Transcension Academy Chapter 67

Episode 67 – Overwhelming Power (1)

“I will break its core while Maseong-nim weakens it.”

Following Seo-jun’s words, Man-cheol and Maseong’s eyes turned to Seo-jun at the same time.

The two looked at each other with the same question, but there was a slight difference in their expression.

On the other hand, Man-cheol feels that Seo-joon can do it.

There was disbelief in the devil’s eyes.

It wasn’t exactly disbelief, but rather a lack of certainty.

“If you want to break the core, you can’t do it with a normal blow. It should literally be a ‘powerful’ shot.”

As expected, Maseong opened his mouth as if expressing concern.

In particular, Maseong said with strength to the word ‘strong’.

And the definition of ‘powerful’ that demonic says is far beyond common sense.

Then Maseong opened his mouth again as if to add an explanation.

“I’m ashamed to keep saying things like this, but my condition isn’t what it used to be. We’ll weaken it as much as we can, but we won’t incapacitate it. And above all… if I fail, I don’t know if I will ever get another chance.”

It was only then that Seojun could fully understand Maseong’s concerns.

It was clear that the weakening magic used by the old and sick demons would be infinitely shabby compared to the days of their heyday.

Besides, the Demonic Castle had gone through many death ordeals and was nothing more than a thin lifeline.

Seo-joon’s first aid was enough to talk like this, but in fact, it wasn’t strange at all if he collapsed right now.

So, if the plan was to be carried out, there was only one chance.

Since I had to risk everything at once, I needed confidence as a demon.

“I’d rather get his attention, so the two of us run away…”

So, Maseong turned to the next book, but Seojun shook his head firmly.

“It is quite possible.”

“It is surprising enough that you captured a pack of dryads. But not that guy. The class itself is different from the normal Dryad.”

Even so, Maseong did not easily nod his head.

So Seo-jun showed the gunggnir he was holding to Maseong.

“What is this…?”

“This is a spear that will put a powerful blow at him instead of me. Let’s take a look.”

A powerful blow that was unimaginable.

When Seojun spoke in a confident voice, Maseong slightly raised his body.

“ah. You must not touch it. If someone other than me touches it, I get a rejection reaction.”

“Rejection? Do you mean things recognize their owners?”

For a moment, Mancheol made an expression asking what kind of things he had.

“It looks like it has the owner’s stamp on it.”

However, he did not show any special reaction to the fact that he was also demonic.

Maseong carefully observed Gungnir.

“This, this…!”

No, I screamed as soon as I saw it.

Maseong, who Seo-jun looked at, had the same expression on his face as ‘his eyes are wide open.’

“Oh, how…! Can such complex circuits coexist without being twisted? Even in long weapons!”

Maseong observed Gungnir with admiration.

And Seo-joon was a little taken aback by such a violent reaction.

In fact, from the outside, in Seo-jun’s eyes, Goongnir was just an unusual looking spear.

I only guessed about its power and function because I bought it at the Transcendent Shop, but I just passed it on saying it was a good spear.

“Besides, I have no idea what kind of magic circuit this is… Oh my God! Are there circuits I can’t interpret? Above all, the energy coming out of this window is…”

However, it seemed that the devil was not like that.

Hagisa, if you think about it, Maseong was a hero of a cataclysm representing Korea and a wizard who compiled sorcery.

It was inevitable that the perspective and point of view were different from those of other people.

‘Coming to think of it, Jung Ji-min was like that too.’

Seojun shrugged and said.

“Is that possible enough?”

“Chu, far from being enough, it’s full and overflowing! If it’s like this, I don’t need my weakening magic.”

Maseong shouted excitedly, like a person who had forgotten that he was in a bad state.

It was similar to the reaction Jung Ji-min showed last time, in case someone was not the disciple of the teacher.

“Wait, where did you get these things from?”

“Ah, that’s…”

Seo-joon was speechless at the sudden question of Maseong.

He couldn’t say that he bought it at a transcendent store.

In the end, after thinking about it, Seojun just spat it out.

“Gemseong-nim bought it for me.”


Maseong tilted his head as if doubting his own ears for a moment.

“You wouldn’t be that kind of person…?”

However, when Seo-joon didn’t give any answer, Maseong only tilted his head, saying that it could never happen.


In the end, with the demonic consent, a plan was established to kill him.

There were small incidents along the way, but anyway.

A plan was quickly developed and it was as follows.

“The key is simple. If Maseong-nim weakens him, I will pierce his core with this spear.”

Of course, if it was Gungnir, even without demonic weakening magic, he would be able to penetrate its outer shell and reach its core.

Even so, the reason why I made this plan was because there was a possibility of what if.

