Transcension Academy Chapter 68

Episode 68 – Overwhelming Power (2)

“Uh, how…!”

Seo-joon felt his muscles stiffen.

At the same time, no matter how much I tried to deny the reality in front of my eyes, this scene imprinted with my two eyes was a clear reality.

It must have hit the core of the gongnir.

There was no possibility that Gungnir had missed in the first place.

If so, there is one possibility that I can think of.

“Could it be that the nukes weren’t destroyed?”

But even this didn’t make sense.

“How the hell…!”

That’s why Seo-joon’s head was so confused right now.


The guy who got up before he knew it let out a rough roar.

murderous intent and malice. despair and anger.

There was an illusion that all the negative emotions were lumped together and seething.

It was only then that Seo-joon was able to grasp the truth with the fatal sound that colored the sky black.

Its massive body had been torn apart by Gungnir.

And in the torn place, there was a huge red bead-like thing that was no longer recognizable.

It was true that Gungnir destroyed his core.

However, next to the bursting red orb, a similar small orb was shining faintly.

Of course, it was relatively small compared to the existing one, but it was also about the size of a large rock.

And what it meant was quite predictable.

Sure enough, a demonic voice came as if to add confidence to that expectation.

“Ha, there were two nuclei!!”

The face of Maseong, who looked back slowly, was colored with astonishment.



It let out a furious roar and shot out stems and thorns.

Perhaps because one core was destroyed, the number of protruding stems and branches decreased, but the threat remained the same.

Seo-joon kicked off the ground and ran to Man-cheol and Ma-seong.

And the moment he stood in front of it and tried to hold the spear of Longinus in reverse.

Wow— oh!

A translucent film formed around it, blocking the stems and branches that were shooting at it.

Looking back, Demonic Spirit reached out and formed a barrier around it.


But it didn’t seem like it would last long.

Seojun quickly grasped the current situation.

Putting everything else aside, the remaining cores must be destroyed to defeat him.

If there was Gungnir, it would have been solved at once, but the problem was that Gungnir could not be retrieved now.

Though Seo-joon poured all his energy into ending it with a single blow, he wondered if he was conscious of Gungnir tearing him apart.

uh uh uh…

It covered the area with stems and branches, making Gungnir impossible to find.

He couldn’t use Gungnir, but Seojun still had the spear of Longinus.

Destroying a nuclear weapon is possible if only a direct hit is possible.

In the end, Seo-jun had to deal with him directly and insert the spear of Longinus into the remaining core.

Seojun, who quickly judged the situation, said to Maseong.

“Can you use weakening magic again?”

“Somehow… I will try! Cool! But as it stands…!”

Maseong didn’t say anything, but Seojun was able to grasp the meaning.

Wow— oh! Wow— oh!

Even at this moment, its stems and branches continued to pound the barrier.

“I’ll get his attention.”

“But… then you…! Cool!”

“I don’t have time to go through each one. We have to do what we can now.”

Seo-joon ran out of the barrier without hearing the devil’s answer.

Paba Baba Baba Park.

When Seo-jun came out of the barrier, countless stems and branches poured down on him.

Attacks that could inflict fatal wounds on each one.

Were these attacks blocked? Even in such a miserable state.

Seo-joon was able to realize once again how great the devil is.

However, no matter how demonic it was, it would not be possible to block it indefinitely.

Even now, he was coughing up blood and seemed like he was about to collapse.

Maybe you’ve already hit the limit.

After seizing the spear of Longinus in reverse, Seo-joon swung it wide and threw himself.


Seo-joon gritted his teeth in the rain that continued to pour down, thinking.

At that moment, I felt the fishy taste of blood between my lips.

Is biting your teeth biting your lips?

The fishy smell of blood felt on the tip of his tongue sharpened Seo-jun’s mind.

Seo-joon grabbed Longinus’s spear to break it, and moved toward him as if he were shooting.

uh uh uh…

The guy who noticed Seo-joon’s existence turned his gaze wildly.

