Transcension Academy Chapter 306

Side Story Episode 23 – The First Transcendence (3)

Tadak! Tadadadak!

Carls didn’t stop running, almost throwing himself.


A terrifying roar and flesh erupted from behind.

Despite the considerable distance

Even though it is a blind roar that does not specify the target,

Carl’s body couldn’t stop shaking.

“······ Keugh!”

Kals raised the mana of his whole body and resisted living.

At the same time, he did not stop jumping forward.

have to run away

Even being there doesn’t help.

It just gets in the way again.

So, you have to get out of there quickly so you don’t get in the way.

that’s the way to help


“shit! shit!”

Kals couldn’t shake off the sense of helplessness that settled in the corner of his heart.

If only I was a little stronger.

I don’t want too much.

level of emperors.

No, even if it was at the level of Vettel, there would be other things to do besides running away like this.

It could have been of some help.

At least it wouldn’t have been a hindrance.

However, Carls could not reach that stage,

Tadak! Tadadadak!

That’s why Carls had no choice but to run away.

Cals threw himself, squeezing out all his strength.

And the place Kals headed was none other than the capital of the empire, the imperial palace.

The reason was simple.

Emperor and Vettel.

It was to ask them for help.

Resurrected primeval evil.

In the mythology passed down through the empire, the primordial Beserk was resurrected.

In the beginning, a terrible monster that drove the dimension to the brink of destruction,

The existence that created the concept of Beserk.

It was such a terrible strength that you could be crushed just by looking at it or facing it.

If Beserk is not stopped there, the empire will end that day.

Even if it can be stopped with the power of the Empire,

It was clear that the empire would suffer great damage.

There will be many victims,

To prevent this, many other people…


Carls shook his head resolutely.

There is no such opportunity.

If you don’t stop there, everything is over.

Carls threw himself away and slowly looked back.

It’s so far away that I can’t see it now,

The outrageous malice made my skin tingle.

The grudge of evil, the ancient evil.

Seojun and Aren are there.

Carls muttered involuntarily.

“Master… will you be all right?”

Then, the mentor who was in his arms gave a powerful answer.

<It will be fine. Kim Seojun-nim is really stronger than I imagined!>

It was the answer of a mentor who had a firm belief in Seo-joon somewhere.

Carls slowly lowered his gaze to the mentor in his arms.

However, the mentor who looked at him had a slightly uneasy expression unlike what he said.

A mentor who faced ancient evil with Cals.

Apparently, the mentor also couldn’t guarantee the match.

A mentor who has seen and nurtured countless transcendent people,

Even the mentor who has been watching Seojun for a long time.

Carls gritted his teeth, biting them, and squeezed out all his strength.

should help

Even though I couldn’t help myself now, I have to help in other ways.

Kals ran to the imperial palace without a single break.

The imperial palace arrived like that.

“······ what?”

Carls couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

It was also because the scenery of the imperial palace was unusual.

No, it wasn’t unusual.

Carls straightened his sights and looked around once again.

And the figure reflected in Carl’s field of view.


Elian, the emperor lying on the ground vomiting blood.



“Are you just… that’s all there is to it?”

It was Vettel, standing with the head of the fallen emperor trampled on.

“Vettel? Why are you…?”

“hmm? Crown Prince?”

At Carl’s words, Vettel suddenly turned her gaze to where Carl was.

“How can you…? Didn’t he die there?”

Before long, Vettel’s slightly puzzled eyes scanned Carl’s.

But that’s for a while.

A grin, a fishy smile, crept across Vettel’s lips.

“Looks like he ran away alone.”

“Eh, what the hell is this…?”

Carls shouted, still not understanding what was going on.

Of course, the situation itself was understandable.

Elian, the emperor lying in a state of disrepair.

And Vettel is trampling on such Elian.

Just looking at it, it was clear that Vettel had subdued Elian.

And that means one thing.


While Aren and Seo-jun left, it was not difficult to know that Bethel had rebelled.


“Uh, how are you…?”

Even if he rebelled,

I couldn’t understand how Bethel could subdue Elian.

That’s also true, because Emperor Elian was a powerful man with no one to match in the empire.

Elian, who is called the ruler of the dimension.

As Aren’s disciple, the only being who could defeat Elian was the Great Teacher, Aren.

Of course, Vettel was also quite talented.

Beyond the sword master, Carls, he is the highest level of skill called the grand sword master.

He was the number 1 powerful person in the empire, next to the emperor.

However, he is literally only a talented person next to the emperor.

It was not comparable to Elian.


“Even, run away, Carls! Now this guy is…!”



What do you see now…!

“You look quite surprised.”

Vettel laughed as she trampled the fallen Elian once more.

Carls could feel a very different energy from Vettel.

