Transcension Academy Chapter 47

Chapter 47 – Completion (1)


Seo-joon stared blankly at the mentor who popped out of his smartphone.

A mentor who appeared without warning.

Of course, Seo-joon guessed that a mentor would come sooner or later.

The current free pass had 5 days left, and I was thinking that the mentor would come when the free pass period ended.

However, it was literally at the end of the free pass, I never thought it would come now with 5 days left.

<Looks like you’ve been doing well!>

The mentor greeted Seo-jun with a bright smile, whether he knew what Seo-jun was thinking or not.

It’s like talking to a friend you haven’t seen in a long time.

Of course, Seo-jun was also welcome, but I couldn’t just accept the greeting gracefully.

Seo-joon shouted at the mentor with an angry expression without knowing it.

“no! What are you doing here now?”


Then, the mentor was surprised and lowered his posture.

It seemed like he knew what he was doing wrong.

<Haha… I’m… a bit late, right?>

As expected, the mentor shyly scratched the back of his head and opened his mouth.

At the same time, he also made an expression of regret.

“A little? Are you a little late?”

Seo-joon had no intention of forgiving at all.

No, I had to ask.

That would have been 85 days.

‘I’m going to talk about Kim Seo-joon’s profile properly and then talk about it again… Is that okay?’

It had been 85 days since he disappeared with that horse.

almost 3 months.

Originally, if this was the way mentors gave advice, Seo-jun did not even mention it.

However, as Seojun looked at the community, it seemed that other freshmen consulted with their mentors whenever they had concerns.

However, Seo-joon’s mentor, mentor, was just grazing and neglecting.

He just left without even telling Seo-jun how to contact him.

A mentor who only showed up after 85 days.

“Are you saying a little bit now?”

dereliction of duty, neglect of duty.

No matter what I said, there was nothing to say.


As expected, the mentor just laughs awkwardly and doesn’t say anything else.

Seo-joon became even more angry at the sight and opened his mouth again.


“yes? Seojun, what did you just say?”

I immediately shut my mouth at the sudden voice of Seoyoon.

Then, as if it was nothing, he waved his hand and said to Seoyoon.

“yes? no. I didn’t say anything.”

“hmm? is that so? Did I hear you wrong?”

“It must be because you are tired these days. Rather… I’m going out for a while.”

Afterwards, Seo-joon looked at his mentor to follow him and left the building.


Seo-joon and mentor came out of the academy building like that.


As Seo-joon was silent, the mentor opened his mouth with a sneaking glance.

Seojun let out a long sigh and asked his mentor.

“Why are you so late?”

<That’s… uh… If it’s Seojun-nim, I think you’ll do well enough without me…?>

Are you calling that an excuse now?

As Seo-jun frowned and frowned, the mentor looked at him again and said.

<……Can I be honest?>

“yes. Please be honest.”

When Seojun nodded, the mentor pondered for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.

<In fact… I was going to check Seojun Kim’s profile and come back. Really. But… it’s so miserable.>

“Are you miserable? What do you mean by that?”

Seojun tilted his head, not understanding what his mentor was saying.

Then the mentor muttered in a voice that seemed to be crawling.

<Seojun Kim… the level…>


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

That would also be the case, because at the time, Seo-jun was not a transcendentalist, but a terrible level compared to the Hunter students.

In fact, he was no different from ordinary people.

But what the hell does it have to do with the disastrous level and neglect for 85 days?

As if answering that question, the mentor opened his mouth again.

<No matter what I wanted to advise you on, at the current level of Kim Seo-joon, there was nothing particularly helpful. I just gave you advice, but I think you’ll get confused. In that case, I decided that it would be better to focus on the two lectures I recommended.>

<The free pass period is short and you may not be able to complete it within that time period, but I still think that counseling will be meaningful only when Seojun Kim’s level has risen to a certain extent…>


At the mentor’s fact, Seo-joon nodded without even realizing it.



And an awkward silence followed.

Seojun shook his head and said to his mentor.

“Even if it was something like that, you should have let me know.”

<I’m really sorry about that part!>

The mentor, who was at a loss for what to do, bowed his head and apologized.

Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon laughed and brushed off the remaining sediment.

In fact, there was no such thing as sediment.

Training was what Seo-joon himself was doing anyway, and a mentor was literally just a mentor.

What he was doing now was nothing more than grumbling out of regret.

<Ah, anyway! You were listening intently to the lecture while I was gone, right?>

“yes. I took the class diligently while looking around here and there by myself.”

