in that short time?>

It was at the end of the first free pass that the mentor checked the progress of Seo-jun’s lecture.

And at that time, the progress rate of Shakyamuni’s lecture was 15.5% instead of 17.5%.

<Hey, look!>

Then, the mentor almost took out Seo-jun’s smartphone.

And when I clicked here and there on the screen a few times, the progress of Seo-jun’s lecture came to mind.

<Shakyamuni Lecture Progress 31.7%>

<Merlin Lecture Progress 61.9%>

<Progress rate of Jang Sam-bong lecture is 24.9%>

<Progress rate of Hercules Lecture 53.7%>

{Lecture completed – reverse divergence [A], metamorphosis [A]}

These were the progress rates of the lectures, which had risen a lot as Seo-jun practiced repeatedly.

And, as if there were separate management items, the lectures Seo-joon completed were also appearing on the screen.

Mentor confirmed the information and shouted in astonishment.

<My God…! How can this be? Oh no wait. What is the progress rate of this Hercules instructor?>

“Oh, that was a bit of luck.”

<Are you lucky? How lucky is the progress of the lecture like this??>

Mentor’s expression was now strangely distorted beyond surprise.

It looked like he was looking at a monster, not a human.

“Uh… that expression hurts a little.”

<That’s because it’s such an absurd figure! no wonder! He said he has become a completely different person from last time!>

Seo-joon scratched the back of his head shyly at the sight of his mentor screaming and shouting.

Then the mentor let out a small sigh and said.

<No, even if all other lectures are like that. Seriously, how did this lecturer of Shakyamuni do the progress of the lecture? Is this progress rate difficult for other beginners?>

“Oh, I was lucky with that too.”


The mentor looked blank.

In that way, for the first time, the mentor could feel the absurd feeling of ascending to heaven.

And with such a mentor’s expression.

belt ring.

<Seojun Kim’s mental subject score is [22.8 points (+13)]>


Seo-joon was able to easily exceed the score he was aiming for in the mental subject.


After that, Seo-jun was able to safely take the remaining two subjects, and the results were as follows.

『[Combat power] – 8.8/100 (failure).

[Basic Stamina] – 5.9/100 (Failed).

[Improvise] – 4.2/100 (failure).

[Mana] – 1.6/100 (overlapping).

[Mental] – 22.8/100 (failed).

[Primary weapon utilization – Spear] – 5.8/100 (Gwarak).

[Main Weapon Mastery – Spear] – 3.1/100 (Gwarak).』

<Total 52.2 points>

I was able to raise 23.2 points from the total score of the last mock test, which was 29 points.

And that was an increase of 80% over the target of 70%.

that means that.

It meant that you could get an 80% discount on Jecheon Daesung’s lectures.

‘If it wasn’t for immobility, it would have been a real big deal…’

Seojun let out a deep sigh of relief.

The score he got in the mental subject was 12 points.

If I had raised 4 points in the mental subject, it would have been 15.2 points, which was a score far below the target.

Seo-joon felt that he was really good at participating in the last raid battle.

<This is nonsense… This is nonsense…>

The mentor was muttering something while looking at Seo-jun’s score.

To be exact, he continued to be that way, like a person who went mental after the mental course.

“Here is your mentor.”

<How could this… yes, yes!>

The mentor answered in surprise at Seo-jun’s sudden question.

The appearance was quite ridiculous, so Seo-joon asked his mentor with a smile leaking out for no reason.

“I’m suddenly curious about that gwa-rak. How many points does it have to be to be considered a failure?”

<Ah, you can get more than 60 points. Therefore, even if the total score exceeds the passing score, if there is a subject with less than 60 points, it will be rejected.>

In a word, it meant that you couldn’t do well in a specific subject.

Seojun asked his mentor again.

“Then, how many points do I need to get to pass?”

<It’s different from time to time, but usually… everyone transcends above 90 points.>

“If it’s 90 points… average 90 points?”

<Yes. That’s a combined score of 630 or more.>

“630 points…”

At the mentor’s words, Seo-jun looked at the 52.2 points that appeared on the screen again.

Seojun’s score, which is none other than the sum of the 7 subjects.

