Transcension Academy Chapter 74

Episode 74 – Raid Battle (2)


After the first round, the teams gathered in the waiting room and were talking about various things.

“No, why is the dungeon difficulty like this this time?”

“Isn’t that too human?”

And the topic was none other than the difficulty of the first round dungeon.

To be precise, complaints and complaints made up the week.

It is also true that all the teams that have participated so far have failed to clear the first round.

I don’t know if it’s a team made up of idiots.

All of them were Hunter Academy students belonging to the 1st and 2nd divisions.

It was also a team made up of people who said they were nanda.

But such teams fail to clear and fail one after another?

This meant there was a huge problem with the dungeon difficulty settings.

“No matter what, 7-star Arachne crossed the line. It’s a tricky monster even for pro hunters, so how do we, the students, catch it?”

Of course, since it was a monster realized through sorcery, there was a significant difference from the actual 7-star Arachne.

However, Arachne was famous for being picky among the 7-star monsters.


“And something… it was different from a monster that was implemented through magic.”

“that’s right. It seemed to be a 6-star rather than a 5-star? I’m not the only one who felt that way.”

It was common for monsters that were implemented through sorcery to have a difference of about 2 stars from the real ones.

However, for some reason, the monsters implemented this time only felt a difference of about 1 star.

It was already a difficult monster, but since the difficulty level had risen further, it might have been natural for it to fail one after another.

Is that why?


[Gaon Academy – Class Team: 30 minutes 12 seconds (clear).]

“Crazy… You cleared that dungeon?”

When the first clear team came out, not only the scouts but also the students were quite surprised.

The scouts only roughly guessed the difficulty of the dungeon.

However, because the students had experienced the dungeon themselves, they knew how absurd it was.

“and. After all, Gaon is different.”

“It’s even a 30-minute cut. What the hell did Gaon teach you so you can do that?”

“This is why people came. Guess he’s going to come.”

The students did not show envy or jealousy at the overwhelming gap, but only awe.


After a while, the door to the waiting room opened and the Gaon Academy class team entered the waiting room.

Siwoo Jung, Eunjung Park, and Minjun Do.

When they entered the waiting room, all the eyes of the students in the waiting room turned to them.

But they didn’t care at all about that gaze.

However, the man in front of him, Jeong Si-woo, only opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“Park Eun-jung. If you hadn’t made a mistake there, it could have been 30 seconds shorter.”

A chilly tone to the point where you can feel the cold.

Momentarily, Park Eun-jung bit her teeth, and Do Min-joon took a step forward and stopped the two.

“Siwoo. Still, Eunjung took responsibility for handling it.”

“So it goes like this. Now that I know it, I don’t want to make the same mistakes again and again and again and again and again, so that the team doesn’t become a nuisance.”


Park Eun-jung nodded slowly.

After all, it was true that he had made a mistake.

Seeing Park Eun-jung like that, Jeong Si-woo stopped talking about it.

That moment.


Suddenly, an alert sounded that another team had cleared the dungeon.

Naturally, Park Eun-jung and Do Min-joon’s gazes simultaneously turned to the display board.

However, Jung Si-woo turned his back as if he was not interested.

Seeing that, Do Min-joon said to Jung Si-woo.

“Siwoo, don’t you check?”

“Huntermeal or ale. It’s more efficient to manage your condition when you have time to check that out.”

Like that, Jeong Si-woo trudged away without hesitation as if he was really not interested.

Do Min-joon shook his head at the sight of Si-woo Jung.

“Anyway, sometimes I wonder if he’s human.”

Then, Do Min-joon turned his gaze back to the display board.

As Jung Si-woo said, it was clear that it was Hunter Meal or Ale, but it was because I did not know how long the clearing time was.


[Dream Academy – Dream Team: 9 minutes 34 seconds (clear).]



The information that popped up on the display board defied all expectations.

And it wasn’t just for Do Min-joon and Park Eun-jung.

“What, what…?”

“Nine minutes? Nine minutes?”

“Eh, does this make sense?”

The entire waiting room started to stir at the information displayed on the display board.

Jung Si-woo’s footsteps came to a standstill at the agitation in the waiting room.

And just then.


“Leader! I really love it every time I see it! How can you make such a move there?”

“shut up.”

The door to the waiting room opened, and a strange-looking man and a man with a rural atmosphere entered.

After a while, someone who looked like a high school girl cautiously entered.

Naturally, everyone’s eyes turned to them.

But they didn’t pay any attention to those gazes and went on with their words.

“How do you feel like you’ve become a different person every time you look at it? How far are you going to grow?”

And Seo-joon shook his head at Min-yul’s gilt lacquer, a man with a rural atmosphere.

It was none other than when Seojun killed the last remaining Arachne.

