Transcension Academy Chapter 50

Chapter 50 – Hunter Mill Mock Test (1)

The three major hunter academies in Korea are ‘Hunter Meal, Ale, and Gaon.’ referred to these three academies.

However, this did not mean that all three hunter academies were of the same class.

To be precise, there was a subtle difference in the specialized subjects taught at each academy rather than a difference in level, and people used to say this about this.

Ale if you want to learn magic.

If you want to handle long weapons, go for Gaon.

If you don’t know anything, go to Hunter Mill.

It was easy for people who heard this for the first time to think that Hunter Mill was the most backward of the three academies.

In a word, it was said that there was no special feature.

But that was the case of ordinary people who really didn’t know much about pro hunters.

If you are a student aspiring to become a hunter, no, if you know even a little about pro hunters, you won’t come out with such words.

‘If you don’t know anything, go to the Hunter Mill.’

This actually meant that Hunter Mill had no special features and at the same time it had no other disadvantages.

Of course, Ale and Gaon are ahead in magic, weaponry, and details.

However, just by being proudly called one of Korea’s top three academies without any special features in the basket of outstanding ale and Gaon, it was enough to guess what Hunter Mill was like.

And the feature of having no disadvantages was used as an advantage in the pro hunter mock test.

Because the mock exam for the pro hunter exam was to be presented and held at the academy anyway.

Therefore, the characteristics of each academy had to be reflected in the mock test, and naturally, the mock test of Hunter Mill, which had no special features, had to be the most reliable for the students.

This is the ‘Hunter Mill mock test score is the score of the pro hunter test.’ That was the true meaning of the word.

In that sense, among the mock tests held by the three academies, the Hunter Mill mock test was the largest and had the largest number of students.

At the same time, from the point of view of the general public, there was no better sight to see than this.

That would be the case, because the Pro Hunter exam was not open to the general public.

People couldn’t help but be enthusiastic because they could see and feel the professional hunter test that they had always heard only in words.

It was a very natural thing for various broadcasting companies and other media to rush into it, and now it was regarded as a large-scale sports event held once a year.

So now.

“Wow… so many people.”

Seo-joon was able to experience the crowds he had never seen before.

It was Seo-joon who felt that there were many people even during the last academy contest.

But looking back now, it wasn’t much.

many. I wondered if this expression was made by looking at the situation right in front of me.

Even though I’ve seen it on TV a few times over the past few years, the scene I’m facing is completely different from the screen.

“Anyway, it’s a mock test held at Hunter Mill. Well… the same goes for Gaon and Ale.”

Then, Seoyoon’s voice came from behind.

It was Seoyoon who followed, saying that she couldn’t stay still while she was busy recruiting new students.

When Seo-jun turned his head and looked at him, Seo-yoon was looking around with his baseball cap on.

As if looking for something, he moved his head over and over again, but sure enough, his gaze soon fixed on one spot.

“ah! There it is. Come this way, Mr. Seojun.”

He took Seojun’s hand and led him.

He wanted something from Seoyoon’s sudden action, but he couldn’t afford to ask.

Seo-jun only held onto Seo-yoon’s hand in order not to miss Seo-yoon in the crowd of people.

The place I arrived at was in front of a relatively quiet aisle.

However, the aisle is blocked with a sign saying ‘No entry except for those involved.’

Seoyoon stopped walking in front of such a passage.

At the same time, he did not let go of the hand holding Seo-jun, but when Seo-jun had a moment to catch his breath, he was about to ask Seo-yoon.


Suddenly, a blocked passage opened, and five or six people walked out of it.

Judging from their appearance, it seemed that they were related to the Hunter Mill.

Sure enough, they lined up in front of the aisle and soon began shouting loudly at the crowd.

“Participating students, academy officials, and scouts, please use this aisle!”

The voice seemed to contain mana, and it was delivered accurately to my ears as it resonated through the commotion like a heaping market.

And as if she had waited, Seo-yoon took Seo-joon’s hand again and went to the front of the aisle and handed him something.

“Dream Academy Park Seo-yoon. And Seojun Kim, a participating student.”

“Wait a minute… Yes, it’s confirmed. You may go in.”

Then, with a simple confirmation procedure, Seojun and Seoyoon were able to enter the passage.

Only then did Seoyoon let go of Seojun’s hand, and Seojun glanced back.


And great crowds to see.

They rushed in an instant to the passage through which Seo-jun and Seo-yoon came in, and it was obvious what would have happened if they had been a little late.

Seojun turned his head forward again and said.

“You knew this in advance.”

“Anyway, it’s a mock test at the Hunter Mill. Various guilds and raids. And it’s obvious that scouts, including government officials, will flock to it. ”

It was Seoyoon’s calm words, but Seojun felt quite grateful.

If it wasn’t for Seoyoon’s foresight, he’d have to wait in line for hours, and nothing would drain his stamina as much as standing in a daze.

“Then I will go first. Take good care of your condition and fighting for the test!”

