Transcension Academy Chapter 70

Episode 70 – New wine in a new bottle (2)

The Sword Master had an expression as if he had seen someone who shouldn’t be here.

And the Sword Saint’s thoughts weren’t completely wrong.

“I don’t know how many years it has been since we met like this. When I was young, it seems like only yesterday when the five of us hung out all day… How have you been?”

However, Maseong said hello with a happy expression, as if he knew what the Sword Master was thinking.

Maseong’s face showed the joy of meeting an old friend after a long time.

The tingling life of the Sword Master slightly softened.

Geomsung stared at Demonseong for a long time without saying a word, and Maseong burst into laughter and said to Geomsung.

“But what happened here all of a sudden? I bet you didn’t come here because you were worried about me…”

Demonic castle just remembered the appearance of the sword castle and continued.

“Looks like the young man has something to do… Were the two of you so special?”

“Why are you here? What is that like?”

“I guess it wasn’t because I was worried. haha.”

Maseong smiled lightly.

It was a way of speaking that would make anyone feel sad at first glance.

However, the familiarity that comes from knowing the existence of the Sword Saint was more strongly felt in the demonic expression seen from the side.

Maseong looked at Seojun once.

Then, with a cool smile, he spoke to the swordsman.

“I almost died while performing Gaekgi. That’s why I’m taking care of the hospital for a while.”

“what? Are you about to die? you?”

Then, the one who was surprised this time was the Sword Saint.

Swordsman slowly looked at the Demonic Castle with serious eyes, then spat out words.

“They say everyone is dying… that’s true.”

“Sword Saint, I’m still envious of you being lively. What’s your secret? Don’t be the only one who knows, let me know too.”

“Was it hard to see you talking nonsense?”

“I almost died. If that young man hadn’t come to rescue me, I really would have died.”

Then Maseong pointed at Seojun with his finger.

The gaze of the swordsman also naturally headed there.

At that moment, as if recalling a fact that the Sword Saint had forgotten, his expression contorted like a bloodbath.

“Yes, you bastard…!”

The swordsman’s vitality, which had softened for a moment, began to soar again.

Seo-joon hurriedly waved his hands and said.

“Oh, no. Sword Master. I didn’t mean to do that, I really couldn’t help it…!”

“Shut up!! You didn’t do it to sell him as you wished, did you? In the meantime, I passed because of Seoyoon, but they run rampant without knowing the end!”

However, the swordsman didn’t even think about listening to Seo-jun’s excuses.

And honestly, even if Seojun thought about it, he could understand why Geomseong was like that.

So this time, Seo-joon was wrong a hundred times, but considering the case where Gungnir didn’t exist, it was a choice that Seo-joon had no choice but to make.

However, the value of the Blue Dragon Sword was too great for the Sword Master to understand the situation.

It was the time when Geomseong approached Seo-joon, emitting a tingling life again.

“I don’t know why, but can you please forgive that young man once, even by looking at my face?”

Suddenly, the Demonic Spirit said to the Sword Saint.

“It’s none of your business.”

However, the swordsman didn’t move at all.

Maseong added the words as if he knew that.

“I think that young man did something very wrong with you. Maybe that young man didn’t do that for nothing. There must have been some inevitable reason or circumstances that could not be helped.”

At that moment, the sword star stopped.

Then he looked at the devil with an expression of disbelief and said.

“……Did you know you would say that?”

“Time takes away a lot, but at the same time it teaches a lot.”

Maseong smiled at the same time.

It is as if he thoroughly believes in Seo-joon without any doubt.


The swordsman just stared blankly at that demonic nature.

That was also because the Demonic Castle that the Sword Master knew was never a great person.

Demons don’t trust anyone.

To be precise, I don’t believe in anything.

Aside from demonic nature, the tribe of wizards was like that in the first place.

When something happens, we do not accept it as it is.

Those who doubt and constantly ask questions to find out the cause are the ones who can be released from their direct control.

And Maseong (魔星) was the one who was called the pinnacle of such magicians.