I showed what I learned in Jang Sam-bong’s footsteps lecture once, and from then on, it’s been a frenzy.

As if half-ignoring him, Seo-joon threw the question he wanted to ask Min-yul from earlier.

“It’s done. than you What are all those weapons?”

It was none other than Minyul’s fighting style that changed dramatically.

It is also true that Minyul, seen in the Hunter Mill mock test, used a variety of weapons.

Min-yul used all kinds of weapons and displayed a free-spirited fighting style.

Of course, I thought it would change after becoming a disciple of Amnesia, but I didn’t expect it to change so drastically.

Then, Minyul answered lightly as if it was not a big deal.

“Oh, that? I threw it all away.”

“throw away?”

When Seo-jun tilted his head and asked, Min-yul answered with a pleasant smile.

“Master said that writing this and that is not very good. So I just threw away everything except this one and this one.”

At the same time, Minyul had a ‘pair of daggers’ on his waist.

Then, he pointed with his finger at the ‘bow’ on his back.

And as Seo-jun knew, Amseong didn’t use any other weapons other than a pair of daggers.

Perhaps Amseong wanted Minyul to use only the dagger, but Minyul did not seem to have any intention of following it straight away.

It seemed that he was going to follow the style of the ignorance, but also keep his free-spirited style.

“Then why did you only use a dagger and not a bow?”

“Wasn’t Su-yeon trying to protect you? If I use a bow, I have to go far away too. Then I have to endure in front of the captain alone?”

At Minyul’s answer, Seojun slowly nodded.

Even though he didn’t say anything, it was Min-yul who recognized Seo-jun’s intentions at once.

“Hey… Brothers.”

At that moment, Soo-yeon, who had been still, opened her mouth.

As Seo-joon and Min-yul’s eyes turned, Su-yeon pointed her finger forward and said.

“That… all the people staring…?”


Seo-joon followed Soo-yeon’s fingers and turned his gaze slowly, only then was he able to face the gazes pouring down on him.

“uh···? Isn’t that Kim Seojun?”

“Kim Seojun? Kim Seo-joon who won the Hunter Mill Mock Test?”

“I think the immigration rate is next to it?”

In addition, whispering sounds could be heard from some of the students who recognized Seo-jun.

And I also felt a cold gaze from somewhere.

Seo-joon turned his head at the gaze that felt uniquely different from the others.

Then, there was a man who was staring at Seo-joon with an expression as if he had cut out his emotions.

‘Did he say Siwoo Jeong…?’

It was none other than Gaon Academy’s Jeong Si-woo.

Jeong Si-woo, who met Seo-joon’s eyes, kept looking at Seo-joon for a while, then quickly turned around and left.

And at that very moment, the sound of Minyul shouting to people was heard.

“Now people are recognizing! everyone! He is our captain!”

“hey! because it’s noisy Be quiet!”

Seo-joon tried to stop Min-yul, but Min-yul was reckless.

I don’t know if it’s because of that, but the name Gaon Academy was forgotten in people’s minds.

at the same time.

[Huntermill Academy – Divine Team: 31 minutes 11 seconds (clear).]

[Ale Academy – Team Leona: 32 minutes 24 seconds (clear).]

After that, clearing teams also received surprisingly little attention.


After a short break after round 1, round 2 was played.

The raid battle that went on like that, the second round was none other than a round to evaluate the teamwork of the students.

And the evaluation method was to bring the magic crystal located at the end of the dungeon within the time limit.

The faster it was, the higher the score was measured, and of course, you couldn’t just walk and bring it.

Iron gruck.

Iron gruck.

“After Arachne, is this time Dyurahan?”

Seo-joon shook his head as he looked at the group of Dyurahans that filled his vision.

No, it was more accurate to say that it was a ‘corps’ rather than a ‘group’.

Dyurahan is a monster called a headless knight and was a 7-star monster like Arachne.

A monster commonly known as a sub-class of Death Knight.

Considering that the Death Knight was a 10-star monster, even if it was backward compatible, it was not an easy opponent to watch.

Of course, the combination of Seojun, Minyul, and Suyeon could break through even the Dullahan army.


“brother. I guess it keeps regenerating?”

Somehow, in this dungeon, Dyurahan seemed to continue to regenerate.

Of course, monsters do not regenerate in actual dungeons.

However, this was not an actual dungeon, but a dungeon realized through magic.

As long as the supply of magic power continued, infinite regeneration was possible.

So, the point of the second round was this.

Break through the infinitely regenerating Dyurahan Corps and bring the magic crystal at the end of the dungeon.

In the process, the intention was to evaluate students’ strategies and judgment.

“This time… it will be a bit difficult.”

It was difficult, of course, but not impossible.

Anyway, the point of the 2nd round is to bring the magic crystal, not to defeat the Dyurahan Corps.

