Transcension Academy Chapter 77

Episode 77 – Raid Battle (5)

In addition to the winning team, prize money was provided for this raid battle.

Prize money was provided up to the 4th place team, and the winning team prize money of 3 billion won, 2 billion won, 1 billion won, and 500 million won were paid differentially.

In other words, the total prize money for the raid battle was 6.5 billion.

Therefore, when the Dream Team defeated the boss in round 5, the prize money received was 6.5 billion won, more than twice the previous amount.

Conversely, if you can’t defeat the boss, you will lose a certain amount of 3 billion.

And if that happened, Seo-jun, who competed for money, would lose everything.

“What if I refuse?”

When Seo-jun asked, the official waved his hand slightly and answered.

“There are no disadvantages. It’s just a ‘suggestion’. You just have to go through 5 rounds according to the existing rules and receive the winning prize.”

Then the official shrugged his shoulders and continued.

“Actually, this is not suggested by our organizers.”


Seo-joon was able to guess how the situation flowed from the answer of the official who followed.

In order to bet all the prize money in the tournament, of course, there had to be consent from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winners.

However, unlike the Dream Team, where 1st place has been confirmed, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places have not yet been confirmed.

Hunter wheat, ale, and Gaon to be exact.

Which of these three academy teams will finish 2nd, 3rd and 4th was decided in this 5th round.

Therefore, I will bet all the prize money even though the ranking has not yet been confirmed.

The fact that they had proposed this only meant that they were united.

Above all, before.

Considering the meaningful appearance Jung Si-woo showed, it could be seen as a fait accompli.

They seemed convinced that the Dream Team really came up through cheating.

So while breaking down the dream team with these suggestions.

It seemed to be an intention to restore the pride of the three major academies that had collapsed.

If not, there would be no reason to do this.

After thinking this far, Seojun slightly turned his head to look at Minyul and Sooyeon.

And Min-yul and Soo-yeon, who realized what Seo-joon meant, spat out one word at a time.

“I do not care. The captain takes care of it.”

“me too. Actually, I haven’t done much…”

Seo-joon turned his head again and spoke to the official.

“Seeing you say this even though it’s not a proposal from the organizers… it must mean that the organizers have some idea as well, right?”

“ha ha ha···”

Then the official smiled and replied.

“To be honest, yes. It’s true… that there is no tension.”

Seojun nodded slowly.

Raid Battle was a competition created by large guilds lobbying the government and associations for sponsorship.

And the reason was to preoccupy exceptional students.

However, this did not mean that the commercial element was completely excluded.

That is also true because this competition was held in harmony with various broadcasting stations and various organizations that ran after the smell of money.

Although it is said that there are more scouts than other competitions.

The audience still occupied an overwhelming majority.

Therefore, the organizers had no choice but to pay attention to box office success.

But who the hell is watching the finals where the winner is confirmed?

However, if the winner could be dropped in an instant in this way, people’s attention was naturally drawn.

In that sense, did you say that it was a complaint against the Uncensored Office?

Perhaps this proposal was not what the organizers were hoping for.


“I would like to make a counter-proposal.”

Seojun decided to use it as a reverse and eat it.

“A suggestion?”

“The total prize money for this tournament is 6.5 billion won. Is that right?”

The official nodded, and Seo-joon continued talking.

“Please increase the prize money to 10 billion by the organizers. Then I will accept your offer.”

“yes? Bae, 10 billion?”

Seojun opened his eyes wide and calmly nodded his head at the shouting official.

In fact, Seo-joon had no reason to accept this offer.

To be precise, it could be said that there was no reason to play with their tricks even while taking risks.

That would be the case, and the money Seo-joon needed right now was 500 million won.

Of course, for Seo-jun, the more money he had, the better.

However, even though it was 6.5 billion, it was only 2 billion when divided by three people.

It was strange that the word “at most” was added before the word 2 billion, but anyway.

