Transcension Academy Chapter 48

Chapter 48 – Completion (2)

The tremendous energy that burst out without warning maintained the status quo for quite a long time.

However, it gradually began to be captured inside Seo-jun’s body, and tremendous power overflowed from all over Seo-jun’s body.

Seo-jun quietly closed his eyes and contemplated his body.

Then I felt a fairly familiar power.

“Isn’t this… the power of reverse divergence?”

It was quite similar to the power when none other than Seo-joon drew the power of reverse divergence.

“How did this happen? ah! no way···?”

Seo-joon took out the spear of Longinus with a sudden thought.

Then, after looking around, making sure no one was there, he lightly swung the spear of Longinus.



Significant wind pressure erupted along the swinging trajectory.

It didn’t look like someone swung it lightly.

A landscape that seems to contain the power of reverse divergence.


Seojun tried to lightly wield Longinus’s spear once again, but the result was the same as expected.


No, rather, it seems to have adapted, but the power has become stronger than before.

“……The power of reverse divergence is just contained?”

Even if you don’t draw out the power of reverse divergence, all spear attacks contain the power of reverse divergence.

Seojun couldn’t think of anything else.

Seo-jun himself could feel that.

To be more precise, Seo-joon was able to put the power of reverse divergence into all spears without being conscious of it.

As if inhaling and exhaling can be done instinctively without being conscious of it, the power of reverse divergence was put into the spear of Longinus very naturally.


Seo-joon unknowingly burst into admiration.

And just then.

belt ring.

<[Reverse divergence is like this.] (Instructor: King Xiang Yu.)>

<Would you like to take the epilogue lecture?>

Smartphone notification sound.

“Epilogue lecture?”

Seojun tilted his head once.

It was Seo-jun who had already read Hang-woo’s lecture once… no, in a mentor-style way, but it was the first lecture he had ever seen.

It seems to be a lecture that you can listen to even though you have to complete the lecture.

Seo-joon pressed the course button without much hesitation.

Hold on.



[Ha ha ha ha! The day will come when you will complete the lecture too! I knew you would never come!]

[For students who have completed my lecture, a lot of things will be different from the beginning! You can probably use the power of reverse divergence at will! By the way… there won’t be any students who shrug their shoulders with just such a thing, right? Please don’t.]

[Reverse divergence is the basis of the basics of the transcendental process. It’s literally just a matter of getting the qualifications to walk the transcendental path!]

[But there must be some students who can’t keep their minds up! It was like that every time!]

[In that sense, you guys just went from regular trash to recycling trash! In the end, the fact that you guys are still garbage remains the same!]

However, contrary to his words, Hang-woo showed a rough yet cool expression.

[Still, completing the lecture must be something to celebrate! Ha ha ha ha! There is nothing more to teach you in this lecture! Now, learn the singing method that suits you in earnest, polish it, and devote yourself to the path of true transcendence!]

[And that road will be a very rough road. There will be many times when you want to give up in the middle, and you will doubt every moment whether the path you are going is the right one.]

[But keep in mind. Transcendence has no answer. No, there is no right answer to everything that exists in this world, not just transcendence.]

Seojun slowly nodded his head involuntarily.

Hang-woo said that there is no right answer in the world.

Because Seo-joon was now deeply engraving the true meaning of those words.

There is only one formula for calculating the water molecule.


However, there are three ways to express water.

water, ice and steam.

Even the formula of science, which we think is the truth, cannot be a single correct answer.

What is our life, how is life?

And as if responding to Seo-jun’s thoughts.

[So if you think that you have chosen the right direction, be sure of that direction!]

Soon after, Xiang Yu showed his characteristic beastly smile and said.

[Because speed doesn’t matter.]



Now, the epilogue lecture that only illuminates the black screen.

Thinking that there would be no reason to hear that voice if nothing else happened, I felt sad for no reason.

But I wasn’t too obsessed with it.

“By the way, Xiang Yu also knows the word recycling.”

I just burst out laughing and brushed off the afterglow.


Seojun returned to Dream Academy again.

Now that not only has I completed Hangu’s lecture, but above all, the mock test for elective subject 1 is over.

The mock exam for the next elective course 2 was due in three days, so there was no reason to stay there any longer.

Returning to Dream Academy like that, Seo-jun immediately looked around and found Seo-yoon.

Then, when he found Seoyoon sitting at his desk and having a headache, he approached and asked.

“Mr. Seoyoon.”