In addition, he seemed to know that the being was the one who destroyed his core.

The stems and branches that had been shooting at Maseong and Mancheol focused on Seojun.

Baba Baba Baba Bak!


Seo-jun could not come to his senses from the attack that raged like a typhoon.

As before, approaching him, rather than simply luring him in, was on a different level.

Chow! Chow!

Every time he took a step closer to the center of the storm, Seo-joon had to give up many things.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!

“Turn it off!”

And at some point, Seo-joon could no longer approach him.

If I squeezed the spear in reverse and rotated it, I couldn’t move it from the spot.

But after avoiding it, I was far away from him before I knew it.

It wouldn’t have been like this if Jang Sam-bong had taught him how to walk a little.

Sadness and regret came flooding in, but now was not the time to think about it.

Seo-joon moved forward little by little, entrusting himself to his senses.

And then, when the momentary time that seemed like an eternity had passed.

Cheer la la rock!

Suddenly, a huge black chain emerged from the ground and violently bound him.

It was none other than demonic weakening magic.

However, unlike before, the number of black chains was small and the thickness was also thin.

It seemed that it was because he had exhausted his strength and cast it in a hurry.



Sure enough, as the chained one began to struggle wildly, the chain made an ominous sound as if it were about to break.

But with that, he showed a very small gap, and it was a huge opportunity for Seo-joon.

Seo-joon took that momentary opportunity and jumped off the ground.


Recognizing such Seo-jun, he hurriedly sent out stems and branches.


However, with the main core destroyed, the demonic weakening magic could not radiate the same momentum as before.


Seojun swung Longinus’s spear wide and was able to parry his attacks.


Seo-joon quickly got closer to him and was able to approach him quickly.

Seo-joon spurred his body and jumped up.

And I could clearly see the faintly glowing red orb in its huge body.


Seojun poured the power of the blade into the aura of Longinus.


Wave window!

At that moment, one of the black chains that bound him broke.

At the same time, as he is released from bondage, a terrible death attack attacks Seo-jun.

An eerie sensation runs through Seo-joon’s body and an alarm bell rings in his head.

Hey hey profit!

His gigantic arms surge through the air.


A sound like sharp claws tearing pieces of meat exploded from Seo-jun’s body.


Seo-joon’s body floated in the air with a sharp pain that seemed to tear his whole body.

Soon after, Seo-joon’s body was roughly thrown to the floor, and this time, pain as if all muscles were being cut off.

And in that agony, Seo-joon thought.

Can’t win.

Longinus’ spear is enough to rip his core apart.

That’s why I thought I would just have to get closer, but that was a big mistake.

According to the Demonic Spirit, he was a type of mutant, and in a way, he was an evolution of a dryad.

An evolutionary monster that eliminates Dryad’s weaknesses and maximizes its strengths.

Normally, dryads are vulnerable to melee combat, but they did not have the same weakness as dryads.

Pasasa sasasak.

Looking at the pouring shower of death, Seo-joon had such a thought.


A translucent membrane suddenly created in front of Seo-jun delayed Seo-jun’s death for a while.

When I raised my head with difficulty, Maseong stood in front of Seo-jun.

“Escape… hit me…!”

And the devil said:

In fact, Maseong almost shuddered at Seojun.

I can’t believe that I am a student.

Reaching such an outstanding feat at the age of less than 30 meant that the future possibilities were even greater.

5 years? No, even after a year, there will be no one in Korea who doesn’t know Seojun’s name.

And again, after a year, I couldn’t imagine what would happen to the devil.

Seo-joon, who Maseong looked at, couldn’t even fathom his potential.

As long as you don’t despair and get frustrated with the wall you’re facing.

One day, Seo-jun had the possibility of becoming a hero of mankind beyond a Korean hero.

‘But… right now it’s so lacking.’

So you must live.

Even if he dies instead of himself, even if he dies in full, he must save this young man.

