Transcension Academy Chapter 54

Episode 54 – Event Match (1)

Opinions were quickly passed on to the Hunter Mill leadership.

The leadership once again held an emergency meeting, and it did not take long for the event match to be decided.

At the same time, Seojun’s opinion was also accepted.

Like Seojun said, the event match was literally an event match that had nothing to do with mock exams.

The prize money thus measured was one billion.

Amount equal to the prize money for winning the mock exam.

And with the decision of these leaders, some people were able to notice the intention of this event match.

“Your pride seems to have been hurt a lot at the Hunter Mill.”

“Well, that must be the case. It’s not like Gaon or Ale, it’s because it’s like being hit by the 3rd division academy and self-taught students.”

In the Hunter Mill Mock Test, the Hunter Mill students missed first place.

However, it stayed in 3rd place, not 2nd place, and its target was neither Gaondo nor Ale, which are competing academies.

No matter how individual students are, if you look at the results, Hunter Mill seemed to be pushed back by the 3rd division academy and self-taught students.

In addition, the result is now being broadcast live nationwide.

As a hunter mill that is evaluated as the most advanced among the three major academies in Korea, I couldn’t help but feel proud.

In addition to such pride, the image suffered by Hunter Mill was also great to stop this mock test, which was marked by various incidents and accidents.

That’s why the event match was able to divert people’s attention a little bit.

If, by any chance, Kim Kang-chul could defeat Seo-joon there.

There was also the possibility of recovering Hunter Mill’s lost pride, so there was no reason to refuse.

Of course, there were students who objected to Hunter Mill’s decision.

It was just an event match, after all, it was a stage for top students.

To be precise, Kim Seo-joon, Lee Min-yul, Kim Kang-cheol, Jin Dong-min, and Lee Do-eun.

It was no different than a stage for these five people.


“and! Hunter wheat, Gaon, and ale are added at the same time?”

“Is that all? Kim Seo-joon and Lee Min-yul, who smeared the top 3 academies, are also coming out! Can’t you see the internet reactions are going crazy?”

“crazy!! Intuition came really well!”

It wasn’t such an important concern for those who are passionate about event matches.

For the common people, mock exams were nothing but entertainment.

It was a life-threatening task for the students, but for the people, it was just watching the superhuman fights they had seen in movies and cartoons.

I couldn’t help but be enthusiastic about the fact that the top 3 talented players from the 3 major academies in Korea were participating.

“Who will win? Maybe Seojun Kim will win?”

“There is a high probability of that. don’t know again Evaluating the test and fighting in the real battle are completely different.”

“Well, right now, a magician like Lee Do-eun is more useful in real life. Anyway, I look forward to it!!”

Everyone was talking about the event match, and at the same time, it was the moment when the intention of holding the event match came into effect.

Thus, the event match was prepared quickly and there were a total of 15 applicants.

Kim Seo-jun, Lee Min-yul, Kim Kang-cheol, Jin Dong-min, and Lee Do-eun.

Excluding these 5 students, 10 students applied for participation.

The reason is none other than Kim Seo-joon.

It was to defeat one of them.

The Hunter Mill Mock Test was so popular that it was broadcast live nationwide.

Of course, it wasn’t that he was unaware of the overwhelming gap that Seojun had shown earlier.

However, they were all called promising prospects of each academy.

Not the head of snakes like the 3rd and 2nd academies, but the prospects of the 1st academy.

In a word, they were the ones with the dragon’s head, and they were the ones who lived without knowing that they were defeated.

They had never felt a wall.

Rather, they may have become someone’s wall.

In particular, Kim Kang-cheol, Jin Dong-min, and Lee Do-eun.

Even more so with these three.

So, there was only one thought in their heads.

<The winner is Gaon Academy’s Jin.Dong.Min!>

‘Seojun Kim. I will definitely defeat you.’



<Ah! I can’t get my mind off the fire magic! Winner Lee Do-eun!>

‘I’ll show you that wizards are different in real life.’



<You really can’t compete! Kim Kang-cheol wins!>

‘I’ll make you regret participating.’



They approached the event match in a different way, with the same thoughts.