If Gungnir can’t break through, things will get worse.

It doesn’t matter if you can retrieve Gungnir, but what if it’s difficult to retrieve Gungnir?

Then it becomes really irreversible.

So it was better to be sure than to take the risk.

“Maseong-nim. Can you cast weakening magic right away?”

“It is possible. It just loses power. But don’t worry. Even if it means changing lifespan…”

Seo-joon cut off his demonic words and shook his head resolutely.

“no. You don’t have to. Maseong-nim, make sure to prepare weakening magic. I will lure him out.”

The plan was like this.

Seo-joon buys time by luring him.

During that time, the Demonic Spirit prepares weakening magic with maximum power.

Then, when the weakening magic is applied, Seojun throws Gungnir to break its core.

A simple yet difficult plan.

And there were two variables that Seo-jun thought could occur in this plan.

The first is that while Seo-joon was luring him, he was beaten by him.

The second was that when he was under the weakening magic, he noticed the demonic presence and attacked the demonic nature, not Seojun.

As for the first variable, if Seo-jun did well, there would be no problem.

However, the second variable was not something Seo-jun could do just because he was good at it.

It was because I couldn’t do anything while the Demonic Spirit was using weakening magic.

So Seo-joon said as if asking Man-cheol.

“mister. I’ll try to draw as much attention as possible, but I can’t guarantee how things will turn out. If there is an unavoidable situation… Then there is only you.”

“Don’t worry. Because I don’t want to die leaving Suyeon behind. Did you hear the inspiration? If you don’t want to die, then stick to my back.”

Maseong weakly replied to Mancheol’s words.

“I’m not afraid… but please.”

“I’ve been inspired and jumped in. So just trust me.”

“…I will never forget this favor.”

That’s how the preparations ended at the same time as the plan explanation.

“Then we move little by little.”

At Seojun’s words, Mancheol and Maseong nodded with firm determination.

And it wasn’t long before I found him.


In the first place, the ground continued to vibrate around it like an earthquake, and it was so large that it could be seen from a distance, so it wasn’t too difficult to spot it.

“I’ll just go this far. If you get too close, the demon might notice it when he prepares his magic.”

“Then you won’t be that much more dangerous. rather…”

“no. Even if I take a little risk, this is right.”

At Seojun’s firm words, Maseong finally nodded.

And right away, as if they were preparing for magic, they began to feel waves of magic around them.

Since it required a great deal of concentration before casting, Mancheol also kept his mouth shut and did not move.

Seo-joon slowly got up from his seat, keeping his eyes on the two of them.

And quickly approached him.

uh uh uh…

As he got closer, Seo-joon could hear the strange sound it made.

It was grotesque, as if an old tree had a grudge against it.

In addition, the size of the thing seen up close was truly staggering.

If the dryad was at the level of a normal tree transformed, it was huge as if the world tree had materialized.

Above all, this huge aura felt around him.

Seo-joon could feel why Maseong struggled without filtering.


As if ignoring everything, he moved forward, destroying everything that stood in his way.

I don’t know if it’s because of that, but there were no dryads around.


Seojun took a deep breath.

Even so, the trembling tension did not go away.

A single mistake leads to death.

Seo-joon gritted his teeth and shouted at him.



Simultaneously with Seo-joon’s cry, he stood tall and stopped.

With the ground shaking slightly, he slowly turned his gaze toward Seo-joon.

uh uh uh uh…

And it was a moment.

Pasasa sasasak!

As soon as he found Seo-joon, he didn’t have to wait and immediately shot out stems and branches.

There was no hesitation at all, as if he had just found the prey he was looking for.


Countless stems and branches that could not even be counted because of its gigantic size covered the sky and rushed toward Seo-Jun.

“What crazy!”

Seo-joon spurred the ground and avoided the seat.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwam!

Then, the seat where Seojun had been until just now started to explode.

And originally, it was the timing where there should have been a term.


However, his attack did not end there, and as if chasing Seo-jun, who had escaped, the stalks rushed to Seo-jun like dominoes once again.


Seo-joon twisted his body and changed direction rapidly.

The direction was different from the direction where demonic and mancheol were located, but he had no choice but to avoid the pouring down stems.

In addition, the Demonic Spirit currently preparing weakening magic was unable to move.

When the target of the weakening magic was confirmed, he was able to borrow Mancheol’s back to move, but now he can’t even do that.

That’s why Seo-joon had to drag a little time.

uh uh uh uh…

As all of the attacks missed, it began to move toward Seo-joon with a bizarre sound.


Every time he moved, the surroundings were swept away.

A terrible sound is heard as if the world is collapsing.

Pasa sasasa sasak!

