Transcension Academy Chapter 56

Episode 56 – Competition and Learning

“You said you never learned anything from anyone?”

“that’s right.”

At Seo-jun’s question, Min-yul nodded nonchalantly.

Seo-joon asked Min-yul once again.

“But I also said that there is a teacher.”

“That’s right too. But Master just doesn’t know that I’m a disciple…”

At the same time, Minyul had a rather sullen expression on his face.

Seo-joon stared blankly at Min-yul, then spat out words.

“Then can I know who the Master you spoke of is?”


Then, this time, Minyul’s reaction was extraordinary.

Contrary to the friendly atmosphere he had seen in the meantime, he began to be wary of Seo-joon with suspicious eyes.

And that.

It was similar to how Seojun was looking at Minyul now.

“Why are you curious about that?”

As expected, Min-yul’s question that followed had a sharp edge.

Seojun casually shrugged his shoulders and added a comment.

“I thought it might be someone I know.”

“what? You know our Master?”

Then, Min-yul looked back in surprise.

“I can never do that…”

At the same time, Min-yul began to stare at Seo-jun’s face as if asking for an answer.

However, Seojun neither shook his head nor nodded.

“It is a lie.”

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Min-yul shook his head.

It seemed that he understood Seo-joon’s thoughts of trying to learn the Minyul.

So, would Seo-jun rather directly mention the transcendent academy to Min-yul?

I thought about it for a while.

But I came to the conclusion that it was not a very good choice.

If Min-yul was not a student at the Transcendent Academy, there would be no problem.

It was just a misunderstanding between each other, and it was enough to conclude with that.

However, if Min-yul was really a student at a transcendent academy like Seo-jun, the story would be different.

It was because he could not predict how Min-yul would react to Seo-joon.

He would be the same, because being a student at the same transcendent academy didn’t mean that he was a colleague.

It was right to see it as a competitor again.

To put it simply, if there are no students of the same transcendentalist, it is a matter of course that he becomes the best hunter on earth.

It wasn’t just speculation to have such thoughts.

And not only the world of silky hunters, but also the system of this society.

A system in which I can only survive by stepping on others.

This was not a matter of any personality, but an inevitability of the element of competition.

Yielding and backing down meant defeat, not goodwill.

Of course, even if Seo-jun had no intention or heart at all, there was no guarantee that other people would have the same thoughts as Seo-jun.

So now we can’t predict how Min-yul will react.

It was a judgment that it was premature to reveal this side’s hand first.

So, it would have been nice if I could turn on the lectures of the Transcendental Academy like last time Calia.

Even that was impossible now that the free pass was over.

So Seo-joon finally decided to try Min-yul one more time.

“If your teacher is the person I know, he is probably a force beyond imagination. no?”

“Yeah, how did you do that…!”

<Come on! You guys have been waiting for a long time!>

Just then, the host’s cry was heard as if Minyul had stopped talking.

And Min-yul opened his mouth at the host’s cry, but then shut it tight.

<Finally the long-awaited final! Who could have predicted that! The battle between the two supernovas that appeared like comets, defeating Hunter Mill, Gaon, and Ale, is about to begin!!>

I couldn’t hear any additional words as if I was organizing my comments for a while.

Minyul spat out the words as if he had squeezed in the gap.

“You… who the hell are you?”

“That is a question I would like to ask myself as well. But from what I can see, it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to talk to each other kindly, right?”

Minyul had no answer.

And Seo-jun could see that Min-yul’s attitude didn’t deny what he just said.

“So I’d like to make a suggestion to you.”

Minyul looked at Seojun silently, as if telling him to continue.

Seojun paused for a while before opening his mouth again.

“The loser of this confrontation must answer the question of the winner unconditionally. how is it?”

Min-yul seemed to think over Seo-joon’s words once more, then asked again.

“……Are there any guarantees that the loser’s answer will be true?”

Seojun nodded once.

In fact, like Minyul’s question, there was no guarantee that the answer was true.

Even if you consistently lie, if you insist that it is the truth, the other person will not be able to figure it out.

If it was Jinrihoe, it was possible if they took an oath in the name of truth.

However, it was impossible to force anything other than Jinrihoe.

Therefore, it was impossible to determine the authenticity of Seo Jun or Minyul’s answer.


“Well, you’ll have to decide for yourself.”

Seojun had a different method in mind.


<No need for an introduction! Name Seokja clearly imprinted through mock exams and event matches! Kim Seo-joon and Lee Min-yul! Lee Min-yul and Kim Seo-joon!>

<A result that anyone could have expected! But now, no one can predict the result!>

<Let’s see the long-awaited final final with everyone’s shouts~~!>

<I will!!!!>


At the start of the match, the cheers of the crowd erupted to the point of deafening.

But Seo-jun and Min-yul.

