Transcension Academy Chapter 61

Chapter 61 – Disappearance (1)

“ah. Seojun oppa.”

At Seo-jun’s words, Soo-yeon turned bright and looked this way.

Then he slowly approached with a happy expression.

Seo-joon opened his mouth when Soo-yeon got closer.

“Why are you here? What about school?”

“When did you go on vacation? And what is school for someone who is about to graduate?”

“uh···? Has it happened already?”

Seo-joon laughed awkwardly at the flow of time that he suddenly felt.

When I thought about it, it was around the end of October that Seo-joon came into contact with the transcendent academy.

Now, after the free pass period of 90 days has ended, about a month has passed since then.

A year had already passed by.

‘I didn’t know the time was passing…’

As I was busy living day by day while coming into contact with the Transcendent Academy, the notion of time disappeared for a while.

Suyeon then said with a clear look.

“So, can you stop treating me like a high school student?”

“You haven’t graduated yet. If you don’t graduate, you’re a high school student.”

“I’m 20 years old!”

Seo-joon laughed at Soo-yeon’s outburst.

“By the way, why are you here all of a sudden? How else do you know I’m here?”

“Last time, brother. You worked with your dad. Then I asked my father.”

Seo-joon quickly realized that what Soo-yeon was talking about was a dungeon clearing contest.

At that time, Seojun and Mancheol hung out together all day for about a week.

Man-cheol’s daughter, Su-yeon, couldn’t help but know that.

Seojun nodded, and Suyeon carefully opened her mouth again.

“By any chance… Oppa, have you been in contact with your dad lately?”

“With Uncle Mancheol? Uh… You contacted me when you were participating in the Hunter Mill Mock Test, right?”

“When exactly is that?”

“Is it five days? It must have been 4 days? Why is that all of a sudden?”

When Seo-joon questioned himself, Su-yeon hesitated.

Then, as if having made a small decision, Soo-yeon slowly opened her mouth.

“That… my dad suddenly couldn’t reach me. I wanted to know if you were my brother.”

Surprised, Seo-jun asked Soo-yeon.

“what? Can’t get in touch with Mr. Mancheol? Since when?”

“yesterday. To be precise, I haven’t been able to contact him since Dad went to work yesterday.”


However, at Soo-yeon’s words, Seo-joon sighed in relief.

In my life, I could not be contacted for a day or so, and most of all, it was because this happened often.

The relationship that Seo-joon met with Man-cheol at a monster corpse transporter has now exceeded 9 years, and it has been 10 years.

And during those 10 years, Mancheol would occasionally lose contact for a day or two.

Mostly it was when the foreman got angry or on payday.

As soon as the salary came in, Seo-jun still couldn’t forget the look on Man-cheol’s face as he looked at the empty bankbook after taking everything away.

On days like that, Mancheol used to go out for a drink while talking about his life.

And after a day or even three days of being invisible, he reappeared with a crumbly face.

“You must be drinking and sleeping near the site. You often did.”

“Is that so…?”

However, Su-yeon’s reaction was just embarrassing.

And when I thought about Su-yeon’s reaction, she was not unaware of it.

To be precise, I could say that Soo-yeon knew better than Seo-jun.

Even so, if it’s enough to come to Seo-jun like this, there must be something wrong.

Seo-joon asked Soo-yeon again.

“What else is going on?”


Unsurprisingly, Soo-yeon is speechless.

Soo-yeon hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth.

“I had a bit of a fight with my dad yesterday.”

“You said you fought? why?”

“Because of my career problems. After graduating from high school, my dad tells me to go to college…I don’t really want to do that.”

Seo-joon couldn’t hide his wonder at Su-yeon’s words.

Even though Man-cheol seems clumsy on the outside, he wasn’t like that to his daughter Su-yeon.

Man-cheol always felt sorry for growing up without a mother while raising Su-yeon alone.

So I did not hesitate to do hard work to make up for it somehow without lacking anything.

To put it bluntly, Man-cheol lived with the words that he would let Su-yeon do what she wanted to do.

