Transcension Academy Chapter 65

Chapter 65 – Variable (2)

After hanging up the phone with Soo-yeon, Seo-joon immediately checked the bank account.

It was to confirm that the money from selling the blue dragon sword had been deposited from none other than the head of the association.

When Seo-jun first tried to borrow the blue dragon sword as collateral, the head of the association shook his head, telling him not to play around.

However, when Seo-jun wrote a memorandum and sincerely entrusted the blue dragon sword as collateral, the president of the association began to panic.

In the end, the president of the association handed over the blue dragon sword, telling him to visit him later.

“……Are you okay?”

Still, the swordsman told me to do whatever I want with the blue dragon sword…

And if the president of the association had a thought, he would not sell the blue dragon sword to anyone again.

That’s why Seo-joon didn’t call the price too hard.

5 billion none other than.

Considering the price of the blue dragon sword, it was a bargain, but it was just enough money to buy a piece of equipment at the transcendence store.

“Since the only immediate power is transcendent equipment…”

It was a choice Seo-joon had no choice but to make.

Looking at the current situation, the dungeon was at a level where it was difficult for even demons to escape.

And if you think about it for a bit, the Jinrihoe wouldn’t have made a plan to get rid of demonic nature so smoothly.

That’s why Seo-jun also needed to prepare accordingly.

However, the only thing that could help right now was the transcendental equipment anyway.

Also, the only way to get money right now was to entrust the blue dragon sword as collateral.

So, for now, I had to put off the wrath of the swordsman until later and check if the money was applied to the transcendent academy.

After checking the 500 million won normally deposited into the account, Seo-joon immediately accessed the transcendent store.


And the result of checking by pressing any visible equipment.

[Imitation] – Megingijord.


<We are calculating the causal rate and measuring the appropriate price…>


<500,000,000 ₩>


Seo-joon unknowingly clenched his fists and shouted.

Apparently, the blue dragon sword didn’t belong to Seo-jun, so it was unclear how causality would be applied, but fortunately it was applied.

Perhaps the blue dragon sword was not simply borrowed, but obtained by winning a duel with the sword castle, so the cause and effect seemed to be acknowledged.

Now you just have to decide what equipment to buy.

Then, all of a sudden, several pictures of the belt caught my eye on my smartphone.

It was none other than Megingjord, a device that had just been pressed to confirm cause and effect.

“Wait a minute… wasn’t this equipment that doubles your strength?”

There was nothing better than this as an instant power if the power was doubled.

It was a coincidence, but I thought it wasn’t bad.

However, Seo-joon did not buy it right away, but briefly accessed the chatter of beginners.

And I checked the post related to the equipment review I saw the other day.



『51. Megingjord.

This is a belt that doubles the wearer’s strength.

The original was from Thor’s instructor.

And when I only heard the effect, honestly, I thought it was an open-air machine.

However, there is one fatal problem.

Strength is still the same. Exactly, the muscles are the same.

It just doubles the power.

And my muscles can’t stand the power that has grown twice as strong.

I thought I was really going to die because all my muscles were ruptured while wearing this.

If you have completed the Hercules instructor’s lecture, you can cut just about anything with one punch.

But after that, I can’t take responsibility for the reaction?

My score is 3 out of 10.』



“……This won’t work.”

Seojun shook his head.

Then, without thinking, I moved the tab to the Weapons section.

[Imitation] – Misteltein.

[Imitation] – Excalibur.

[Imitation] – Spear of Longinus.



Looking at the weapons listed on the smartphone screen, Seo-joon pondered.

Long agony continued, and at the end, what Seojun chose was none other than Gungnir.


A spear known to have been used by Odin, the supreme god of Norse mythology.

In fact, unlike Longinus’s spear, Gungnir was a spear with a strong concept of javelin.

So, what comes to mind when thinking of Gungnir is none other than Piljung.

If you throw it towards the target, it will always hit in any case.

According to mythology, there was a story of hitting the target and returning back to the owner.

But since it’s a fake, I thought I’d have to see what the function would be like.

Even if it didn’t come back, it was just a pity, but it didn’t matter too much.

Only Seo Jun could use Transcendent equipment, so I didn’t have to worry about other people using Gungnir.

Besides, Gungnir was the spear that was said to have torn apart Ymir, the first giant, so no matter how imitated, its power would be formidable.

It was clear that it would be a fairly large force even if only the options in the middle of the day were considered.

“I’d rather go with Gungnir for later.”

It was a long thought, but the action was quick.

Seojun eventually purchased Gungnir, and without fail, 500 million won evaporated with one click.



Along with the sinking feeling, a bright light burst out, and soon Seo-jun was holding Gungnir in his hand.

Certainly, the nature of the javelin was strong, so the appearance also felt more like a lance than a spear.

