Transcension Academy Chapter 80

Episode 80 – Transcendent Event (1)

“A causal discount?”


The mentor replied vigorously, and Seo-jun asked again.

“what is that?”

<It is literally a causal discount. It’s an unconventional event where you can get a discount on the cause and effect assigned to Seojun Kim!>

And after the mentor’s answer, Seo-joon was able to understand the concept.

To put it simply, it was like a price discount event.

The Hunter Academy of this district also used to hold an event that discounted the tuition every season.

It seemed that the Transcendentalist Academy was also holding events similar to those events.

Seojun nodded and said.

“There seems to be a price discount event at the Transcendent Academy as well.”

<Yes. It doesn’t happen often.>

“Then how much discount can I get?”

<You can get up to 100% discount!>

Seo-joon could not hide his surprise at the mentor’s answer.

It was because it was no different from waiving the entire amount if it was 100%.

In a word, a chance to listen to the 27 billion won Jecheon Daeseong lecture for free.

Seojun immediately opened his mouth.

“Then the immediate discount…”

<Of course!>

However, as if intercepting Seo-jun’s words, the mentor extended his index finger and continued.

<It is not just a discount.>

Then it is.

Seojun shook his head with a small sigh.

What kind of academy is the transcendent academy, and will it let you take lectures for free?

Seo-joon said with a smile.

“How can I get a discount?”

<There is an event going on at our academy this time. It’s called an excellent student support event.>

“A high-performing event?”

The mentor nodded and continued.

<Yes. It is literally an event that supports those with excellent grades.>

“When you say grades… are you referring to mock exams for transcendental students?”


The mentor responded vigorously.

However, contrary to such a mentor, Seo-joon felt drained.

“Did my grades go down horribly at that time?”

It was because at the time, Seo-joon’s mock test scores for transcendentalists were disastrous and were smashed.

<Seojun Kim’s mock test score.>

『[Combat power] – 4.2/100 (failure).

[Basic Stamina] – 3.7/100 (overfall).

[Improvise] – 2.3/100 (Gwalag) .

[Mana] – 1.2/100 (overfall).

[Mental] – 9.8/100 (failed).

[Main Weapon Utilization – Spear] – 5.1/100 (Gwarak).

[Main Weapon Mastery – Spear] – 2.7/100 (Gwarak).』

<Total – 29 points.>

It was 29 points in all 7 subjects.

Of course, looking back now, I could have gotten a better score than this.

Unlike back then, he had Jang Sam-bong’s footsteps and Hercules’ divine power.

There was also the immobility of Shakyamuni who grew explosively this time.

Above all, it was because Seo-joon himself had grown a lot.

However, even taking all of that into account, it was impossible to achieve a grade worthy of being called a ‘successful person’.

Therefore, it could be seen that the event had nothing to do with Seo-joon.

So when Seo-jun made a disappointed expression, the mentor opened his mouth again as if he had made a mistake.

<Ah. I think I misunderstood.>

Then, as if the mentor was lost in thought, he was silent for a moment.

After a while, the mentor opened his mouth again.

<Hmm… to be precise, not the ones with excellent grades, but the ones with improved grades? It would be more accurate to say that

“A grade enhancer?”

The mentor nodded and continued.

<Yes. To put it simply… The standard is how much your score has improved compared to the previous mock test score.>

Mentor added that the evaluation method is measured in percentages, not numbers.

And explain with an example.

A case in which student A received 50 points before and received 55 points this time.

If student B received 10 points before and now gets 15 points.

In both cases, it was the same 5-point increase.

However, in terms of percentage, A is 10%. B is 50%, and in this case, student B was selected as an excellent student.

<And a discount rate equal to the grade improvement rate is applied. In a word, compared to the previous mock exam, the score increased by 50%. Then you can get a 50% discount.>

<Of course, there is a standard. Discounts are only available when the performance improvement rate exceeds 50%. Of course, if it exceeds 100%, you can get a 100% discount.>

“What do you mean…?”

<That means you don’t have to get a high score. It’s because Kim Seo-joon’s previous mock test scores are the standard.>

And Seo-joon’s previous mock test scores were 29 points.

It was very catnip.

“Uh… so 50% of my total score of 29. Does this mean that if you only raise 14.5 points, you can get a 50% discount?”

<Yes! If you raise 17.4 points, which is 60%, you can get a 60% discount.>

The mentor replied vigorously as if Seo-jun understood it very well.

<I think it’s possible if you’re at Kim Seo-joon’s level now… How would you like to try it?>

Mentor’s suggestion to follow.

“I will definitely do it.”

Seojun nodded without thinking.


Seo-joon went straight out of the academy building.

It was because it was difficult to take the test in the academy, as I had experienced the transcendental mock test last time.

So, Seo-joon headed to the spacious playground where he had taken the mock test for the transcendent.

Of course, before that, I stopped at a nearby gold and silver store to buy fake gold bars and put them in the kibisis.

It was to deal with Fafnir, the Dragon of Destruction, which was none other than the first stage.

At that time, I was in a state of knowing nothing, but the story was different in a state of knowing.

“Is this why you are doing past exam problems and past exam problems?”

Seo-joon sighed and laughed and hurried his steps.

Soon after arriving at the playground, Seo-joon took out his smartphone and asked his mentor.

“What can I do now?”