However, at Suyeon’s words, Seojun could only nod.

“I said I wanted to become a pro hunter.”

“Pro Hunter…? Suyeon, you are not an awakened person. Trying to artificially awaken?”

“no. I woke up.”

When Seo-joon was surprised, Soo-yeon added.

“Not long ago. About a month ago?”

A month ago, Daegang Seo-joon and Man-cheol had a dungeon clearing contest.

And although the exact time is unknown, it also coincided with the appearance of the 6-star Nercula, a Distortion monster.

“So he said he wanted to go to Hunter Academy instead of college. My dad said he was against it. After arguing for a bit, I was just frustrated and talked about my brother. Oppa, are you doing well these days? Looking at the internet, it wasn’t that crazy, right?”

“What’s going well?”

Seo-joon smiled awkwardly.

That would be the case after the Hunter Mill mock test.

Because most of the hunter-related community was covered with Seo-joon’s story.

Even now, four days later, it was still a hot potato, and I didn’t know when the fever would cool down.

“anyway. I know you don’t even know my brother. I must be drinking and sleeping somewhere else…”

Soo-yeon turned around as if she were about to leave.

Seo-joon tried to take Soo-yeon away, but when she said it was okay, she only escorted her to the main gate of Dream Academy.

“Go carefully. If anything happens, please contact me.”

“huh. My brother works hard too. Although he seems to be doing well even now.”

Seo-joon saw Soo-yeon off and returned to the academy.


And Seo-joon immediately contacted Man-cheol.

However, only a long call continued, and full iron was not received.

“I don’t get it…”

Seo-joon contacted him several more times, but Man-cheol never answered.

“Hmm… no big deal.”

With the idea of ​​waiting another day or so, Seo-joon immediately connected to the transcendent academy.


When I connected to the transcendent academy, what I saw was nothing but a black screen.

Seo-joon wanted something for a moment, but he remembered the fact that Su-yeon had come and stopped the lecture.

It seems that the screen could not be switched because the stop button was pressed as soon as it was played.

Sure enough, when I touched the black screen, a ▷ sign came to mind.

Seojun immediately reproduced Hercules’ lecture.

Hold on.



[Hook! Whoop! Wait a minute! After finishing this one set…!]

The person reflected on the screen was a muscular man with a rough macho vibe.

The man was breathing hard as he used something like a dumbbell that could be used as a pillar in a huge temple.

Seo-joon was able to grasp at once that he was Hercules.

So little time passed.


The pillar Hercules was holding… No, he put down the dumbbell and said.

[Nice to meet you guys! The introduction is boring, but it’s the first lecture, so I’ll keep it short.]

Then Hercules looked straight at the screen and shouted.

[I am Hercules!]

Then, as if that was the end, Hercules did not speak any more.


For a moment, Seo-joon was speechless.

Does it prove its existence only by its name?

Of course, Hercules had enough time to do that.

It is an indispensable name in Greek and Roman mythology, and in fact, it is one of the first characters that come to mind when it comes to Greek and Roman mythology.

But the problem was the students from another dimension, not Earth.

To them, this couldn’t be called an introduction.

“Well… I don’t care.”

Seo-joon smiled and continued attending the lecture.

[I think that most of the students are right after completing Master Chiron’s lecture. Surely there are no students who have not completed Master Chiron’s lectures? If you don’t have it, I hope you take it and come!]

[ruler! So, you should know what you will learn in my lectures before starting the full-scale class. The body is the most important and essential element for transcendental fighters. And the body is a complex entanglement of various things such as strength, agility, and agility.]

[What I will teach you is, above all, power! Specifically, I will teach you how to build explosive strength!]

Then Hercules pointed his finger at the front of the screen and said.

[After hearing this far, I’m sure there are students who think like this. ‘No… What do you do if you count your strength ignorantly? It only dulls the body.’]

[If it is big, it will be dull! If you are strong, you will be dull!]

Hercules laughed wildly.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That’s an obvious mistake and you’re welcome! All in all, bean cake! strength! Agility! Quickness! All of that comes from strength!]