“…yes yes?”

When Seo-jun asked, Seo-yoon was slightly surprised and asked back.

The surprised expression along with the eyes resembling obsidian was quite funny, so Seo-joon burst into laughter without knowing it.

“……What are you doing?”

Seoyoon answered Seojun with a pouty expression.

Seo-joon waved his hand once as if he was sorry, then slowly opened his mouth.

“Last time, you said there was a Hunter Mill mock test. It was probably around this time, wasn’t it?”

Hunter Mill Pro Hunter Mock Test.

Among the three major academies in Korea, Hunter Mill, Ale, and Gaon, it was a mock test held at Hunter Mill, and it was a mock test that all students across the country could take.

If Seo-jun remembers correctly, he remembered saying that the free pass would be next month with 25 days left.

And the current free pass period is 5 days.

“Ah yes. I was just about to tell you. We are accepting applications for one week from today.”

Sure enough, Seoyoon nodded and continued.

“Are you going to participate?”

Seojun nodded without hesitation.

“yes. Please.”

“I knew that too. Then I will apply for participation right now.”

Seoyoon smiled a little and started manipulating something with her smartphone.

And seeing Seoyoon like that, Seojun could not hide his strangely beating heart.

That’s right, the pro hunter mock test was literally a ‘mock’ test of the pro hunter test.

Of course, it is closely related to the pro hunter test,

And the professional hunter mock test held at the prestigious Hunter Mill.

Aspiring pro hunters from all over the country come and go.

Above all, not only the prospects of Hunter Mill, but also the prospects of Gaon and Ale will participate.

That’s why it was no different from the Pro Hunter test, and it wasn’t for nothing that the score here was the score of the Pro Hunter test.

of course.

Seo-joon’s mock test scores for transcendentalists were disastrous, so he was almost crushed.

But that was because it was literally a mock test for a ‘transcendent’.

The Pro Hunter exam was different.

The power of reverse divergence that Seo-joon gained while completing the Hangwoo lecture without having to go far.

The power of reverse divergence is comparable to that of the Aura Sword in terms of Hunter, and now it has the Longinus Spear.

‘To what extent am I?’

Seo-joon’s heart was more energetic than usual.

“The application for participation has been completed… The exam will be held in 10 days if nothing else happens.”

Hearing Seoyoon’s words shortly after, Seojun suddenly came to his senses.

And I’m leaving to say thank you.

‘Um… Come to think of it, I’m wondering what would happen if I sparred with Mr. Seoyoon now.’

A question that suddenly comes to mind.

Seo-jun stared at Seo-yoon’s face.

“Why, why… do you…?”

And at such a sudden action of Seo-jun, Seo-yoon showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

Then, as if wondering what was on her face, Seoyoon touched her face with her hands.

Seo-jun stared blankly at Seo-yoon.

‘no. There’s no need to raise the progress of the lecture.’

“haha. it’s nothing.”

I laughed out loud.

Seo-yoon looked at Seo-joon with suspicion, but Seo-joon changed the topic as if it was really no big deal.

“Rather than that, is the recruitment of students going well?”

“Ah… that’s it.”

Seoyoon seemed to take a break for a while and then began to express her concerns.

“Actually… these days, I’m not alone in worrying about that. If I recruit new students, I don’t know how my grandfather will come out again. Seojun-ssi, how did you get over it…”


Seojun could only nod his head involuntarily.

Judging from the first meeting with the swordsman last time, it was clear that the swordsman would come to strike again when a new student came in.

‘Um… I’d rather have a proper sparring with Sword Saint then?’

Seoyoon opened her mouth again, whether or not she knew what Seojun was thinking.

“I mean, grandfather, but what can I do… More than anything, my biggest concern is who to invite as a lecturer.”

“Are you the instructor? Wasn’t Seoyoon teaching it himself?”

“I will teach mainly, but I cannot teach everything. Each student has their own individuality, so how can I teach in my own way?”

Seojun kept his mouth shut.

It was an unexpected idea from Seo-joon’s point of view, who thought that simply teaching would be the end.

They once said that becoming a teacher was their dream, but it didn’t seem like they were simply hitting.

Perhaps because of this, Seo-jun could see how much Seo-yoon cared for Dream Academy.

In addition, Seo-joon was able to feel once again how great the transcendentalist academy was, considering such circumstances one by one.