Now that the event match is in full swing.

Seo-joon, who had just won a match, sat in the waiting room and thought.

“I’m afraid I’ll bet a billion won…”

In fact, Seojun thought it would take roughly 500 million won as the prize money.

So when I heard that the prize money was 1 billion, I couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Perhaps, as expected by Seo-joon, it seemed that he was trying to highlight the importance of the event match by equating the prize money to the mock exam.

At the same time, the intention to shine a spotlight on the winner of the event match.

“Well… it doesn’t matter to me.”

However, since money was more important to Seo-joon than fame, he didn’t even care.

More than anything, it was all the more so because it was enough to win.

In that sense, the prize money of 1 billion won was a boon to Seo-joon.


Now that the event match has been held.

Winning the mock exam was no different from a certainty, so there was no problem with Seo-joon receiving 1 billion won.

And if Seojun won the event match, the total prize money Seojun took was 2 billion won.

“If it’s 2 billion…”

The price of the free pass I checked last time was 500 million won.

Excluding that, 1.5 billion was a huge amount of money left over.

And the lectures recommended by mentors cost 2 billion and 2.5 billion, respectively.

Of course, I thought it would take quite a while to collect money, but if I had 1.5 billion, I would be able to take a new lecture soon.

“Of course, it was the premise of winning the event match.”

Seo-joon let out a smile.

In fact, Seo-joon paid close attention to each of the preceding matches.

Even though he showed an overwhelming gap in the mock exam, it was because Seo-jun himself knew better than anyone else that the exam was always a test.

How to not know what variables will pop out in practice.

So Seo-joon figured out how his rivals fought and how they fought.

so that.

To be honest, Seojun is Kim Kang-cheol, Dong-min Jin, and Do-eun Lee.

I could not have worried about these three people at all.

To be a little more honest.

I didn’t think I would lose to those three.

but one.

It wasn’t like that with just one.

<Ah~ What is this! Immigration rate students! He throws away his sword and pulls out his bow!>

He was none other than the immigration rate.


The image of Lee Min-yul reflected on the display board was rapidly firing an arrow at the opponent.

Judging from the words of the relayer I just heard.

It seemed like he was holding a sword just a moment ago, but for some reason Minyul, reflected on the screen, was shooting an arrow.

Generally, hunters train by choosing a weapon and polishing it.

It was because it was daunting to master one.

Occasionally, there were hunters who used it as a secondary weapon, but it was literally a secondary weapon.

For this reason, it was common sense that the number of weapons to handle should not exceed 3 at most.

However, what Minyul deals with are swords, spears, swords, bows, etc.

About 8 passed.

Of course, I couldn’t handle all that many weapons.

Although it could be handled accurately, it was difficult to handle at a high level.


However, Min-yul was showing unusual skill with a bow as if he was in direct denial of such common sense.

It was almost like using a bow as a main weapon.

– Do you feel like you’re just getting hurt?

In an instant, the opponent, who had been struggling to hit Minyul’s arrow, suddenly started running toward Minyul.

I thought it was a decision to figure out the weakness of the bow, which is vulnerable to melee, and narrow the distance.

And it was also a more standard judgment.



When the opponent clung to him, Minyul threw his bow without hesitation.

And at the same time, he took out a sword from his back.


Lightly knocked out the opponent’s blow.

– This, what the…!

The opponent was visibly embarrassed, and Min-yul began to push the opponent helplessly.

Caang! Kang!

“Immigration rate…”

Seo-joon was lost in thought as he watched Min-yul fight.

The fight itself was rough.

It was not something refined like Kim Kang-chul, Jin Dong-min, and Lee Do-eun, but a raw atmosphere.

A free-spirited atmosphere that is not confined to any format or framework.

It was literally like a ‘fight’ rather than a confrontation.

In a word, it was the style that came out when I didn’t receive an academy education.

And that.

“Could it be… a student at the Transcendent Academy like me?”

Seojun was the same.

In fact, Seo-joon had no choice but to come up with these thoughts.

He should be the same. Last time, Seo-joon had asked this question to his mentor.

Are there any other transcendental students like Seo Jun?