I couldn’t even get over 90 points, let alone 630 points.

“…… Eh.”

Seo-jun turned off the score screen.

Then, he immediately connected to the Transcendent Academy and searched for Jecheondaeseong in the list of instructors.

whatever the score

Finally, I was able to listen to the lecture of Jecheon Daeseong, which I had longed for.

<Will you listen to the lecture of instructor Jecheon Daeseong right away?>

“yes. I haven’t decided what to listen to for the Mana lecture yet.”

The mentor nodded slowly as if it didn’t matter.

Leaving behind such a mentor, Seo-joon screened his smartphone again.

『[The basics of stickmanship and spearmanship. <Ran. me. Chal> (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)]

[Drop the heavenly star. Cheonwol Yuseong Peak. (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)]』



Then, a list of Jecheon Daeseong lectures appeared on the screen.

And looking at the list, I suddenly became curious.

‘Come to think of it, how much is the Cheonwol Yuseongbong lecture?’

Cheonwol Yuseong Peak, which none other than Seo-jun is aiming for.

As it was the last stage of the advanced lecture, it was clear that the cause and effect would run amok.

However, I suddenly thought that it would not be possible if I received an 80% discount.

‘Shall I just check…’

Seojun clicked on Cheonwol Yuseongbong’s lecture, not Rannachal.



An error message popped up and it couldn’t be read.

I couldn’t even listen to the orientation lecture, let alone check the price.

And now that I think about it, it seemed that Daeseong Jecheon had said something like that in the last Rannachal orientation lecture.

“Someday I will be able to learn Cheonwol Yuseongbong…”

Seo-joon swallowed his regret and clicked on the lecture on Ranchal.

Hold on.

<We are calculating the new causal rate and measuring the appropriate tuition fee for the member…>


<Training fee: 5,400,000,000 ₩(-80%)>

<Would you like to attend the lecture?>

<If you complete this lecture, you will learn ‘Jecheon Great Ceremony – Rannachal(欄拿扎) [S]’.>

The tuition fee, which was 27 billion won, was reduced to 5.4 billion won with an 80% discount applied.

It was a whopping 21.6 billion causal discount.

“If it wasn’t for the causal discount, I wouldn’t have even dreamed of it.”

With trembling hands, Seo-joon pressed the course button.

And just like that, 5.4 billion evaporated with one touch.

“That, but where is it not 27 billion…”

Seojun sighed weaker than usual.

And as it happened, I took the first lecture right away.

I didn’t have to waste time on what I was going to listen to anyway.

Hold on.



Nothing was shown on the screen that was shown along with the replay of the lecture.

To be precise, all I could see was the huge mountain in the background.

For a long time, nothing was visible on the screen.

“huh? Has the lecture stopped?”

Seo-jun confirmed the lecture by touching the screen again.

However, the lecture was playing normally.


Just when I was about to ask my mentor, wondering if there was an error.

[Sorry sorry!!!]

A playful voice came from somewhere.

It sounded like it was shouting from afar.

Wanting something, I kept looking at the screen, and soon a dot began to appear far away, in the sky.

It was approaching at an incredible speed and started to grow bigger and bigger as time went on.

After a little time passed, what caught on the screen was a monkey riding on a small cloud.

The monkey was holding a huge stick, and it was not difficult for Seo-jun to know that he was Jecheon Daeseong.

It seemed that those clouds were dark.

Jecheon Daeseong, or Son Oh-gong, awkwardly scratched the back of his head and continued.

[Oh sorry sorry! am i too late? Suddenly, Xuanzang called me, so I went back there for a while…]

[Anyway, that poor guy can’t do anything by himself. Is it just that there is no cancer lump? If it wasn’t for Shakyamuni, it would be awesome! just…]

Then, Son Goku smiled.

[Anyway, sorry for being late! But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to give the lecture!]

Son Goku looked at the front of the screen again and shouted.

[In that sense! What I will teach you in this lecture is the basics of stick and spear skills, Rannachal.]

[In the last orientation, I explained what rannachal is, right? It is said that there are three types of spears and rods. Therefore, all swordsmanship and spearmanship start from here…]

At that moment, Son Goku was speechless.