<Ha ha ha. Where can I check it?>

The mentor manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

As I pressed down here and there with my small body, the progress of the lecture appeared on the screen.

<94.9% progress of Chiron Lecture>

<Sakyamuni Lecture Progress 15.5%>

<Hangwoo lecture progress rate 96.3%>

<Merlin Lecture Progress 19.9%>

The mentor stared blankly at the screen and tilted his head.

<What is it? Is it an error?>

Then, I pressed the phone all over the place again.

However, I tilt my head once again at the screen that does not change.

< Huh? Why do you keep doing this?>

As if this couldn’t be the case, the mentor manipulated the smartphone again.

Seo-joon watched the mentor’s actions and said.

“Do you have any problem?”

The mentor answered without taking his eyes off the smartphone.

<Oh, no. It’s not that different… Why are there 4 ongoing lectures? Besides, why is the lecture progress like this again?>

“You are listening to those four lectures.”

<Is it a causal error? It can’t be like this… Yes? What did you just say?>

Sudden jerk! A mentor who raises his eyebrows and asks.

Seojun said calmly.

“All the information displayed on the screen is correct.”

Then, for a moment, the mentor put on a look that made him wonder if he had heard it right.

Then, swish, he looked at Seo-joon and his smartphone countless times.


He had a strange expression on his face that he couldn’t explain.

Would it be possible to explain if it looked like a person collecting question marks?

Seeing this, Seo-joon burst into laughter without even realizing it.

<Now, hold on! ji, ji, the information displayed here is me, me, all true?>

“What’s the problem?”

<There is a problem!>

At the words of the mentor who shouted resolutely, Seo-joon paused for a moment.

Couldn’t it be that I shouldn’t have taken so many lectures as a free pass?

Fortunately, however, the mentor’s words were far from Seo-jun’s worries.

<Ah no, how the hell?? Surely, even the word gruesome would not be enough? But is this progress possible in just one reading?>

Seojun let out a sigh of relief and asked.

“One reading?”

<I’m going to go through the lecture once! Having read the lecture once means that you have completed the lecture once. By the way… How can this rate of progress be achieved after only one reading? Although it is an introductory course, it is usually completed after reading 3 or 4…>

Did you have such a concept?

Seo-joon spoke calmly to the mentor who continued to mutter to himself.

“Is it okay because I just did it? ah! The mock exams for transcendental students helped me a lot.”

<Mock exam…? Are you taking a mock exam right now?>



With Seojun nodding his head, the mentor gave a moment of lost expression.

<You really didn’t need me…>

And a dejected murmur is heard.

Seo-joon asked his mentor with a laugh that leaked out for nothing.

“Oh. Mentor. Speaking of which, there is something I would like to ask you about mock exams.”

<Tell me…>

The appearance of a mentor who has lost energy somewhere.

Seojun paused for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.

“It’s an optional subject for the mock test for transcendental students. How should I choose this subject?”

<Is it an elective? Ah, that’s literally what Seojun Kim wants to take.>

“So how do you choose that subject?”

<That’s right… Kim Seo-joon’s will?>

Seojun and Mentor looked at each other without speaking.

It’s like they don’t know what each other is saying.

It seemed that the point of the conversation was off.

So instead of adding an additional explanation, Seo-joon directly accesses the transcendent academy.

I showed the information related to the transcendental mock test to my mentor.

[Elective course 1] – Not selected.

[Elective course 2] – Not selected.


The mentor tilts his head as if he finally understood Seo-jun’s words.

<Wait a minute… Mmm, that’s strange. The exam is in progress, but why is it showing as unselected?>

But the problem was that the mentor didn’t seem to know much about this either.

Seojun decided to ask about other things as well.

“And they say that there is no ID for the transcendent academy, what happened to this?”

<Yes? You don’t have a transcendent academy ID?>

Seojun nodded and said.

“yes. I tried to leave a post in the beginners’ community, but I couldn’t because I didn’t have an ID.”

<A community for beginners? Ah, you mean ‘the chatter of beginners’. Somehow… he said he chose some good lectures.>

My mentor muttered to me once and then continued.

<By the way, you don’t have an ID? Could it be? Didn’t you make it when you signed up?>

“no. I just skipped over it.”

<No way. Seojun Kim is mistaken…>

Seo-joon manipulates his smartphone again to access the chatter of beginners.

“Here you go.”

Then, it showed a notification saying that it could not write a post because it did not have an ID.