Somewhere… It was an evil yet bizarre, indefinable aura.

And that was also the energy that Carls encountered once.

The place where none other than Cals escaped.

Resurrected primeval evil.

The energy he felt from that evil was now felt in Vettel as well.

Of course, there was an absolute difference, but the feeling was the same.

“how···! What the hell have you done, Vettel!!”

“It’s still the same, screaming loudly.”

Vettel trudged and took a step towards Carls.

At the same time, black magic power exploded through Vettel’s entire body.

Eventually, it is as if the darkness is painted over again.

In the thick darkness, thin beams of light burst out in all directions.

Darkness encroached in an instant.

“To the subject of the crown prince, who has no ability and is only a facade.”

Vettel’s voice came through.

Carls grabbed the spear and grabbed it.

what happened

what the hell happened

I didn’t know right now.

It didn’t matter too much.

One important thing now.

No, there is only one thing you have to do.

Beat Vettel.


Carls burst into momentum as he faced the approaching Vettel.

“under! you want to fight me? What will you do?”

Vettel snorted at Carl’s fighting spirit.

“Even… a spear rather than a sword?”

Then, he looked at the spear Carls was holding and made an absurd expression.

Then Seo-joon suddenly came to mind.

Maybe… that bastard used a spear?

He said he would take out all the liver and gallbladder, saying that he was a teacher.

Did you even change the weapon you were using?

Vettel snorted again.

“Did that ignorant bastard tell you to switch? me, true To believe only one guy’s words and throw away the sword you’ve been honing your whole life…”

Vettel shook her head and continued.

“Anyway, he’s the most stupid prince.”

Vettel slowly raised her sword towards Calth.

At the same time, a tremendous force began to oppress Cals’ entire body.

Carls gripped the spear he was holding tighter.

It was Vettel who couldn’t win, couldn’t jump over even when using the sword.

But can he beat Vettel with a spear he’s not familiar with yet?

‘no. Let’s not think about it.’

Carls shook his head.

I don’t think.

It’s not a question of whether you can or can’t.


must do it.

Right then.

Kwak Kwak Kwak!!!

The surrounding objects shattered, and black light burst through Vettel’s body.

The bursting light flooded and colored the space pitch black.

A world of darkness unfolds.

“I won’t kill you!”

Vettel’s shout echoed.


-This was the beginning of the path you walked.

Astelgia was silent for a while after these words.


And Seo-jun also just stood there without saying a word for a while.

A fight that has started from the beginning.

A story from the beginning.

Seojun was the only one in all dimensions who could use the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

The reason is that Seo-joon’s causality has not been measured.

However, no one knew why Seo-jun’s cause and effect had not been measured.

The director of the Transcendent Academy, Irina too.

even observers.

There are only traces of someone intervening. I could only know that.

That’s why it was a question that Seo-joon put off to the side of his heart, full of doubts.

And it was also a question that I thought I would never know.

But now the truth has been revealed.

It was the will left by Astelgia, the first transcendent.

This is the only way to expel the Observer,

Because it was a way to protect Astelgia’s children.

In exchange for annihilating his own existence, he erased Seo-jun’s causality and twisted the fate of his descendants.

And the descendant Astelgia spoke of.

‘Kim Seo-joon has to go! Only Kim Seo-joon can inherit the will left by the first Transcendentalist!’

‘There are many things you want to ask! But I don’t have time to explain them all! Come on gossip… Cool!’

‘There must be an answer! Go and face the truth about Kim Seo-joon!’

The descendant was probably… Aren.

Astelgia’s child, is that person?

Or it was unknown if he was a distant descendant of the child.

However, the traces of Astelgia, which ceased to exist, remained in Aren.

That’s why Aren seemed to be able to know the truth about Astelgia.

Everything arranged by the first Transcendentalist.

If you think about it now, Seojun was a being who could not join the transcendent academy.

Transcendent Academy is a place where only selected people can join.

Seo-joon was an extremely ordinary being, nothing special.

This is the first thing the mentor says.

‘How were you able to register for our academy?’

‘There was an advertisement coming.’

‘Advertising? Um… that’s weird… did the marketing department make a mistake?’

I just passed it on.

However, facing the truth, this was also arranged by Astelgia.

He had Seo-joon register for the transcendent academy he founded so that he could fight against the observer.


-That you are here right now. If you’re listening to my voice right now, it must mean that you made the right choice.

Astelgia only made arrangements to the end.

It was none other than Seo-jun who had overcome all the hardships and adversities.

– I don’t know what choice you made. I was just creating possibilities.

Astelgia only created possibilities.

A very slim possibility that cannot be realized.

And it was none other than Seo-jun who turned that possibility into an opportunity and changed his fate.

Everything that dwelled in it was only Seo-jun’s will.