Even if he just stayed still, the prize money of 3 billion won, that is, 1 billion won for Seo-joon, was guaranteed.

There is a certain amount of 1 billion, but there was no merit in choosing 2 billion while taking risks.

Because there was nothing Seo-joon could do right away with the remaining 1.5 billion.

However, if you add more money, the story is a little different.

It is none other than the causal agent who jumped to 2 billion at the transcendent store.

Of course, Seo-joon was not alone in taking that 10 billion won.

‘This way, I can purchase the mana lecture and elixir together.’

It was good enough to take the risk.

Seo-joon said to the official who was still surprised.

“How would you like to accept my offer?”


At Seo-joon’s suggestion, the person in charge showed an awkward expression.

Then he left for a while, saying that it was not a matter for him to decide.

He also needed 3.5 billion in order to hit 10 billion.

No matter how large the scale is, 3.5 billion was not an easy fund to manage.

Even if it was possible to manage 3.5 billion won, it was not a decision to be made at once because the profit and loss gained from doing so had to be calculated.

That’s why Seo-jun thought the meeting would be quite long.

Unexpectedly, however, Seo-jun’s proposal was quickly accepted.

It was because the guild’s scouts, who had heard Seo-jun’s proposal, had expressed their intention to sponsor it.

However, they made one condition.

If the Dream Team wins, they will give the Dream Team a prize in the name of their guild.

Seo-joon, as well as the organizers, could not hide their embarrassment at the unprecedented situation.

But that’s for a while.

It was important that Seo-jun gave the money, but it didn’t matter who gave it.

The organizers also said that they would sponsor it on their own, but there was no reason to stop them.

Eventually, the offer was accepted and the final 5 rounds began.

Seo-jun went straight into the dungeon without hesitation.

And with the news, there was a commotion in the scout’s waiting room.

“I never would have imagined that the Dream Team would make such an offer in reverse.”

“You got your intentions right. I thought only my combat sense was good…”

“I knew I would actually say no. Frankly, the Dream Team doesn’t have to take risks.”

“Well, that means you have confidence.”

As expected, the waiting room was buzzing with stories about the Dream Team.

Lee Do-hyun listened to the stories of the scouts and watched the display board.

“Can the Dream Team really do it?”

Then, the voice of a colleague is heard.

Lee Do-hyun answered without taking his eyes off the display board.

“I think it will be possible.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you so confident… Was the monster you’re implementing this time a Revenant?”

“that’s right. The monsters themselves are harmless.”

Revenant is a 9-star undead monster, and unlike a skeleton, which is a complete skeleton, it was a monster in the form of a mummy.

Because the body remained, it shed blood, but there was a characteristic that it did not feel pain.

Also, Revenant was a monster that had to be killed twice to be completely eliminated, but even taking those things into account, it wasn’t a very tricky monster.

“It’s okay, bitch. 9-star monster, wake up.”

Of course, it was a story when comparing the same 9-star monsters.

Dohyun Lee shrugged and said.

“Still, it’s a monster that was implemented through magic. It’s not a perfect 9-star, so wouldn’t it be worth trying?”

“Is Jung Ji-min a mutant or something this time? By applying that research, the difficulty level skyrocketed. It must be at the level of a tolerable 8-star… By the way, can you catch an 8-star monster by yourself?”


Lee Do-hyun couldn’t bear to answer.

He would also do so because catching an 8-star monster alone was only possible for A-rank hunters.

“Still, I think it would be possible if it was a dream team.”

“It is said that there is an image that the Dream Team showed, but no matter how it is… Well, now that we have entered, you will know if you watch it.”

So, Lee Do-hyun and his colleague silently watched the display board.

And it was then.

buzz buzz.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted in one corner of the waiting room.

Wanting something, I glanced around and saw a group of officials shouting something with a very urgent expression.

However, Lee Do-hyun just tilted his head and immediately cut off his interest.

But even when I tried to stop paying attention, the commotion continued for some reason.