That moment.

Suddenly, Hercules’ body began to grow in size.

Upon closer inspection, it was not that he had become gigantic, but that his muscles had swelled twice as much.

It looked like he was bulking up.

Chii Ii Ik…

For some reason, hot steam began to rise from Hercules’ body.

“What, what…”

For a while, Seojun was embarrassed.

Hercules shouted, tapping his stone thighs.

[ruler! look! Speed ​​as fast as light! From this bursting lower body strength!]


At the same time, the figure of Hercules suddenly disappeared.

Hercules disappeared as if he had teleported.

After some time, Hercules is captured on the screen in the same way as he disappeared.

[The terrifying power that holds up the sky! From this shaky upper body strength!]

Then, suddenly, Hercules struck the ground with all his might.


Then, with a tremendous explosion, a dense fog of dust bloomed.

After a while, the dust fog subsided.


There, the heavens and the earth were turned upside down.

Literally, the heavens and the earth were turned upside down.

Seo-joon, lost for words, blankly looked at Hercules’ ssang show.

[Reflexes that understand and respond to intuition united with thoughts! Inexhaustible stamina! It’s from the ecstatic muscles that cover this whole body!]

Deed Dede Dedeuk!!

What came from the screen was the sound of something being crushed.

How could such a sound come from the muscles?

On the screen, Hercules continued to say what he was saying, whether or not he knew what Seo-jun was thinking.

[Did you see it well? That everything comes from strength! You want to develop agility and quickness? Then do some strength training! Power is the root of transcendence!]

[ruler! Then, let’s start the lecture in earnest!]




Hell Chang also did not have such a Hell Chang.

What if Helchang became a transcendent?

No, it didn’t seem like that.

belt ring.

[The Daily Personal Assignment has arrived.]

[The causal rate is calculated and assignments appropriate to the level of the current student are assigned.]

At that moment, Seo-joon confirmed the assignment at the daily assignment notification sound.

-20 km canter. [0km/20km].

– 500 squats. [0/500].

– 200 push-ups. [0/200].

– 300 sit-ups. [0/300].

– 150 pull-ups. [0/150].

And unlike Hercules, the daily task was nothing special.

It was the same as Chiron’s daily task rather than nothing special.

According to mythology, Hercules was a disciple of Chiron.

It seemed that the assignments were the same, in case someone was not a disciple who had learned from Chiron.

“Still, if this is enough…”


<This task is only measured with a weight of 1 ton or more.>

<The weight of this assignment will continue to change depending on the level of the learner.>

“…Couldn’t it be crazy?”

Seo-joon finally lost his mind.

Wasn’t the title of the lecture [If you do this exercise, everyone can achieve 3 to 500 tons] as a joke?

“……Wouldn’t Jang Sam-bong’s footwork lecture be like this?”

Just in case, Seo-joon postponed Hercules’ daily task for a while and played Jang Sam-bong’s lecture.

Hold on.



[Nice to meet you. I am Jang Sam-bong.]

What appeared on the screen was an impressive old man with a long white beard and white hair.

It looked like a freshman, but judging by the legend that it was a fable, it seemed that the freshman was right.

A scholar known as the founder of the Taegeuk sword and Taijiquan, as well as the founder of the shaman faction.

Looking at Jang Sam-bong like that, Seo-joon was able to realize how great an academy for transcendentalists is.

[Walking generally refers to the movement of the feet when performing a skill such as swordsmanship. In vulgar terms, it is also called foot talent. However, it is also called body law because it encompasses all movements of the body, not just the feet.]

[That’s why the mysterious footwork itself can be a martial art of karate and hand. That’s also true, because martial arts without footsteps are nothing more than standing still and wielding a weapon.]

[Therefore, along with various martial arts, various foot techniques have developed. Royal Palace Tanyeong. portrait cost. The same is true of footsteps such as equal degrees.]