“Whoa… let’s go!”

Seo-jun put Gungnir in the kibisis and headed to the dungeon where Man-cheol and Maseong were confined.


After a little time, the place where Seojun arrived was a six-star dungeon located in the suburbs of Seoul.

And it was quite remote even for a suburb of Seoul.

Is that why, or is it because the president of the association wrote a number separately at the request of the devil?

Only the dungeon was laid out, and there was not a single sign of popularity felt by the surroundings.

Seo-joon stood in front of the gate, raising his tension to the fullest.

Woo woo woo.

Then the gate shook and the pressure radiated out was unusual.

According to the president of the association, the dungeon in front of you was a dungeon where a dryad, a 6-star monster, appeared.

Of course, Seo-jun had never been to a 6-star dungeon.

The only thing I’ve ever dealt with was one 6-star Nercura.

However, even taking that into account, the momentum felt outside the dungeon was unreasonable to call it a 6-star dungeon.

The chilly air felt like it was brushing the nape of your neck.

Only then did Seo-joon realize that this was no joke.

If you think about it, this dungeon is a dungeon that even demons couldn’t escape.

Of course, Maseong is now old and sick, but even so, the 5 heroes are nowhere to be found.

Even so, there must be a reason why you can’t get out and are locked up.


As soon as his thoughts reached this point, Seo-joon could feel a deep hesitation as he suddenly grabbed his ankle.

Now that he had personally experienced the difference with the swordsman, there was a strong possibility that what Seo-jun was doing now was a dog’s death that was of no help.

However, Seo-jun finally pushed himself into the gate.

Woo woo woo.

The first thing I saw with the reversing vision was a dense forest.

A dryad was a monster in the shape of a large tree.

Normally, it stays still like a tree, but when an intruder appears, it starts its activity.

Like a monster in the shape of a tree, the attack method was also a pattern using dozens of trunks and branches.

Because of that, it was one of the monsters that were classified as very tricky monsters among 6-star monsters.

“……There are too many trees.”

Seo-jun looked at the densely packed trees around him and let out a small sigh.

That would be the case, too, because with so many trees, it was impossible to tell which one was a dryad.

If the dryad suddenly attacked after casually passing by, even Seo-jun could not help but be quite embarrassed.

This was also one of the reasons that made dryads difficult.

Above all, dryads are 6-star monsters.

Even one or two would be difficult for Seo-joon now, but if there were many, then Seo-joon would have to risk his life.

“Hmm… I’m going to get caught up in my senses.”

After thinking about it, Seojun gently closed his eyes.

Then Chiron’s senses were expanded.

After completing the lecture, the senses become extremely sensitive.

I thought that I might be able to detect the dryad’s mimicry since I even sensed the stealth technique that took a step towards the ignorance of the ignorance.

The time when I expanded my senses like that.


With Seo-joon’s sense, he felt that something was getting in the way.

A subtle but inexplicable sense of heterogeneity.

When Seo-jun opened his eyes again and looked there, there was a tree that was no different from the surroundings.

A tree with seemingly nothing wrong.

“Let’s try it.”

Seojun tied the Longinus spear behind him.

Then he took Gungnir out of the kibisis and wrapped it tightly.

“I want to check the power of Gungnir…”

Seojun immediately activated the Aura Blade.


Then, a bluish aura formed on Gungnir, and the power of the Aura Blade was imbued.

Gungnir trembled and shouted to release himself quickly, and Seo-jun threw Gungnir at the tree caught in the senses with all his might.

Wedge love!

A gungnir that shoots out while scattering a fierce pangong sound.



Suddenly, the tree Seo-jun had targeted roared and stood up.

Then, as if running away, he started dodging himself.

It seemed that he sensed the danger instinctively, perhaps because he felt Seo-joon’s life.

The problem was that because of the dryad’s actions, Gungnir’s trajectory was deviated.

It is unavoidable to miss if you keep going like this.

Right then.


Suddenly, Gungnir changed his trajectory by himself and pursued the dryad who was running away.

And hit the dryad’s body as it is.


It penetrated the dryad’s body as if tearing it apart, and the dryad collapsed.


With a huge roar that followed, the dryad did not rise again.


Seo-joon stared blankly at the scene.

Aside from the fact that the tree affected by the senses was a real dryad, the battle ended without doing anything.

To be precise, I only threw Gungnir and it ended.

Gungnir took care of the rest.

A spear that was used by Odin to create the nine worlds by tearing the corpse of Ymir, the first giant.

That’s why I thought it must have great power.

However, I thought that there would be a limit because it was a fake product…

“No matter how fake it is, it means that it was made by a transcendentalist.”

In any case, it seemed that the academy for transcendentalists shouldn’t be pushed into the category of common sense.

“Then can this be recovered?