“What happened?”

In the end, Lee Do-hyun, who couldn’t stand it, took a step forward and caught the person passing by.


“Suddenly, why is this…! Oh, yes, yes!”

Then, the look of the officials who answered in surprise.

Lee Do-hyun asked right away.

“What on earth are you making such a fuss about?”

“That, that is…”

The official hesitated for a while before opening his mouth.

“Moreover, the dungeon’s magic core suddenly caused an overload.”

At the same time, the eyes of the scouts in the waiting room poured out all at once.

Because of that, the person in charge was slightly taken aback, but Lee Do-hyun didn’t care at all and asked the question again.

“Does the magic core cause overload? What do you mean?”

“Mo, I don’t know. We are also currently looking for the cause…”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Then, Lee Do-hyun’s colleague asked the official when he came.

The official looked at his colleague once and replied.

“It is said that the monster that was embodied caused a mutation due to the magic power going wrong.”

“A mutation…?”

“To put it simply, the implemented monster has been replaced with another entity.”

In other words, it was a different monster than the planned Revenant.

And this was something that had never happened before, not just in raid battles, but even in other competitions.

‘Could it be that the research applied by Jeong Ji-min, whether it’s a mutation or something, caused side effects?’

Dohyun Lee tilted his head and asked.

“What on earth has changed to make you so desperate?”

After a long thought, the official slowly opened his mouth.


That moment.

“what?! Draug??”

“Draug has been implemented now?”

The mouths of everyone who heard those words started to open up.

“This crazy!!”

And Lee Do-hyun was also not very different from their feelings.

There were two reasons for this.


Draug was a 10-star monster, not a 9-star monster.

The draug was a monster known as the gatekeeper who guarded the buried treasure in the tombs of the Vikings.

Strength is also strong like a 10-star monster, and the characteristic was that the thought was too strong.

It is said that if you eat the grass that grows around a draug, you will be driven into madness.

Also, among the undead monsters, they belonged to the ghost class and had no substance.

Because of that, it was a monster that could be damaged but could not be killed unless it was a special weapon.

That’s why, among 10-star monsters, the one that boasts the most extreme difficulty is the Draugr.

There are a total of 8 Draug dungeons that have been created in Korea.

Considering that all the dungeons were handled by one of the 5 heroes, Youngseong, it was quite a word.

Hence the second.

In fact, this second was the decisive reason that shocked everyone.

“Spirit-type monsters are forbidden monsters! Why are you in the implementation section!”

Draug was a spirit-type monster.


There was no reason to make such a fuss just because a 10-star monster was implemented.

If the dream team fails and comes out, there was an error, so if you ask for a rematch, that’s all.

In any case, it was a monster realized through sorcery, and even considering the worst case scenario, it would have just ended in failure.

Because there was no case where a student died from being damaged by a monster that was implemented through magic.

But just one thing.

There was only one case of being killed by a monster embodied in sorcery.

It was a mental attack from a spirit-type monster.

Mental damage was, after all, damage to the ‘brain’.

Even if the damage itself was an illusion, only the mental damage had to be reflected as it was in the same situation as reality.

In fact, in the early days, there were frequent accidents in which students died due to mental attacks from these monsters.

Afterwards, the death accident disappeared only after the association, recognizing the seriousness, regulated spirit-type monsters as prohibited items.

And what was implemented at that time was a 5-6 star mental monster.

However, the now implemented Draug is a whopping 10-star spirit-type monster.

that means this.

Failure of the Dream Team meant death.

Lee Do-hyun immediately shouted at the person in charge.

“Tell them to come out right now! Right Now!!”

“I have already sent someone, but access is not possible due to overload.”

“Then break the magic core! Cut off the supply of magical power!”

“Ha, but…! Then the cost of implementing…”

“That money is the problem now!!”

Lee Do-hyun was genuinely angry.