The mentor’s answer was:

‘Among the numerous dimensions that use our Transcendentalist Academy, there are four students who have the most Transcendentalist students.’

Mentor did not conclude that it was Earth.

However, on the contrary, he did not conclude that it was not Earth.

“You mean those four could be Earth.”

Besides, the conversation with Minyul earlier was the same.

‘I’ve never learned from anyone, so I’ve been using this and that, so there’s nothing to cover.’

Given the framework of self-taught students, there was nothing strange.

However, after that, Minyul’s words were a little different.

‘Actually, there is a master. He is, but Master doesn’t know that I am a disciple.’

I’ve never learned from anyone, but I have a teacher.

However, the master does not know that he is a disciple.

If you look closely at Seojun, he had a teacher.

none other than transcendents.

However, those transcendentalists do not know who Seo-joon is.


Of course it might not have been.

No, it would be more accurate to say that it is more likely not.

Still, it could not be denied that there was room for doubt.

– Cuckoo!

<The winner is this. min. rate!!>

At that moment, Seo-joon raised his gaze again at the shout from the electronic display board.

There, you can see the scene where Min-yul changed his mind and hit the opponent’s stomach with a spear.

<Ah, is second place in the mock exam different? It was a fresh and overwhelming match! Alright then, the next game is ah…!>

The presenter paused for a moment and then shouted in a voice full of excitement.

<Everyone waited a long time! Finally, this order is back!>

<The matcher for the next match! A talent recognized by a demonic disciple! The future of Korean magicians is bright because of her! Lee Do-eun of Ale Academy!!>


<And the opponent against her!>

<The student appeared like a supernova! The owner of the unprecedented record for making the first 0-point student in the history of Hunter Mill Mock Test! Kim.Seo.Jun from Dream Academy!!>


Seojun slowly rose from his seat.


Lee Do-eun was a genius.

It was not an exaggeration, but he was the owner of a talent that was not enough to be called a genius.

Countless hunter academies existed in Korea.

Among them, there are only three places that are called towers.

Hunter Meal, Gaon and Ale.

Among them, Do-eun Lee was a student at the ale academy, and even in that ale, she was one of the top five.

Above all, when Jung Ji-min, a disciple of Demonic Star, was invited to Ale as a special lecturer.

At the point of evaluating Lee Do-eun as ‘quite excellent’, it is not enough to call Lee Do-eun a genius.

Who is Ji-min Jeong?

A sorcerer who succeeds Demon Castle, and a genius magician who Professed to have surpassed himself by Demon Castle himself.

She was an idol and a goal that all students dreaming of becoming a wizard in Korea respected.

And if it is a talent recognized by Jung Ji-min, what more needs to be said?

There was nothing impossible in Lee Do-eun’s life.

Always ahead, always noticed.

For Lee Do-eun, effort was just another word for the time needed to make something that didn’t work.

That’s why Lee Do-eun couldn’t recognize the man in front of her.

A man named Kim Seo-joon who took the lead with an overwhelming score in mock exams.

Of course, he did not know that he was an extraordinary talent.

Unless you’re an idiot, you wouldn’t know.

However, he did not think that his skills were enough to widen the overwhelming score gap with himself.

‘Hunter Mill’s mock test is just unfavorable to wizards. If it was Ale’s mock test or the pro hunter test, the result would be different.’

So, Lee Do-eun was in favor of this event match more than anyone else.

Unlike normal hunters, wizards had infinite possibilities in actual combat.

Why do you think wizards are essential in guilds and raids?

Lee Do-eun thought he would personally show the reason.

<Agidari meat waiting game! Shizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I’ll do it!>


At the start of the match, Lee Do-eun drew mana and created a fireball.

Fire magic that Lee Do-eun is most confident about.

A total of three fireballs rose in front of Lee Do-eun.

“Triple casting! Wasn’t that just a triple casting?”

“That’s not the problem! Look at the triple casting speed!”

“crazy. What you showed in the last match wasn’t everything!”

Triple Casting.

Literally implementing three magics at the same time, of course, the difficulty was not easy either.

It wasn’t easy, but in terms of level, it was one level higher than the Aura Sword.