The two parties did not move hastily.

Seojun just looked at Minyul while holding on to Longinus’s spear.

From the outside, it was a very clumsy Minyul.

But when I thought about digging into it, I couldn’t see any loopholes.

And that was the same thought with Min-yul.

The tedious confrontation that followed.

“It’s not too hard!”

After the tedious confrontation, it was none other than Minyul who moved first.

And what Minyul held in his hand was none other than the sword.

However, considering Minyul’s method of fighting, he should not have simply thought of it as a sword.

‘I do my best from the beginning.’

So Seo-joon had no intention of prolonging this fight.

Minyul’s fighting style was unpredictable and ever-changing.

Therefore, it was decided that it was best to see the match before giving time to change.


Seojun drew Merlin’s mana from the beginning.


Then, a bluish aura began to form clearly on Longinus’s spear.

At the same time, Longinus’ spear trembled.

Seo-joon swung his spear at Min-yul, who approached him as if he were being shot.

With Chaeng!

Then Minyul’s sword split in half with a loud sound.

As expected, Minyul’s sword, along with Longinus’s spear, could not handle Merlin’s mana.

“What the…!”

The bewilderment of Minyul’s expression was clearly revealed.

Seo-jun did not stop there and continued to throw out the spear.

However, for a moment Minyul was taken aback, and Minyul let go of the sword he was holding without hesitation.

Then, he rolled backwards, and because of that, Min-yul had no choice but to take a position as if he was about to fall.

At first glance, it seemed unsightly.


However, because of Minyul’s judgment, Seojun’s spear had no choice but to cut through the air with a narrow gap.

If the judgment had been a little late, the match would have ended there.

There was a deep sense of regret, but Seo-joon quickly brushed it off.

And when he was about to run into Minyul again.

Paba Baba Baba Park!

Suddenly, arrows began pouring like rain in front of Seo-joon’s field of vision.

At that moment, Min-yul took out his bow and was shooting at Seo-joon with rapid fire.


Seo-joon put aside the thought of pursuing Min-yul, and immediately grabbed Longinus’s spear in reverse and rotated it.

Whoo! Whoo!

Soon after, Longinus’s spear began to spin rapidly like a windmill following Seo-jun’s touch.

It was none other than the method used to block the shower of arrows in the transcendental mock test.

It was a skill I learned from Bongseon Yeopo in the commentary lecture.


The rain of arrows shot by Min-yul could not reach Seo-joon.

“That’s amazing!”

When Seo-joon deflected all the arrows, Min-yul burst into admiration.

At the same time, he asked Seo-jun.

“The weapon you use. It’s also quite curious. If I win, will you answer the question about that weapon?”

“of course.”

Seojun said while pointing the spear of Longinus at Tadak and Minyul.

“As long as you beat me.”



Minyul definitely had a strong, unrefined, raw feeling.

It was like facing an untamed beast.

Sometimes it was like an angry wild boar.

Sometimes it was like a seasoned tiger.

And some other time.


It was like a fighting dog fighting in the mud.

It’s like if you win, it’s enough. He doesn’t choose any means or methods.

It was partly because Minyul used various weapons to suit the situation, but Minyul’s fighting style was like that.

But one strange thing.

“You are really amazing!”

Min-yul did not show any urgency to defeat Seo-joon.

Although he did not hesitate to commit acts that could be viewed as foul play, he had no desire for victory.

You can also hear people booing from time to time.

Min-yul’s goals are also blocked by Seo-joon.

Minyul didn’t seem to care at all.

It’s like…


With an instant clash, Seojun and Minyul stepped back from each other.

A brief lull ensued.

Seojun asked Minyul.

“Why are you doing this?”


At Seo-jun’s sudden question, Min-yul tilted his head and asked.

Seojun looked at Minyul and opened his mouth again.

“Does it have any other purpose?”

Min-yul did not feel the longing for victory.

Lee Do-eun and Kim Kang-cheol.

Although the two were defeated by Seo-jun, they had a strong determination to defeat Seo-jun.

And that was only natural in a competition like this where the losers and the winners were so clear.

So Seo-joon was also just thinking that he would definitely win.

Because if I lost in any process, I would end up a loser and not be able to win the prize money.

But Minyul was not like that.

So Seo-jun could only think that Min-yul had other intentions.

“What do you mean by that all of a sudden?”

However, Min-yul just tilted his head as if he did not understand at all.

“Don’t you want to beat me?”

“I want to win. I have something I want to ask you.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

Minyul replied with a puzzled expression.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I want to beat you more than anyone else. But… it’s okay if I can’t win.”


For a moment, Seo-joon couldn’t understand Min-yul’s words.

“Is it okay if I can’t win? Then why don’t you choose any means and methods to win?”

“It’s just trying my best to beat you. What’s wrong with doing your best?”