Then, as if thinking deeply about something, he opened his mouth slowly again.

[Looks like there are students who forgot.]


Hearing Son Oh-gong’s words like that, Seo-joon felt like his heart was being stabbed for no reason.

Like Son Goku said, it was because he couldn’t remember the contents of the last orientation lecture.

Son Oh-gong spoke as if he were piercing Seo-jun’s heart.

[I can’t! Since I have some faults for being late, I will show you once again. So this time open your eyes wide and take a good look!]

Son Oh-gong then turned around while holding Yeoui-bong.

Then, behind me, the huge mountain that I had seen earlier was captured on the screen.

[First, Ran. It’s an abduction, a motion that bounces outward.]

Son Oh-gong slowly swung the Yeouibong from the inside to the outside.

slow motion.

However, the results were not so simple.


With a tremendous roar, the huge mountain that existed in the background exploded at once.

“Wow… This is amazing to see again.”

[The second is me. The action of pulling the bounced outside bar as if winding it inside.]

Yeoui-bong, which was swung along with Son Oh-gong’s words, returned to the inside again.

At the same time, heaven and earth turned upside down, and fragments of the scattered earth soared into the sky.


The screen continued to vibrate like an earthquake.

[Finally hit. It pierces it like a single dot.]


Son Oh-gong’s Yeui-bong literally shot out like a dot.

Then the landscapes raged like a storm and the screen flickered.

Not long after that, the huge mountain that existed in the background disappeared from the corrected screen.

It was as if the mountain never existed there from the beginning.

Son Oh-gong patted his hand as if it was not a big deal and said.

[This is the basic of the basics of sticks and spears. If you want to learn the Cheonwol Yuseongbong, which I will teach you later, you basically need to learn it.]

[And these three things are absolutely necessary to learn not only my Cheonwol Yuseongbong, but also other spearmanship and bongjutsu.]

Son Oh-gong smiled again and said.

[Anyway, this is the first lecture, and it’s difficult to do everything from scratch, so let’s do it slowly one by one.]

[In that sense, remember what I just showed you and practice Ran until the next lecture!]



belt ring.

[The Daily Personal Assignment has arrived.]

[The causal rate is calculated and assignments appropriate to the level of the current student are assigned.]

– Jecheon Daeseongsik Ran (欄) performed 1,000 times. (0/1,000).

[The assignment continues to change according to the progress of the lecture.]

“Look at me and tell me how to follow that…”

Seo-joon let out a sigh without even realizing it.

But even for a while, Seo-jun slowly rose from his seat.

It was because, having experienced the transcendent academy, they did not give impossible tasks as assignments.

At that time when I was about to carry out my daily assignment, the mentor suddenly talked to me.

<Oh true. If it is a basic lecture up to the beginner lecture, it goes into a full-fledged transcendental lecture from the intermediate lecture. There is a reason why causal is so expensive.>

“What, does anything change?”

<The dimension will change.>


Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

It was because I couldn’t understand what the mentor meant.

<It’s faster to feel it than to explain it.>

However, the mentor only gave a meaningful smile.

Seojun thought nothing of it and held on to Longinus’s spear.

I didn’t learn it, it was just a learning process, but I thought that there would be a big difference.

“Did you do this?”

Ran (欄), an action that bounces outward as an abduction.

Seo-joon swung the spear of Longinus, recalling what he had just seen.


Woo woo woo woo!

Unusual power emanated from Longinus’ spear.

And it was further amplified by adding to the naturally indwelling power of reverse divergence.


Seo-jun could not hide his embarrassment at the sudden power.

However, the Spear of Longinus was swung with great wind pressure.


The place where the wind pressure passed was as if a small bomb had exploded.


Seo-jun could not understand even though he was looking directly at the scene in front of his eyes.

rather so.

<Did I say that the dimension is different?>

Seojun could fully understand the mentor’s words.


An old-fashioned restaurant located in Seoul.

This restaurant, called Gungyeon (宮宴), was a famous restaurant not only in Seoul but also in Korea.

This was also because Gungyeon, which was operated on a strict reservation system, did not receive any guests.

As a simple example, an indicator of social success was judged by whether or not a person could make a reservation for a palace.