If you use what you learned from Jang Sam-bong’s footwork lecture, clearing was no problem.

However, it was unclear whether Min-yul and Soo-yeon would survive while Seo-jun retrieved the magic crystal.

So Seo-joon grabbed Longinus’s spear.

But just then

“Leader. I’ll go get it.”

Suddenly, Min-yul took a step forward and stopped Seo-joon.

When Seo-jun tilted his head, Min-yul smiled pleasantly.


Then, suddenly, the body blurred and disappeared from sight.

For a while, Seojun was embarrassed.

With Min-yul’s clear momentum that he could feel through his senses, Seo-joon was able to realize that Min-yul had used stealth.

“uh? Minyul brother?”

Seeing Min-yul suddenly disappear, Soo-yeon widened her eyes.

Seojun looked directly at Minyul and said.

“Your stealth skills are more sophisticated than last time?”

“Ah… as expected, the captain is fooling me. I practiced a lot…”

When Seo-joon grasped the existence of Min-yul at once, Min-yul muttered sullenly.

Seeing Min-yul like that, Seo-joon let out a smile.

Selflessness is called the end of stealth.

If even the ignorance that took one step to that stage could not escape Chiron’s senses, much less Minyul.

“What, what…? I can’t see anything, but I hear Minyul oppa’s voice. Seojun oppa, can you see Minyul oppa? I can’t see any?”

“No, I can’t see either. It just feels.”

Soo-yeon just put on a puzzled expression.

“Anyway, Captain. I’ll get it right away, so wait here.”

With the words of Minyul that followed, Minyul moved between Dullahan’s corps.

As Minyul approached the Dullahans army, the Dyurahans turned to Minyul.


However, as if they didn’t feel any other suspiciousness, the Dyurahans only turned around again.

Dullahan is a monster with the title of Headless Knight.

Its strength was higher than other 7-star monsters, but on the contrary, its senses were dull.

Of course, it was relatively dull, but not stupidly dull.

If that were the case, it wouldn’t have even been given the rank of a 7-star monster.

However, Minyul’s stealth was enough to deceive Dullahan’s senses.



[Dream Academy – Dream Team: 4 minutes 23 seconds (clear).]

[Gaon Academy – Class Team: 57 minutes 32 seconds (clear).]

[Huntermill Academy – Divine Team: 1 hour 2 minutes. (Clear).]

[Ale Academy – Team Leona: 1 hour 4 minutes. (Clear).]

Even in the second round, the Dream Team eventually widened an overwhelming gap and took the lead.

And the following raid battle, round 3.

It was none other than a round that evaluated strength, teamwork, and raid judgment at the same time.

The method was to kill a very small monster called Link Bell.

Linkbell was a monster the size of a baseball that flew through the sky.

And in fact, it was not a monster that occurred in a dungeon, but an artificial monster created by magic science.

To be precise, it was a drone made for surveillance purposes.

But it was fast, and the size was too small.

In addition, the link bell of the raid battle had a special modification that made it hard to be destroyed unless it was an attack with a certain amount of mana.

Therefore, in the third round, the key was how quickly to defeat such a link bell.

In the process, the intention was to comprehensively evaluate the team members’ coordination and combat sense.

“I will solve this.”

But for Seo-joon, those things didn’t matter at all.


“How is your brother?”

Seeing Min-yul and Soo-yeon tilt their heads, Seo-joon smiled slightly.

Then, without hesitation, he took out Gungnir from the kibisis.

No matter how small the link bell is.

no matter how fast

whatever the stiffness.

It had no meaning in front of Gungnir.

Hey hey profit!

When Seo-joon threw the gungnir, the gungnir was shot out, scattering a fierce pangong sound.


Linkbell sensed Gungnir and moved quickly.

It was hard to even follow with the eyes as it roamed the sky drawing a Z at a tremendous speed.


shhh! Shih!

Gungnir fiercely followed the Link Bell’s movements.

It even overpowered the speed and pursued Link Bell like a hound chasing its prey.


Link Bell panicked and quickly ran away, but…



In the end, he could not escape Gungnir and was reconciled with a handful of ashes.



[Dream Academy – Dream Team: 19 seconds (clear).]

[Gaon Academy – Class Team: 21 minutes 37 seconds (clear).]

[Huntermill Academy – Divine Team: 24 minutes 53 seconds. (Clear).]

[Ale Academy – Team Leona: 23 minutes 4 seconds. (Clear).]

The 3rd round was overwhelming, so the gap was devastating.

By this point, people began to transcend envy, jealousy, and even awe.

“Is this… a contest right?”

“What are they…”

“It’s a battle… it’s a battle…!”

“What are you teaching at Dream Academy…?”

but only one person.

“Haa… I shouldn’t have sent it out after all.”

Seoyoonman only let out a deep sigh.

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