<Wait a minute…>

Then, the mentor slowly approached and manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

After that, I pressed the screen of my smartphone for a long time.

<We are calculating the causal rate and measuring the member’s appropriate test price…>

After quite a while, the causal rate price measurement notification window came to mind.

<Test fee – 1,000,000,000 ₩>

<Would you like to take the Transcendentalist Mock Test? Y/N>

And the price reached a whopping 1 billion.

“Ah… now the test fee is charged.”

<Because only the first mock exam is free.>

At the mentor’s words, Seo-joon nodded.

It was because when I first took the transcendental mock test, it was said that only the first one was free.

‘Still, 1 billion won… It’s just sucking money.’

Seo-joon shook his head at the transcendent academy that was sucking money endlessly.

If it was a normal situation, I wouldn’t have looked at it, but now it’s a special situation called an event.

Considering the price that can be discounted, 1 billion was considered free.

‘If I do this, I have 21.5 billion left in my hands…’

Currently, Seo-joon’s goal was to take both the Mana lecture and the Jecheon Daesung lecture.

However, the discount received as an event could only be applied to one lecture.

Therefore, it was the right choice to apply it to the Jecheon Daeseong lecture, which costs 27 billion won.

So, you need to get a discount of at least 60% to get 10.8 billion, so you can take both lectures.

Considering the price of the elixir up to 2 billion, you should get a 70% discount.

Converting this into points, it was a score that had to be raised by 20.3 points.

It was a total of 7 subjects, so I only had to raise 3 points for each subject.

“Isn’t it honey?”

Seo-joon pressed Y without hesitation.

Hold on.



[1. Please select the type of job you want to transcend.]

①Combat ②Production ③Medical ④Spirit ⑤Art ⑥Others

Seo-joon naturally chose to fight.

And the next question that follows.

[2. Please select the desired grade.]

① 5th grade fable class.

② 7th grade Grand Sword Master.

③ 9th grade sword master.

④ A person with experience transcending the private sector.



Seo-joon hesitated here.

And I asked my mentor just in case.

“Mentor. Can I choose a different grade for this than the one I did before?”

Then the mentor answered firmly as if he had no choice.

<It can’t be. It is compared with the previous grade, but of course you should choose the same grade.>

Hagisa, if such an expedient was possible, it would not be the academy for transcendentalists Seo-jun knew.

Seojun let out a small sigh and chose a 9th grade sword master.

Hold on.

<Mock exam is being presented. Please wait.>



<This mock test is an adaptation based on past questions from the transcendental exam.>

<The level of difficulty is based on the transcendental test, and the student’s personal causality is not reflected.>

<It consists of a total of 7 subjects, and scores are measured based on questions and points for each subject.>

<Please note that this mock test is only a mock test and may differ from the actual test.>


<First subject. (combat power)>

<Stage 1 problem is being presented. Please wait…>

Seo-joon’s smartphone went silent along with the rising notification window.

However, Seo-jun knew that the destruction dragon, Fafnir, would come out soon.

Along with the spear of Longinus, Seo-joon prepared for the upcoming test with Gungnir and fake gold bars.

belt ring.

<A question is presented.>

As expected, the test started with a sudden notification sound, just like the last time.


And suddenly, a terrifying roar erupted from the smartphone screen, and then something small popped out of the screen.

At the same time, Seo-jun threw a gold bar.

With this, Fafnir will be distracted by the gold bar and will not be able to recognize Seo-jun.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’ spear and kicked the ground.

And he drew the power of the Aura Blade and divine power.



For some reason, Fafnir was not distracted by the gold bar Seo-jun threw.

He was letting out a terrifying scream at Seo-joon, who was just running towards him.


It’s also a little bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of

Seo-joon soon noticed that the monster in front of him looked quite different from Fafnir.

A nine-headed dragon with a huge body like a mountain.


oh, maybe not

Fafnir must have gained 9 heads because he gained weight.

Seo-joon looked down at his smartphone with a feeling of unbelievability.

<Time limit: 30 minutes.>

Then, a notification pops up on your smartphone.

“……Isn’t it crazy?”

Seo-joon glanced to the side as he ascended.

<Seojun Kim! cheer up! go for it! Fighting!>

Then, the mentor was cheering hard as if to cheer up.

“no! You didn’t say that the problem was transformed!”

<Huh? Didn’t you know? I thought you knew for sure. You can’t just present the issue as it is. Then you just have to memorize the answer and go.>

And the mentor shouted as if he realized it only then.

<Ah! Could that be why you bought the gold bar? Somehow… I wondered why you would buy it.>

“Then tell me in advance then…!”



However, Seo-joon could not finish his words at the hydra’s scream that came again.

The hydra was shaking its nine heads and screaming in all directions.

In a way, it was nothing more than a simple roar, but for some reason, it felt like a tremendous pressure was weighing on it.


Soon, all nine heads of Hydra were fixed on Seo-Jun.

Then, tremendous energy began to gather in each head.

“no way···”

Seo-joon literally couldn’t believe it.

However, as Seo-jun expected, breaths containing hideous energy poured out from all nine heads.



As if crushing everything, a poisonous breath was fired at Seo-jun.

Not even one, but nine.

Seojun looked at those nine breaths and thought.

No more, no less, just right.

“Let’s raise it by three points…”

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