“Therefore, there should be at least one instructor for each field, but it is a bit disappointing to invite any instructor. However, finding popular instructors is not enough money…”

Seo-jun asked Seo-yoon out of curiosity.

“What is the salary of popular instructors?”

“Each instructor is different, but… popular instructors have to pay billions per month, and those who are called the top have to pay billions.”


Seojun was really surprised.

I knew that popular instructors made a lot of money, but I didn’t know it would be this much.

Not a billion-dollar salary, but a billion-dollar salary.

It wasn’t just about retiring as a professional hunter and setting up an academy or teaching.

‘Can I try it?’

So, it was a natural thought.

If you think about it, didn’t you think of giving Merlin’s teachings to Jimin, a disciple of demonic nature?

The same goes for this too.

Above all, it was clear that it would be a good source of income for Seo-jun, who needed a lot of money.

‘The question is, who wants to learn from the students?’

However, Seojun quickly shook his head.

Seojun’s name was known in the last contest, but Seojun was still only a student.

Students who want to learn by paying a lot of money will naturally want instructors with professional hunter licenses.

That’s why Seojun couldn’t bear to tell Seoyoon what he was thinking.


‘Will it change if I show something in the Hunter’s Mill Mock Test?’

Even that hope had not been given up.

The Hunter Meal Mock Test is administered nationwide.

It could not have been just nonsense if he showed something special there beyond his impressive appearance.

“If you ever need my help, let me know!”

Seo-jun left the seat as if giving a hint to Seo-yoon.


Three days passed again and Seo-joon took the second elective course of the transcendental mock test.

And, as the subject name suggests, they were related to creative skills.

To be precise, it is related to understanding the singing method.

Seo-joon, who had not yet learned how to properly sing, couldn’t even do anything about it.

So, unfortunately, Seojun couldn’t raise the progress rate of Chiron’s lecture.

The transcendental mock exam ended like that.

<Seojun Kim’s mock test score.>

『[Combat power] – 4.2/100 (failure).

[Basic Stamina] – 3.7/100 (overfall).

[Improvise] – 2.3/100 (Gwalag) .

[Mana] – 1.2/100 (overfall).

[Mental] – 9.8/100 (failed).

[Elective course 1] – 5.1/100 (failure).

[Elective Course 2] – 2.7/100 (Failure).』

<Total – 29 points.>

It was the combined score of 7 subjects, so Seo-jun received 29 points out of 700.

“I am Whoever sees it will think it is 100 points.”

Seo-joon burst out laughing and checked the progress of the lecture.

<94.9% progress of Chiron Lecture>

<Sakyamuni Lecture Progress 15.5%>

<Hangwoo lecture progress rate 100%>

<Merlin Lecture Progress 19.9%>

“Even so, I finished the Hangu lecture. Um… I’m sorry about the Chiron lecture, but there’s still a free pass period left.”

Seojun checked the remaining free pass period.

<Remaining period until the member’s free pass ends: 2 days.>

And the progress rate of the lectures remaining until the completion of the Chiron lecture was 5.1%.

At that time, I wondered if it would be possible if I went around the dungeon hard.


<I’m here!>

Suddenly, a mentor popped out through the smartphone screen.

A mentor who always appears in the same way. But if there is one thing out of the ordinary.

“Are you here?”

The point was that Seo-joon wasn’t surprised this time.

<Huh? Aren’t you surprised this time?>

Then, the mentor tilted his head, perhaps wondering.

Seeing that, Seo-jun slowly opened his mouth, wondering if he was enjoying it.

“You said you would come before the end of the free pass. Now that I have completed one of the lectures. I was thinking maybe it would come around this time.”

<Yes? Did you finish one of the lectures?>

Seojun calmly nodded and replied.

“I have completed the lecture of Instructor Hang Woo. Instructor Keiron’s lecture will be completed soon.”

<…… I have nothing to say.>

Seojun continued talking while looking at the mentor with a blank expression.

“So the free pass will end soon. Now, I would like to consult with you on what direction to go in the future and what kind of lecture would be good.”

<Of course! That’s my job! First of all, you have to keep buying the free pass even for the lecture of instructor Shakyamuni. And now, I’m slowly preparing for individual lectures…>

Then, the mentor pours out the story as if the water had burst.


However, Seo-joon interrupted the mentor and shouted.

“How did you go?”

<Ah! really! Look at my mind!>

Then, the mentor is surprised as if he forgot.

Soon, the mentor showed a serious expression and shouted.

<I think there must be a big problem!>

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