“yes. Thank you, Mr. Seoyoon.”

Instead of answering, Seoyoon left the place with a clear smile.

Seo-jun looked at the back of Seo-yoon and moved to the waiting room.

But just then

“what! Can’t you see there’s a line right now?”

Suddenly, a commotion came from behind.

Seojun looked back, wanting something.


And through Seo-jun’s vision, he could see a man confronting people.

The man had a rather sharp impression, but perhaps because of that impression, he was a man with a cold atmosphere.

“What do you mean?”

And maybe because of that atmosphere, the tone of voice didn’t sound very good either.

In addition, the personality may also be the same. After saying that, the man walked towards the aisle, ignoring the people in line.

“what! Are you not staying there?”

As expected, people got angry and called the man to stand up.

However, the man pretended to hear and continued to walk, and people even attacked him.


“sorry. This one will pass first.”

At that moment, an official from the Hunter Mill came forward and stopped the people who were rushing at the sharp-looking man.

“what? What is this now…!”

People started to panic at the sudden situation, and it was at that time that they tried to protest to the officials.

“excuse me! excuse me! It’s Kim Kang-chul!”

“Kim Kang-cheol? where? where?”

A line of shouts came from the crowd of people, and soon a buzz began.

Then, in an instant, the eyes focused on the sharp-looking man, and the cry broke out again.

“uh! It’s real! You really are Kim Kang-cheol!”

“and! I was wondering who to send out at the Hunter Mill, but Kim Kang-cheol is participating!”

From that point on, people’s murmurs began to intensify.

“yes. Kim Kang-chul should come out. Do Ji-eun in Ale and Jin Dong-min in Gaon.”

“I heard that this Hunter Mill Mock Test is the best ever… It’s really worth watching, right?”

“I know. Kang-cheol Kim is a top 3 player at the Hunter Mill, but Ji-eun Do and Jin Dong-min are the same.”

And right at that moment.

The sharp-looking man, that is to say, the people who ran into Kim Kang-chul showed a displeased expression and clicked their tongues.

“What, were you a student at Hunter Mill Academy? Eh tsk.”

And then people start going back to their seats.

Seo-joon was able to grasp the general situation from that appearance.

Since it was a mock test for the Hunter Mill, it seemed that this kind of preferential treatment was given to Hunter Mill students.

“Come in.”

Amidst the different interests of countless people, Kim Kang-chul casually passed through the aisle.

Rather, he only frowned as if he were tired of experiencing many situations like this.

Seo-joon looked at Kang-chul Kim without saying anything.

Kim Kang-cheol naturally approached Seo-joon, and soon their eyes met.


However, Kim Kang-chul only looked at Seo-joon as if he were looking at a pebble on the side of the road, and then moved on again.

“Who do you think will win?”

And again the buzz of people.

“I am Kim Kang-cheol. Do Ji-eun and Jin Dong-min are not easy either. In terms of skill, Kim Kang-cheol is at the top. I heard that Kim Kang-cheol is also sponsored by the Jinrihoe. And most of all, isn’t it the Hunter Mill practice test?”

“Let me in too!”

“Why the Hunter’s Mill Mock Test?”

“Since it’s the same academy, shouldn’t you have told Kim Kang-cheol something?”

“Why can’t I!”

“Ah, that’s not it. No matter how much their academy students do, would they commit such cheating when it is a well-known Hunter Mill?”

“but. That too. By the way… Who is that person from earlier?”

Soon, people’s eyes were fixed on one place.

“I want you to let me in too!”

At that moment, the call was heard again.

Since Seo-joon was also aware of the commotion, his eyes naturally headed there.

And what I saw there was a man arguing with the officials.

Is he about the same age as Seojun?

My first impression was that of a rural youth.

Above all, one peculiar thing drew people’s attention, and it was that all kinds of weapons, such as swords, spears, and bows, were hanging on the back.

‘Am I going to use all of that?’

Perhaps because of that, Seo-joon could feel that the young man was quite free-spirited.

“I am a contestant too! Look! Application form here! So let me in!”

“Please stand in line and enter.”

“That person just passed by. But why can’t I?”

“He is a cadet at Hunter Mill Academy.”

“A cadet at Hunter Mill Academy? Why?”

“Hey! Can’t you see everyone is standing in line? Don’t delay, go back quickly!”

“evil! Where is the law like this!”

But after a while, the young man is dragged far away by people, to the back.

“……It really is a gathering of various students from all over the country.”

Feeling the status of the Hunter Mill mock test anew, Seo-joon trudged to the waiting room for participants.


The Hunter Mill Mock Test is a mock test held at the Hunter Mill, which was created with the intention of having students practice the pro hunter test in advance.

Therefore, the subjects seen in the mock exam had no choice but to be the same as those seen in the pro hunter exam.

In that sense, the first subject of the mock exam was the basic physical fitness test.

A professional hunter basically meant someone who fought monsters while raiding dungeons.

It is said that its meaning as a job has faded now, but the essence has not changed.