“Right Now···! Run away!”

Ma-seong protected Seo-joon while slashing his own life span.

“I don’t…”

However, Seo-joon’s answer was not like that.

When I turned around and looked at the devil, Seo-joon was raising his body.

He was still collapsing, as if he had been badly injured by the blow.

However, Seo-joon was trying to get up somehow by using the spear pole as a support.

Whoops! Whoops!

Even at this moment, it continued to shoot stems and branches.

The demon shouted.

“Don’t be rude!”

That was an object.

A common feature of young people.

What I couldn’t do was what I couldn’t do.

The ideal and the reality are clearly different.

Normally, I dreamed while looking at the ideal, but at the decisive moment, I had to look at the reality.

Whoops! Whoops!

There is no way out of this situation now.

If you go on like this, everyone will die.

“Shouldn’t I live! I don’t have much time left to live anyway! You don’t have to risk your life for me!!”

Maseong shouted, but Seojun didn’t listen.

“Why are you doing this!! Don’t be foolish! Face reality!!”

At that moment, Seojun asked.

“Then…why didn’t Maseongnim run away?”

Whoops! Whoops!

It pierced through the screams that sounded like a thunderclap and clearly penetrated the devil’s ears.

“Why didn’t you abandon us and run away? Why didn’t you abandon Mr. Mancheol? If you wanted to do it, you could have done it right away.”

Seojun continued.

“Then why are you trying to sacrifice yourself right now?”

It was the right choice to run away as the devil said.

Leaving Maseong behind, taking Man-cheol and escaping from this place was the best decision he could make in the current situation.

Conversely, the worst decision was to fight him as it is.

But why?

[What do you guys think power is?]

Seojun suddenly remembered what Hercules had said in the first lecture.

The first lecture of Hercules I listened to after barely finishing my daily assignments.

There, Hercules said:

[In orientation, I emphasized the importance of muscles. But the power I want to teach is actually not like that.]

[Power is nothing more than physical force. Power is not like that.]

[Then, someone will ask like this. Then, what is the power that the instructor thinks?]

Hercules posed a question and was silent for a long while.

It was so long that I wondered if the lecture had stopped.

At the end, Hercules slowly opened his mouth in a serious voice that was not like his own.

[I was atonement.]

For a moment, Seo-joon wondered what Hercules was saying all of a sudden.

To the question of what power is, he suddenly answered, “Atonement,” so it was only natural.

However, the story of Hercules continued, and Seo-joon was dumbfounded.

Hercules can be said to be the most famous being in all the myths and legends that reign over the earth, if you look at the word ‘hero’ alone.

And the story that Hercules brought out was none other than when he was undergoing the 12 trials.

From the Nemean lion to the nine-headed hydra, to the golden apple and to holding up the sky.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this ordeal reborn Hercules as a true hero.

And Hercules said of his feelings at that time:

[I was contemplating suicide at the time.]

The reason, Heracles confessed, was that, in a fit of madness, he had killed his wife and son.

After waking up from madness, Hercules couldn’t stand the extreme guilt and decided to commit suicide.

However, with the persuasion of his close friend Theseus, who noticed this, he walked the path of the 12 trials himself.

The first step of the hero we know is not grandiose aspirations and grit, but atonement stemming from guilt.

[I walked the path of 12 trials for atonement. And as I completed each ordeal, my reputation grew day by day.]

[Then people started laughing at me.]

What kind of honor would a man who killed his children and wife with his own hands find?

Is it good to hear that you are a hero by yourself? to be shameless

What kind of hero is this guy? It’s just garbage.

[People laughed at you, saying you couldn’t be a hero.]

[And that was true. Because I have committed too great a sin to be called a hero.]

[That’s why people criticized me, citing thousands and tens of thousands of reasons why I couldn’t be a hero.]

[I decided to commit suicide once again after the accusation, but… I kept going.]