In the past years, the only people who expressed that demonic belief were the five heroes and the demonic disciple, Jung Ji-min.

The Demonic Spirit that the Sword Master knew did not carelessly say such things, and he was not a great person to do so.

That’s why the swordsman wondered if the demon in front of him was really the demon he knew.

“…Still, this guy has crossed the line.”

However, the swordsman had no intention of forgiving Seo-joon.

At this point, I asked the Sword Saint if the Demon Saint was also curious.

“What the hell did that young man do wrong, Sword Saint, did you go that far?”

The swordsman gritted his teeth and spat out the words.

“That guy sold my blue dragon sword.”


And Maseong tilted his head as if doubting his own ears.

‘Blue dragon sword’ and ‘sold.’

Just as the swordsman knew the demons well, the demons knew the swordsmen well.

To be precise, the five heroes knew each other well.

So Maseong knew well what the swordsman thought of the blue dragon sword and what it meant.

But you sold that blue dragon sword?

Is that the young man in front of me?

No, there was no way the swordsman would hand over the blue dragon sword to someone else in the first place?

“What is that…”

Maseong was so confused in his head.

Then, in a flash of memory, Maseong said to the Sword Saint.

“for a moment. Then, the weapon that you said you bought for that young man was probably purchased by selling the blue dragon sword?”

These were the words Seo-jun said when Maseong first saw Gungnir in a dungeon.


Seo-joon trembled at the sudden demonic words.

Something… is going quite wrong.

“What do you mean?”

Sure enough, the swordsman turned his head and asked the demon.

“You sold my blue dragon sword and bought your own weapon?”

“Didn’t you buy it for me?”

“Buy me? I?”

“That young man said you bought him a weapon… didn’t he?”

As if it was a promise, the eyes of the Sword Master and Demonic Star turned to Seo-Jun.

And Seo-joon could feel it.

what really happened…

Seo-joon poured out all his excuses with all his might.

“Oh no! Not for sale! I left it for a while as collateral! You can go find it! Not much! If you go to the association president now…!”


A tremendous life burst out from the Sword Saint.

“Should I still forgive him?”

Maseong shook his head and replied.

“…… Kill it, but drink it.”

Geomseong left behind the demonic words and strode toward Seo-jun.


“You didn’t really sell the blue dragon sword, and demonic nature said that, so I won’t kill you. Just one, no more, no less. I will go one step at a time.”

The swordsman clenched his fists tightly.

Fortunately, I didn’t draw my sword.

“Avoid. blocked die or not take care of it.”

I couldn’t tell if it was really fortunate.

Creepy energy continued to flow into the fist of the Sword Master.

It seemed that the swordsman was planning to end it with one sword rather than one sword.

Seoyoon was restless and didn’t know what to do.

Mancheol couldn’t control his trembling body.

However, Suyeon, who said she was coming with Seoyoon, couldn’t see what was going on.

Apparently, as soon as he found out Seo-jun’s whereabouts, he went into a fit of rage and the sword spirit ran out, so it seemed that only Seo-yoon immediately followed.

“Hey, wait! I can come find you! so···!”

“So, didn’t you say you’d end up with one thing?”

The swordsman raised his fist with those words.

Sweet baby!

Then, the swordsman’s fist rushed towards Seo-jun, scattering a creepy force.

And Seojun unwittingly threw his fist at the fist of the swordsman.

It wasn’t my intention to resist or stop it.

It was just an instinctive action stemming from Chiron’s senses.

So, the moment he punched Seo-joon, he could immediately realize that he was crazy.

It was because, apart from the reaction of the Sword Master, even if it was just a fist, the momentum itself could not win.

But it was too late to turn around, and in the end, the two fists collided.


In an instant, a shivering vibration erupted in the air.




For some reason, the fist of the swordsman could not overwhelm Seojun.

They were just punching each other, and in terms of momentum, Seo-joon was not unilaterally pressed.

“…turn off!”

Of course, Seo-joon had to feel the pain of a broken arm in return.

But the people who see it. In particular, the Sword Master and the Devil’s eyes were tearing open.