Now this place was a secret space separated from the other rooms even in the palace.

In this space classified as a VVIP room, two men and one woman were sitting.

They sat there without saying anything.

But there were no words, and a heavy energy was sitting in the room.

how much time has passed like that

A man clicked his tongue and spat out the words.

“Tsk. Let’s stop this pointless fight.”

Then the man sitting across from him smiled and said,

“haha. It’s a fight. What are you saying between us? Gaon’s CEO has not changed.”

Then, Lee Jin-seong, the representative of Gaon Academy, replied with a displeased expression.

“I see you say that nonsense. So Jin-hyun, you are still the same.”

“So why did you call us so suddenly? The representative of the Hunter Mill wouldn’t have asked me to see you for no reason.”

The woman who had been listening to Lee Jin-seong’s words opened her mouth.

Then, So Jin-hyeon, the head of the Hunter Mill Academy, said with a sad expression.

“I’m sorry that even the CEO of Ale said such a thing…”

None other than Cha Hye-in, the CEO of Ale Academy.

Representatives of Korea’s three major academies, Hunter Mill, Ale, and Gaon, were gathered here.

All S-class hunters, in terms of skills and status, were well qualified to sit in the VVIP room of the palace.

“It’s been a while since I saw you all. How have you been?”

“There is no need for formal regards, so tell me quickly.”

At So Jin-hyeon’s words, Lee Jin-seong said as if he was shooting at them.

So Jin-hyun smiled calmly and continued talking right away.

“It’s not long until this year’s Pro Hunter exam.”

“What was that…”

“Wouldn’t it be necessary to dampen the momentum before that?”

At So Jin-hyeon’s words, Lee Jin-seong kept his mouth shut.

It was because he understood what So Jin-hyun was saying.

Cha Hye-in didn’t say anything as if it was the same.

So Jin-hyun looked at the two and continued talking.

“The status of our top 3 academies is beyond words. 1st 3rd. They said it’s a buzzword in the community these days.”

With those words, So Jin-hyun picked up a piece of food in front of him.

Lee Jin-seong said at the appearance of So Jin-hyun.

“So what are you going to do? Do you mean to trick Kim Seo-joon at least?”

“It’s a trick. It just means to break the momentum.”

Jinseong Lee frowned and shouted.

“You are crazy. Behind him is the swordsman. Don’t you know that if you touch it wrongly, the Hunter Mill itself can disappear, let alone your neck? I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it.”

Then, as if he didn’t have to listen anymore, Lee Jin-seong tried to get up from his seat.

So Jin-hyeon said as if holding on to Lee Jin-seong.

“Please. In what era do you want to play tricks these days?”

“……then what do you want to do?”

“Like you said, let’s just break the momentum.”

“What does that mean?”

Then Cha Hye-in, who had been listening quietly, asked So Jin-hyun.

So Jin-hyun looked at Cha Hye-in and said.

“If Seojun Kim becomes a professional hunter, then it is out of our hands. So shouldn’t he be beaten now?”

“So how…”

“Isn’t it time to start an exchange war soon?”

exchange war.

Those are Hunter Meal, Gaon, and Ale.

It meant an informal competition held by these three academies.

“It means to invite Dream Academy to the exchange.”

“Isn’t the justification appropriate? One class dream academy that beat the three academies.”

Jinsung Lee said with a snort.

“Even if it is. But who catches Kim Seo-joon? That guy is an irregular who has already surpassed the level of a student. Who the hell can catch him?”

“That’s it, wouldn’t it be enough to make it catchable?”

At So Jin-hyeon’s words, Lee Jin-seong and Cha Hye-in kept their mouths shut.

Because exchange matches are unofficial competitions held by the three academies.

In other words, since it was ‘unofficial’, they could freely participate in the game method and rules.

“And why do you think there will be no one?”

At So Jin-hyeon’s words, Lee Jin-seong opened his eyes.

“Certainly… are you thinking of letting Lee Ha-yoon go?”

Cha Hye-in asked, as if representing Lee Jin-sung’s feelings.

So Jin-hyun said with a smile as if answering the question.

“What do you two think?”

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