Therefore, as a professional hunter, strong physical strength is the basis of the basics.

“Couldn’t it be like taking a mock test for transcendentalists and running away from the Imoogi with the Yeouiju?”

Seo-joon smiled and checked the contents of the test, and of course it wasn’t like that.

To be precise, it was a method of subdividing basic physical strength into four categories of ‘stamina, muscle strength, quickness, and agility’ and evaluating them with appropriate tests for each item.

The first fitness item was none other than the 3km canter.

For a test that hunters take, it was a fairly normal physical strength test.

However, there was a big difference in that I had to cover 3km in 5 minutes and repeat it over and over again.

If you do not pass within 5 minutes, the evaluation ends.

In a word, the main factor in the physical fitness evaluation this time was how many times he ran 3 km in 5 minutes.

“Um… how many times can I go around?”

Although Seo-jun was confident in his physical strength as a daily task for Chiron, he was unsure of the results.

He would be the same, because Chiron’s daily tasks were always carried out with weights, and above all, he had never measured such accurate figures.

Of course, it must be above average, but it was true that he was worried because what Seojun was aiming for was winning.

“I’ll have to try as far as I can.”

The fitness test started like that.

Because of the large number of students participating, the groups were organized in the order in which they came first due to time constraints.

And fortunately, Seo-joon, who came early, was almost in the first group and was able to take the test quickly.

“If it wasn’t for Seoyoon, I would have been in big trouble.”

Seo-jun felt grateful to Seo-yoon and looked over the students in the same group one by one.

Then I checked to see if Kim Kang-chul was there, but it seemed like he wasn’t there.

“Soon the exam will begin. Please finish all preparations.”

A call from an official is heard shortly after.

“Whoa! Shall we go!”

Seojun left the waiting room as if to shake off his tension.


Park Do-seok was a student at Hunter Academy, which belongs to the second division, and his skills were good enough to be called a promising player there.

To put it a little more objectively, it was enough to go to Hunter Mill, Ale, and Gaon, which are called prestigious among prestigious families.

Nevertheless, the reason Park Do-seok attended the Hunter Academy in the second division was none other than money.

Because the annual tuition fee for the three major academies in Korea is easily over a billion units.

Park Do-seok couldn’t afford the money, so he had no choice but to go to the second division’s Hunter Academy, where he could receive a scholarship.

People comforted Park Do-seok, saying that it would be better to become a snake’s head than a dragon’s tail, but Park Do-seok did not agree.

If you become a dragon’s tail, you can at least compete with dragons, but if you become a snake’s head, you have to compete with snakes.

As the saying goes, if you want to become a big person, be surprised by big water, Park Do-seok did not want to become a frog in a well.

In that sense, Park Do-seok participated in the Hunter Mill Mock Test, so Park Do-seok was quite satisfied with that choice now.

“Hoo-wook! Whoop!”

A student, Seo-jun, is running right next to him, exhaling heavily.

At first, he thought he was a stupid looking guy, but at this point, which has already passed 10 laps, Park Do-seok had no choice but to acknowledge Seo-jun.



Seo-jun is ahead of Park Do-seong by one second.

Park Do-seok continued to run after Seo-jun, and after 15 laps, only Park Do-seok and Seo-jun remained in the same group.

“Haha…! Hahaha…!”

And Park Do-seok was able to feel his limitations approaching.

15 laps would have been 45 km. A distance equal to that of a marathon.

Since he ran the distance at a speed of 3 km in 5 minutes, even if he was a hunter, there was definitely a limit.

‘Just a little more… Just a little more!’

However, Park Do-seok did not give up.

I wanted to give up, but when I saw Seo-joon running steadily next to me, I gained strength that I hadn’t had before.

Let’s just beat that guy. Let’s just beat that guy.

Park Do-seok continued to indulge himself, and Park thought that that student would also feel the same way as he did.

‘As much as you… I will definitely win!’

Park Do-seok stepped forward with all his might to stop.


[5 minutes 12 seconds.]

In the end, Park Do-seok had no choice but to stop running.

Still, Park Do-seok was satisfied.

A self that has surpassed its limits by competing with dragons, not snakes.

“Heo-eok! Huh! You… won. But thanks to that, I got a good score…”

Park Do-seok shook hands with Seo-joon, who ran one more time and entered.



Seo-joon just continued to run, ignoring Park Do-seok.

“You’re overdoing it.”

Park Do-seok naturally thought that Seo-joon was pampering.

That would be the case, because even Kim Kang-cheol, Lee Do-eun, and Jin Dong-min, who are currently being mentioned as candidates for the championship, could not ignore the current record.

However, Seo-jun did not stop and went one lap like that. two wheels.

And when I went beyond three laps and ran ten laps again.


It was only then that Park Do-seok was able to realize.

I thought of myself as a competitor. No, Seo Jun-eun, who mistook him for competing.

“Only one turn…! more!”

That it was not a dragon, but something higher.

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