So, it was a level that is not often seen at the level of students, but it was easier than eating a meal for Lee Do-eun.

With a hand gesture, Lee Do-eun threw fireballs summoned by triple casting at Seo-joon in turn.


Then, the three fireballs scattered fierce heat in all directions and rushed fiercely at Seo-joon.

Seo-joon moved quickly to avoid the first fireball that approached.


Then, the fireball that passed along with the blazing heat collided with the floor and a huge explosion exploded.

It was like a bomb exploding violently.

“If hit, it would be dangerous…”

Is a wizard really a wizard?

Seo-joon raised his tension to the fullest when he saw the wizard he was dealing with for the first time.


A fireball shot out almost at the same time.

Seo-joon once again moved his body to avoid the second fireball.

But then.

“This is it!”

At that moment, the third and last fireball rushed in from an unexpected direction.

It seemed that the first and second fireballs were a trick.

And this wasn’t something that could simply be said to be learning magic.

A sense derived from a sense of practice.

In a word, it was a realm of talent.

It didn’t seem like he was called a genius in Ale for nothing.

However, there was something that even Lee Do-eun hadn’t thought of.

‘It’s tricky.’

It was that he was not particularly threatening to Seo-joon, who was trained with Chiron’s senses.

Seo-joon twisted his body, squeezing the muscles of his whole body.

The moment you try to avoid the oncoming fireball.

‘By the way… what about magic?’

One thought popped into my mind.

Seo-joon was worried for a moment.

And at the end of that thought, I gave up the idea of ​​avoiding the fireball.

Instead, he picked up Longinus’s spear, filled it with Merlin’s mana, and swung it at the rushing fireball.



With a light explosion, the fireball was cut in two and extinguished.

“No, no way!”

At the same time, Lee Do-eun’s cry broke out.

Lee Do-eun couldn’t believe what she had just seen.

Magic was a collection of mana formulas and was like a kind of law.

To explain it a little more specifically, magic is a creation made by the law of mana.

That alone was a shapeless form as a standard for a perfect existence.

That’s why magic couldn’t be divided in that way.

no, it shouldn’t have been

So it is common sense to avoid magic.

Even so, the difference between magic.

No, dissipating magic like that belonged to one of the two cases.

Or, with overwhelming mana, the law itself implemented by the wizard was pressed down.

Either completely understand the law that the wizard implemented and destroy it with dispel.

However, it was impossible for a non-magician to understand magic.

Even if he understood, dispel was not something that could be done in such an instant.

So, from the beginning, Lee Do-eun tried to induce Seo-joon to avoid it through triple casting, but…

“Uh, what is it? Even magic breaks easily. me really What kind of effect is this really?”

Seo-joon was looking at his window with a puzzled expression, as if he couldn’t understand at the moment.

“Should I buy a secondary weapon with 1.5 billion and do a comparative experiment…”

“This, profit!!”

Lee Do-eun felt her eyes roll over.

Lee Do-eun once again drew out mana.

Roaring! Roaring!

Then, this time, four fireballs rose in front of Lee Do-eun.

It wasn’t even a quadruple casting, but if you look at the speed, it was practically comparable to that.

Lee Do-eun did not stop here.


The four fireballs that rose along with the wave of mana that followed began to distort.

After a little time, it changed into a form like a spear of fire or an arrow of fire, and soon it was launched toward Seo-joon with Lee Do-eun’s hand gesture.


Quaang! bang!

“No, no, no way…”

Seo-joon destroyed those magics.

Also, as if he was out for a walk, Lee Do-eun’s magic faded away when he lightly wielded the spear.

Lee Do-eun looked at the scene blankly.


Eventually, his legs gave out and he collapsed.

Can’t win. I can never win…!


‘My, what did I just think…’

And just then.


A cold feeling on the nape of the neck.

Lee Do-eun slowly raised her head.

And he could see Seo-joon Chang, who was aiming at the scruff of his neck.

“Did I win?”

In addition, Seo-joon speaks in a neat manner without any scars.

Lee Do-eun saw Seo-joon like that.

“Monster, monster…”

For the first time in my life, I could feel that it was a huge wall.

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