It wasn’t the pain of a broken arm, it was because he really had to break it.

No, it had to be crushed rather than broken.

“Keep it off!”

However, Seojun only spat out grotesque sounds, and his arm itself was fine.

and true.

‘Why is this…?’

While Seo-joon also felt the intense pain, he was quite surprised inside.

It was because he had experienced the confrontation with the swordsman in the past, and it made no sense.

Even if it’s only been a few days.

However, if there was a difference between Seojun then and Seojun now, there was only one.

‘Could it be… because of the progress of the Hercules River?’

“This bastard…!”

However, before there was time to continue questioning, the swordsman began to clenched his fists once more.

Seojun hurriedly shouted at the appearance of the swordsman.

“Ugh! I heard you hit me once! Blocking, avoiding, or dying is up to you! One mouth cannot speak twice!”

Then, the swordsman’s expression began to turn red in an instant.

Seojun hurriedly got up from his seat.

“Well, then I’ll get some fresh air and come back! The two of you, please share a meeting after a long time!”

After that, the swordsman didn’t want to catch him, so he quickly ran out of the hospital room.

“Sir, Seo-jun!”

“hey! Me, I go too!”

Following Seo-jun, Seo-yoon and Man-cheol also rushed out of the hospital room.



In that way, only the swordsman and the devil were left in the hospital room.


Geomseong kicked his tongue once with an uncomfortable expression.

Then, the Demonic Spirit smiled and said to the Sword Saint.

“Heh heh heh. Sword Saint, you must have aged too. I even control my strength in case I really die.”

“… If you really die, it’s just a headache. But to think it would be like this…”

“That surprised me too.”

Maseong smiled and said to the Sword Saint.

“Hey, you don’t really hate that young man, do you?”

“gibberish. A bastard who doesn’t want to see things like that. If I can clean it up, I want to get rid of it right away.”

“Isn’t it because Seoyoon likes that young man a lot?”


At the devilish smirk, the swordsman was speechless for a moment.

Then, the Sword Saint clicked his tongue and said.

“noisy. Stop talking about that.”

The swordsman slumped into a chair next to the Demonic Castle.

Then, in an instant, his eyes changed and he asked Maseong.

“So what happened?”

Before long, the Demon Castle also changed its momentum in an instant.

It was only a change in the momentum of the two people, but the atmosphere flowing in the hospital room fell heavily.

After a little time passed, Maseong slowly opened his mouth.

“I was investigating the 10-star dungeon break that occurred last time. And at the end of the investigation, we were able to find out that the Jinrihoe had intervened.”

The Sword Master did not give any answer to the devil’s words.

Is it because it is a fact that you already know?

Or was it that he decided to listen to the devil’s words to the end and decide?

Maseong looked at the sword castle once and continued talking.

“So I changed my route and pursued the Jinrihoe rather than the dungeon. And at the end, I was able to observe the Jinrihoe making strange movements targeting a certain dungeon.”

“Are you saying that the Distortion of the Dungeon was perpetrated by the Truth Society?”

As the demonic nodded slowly, the swordsman shook his head resolutely.

“You know better than that that doesn’t make sense, right? On what basis do you say that the Jinrihoe perpetrated it?”

To the Sword Master’s question, the Devil was silent for a moment.

So Maseong paused for a while and then slowly opened his mouth.

“……Actually, there is no exact evidence. So I don’t even know how that could be.”

“Then what for…”

“The apostle moved.”

The swordsman shuddered and trembled.

But he quickly shook his head and said.

“The Jinrihoe intervened because of just that…”

“Wouldn’t the story be a bit different if traces of the Apostle of Temperance were found in the 10-star dungeon where the Distortion took place?”


However, the two pupils of the Sword Master began to shake violently at the continued demonic answer.

The seven apostles were those who were called the leaders of the Jinrihoe.

In addition, they are respected and respected worldwide.

Everywhere they go, they are treated like heads of state, so if you visit Korea, you cannot miss it.