<……Really what? Does this really make no sense?>

Then, the mentor opened his eyes wide and was surprised.

Then, the mentor said that there was no way to do that and manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

<What is this…>

However, the mentor mumbled despondently in a situation where nothing had changed.

<This has never happened before, so why? Hmmm…>

At the same time, the mentor looked down slightly as if lost in thought.

At the same time, he had a very serious expression on his face, but because of that, Seo-joon couldn’t speak to him.

How much time had passed like that?

<Anyway, I think I should ask the director about this.>

Then, he turned his gaze to Seo-jun’s smartphone and continued talking.

<I’ll be back for a while, so for now, can you finish the remaining mock exams?>

“yes? Are you going back? Hopefully again…”

<No! Contact me and I’ll be back right away! Really!>

When Seo-jun asked with tears in his eyes, the mentor hurriedly waved his hand and shouted.

Looking at such a mentor, Seo-joon shed a smile once.

That’s what he said, but Seo-jun knew that it wouldn’t be like this again.

The free pass would end soon, and I had to consult about my future career, so this time I would come soon.

And at Seo-jun’s laughter, the mentor let out a sigh of relief and opened his mouth again.

<I’ll take care of the optional subjects for the mock exam now. wait a minute.>

belt ring.

<Please select an elective course>

[Elective Course 1] – Utilization of main weapon.

① Sword (劍) ② Sword (刀) ③ Spear (槍) ④ Fist (拳) ⑤ Leg (脚) ⑥ Demon (魔)…

[Elective course 2] – Main weapon proficiency.

① Sword (劍) ② Sword (刀) ③ Spear (槍) ④ Fist (拳) ⑤ Leg (脚) ⑥ Demon (魔)…

A selection window pops up on the screen shortly after.


<I’ll be back before the free pass ends!>


The mentor disappeared just like that once again.


With the mentor gone, Seo-jun headed to the place where he once again clashed with Fafnir.

To take the rest of the mock exams.

“I had more to ask my mentor, but he just left…”

However, Seo-joon quickly brushed off his thoughts.

He said he would come back before the free pass period ended, so he’ll definitely be back within that time.

The remaining free pass period was 5 days, so we could meet again soon.

So, for now, focus on the remaining mock exams and finish the lecture first.

Arriving at the place while thinking about this and that, Seo-joon immediately raised his smartphone.

Then, the mentor just activated and confirmed the electives he went to.

[Elective Course 1] – Utilization of main weapon.

①Sword(劍) ②Sword(刀) ③Spear(槍) ④Kwon(拳) ⑤Gak(脚) ⑥Ma(魔) ⑦Gung(弓)…

[Elective course 2] – Main weapon proficiency.

①Sword(劍) ②Sword(刀) ③Spear(槍) ④Kwon(拳) ⑤Gak(脚) ⑥Ma(魔) ⑦Gung(弓)…

Almost 200 items were listed in a row.

There seemed to be something about every fighting method in the world.

However, Seo-joon did not go far and chose item number 3 in both subjects, ‘Chang(槍)’.

<Sixth Subject (Utilization of Main Weapon – Spear)>


<Stage 1 problem is being presented. Please wait.>

Then, the mock test for transcendental students was conducted normally.

“Why didn’t it work when I did it?”

Seo-joon still couldn’t figure out the answer.

So, Seo-joon vowed again and again that if the mentor returned this time, he would never let him go until the questions he had had were resolved.

belt ring.

And the smartphone notification sound that rings at the same time as the resolution.

<If you get hit 5 times, the test ends.>

<Time limit: 30 minutes.>

Shush shush shush shush!!!

Then, along with a tremendous roar, showers of arrows were pouring down like black clouds in the sky I looked at.

“…… The electives are crazy, too. ”


<Step 1 failed.>

<Remaining time: 29 minutes 56 seconds.>

<Would you like to try again?>

<Remaining chance – 10 times.>

Seo-jun, who has become a body that is not envious of a hedgehog.

『[I don’t need a sword screen or window screen! All you need to do is turn the windmill! (Instructor: Bongseon Yeopo)』

However, Seojun finally found the answer through the commentary lecture.

<Hangwoo lecture progress rate 100% (+3.7%)>

In the end, I was able to complete Hangu’s lecture first.

And right at that moment.


<[This is how you do reverse divergence.] After completing the lecture, you will fully learn the ‘reverse divergence spear technique [A]’.>

With notification that the lecture has been completed.


Suddenly, a tremendous energy began to emanate from Seo-joon’s body.

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