According to the mythological story, Gungnir had the function of retrieval as well as the option of losing.

But now Gungnir just hit the dryad and was just lying on the floor.

Seojun, just in case, directed the power of mana toward Gungnir.


Then, Gungnir started to move.

“Oh… will it work?”

Seo-joon continued to pour the power of mana, and by the time he had almost squeezed out mana, Seo-joon was able to grab Gungnir.

“Heo-euk…! Quite… hard.”

Partially, there is also a function of recovery, but the consumption of mana was considerable.

At a rough glance, at Seo-jun’s level, it seemed that only two times was the limit.

However, it was literally the limit, and it seemed that it could only be retrieved once during the battle.

“Whoa…! Shinhwa said it would come back on its own.”

The limitations of counterfeit products still exist.

Even so, it was once at the current level, not once in a lifetime.

If you keep practicing, once or twice.

The day will come when you will be able to use it freely.

It was like a walking bomber back then.

“If that’s the case, I’ll have to take a look at the elixirs sold at the transcendent shop…”

Anyway, this bastard’s academy for transcendentalists is giseungjeondon.

It was the reason why Seo-joon had no choice but to become a donmisae.

“Still, I did well in buying Gungnir.”

That would also be true, Dryads were 6-star monsters.

It would have been quite daunting if Seo-Jun had fought properly 1:1.

I thought that Seo-joon was really good at selling the blue dragon sword… no, entrusting it as collateral.

“Well, if Sword Saint-nim wants to kill you, you might be able to survive if you throw the gungnier and run away.”

After all, it was best to think about later.

After that, Seojun had nothing to shy away from.

Expand Chiron’s senses, and when a dryad is detected, snipe him with Gungnir on the spot.


Then, without fail, the dryad exploded in one shot.

Like that, Seo Joon.

‘Where is it. mister.’

While wandering through the dungeon, at the same time, with Chiron’s senses, he searched for Mancheol and demonic energy.



“Kek! Kiek!”

Dense forest and creepy screams echoing in all directions.

“Heo-eok! Huh!”

In the meantime, Mancheol was running like he was dying with the old man on his back.

The old man on Mancheol’s back was slumped, as if he had passed out.

I wondered if the clothes that were almost soaked in blood were already dead, but for some reason Mancheol just kept running with the old man on his back.

Mancheol ran and ran again.

Cries of death were heard in all directions and spread, but Mancheol did not stop.

If you stop, you die.

Mancheol continued to run, as if desperately trying to get out of that certain proposition.


However, Mancheol, who was just an ordinary person, did not escape for long.

Hey profit!

The sound of death coming from behind.

That moment.


When Mancheol glanced back, a translucent film had formed around him.

And a little below that, the old man… no, the demonic nature reached out and formed the curtain.


“Leave me…! Run away… let’s go! I’ll block this place…!”

“Inspiration! What about inspiration!”

“Anyway, an old man who has only a few days left to live…! Cool!”

Whoops! Whoops!


“What are you doing! Run away!”

The Demonic Spirit shouted while blocking the attack of the Dryads that were pouring down.

If anyone saw it, it was only a bunch of 6-star monsters, but it could be said that it makes sense that demons struggle.

But Mancheol never thought of it that way.

Demonicity had consumed so much strength and stamina while holding on until now.

Specifically, that giant monster.

Just by confronting the monster and escaping with Man-cheol, Man-cheol naturally developed respect for the demonic nature.

To be honest, it’s amazing that the Demonic Spirit is still alive, but it’s truly amazing to the point of giving goosebumps that it’s enduring like this.

“Cool cool! How long… I can’t stand it! So run away quickly! hurry!!”


That’s why Mancheol couldn’t easily escape.

Because I’ve seen what Maseong did to save himself.

Of course, it happened because Maseong brought Mancheol.

Even so, if the devil was alone, he would have been able to escape somehow.

However, Maseong didn’t do that, so Mancheol couldn’t make a decision easily either.

And even at this moment, the situation continued to escalate.


“Oh, no! Cool!”

Eventually, the demonic barrier was broken.

It’s too late to run away now.

‘I’m sorry… Soo-yeon. I’m really sorry, Dad.’

Mancheol closed his eyes tightly.



Nothing happened.

No, I didn’t feel any pain whatsoever.

Mancheol gently opened his tightly closed eyes.



I could see the sight of the dryad exploding.

And Mancheol could also see.

“mister. Do you know how much Soo-yeon is looking for right now?”

A large back that can be seen full of sight and a familiar voice behind it.


Mancheol smiled unconsciously and murmured.

But that’s for a while.


The dryads, enraged by the deaths of their own kind, began to run like a rush.

“mister. Let’s talk about it later, and then take Maseong-nim and step back.”

Seojun grabbed Longinus’ spear and kicked the ground.

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