“You may think it’s for the best, but in the eyes of others…”

“doesn’t care.”

Minyul spoke slowly.

“Because people swear at me doesn’t mean my value is undermined.”

Seo-joon was speechless for a moment.

And at the same time, Min-yul could realize that he was enjoying the fight with Seo-jun, not trying to beat Seo-jun.

Is that why?

[What kind of world do you see?]

Seojun suddenly remembered the content of Shakyamuni’s lecture.

Shakyamuni once said this.




[How do you view the world?]

[Actually, the world is not as beautiful as we think. weak meat diet. survival of the fittest. Even the laws of nature force us to be weeded out if they are not strong.]

[That’s why we always whip ourselves. If you don’t want to be left out, if you don’t want to fall behind others. today than yesterday Because tomorrow has to be better than today.]

[But the small monk wants to ask.]

[Have you ever escaped from these thoughts even once?]

[Have you ever escaped from these thoughts and looked at the world from a slightly different perspective?]

[And have you ever thought about how big a change that changed perspective can make in your life?]

[This is an anecdote when the small monk was doing arduous training in the dimension of the earth.]

The anecdote that followed was when Shakyamuni had a human name, Siddhartha Gautama.

And it was an anecdote when he was still in the ranks of Buddha and was continuing his ascetic practice.

One day, Shakyamuni saw little children competing in a running race.

For some reason, they had running races again and again.

And each time, only the same kid always came in last, but for some reason, the boy’s face never left a smile.

It is said that Shakyamuni suddenly wondered about it, approached the boy, and asked:

‘Hey, why are you running?’

Then the boy replied:

‘Because it’s good!’

‘Is running a good thing?’


At the innocent boy’s words, Shakyamuni asked again with a calm smile.

‘Isn’t it hard to keep running?’

‘Then it’s just a short walk!’

‘And what if others catch up with you?’

‘My finish line and other people’s finish line are different, how can I catch up with this!’

Shakyamuni tilted his head and asked.

‘Then, what’s the finish line you see over there?’

‘I don’t know if that’s the finish line for other people.’

The boy replied with a bright smile.

‘To me, it’s just a passing point!’



[The boy went on to finish last. However, in a distant future, I heard that the little boy had set the most wonderful record in the biggest running competition held in the country of small monks.]

[At that time, the small monk thought that life was to build a pagoda with great effort. I thought of it as creating my own, my own life by carefully building each one.]

[So the small monk tried to build the most perfect pagoda through repeated arduous training.]

[But as he listened to the little boy quietly, the young monk suddenly had this thought.]

[That painstaking tower actually doesn’t need to be completed. You can just break it down.]

[Why didn’t I think of it even once?]

[It was a great realization that a small boy gave to the small monk a long time ago.]



Our society is a competitive society.

If you do not develop day by day, you will be weeded out. It disappears when you fall behind.

survival of the fittest. weak meat diet.

So Seo-joon worked hard every day.

And I thought that I was not falling behind my rapidly developing figure.

But the more I did, the more I found myself becoming more and more anxious.

I was also able to find myself obsessed with the Transcendent Academy.

I was wrapped up in the compulsion to just try.

So I think I had the idea that I had to complete one lecture before the free pass was over.

in order not to be weeded out. in order not to fall behind.

in order not to be overtaken by anyone.

to survive the competition.

So, at that time, Seo Jun did not understand Shakyamuni’s lecture.

But now, it seemed that I knew it vaguely.

At some point, if you get out of the consciousness of competition, the aspect of your life changes differently.

The result is not just the destination.

The mind becomes cramped thinking that arrival is more important than process, and efficiency is more important than experience.

Shakyamuni probably didn’t want to say something like this.

Why have I never thought of this before?

Seojun suddenly had an idea.

Minyul had no consciousness of competition.

At first I was suspicious of all of that, but looking at it like this, I knew it.

That’s why Min-yul didn’t even think of Seo-joon as a competitor.

Students who are stronger than themselves.

That was all.

Seo-jun stared blankly at Min-yul.

It was a few clashes, but Seo-joon was sure of victory.

It was none other than the Spear of Longinus.

Because the Spear of Longinus shattered Minyul’s strategies.

So Seo-joon thought for a while.


Soon, without a word, Longinus’s spear was inserted into the kibisis.

Then he pulled out a new spear from the kibisis.

It was the very spear she had received as a gift from Seoyoon.

The desire to win has not changed.

I know that winning with the difference in weapons is also a skill.

But for some reason, I didn’t want to win this match so much.

Seo-joon opened his eyes wide and said to Min-yul, who was surprised.

“I hope you don’t think I’m ignoring you.”

“I don’t think so. But I’m curious… is there a need for that? If you keep going like this, will you win? Why should you give up your reputation as a winner?”