It looked like someone was going to die, but it was because the cut-and-paste that cut profits and losses was so unsightly.

Of course, it was true that the implementation cost of a 9-star monster was not negligible.

However, the dream team that I entered now was not a team that could be tailored with money.

Losing the dream team because it’s only a few billion?

This was nothing more than burning the imperial palace to catch bed bugs.

“Hey you crazy people! Are you leaving the dream team to die because it’s a waste of billions? You’re insane!!”

“Ah, I see!”

At Lee Do-hyun’s shouting, the officials started to run away.

Lee Do-hyun turned his head roughly to the electronic display board.

The Dream Team should be fighting the draugs by now.

To be precise, he was on the brink of death due to mental attacks, so he had no choice but to hope that the Dream Team would hold out until he destroyed the mana core.

“Jimin Jung! What kind of research did you apply… huh?”

However, there was something unusual about the scene reflected on the display board.

Perhaps because of Lee Do-hyun’s reaction, the scouts who were watching turned their heads to the display board at the same time.




Everyone’s expressions started to fade.



Seo-joon shouted involuntarily at the sight of the draugr in front of him.

It is as if a soul that has longed for sorrow is crying out.

Draug also found Seo-joon and raised his body thick like smoke.

uh uh uh uh…

A terrible stench stung the tip of my nose.

Could it be the stench emanating from the draugr’s body?

Or if it was an illusion born of fear and madness, I couldn’t tell.

“Why is the draugr here…!”

“Boo, didn’t you say Revenant?”

Min-yul and Su-yeon’s confused words were heard.

And it wasn’t much different from the question Seojun had now.


However, Seo-jun shook off all those doubts and held on to Longinus’s spear.

I don’t know why the draugr, not the revenant, is here.

It’s not too late to think about it later.

Now I had to get rid of the draugr before it could do a mind attack.

Of course, it was an insubstantial draug, but the Spear of Longinus would be able to deliver enough damage.

So I had to deal with the draugs before they became incapacitated by mental attacks.

Seo-joon kicked the ground.



Draug’s movements were one step faster than Seo-jun’s.

“Keep it off…!”


Min-yul and Soo-yeon let out screams with a long, groaning sound like tinnitus in hell.

The fear that paralyzes one’s hearing gave rise to the illusion of standing on the edge of death, where life is at stake.

All the hatred, malice and madness burst out as if they were engulfing the space.

uh uh uh…

Just looking at the glowing red eyes seemed like it would drive you into madness.

The muscles stiffen, and the sharpened mind binds the body.

The mental attack of the 10-star monster Draug is difficult even for an S-class hunter to withstand.

There was a reason Youngseong had to deal with the Draug dungeon created in Korea.

“Ah… no! I didn’t! It’s not me!!”

“Lord, don’t die… Dad, don’t die!! no!!”

In the end, Min-yul and Soo-yeon covered their heads and fell into madness.

The situation of Abigyuhwan unfolded in an instant.



For some reason, Seo-joon didn’t mind at all.


And the draugr hesitated for a moment, probably embarrassed by Seo-joon’s appearance.

Of course, some whispers continued to ring in Seo-jun’s ears.

– You must be on a winning streak right now. But until when?

– You’re actually nothing. don’t you know yourself well?

– Do you think you can do this even after becoming a pro hunter?


Every time I heard Shakyamuni’s words like hallucinations, I felt at peace.

[Do not be afraid. The world always hides the best behind fear.]

[Does confidence always go hand in hand with insecurity? Success should not go to the head, and failure should not go to the heart.]

[Remember. Trying to overcome fear is the same as saying you will soon become a god.]

And is it because of that?

<Shakyamuni Lecture Progress 18.3% (+0.8%)>

<Shakyamuni Lecture Progress 19.2% (+0.9%)>

<Shakyamuni Lecture Progress 20.5% (+1.3%)>



The progress of the Shakyamuni River began to rise like crazy.


Seojun muttered involuntarily.

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