Therefore, it was strange that the apostle of temperance was even in Korea without any news.

By the way, the traces were found in the dungeon where the Distortion occurred?

“So I tracked down Jinrihoe.”

And the demonic story that followed was none other than what happened in the dungeon that Seo-joon went to save.

Exactly, the story before entering and after.

Then, Maseong brought up the story of when he faced the huge tree.


“It would be more correct to see it as evolution rather than mutation. You’ll know for sure if you do your research. I already told the president of the association to quietly secure the corpse, so I plan to hand it over to Jimin soon.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?”

To the Sword Master’s question, Maseong just smiled instead of answering.

The whole story is over, even the process of felling that huge tree.

“He… took care of that monster?”

“exactly. You should have seen the scene then.”

“It can’t be…?”

However, the swordsman could not easily believe such a demonic story.

It was because a few days ago, when Seo-joon faced off against Seo-jun, the sword master saw that Seo-joon was not at that level of skill and level.

However, there was no way that the Demonic Spirit would lie, so the Sword Saint was confused in his head.

Maseong looked at the Sword Master and said.

“You still can’t recognize that young man.”

“Honestly, yes. Even if what you say is true, I do not accept it. Exactly…”

“It must be that you don’t trust pro hunters.”

Hearing the words of the demon who was listening to his words, the sword saint slowly nodded and continued.

“I couldn’t see the proper ones compared to those who stretched out because they were S-class hunters. These guys are nothing.”

“Right. Nothing. I am of the same opinion as you.”

The devil’s thoughts were not too different from the thoughts of the swordsman.

To be precise, it would be a common thought among the heroes of Cataclysm.

Of course, the S-class Hunters were so powerful that they were considered national power, but these two were well qualified to say so.

And these two weren’t just talking about their level of skill.

The position of heroes and professional hunters in a changed era.

Being a professional hunter was no longer just a lucrative job.

However, these two did not deny the trend of the times.

The two heroes struggled for decades because they had been waiting for peace more than anyone else.

But the world is still not as safe as they think.

The unknown threat of Jinrihoe.

When all the heroes disappear one day and the threat rises, will the world have the strength to fight against it?

Perhaps the true purpose of Jinrihoe was not like this.

Just as the Demonic Spirit was agonizing over and over again, the Sword Saint was also agonizing over the same.

Compared to the heroes, today’s pro hunters were nothing, so the Sword Saint’s expression darkened.

“By the way, Sword Saint.”

At that moment, a demonic voice was heard.

Mars said.

“Sometimes the person you thought was nothing. He does what no one else can do, moreover.”

Maseong, who looked at Geomseong, was looking at the door of the hospital room with a calm smile on his face.

It was none other than the door of the hospital room where Seo-joon had jumped out.

“Our time is passing. Perhaps it has already passed.”

“What does that mean?”

Maseong looked at the sword castle.

And the expression of Maseong from the perspective of Geomseong.

“A lot of time has passed, Sword Saint. haha.”

It was just infinitely calm.


Seo-joon ran out of the hospital room and went straight out of the hospital.

I wondered if the swordsman would come after him, but luckily he didn’t.

“I have to go in a few days and return it right away.”

To do so, he needed 500 million won, but fortunately, there was quite a lot of money he could receive from the devil, so it wasn’t a big problem.

Either way, everything related to this incident has been resolved well.

“Ahh… that hurts so bad.”

It was only then that Seo-joon could feel the tingling pain in his arm.

I was wondering if it was really broken that it still hurts every time I move it, but it didn’t seem like it.

“How could this be…”

It was an instinctive act without even knowing it, and Seo-jun himself knew it was crazy.

That’s why Seo-jun also knew very well that it shouldn’t end like this.

“Alternatively, because of how much the progress of the Hercules lecture has gone up…”

Out of curiosity, Seo-jun immediately picked up his smartphone and connected to the transcendent academy.

He immediately checked the progress of Hercules’ lecture.


<Progress of Hercules Lecture 47.3% (+47.3%)>


Seo-joon couldn’t help but doubt his own eyes.

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