It was the will of Seo-jun, not anyone else, that a person named Kim Seo-joon, who was really nothing, was able to come this far.

Just living day by day dreaming of becoming a professional hunter.

Not really good at juggling,

I didn’t have any talent to do well.

I am relieved that I endured today,

Looking forward to getting better someday.

I just wanted to live like everyone else.

When you walk down the street, you encounter it.

He was a common man among us.

Who is Seojun Kim?

Then I met the transcendent academy,

Building a relationship with Seoyoon

I’ve been through a lot of experiences.

In the process, I met new people,

Laugh with them sometimes.

and sometimes crying

I’ve really been through a lot.

And all those moments.

It was a happiness for Seo-joon.

Why can a person who is nothing become special?

The reason why a mere aspiring professional hunter was able to become the strongest hunter of mankind.

Along with the Transcendentalist Academy, it was with them.

It was meant to be with them.

Through these numerous incidents and experiences, Seo-joon

Through the days of crying, laughing and chatting with my teammates.

I just chose to live a life together, not alone.

Not the will of Astelgia,

As Seojun’s original will.

That’s why Astelgia is…

– Really… Thank you very much. My choice, my decision proved that I was not wrong…


Seojun had nothing to say.

Even if they could talk in the first place, there was no way Astelgia could hear them.

The appearance of Astelgia right in front of you.

this was a long time ago

Because it was nothing more than the will left by Astelgia right before it disappeared.


Seo-joon just stood there and looked at Astelgia.

– Now… it’s time to part.

At that moment, Astelgia’s body began to blur.

Apparently, that point seemed to be the point right before extinction at the cost of existence.

The point at which the story of nothing but everything is about to begin.

– Not everything is over yet. Even if the observer is banished, even if the causal law is deprived. The threat still remains.

Astelgia looked at Seo-joon with blurry eyes.

As if facing Seojun.


Astelgia continued.

– He is still taking the standpoint of a thorough bystander, but we don’t know when or how he will change his mind.

And if the Creator changes his mind.

-Then… it won’t end with the threat of a spectator.

Astelgia’s blurry expression hardened somewhere.

-I don’t know when it will be, and it may be a thing of a distant day, but it may be possible…

Astelgia slowly stretched out her hand.

Before long, a tremendous light burst through the entire temple in the cave.


Bright enough that you can’t even open your eyes.

It began to wrap around Seo-jun’s body and soon began to seep into his entire body.


“This, this power…?”

Seo-joon could feel the transcendent power overflowing from his body.


No, this was a power far beyond him.

Even compared to Seo-joon’s perfect power, it was far-fetched power.

A power that cannot be defined even numerically.

Transcendence in the true sense,

first transcendence.

-This is my small gift arranged for you. I’m not sure if I can handle this power…

Therefore, it was right that existence should be crushed by an unmanageable force.

However, the bowl of Samdanjeon (三丹田) that Seojun had was able to digest it without difficulty.

Seo-joon is an existence whose causal limits have not been measured,

At the same time, it was an existence that inherited the will left by the first Transcendentalist.

-If it is you, I think you will use this power without difficulty and correctly. When you look at the road you’ve walked so far, when you think about how you’ve come this far. I don’t know, and I may not know…

Astelgia gave a faint smile.

while rejoicing

There’s something bittersweet about it.

-I can’t even imagine what kind of power you have. Perhaps… even the Creator can’t help you.

Seojun unconsciously nodded.

That should be the case, too, the power overflowing from the entire Sandanden.

It was because I felt the concept of ‘limit’ in the triad of infinite (無限).

Because this… was really the power to do that.

Astelgia, now blurred to the point of being invisible.

– Now… this is really the end.

Astelgia looked straight at Seojun.

– Yeonja. thanks. Thank you very much. Please… The small gift I left behind is the future you created, the undetermined future, and my child…

Astelgia finished with those words.

– I hope you can protect it…


It was reconciled like dust and disappeared.


As if there was nothing there to begin with.


Seo-jun was stuck there and stood there blankly.

No other thoughts came to mind.

There is only a blank mind.

That moment.


The entire temple where Seo-jun was located began to tremble.

Soon, everything around him began to turn into dust.

Just like Astelgia disappeared just before.

As if there is nothing more to do.

It seemed that the power of Astelgia, which had maintained the temple, had disappeared.

Seo-joon looked at the place where Astelgia disappeared.


The first transcendent is now gone.

who remembers,

There is no one who can remember.

But the will he left behind remains here.

As if Seojun was making a promise to himself.

And as if making a promise to someone who has disappeared.

“let’s go.”

muttered softly.

Seo-jun slowly turned his back and left the temple.

This long fight that started from the beginning.

The end of this story that started from the beginning.


For the beginning of a new story to be made.

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