However, he pursued only Seo-jun, constantly shooting stems and branches toward Seo-jun.


Stems and branches pouring down, covering the sky pitch-black.

These out-of-the-way horrific sights seemed to instill death.

The warning that had been ringing in my head became certain and gripped my whole body. Her muscles stiffen, and hot blood spurts from her heart.

In the midst of the pressure that even the air around him trembled, Seo-joon grabbed Longinus’s spear in reverse.

And just then.


Suddenly, a red flash exploded in the corner of my vision.

It was none other than the signal that the weakening magic was ready.

Seo-jun grabbed the spear of Longinus, which he held in reverse, and threw himself.

uh uh uh uh uh…

Paba Baba Baba Park.

While avoiding the pouring stems and branches, Seo-joon lured him to the promised place.

How long did it run like that?

Chow la la la la la rock!

Suddenly, a huge black chain emerged from the ground.

The chains, one by one, began to increase in number, and soon began to roughly restrain the guy who was chasing Seo-joon.


The creature shook its gigantic body at the sudden restraint and tried to break the chain.

Cuckoo coo!

Then the ground shook and vibrated violently, but the chain did not break easily.


It also suddenly stopped moving, as if it had judged that the chain could not be broken.

Instead, he glanced around and focused his gaze on one spot.


Then he started shooting stems and branches towards it.

But for some reason, the momentum was infinitely weaker than before.

Seo-joon was able to confirm that the devilish weakening magic worked properly.

Seojun immediately picked up Gungnir.

opportunity only once.

Seojun poured all his strength into Gungnir.


As a bluish aura formed, tremendous power began to dwell in Gungnir.

Seo-joon did not stop there and continued to pour in his strength as if squeezing it out.

Gungnir vibrated violently and shouted to let go quickly, but Seo-jun continued to accumulate strength.

Even at this moment, it was shooting out crisp, stems and branches with its gaze fixed.

I didn’t know it, but it wasn’t hard to know that it was shooting at Mancheol and Maseong.

And Mancheol was just an ordinary person, not an awakened person.

Evading with demonic nature on your back should only be done once or twice at most.

Time was not on Seo-jun’s side, but Seo-jun was not in a hurry.

But calmly and surely.


I shot Gungnir at him.

That moment.


There was an illusion that space was flickering.

After leaving Seo-jun’s hand, Gungnir split the space by scattering dozens of afterimages.


Perhaps sensing Gungnir’s momentum, he abruptly averted his gaze.

Crispy! Stems and branches shot out towards Gungnir.

Quagga gagagak!

However, the chauvinistic power of Gungnir destroyed everything that stood in its way.

The stubbornness and obsession to pursue only the goal stretched with the prey in the bite.

and momentarily


His huge body exploded like it was being torn to shreds.

Then his body started to tilt.

Woo woo woo woo woo!

It caused a tremendous vibration and fell roughly to the ground.

“Heo-euk…! Heo-eok…!”

Seo-joon sighed heavily only after he collapsed and sat down on the spot.

Perhaps because he poured all his energy into Gungnir, he was dizzy.

It’s a pity that he fell down, and in this state, he couldn’t even retrieve Gungnir.

“Whoa…! Uncle and Maseong-nim will be fine.”

Seo-joon moved quickly with a worried mind.

Of course, judging from the fact that the chains that bound him to the end were not broken, there seemed to be no major problem.

If there was a problem with the two, there must have been a problem with weakening magic.

However, the fact that there was no problem meant that both of them were safe.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Seo-joon was able to find Man-cheol and Demonic Castle.

But for some reason, the atmosphere seemed unusual.

Seojun shouted.

“mister! Demon! Are you okay?”

“I am fine! but···”

Seo-joon hurriedly ran at the demonic words.

And what he confirmed was Mancheol lying on the ground with blood dripping from his legs.


“Kuh! Okay! For a moment… it just passed by.”

The amount of blood that leaked out was quite large for a brush.

No matter how weakened he was, it seemed difficult for Mancheol, who was just an ordinary person, to completely avoid his attacks.

“Look where you are.”

Seo-joon worriedly checked Man-cheol’s legs.

And fortunately, it wasn’t a serious injury. If treated well, nothing seemed to be wrong.

“I still need to get treatment soon. Not to mention Maseong-nim.”

Seojun let out a sigh of relief and spoke to Masung and Mancheol.

“I’ll just retrieve the spear and come back.”

so turgid

That was when I was walking back.

oh oh oh oh…!

Suddenly, a grotesque sound came to my ears.

It was a familiar sound, so it was also a sound that should never be heard.

Seojun slowly turned his head.

And there.

uh uh uh…

He… was raising his huge body.

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