[If I live for so many people, if I make sacrifices enough to be considered foolish, and if I can exist as such a person in the far-distant future to the point where I take it for granted.]

[Only then will I be able to forgive myself of that day.]

Hercules spoke again.

[The power that brought me to this point was atonement.]

Thus, Hercules was able to complete the tasks of the 12 trials and become a hero.

In addition, he accomplished the miracle of rescuing the gods of Olympus from Gigantomachia, the twilight of the gods and the end of Greek and Roman mythology.

Hercules, who went mad and killed his wife and children, was at the end of the road of atonement.

He became the greatest hero in all of Greek and Roman mythology.

said Hercules.

[When you guys want to do something, when you want to become something. People will shake their heads no.]

[The reason why you can’t be. why you can’t I will find thousands and tens of thousands of things and tell you.]

[Like I heard while performing the trials.]

[But I want to say. That doesn’t matter at all.]


[There are thousands and tens of thousands of reasons why it cannot be! It’s not even the thousands or tens of thousands of reasons why you can’t do it! It’s not even about overcoming them!]

[It’s one thing. The only reason you have to be yourself!]

[Makes a person a hero.]



Seojun finally got up.

Then, holding on to Longinus’s spear, he trudged forward.

one foot. two feet.

And when he took off three steps, the Demon Spirit shouted.

“Crazy! You know very well that you can’t win, that you’re a monster that you can’t handle at the current level!”

Seojun did not deny Maseong’s words.

No, I couldn’t deny it.

You know better than anyone that you can’t win.

Even so, Seo-joon doesn’t let go of this window…

A sticky fear grips Seo-jun and stretches.

A certain hesitation whispers to Seo-jun.

However, Seo-joon trudged and moved on.

“Stop!! It’s just a futile effort!!”

A demonic cry from behind.

At the same time, Hercules’ voice broke through once again.

[Remember. When the whole world whispers that you won’t work.]

[This is the limit. When the thought comes to mind.]

[When the thought that you will never be able to do it constantly fills up!]


[Take a step.]


[Go on.]


[Still honest.]

Hercules said and defined it thus:

[That is the real power, and the true power that springs from the muscles of the soul.]

[Divine Power]




[It is an ‘overwhelming force’ that breaks everything.]

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!

The trembling body becomes calm. My heart was beating like an explosion, but my head was cold.

In the storm of turbulent magical power, Seo-joon stepped forward.

Something unknown rising in the chest set fire to the dying soul.

There are thousands of reasons why you can’t beat him.

There are tens of thousands of reasons why Seo-jun had to run away.

And the reason why Seojun has to fight like this…

Seojun has lived for 28 years now.

From the perspective of the demonic castle that has gone through a cataclysm, it would only be a short period of time if it was long and long.

That’s why Maseong could define Seo-jun’s behavior as ‘a guest’.

But to the devil, only 28 years.

For Seo-joon, it was a lifetime.

I don’t want to throw away my whole life with this one moment’s choice.

That moment.


The unknown power that had set fire to the dying soul began to surge through his body.

Seo-joon could feel the infinite power that could not know the end.

deep in the chest. No, an overwhelming power that springs from somewhere that cannot be defined.


He let out a wild roar at Seo-jun.

Until just now, it had been the roar of a wrathful creature, but now, for some reason, it seemed that he was trembling with fear.

Pasasa sasasasasak!

Looking at the stems and branches pouring down, Seo-joon swung Longinus’s spear wide.



Destroyed the stems and branches with tremendous power pouring down.

Seo-jun immediately kicked off the ground and ran towards him.


Perhaps he thought that the trunk and branches no longer worked, and he swung his huge arm straight at Seo-joon.

Hey hey profit!

His gigantic arms surge through the air.


Seojun thrust out the spear of Longinus.



A monotonous sound was heard.

Even the illusion that sound was cut out in space was such a sound.

moment again


With a huge explosion that turns the world upside down.

Woo woo woo!

The giant tree fell.

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