As expected, Minyul also seemed to be aware of the gap.

Seojun nodded and replied.

“Just because people insult me ​​doesn’t mean my value is undermined.”


“Then vice versa.”

Seojun continued.

“If people praise me, wouldn’t my value be sanctified?”

There is nothing more foolish than finding one’s worth outside.

My self-worth is determined by myself.


Minyul was speechless for a moment.

“You… you’re a better friend than I thought.”

Then Minyul began to throw away the weapons hanging from his back one by one with a cheerful laugh.

And the weapon he held at the end was a dagger.

“Likewise, I hope you don’t think I’m ignoring you. It’s the only lesson I’ve learned from Master, and it’s the one I’m most confident in. I actually didn’t expect to write like this here.”

“I don’t think you’re ignoring me.”

Seojun and Minyul shouted as if they had promised each other.

“Because winning is enough!”


At the same time as the collision, a thick tinnitus-like sound rang out.

Kang! Kang!

Min-yul used the short range of his dagger to break into Seo-joon without rest.

Seo-joon continued to distance himself from Min-yul by using the spear’s long range.

Each other’s goals were intertwined, and in the process, fierce battles came and went.


People looked at the breathtaking scene without breathing.

Minyul fighting without a gap in weapons was quite a burden.

The blow that would have been enough to split if it had been Longinus’s spear was now threatening.

Above all, Minyul handled the dagger really well.

It didn’t seem like a lie that it was the only weapon he had learned from his master.

In addition, the ever-changing attacks unique to Minyul were really difficult to counter.

Is that why?



Seo-joon started to be pushed by Min-yul.

But I didn’t care.

You don’t have to win.

It’s okay to lose.

Seo-joon let go of that compulsion and could now truly enjoy fighting Min-yul.

Having fun doesn’t mean you don’t want to win.

Seo-joon fought Min-yul, and Min-yul fought sincerely to beat Seo-joon.


At that moment, Minyul’s momentum changed completely and tremendous energy began to emerge.

At the same time, Min-yul’s appearance began to blur somewhere, and the viewpoint was not set correctly.

“Stealth? Is Lee Min-yul using stealth?”

“Crazy. What’s the level of the students this year?”

“Rather than that, this… Kim Seo-joon must be dangerous?”

Along with people’s reactions, Seo-joon was also surprised.

Stealth is the art of dissolving oneself into the background of nature and hiding oneself.

It was a fairly advanced technology, and it was clearly not at a level that could be solved by self-study.

Of course, Minyul has yet to completely hide his appearance.

Even so, if I didn’t concentrate, I kept getting out of sight.

It seemed that Min-yul was trying to win.

As if responding to Minyul’s odds, Seojun drew Merlin’s mana.


Then all of a sudden


Seo-joon was suspicious of that action.

It didn’t mean that I lacked faith in myself.

Seo-joon looked back at himself while watching the free-spirited fight of Min-yul.

Unlike Minyul, Seojun’s pattern has always been fixed.

‘Is it right to do it this way?’

Merlin once said:



[Learning is such a wonderful thing. However, when learning becomes a habit, self-expression becomes an obstacle.]

[Because to learn is to acquire what others have expressed. How long will I say that I am doing well while learning what others have expressed?]

[Remember. At some point, you shouldn’t be satisfied with learning. Learning should exist as a means to express oneself.]



Come to think of it, Seo-joon was always obsessed with lectures at the Transcendent Academy.

Of course, the lectures at Transcendent Academy are high-level lectures.

But is it really right to just do it that way?

Seo-joon thought of that when he saw Min-yul approaching with great momentum.

Seojun slowly closed his eyes.

So this time.

‘In my own way.’

He did not draw Merlin’s mana, but Seo-joon’s own mana.


Then, a bluish aura began to form on the window.

‘Once more.’

Seojun did not stop there and put his imagination into that mana.

Merlin’s knowledge.

Chiron’s senses.

The reverse divergence of Hangwoo.

And Sakyamuni’s immobility.

Then, as everything came together, Seo-joon’s own, not anyone else’s, began to be made.


At the same time, a feast of blue light began to burst out of the window.

“Oh, oh, Aura Blade?!”

“No, no, no way!!! How can a student come and get a blade!!! Even hunters who have trained for decades are barely able to do it!”

The people who saw it were shocked and shouted.

But Seojun didn’t care.

I found Minyul’s figure only through my senses.

And there he put his blow.


There was no roar, no explosion.

Like a conductor’s hand gesture to finish the last paragraph, only monotonous tinnitus could be heard.

All eyes turned to the center.

Soon people could see.


Seo-joon’s sad spear pointed at Min-yul’s neck.

Wave window!

Min-yul’s dagger shattered without reaching Seo-jun.

“……I lost.”

And the appearance of Min-yul admitting defeat.


a roaring roar.

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