[Among them, what I will teach in this lecture is ‘Cheongsangje(天上梯) – Neunggongheodo(凌空虛道)’. To put it simply, it’s a way to move in the air… I’ll show you a demonstration for a moment.]

At that moment, Jang Sam-bong’s figure disappeared from the screen.

Jang Sam-bong, caught on the screen again, was floating in the air.

After a while, Jang Sam-bong’s new model fell to the floor as a matter of course.

And just then.


Suddenly, something burst out of Jang Sam-bong’s body, and his new model soared into the air again.

Jang Sam-bong floats freely in the air as if he were flying in the sky.

So he flew around the air a few times and landed lightly on the floor.

[It’s a way to remove restrictions in the air like this. However, it can be said that it is a little different from the concept of levitation. It’s not floating in the air, it’s just that you can stand in the air through Yongcheon’s blood based on your inner energy.]

[Hmm… It’s a concept, you’ll learn it through lectures, so just flow in for now.]

[Okay, then let’s stop the rubbish and start the lecture in earnest.]



[The Daily Personal Assignment has arrived.]

[The causal rate is calculated and assignments appropriate to the level of the current student are assigned.]

– Maintain a speed of 300 km/h for 30 seconds. [0/30]

20 -20m airdrops. [0/20]

<The assignment will continue to change depending on the level of the learner.>

“I really feel like this is normal…”

I was afraid that someone might not be a transcendent academy, so there was nothing sane about it.

At this point, I had to question the mental state of the mentor who recommended the lecture.

“…… What can I do? I have no choice but to work hard.”

Seojun just let out a sigh.


A hotel room located in Korea.

“Somehow… it seems that the demons have noticed.”

Calia had no choice but to be deeply troubled by Calcus’s report.

The Demonic Spirit noticed that the 10-star dungeon break that occurred this time was the work of the Jinrihoe.

It was a truth that should never be revealed, so Calia questioned Calcus.

“Why on earth did the devil come directly? What about his disciple?”

In fact, Jinrihoe believed that his disciple, Jeong Ji-min, would come out, not Demonic Castle.

And if the devil hadn’t stepped forward, it would have been over.

No matter how sudden it was, the Jinrihoe was not such a lax organization.

But everything went wrong when the Demonic Spirit came out.

Why on earth did Maseong directly step forward over a disciple who acknowledged that he had surpassed himself?

In particular, Maseong was currently old and ill, and was in a difficult state of movement.

“It seems that the Association has commissioned an investigation by Demonic Castle. I think it’s because it wasn’t the disciple who experienced the Distortion, but the Demonic Spirit… I didn’t expect to notice it this soon.”


Calia involuntarily spat out curse words inwardly.

As a result, the judgment was valid, so it was an extremely difficult situation for Calia.

“How much do you have left to live?”

“I’m not sure, but I can’t make it past this year.”

Calia continued to think for a while before opening her mouth with a determined expression.

“The truth about the 10-star dungeon break must not be revealed under any circumstances. Who else knows besides demons?”

“I think I already know about the dark planet.”

Calia nodded and continued.

“Imseongseong is said to be taken care of by the elders, so we first focus on the demonic castle and the current plan.”

The heroes of Cataclysm basically distrust Jinrihoe.

Calia also vaguely knew the reason.

But I didn’t know the exact reason.

The elders did not inform them of the fact, so Calia does not know the details of the circumstances related to the ignorance.

However, compared to other heroes, only the darkness was not visible, so he only felt that he needed special attention.

“How is Kim Seo-joon’s situation?”

“……Still invisible.”

Calia involuntarily frowned.

You know that variables exist, but you have no control over them.

Of course, it didn’t make sense that a single student could act as a variable in what Jinrihoe was doing.

As a simple example, even the star of darkness is running away, not knowing what to do.

But Calia couldn’t shake off the feeling of uneasiness that had engulfed her for some reason.

“What should I do.”

So, at Calcus’ question that followed, Calia had no choice but to fall into long agony.

So the worry went on for a long time.


At the end, Calia said with a twinkle in her eyes.

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not work with dark mode