Transcension Academy Chapter 301

Side Story Episode 18 – Threats posed (1)

A conference hall inside the imperial palace where all the nobility of the empire are seated.

The usually noisy conference hall now has a heavy tension.

The awkward silence in which no one opened their mouths hastily while looking at each other.

“Your Majesty is here!!!”

Soon, a loud voice came through the silence.

At the same time, the conference room door burst open, and someone came inside.

Long downed silver hair and distinct features.

Because of that, it gives off a dreamy atmosphere somewhere.

Here, the ruler of Astelgia and the emperor of the Volunw Empire, Elian.

Elian strode to the highest seat in the conference hall and took his seat.

Unlike Seo-joon in Elian’s appearance,

There was no one who disputed that move.

Elian slowly looked over the nobles in the meeting room.

Every time the sharp eyes glanced at them, all the nobles flinched and shook their bodies.

A true ruler of the empire.

Is it because of the majesty of the emperor that she exudes?

“Is everyone seated?”

It felt as if the air around him had cooled down with just one word.

“They seem to have improved a lot while I was away. Well, it used to be like that.”

Elian gave a cynical smile.

“It doesn’t fit the aptitude to attach four feet, so let’s get right into the main topic. The reason I called you is simple. gentile. I guess I should call you the prince from now on.”

Taejasa (太子師) referred to the teacher of the crown prince.

On Earth, it’s called ‘Princess Sobu’ with the same meaning, but here in Astelgia, it was called differently.

The nobles looked a little surprised at Elian’s words.

It is also true that the emperor, Elian, directly called Seo-joon the crown prince.

This means that Elian will soon recognize Seo-joon as the crown prince. Because it meant the same thing.

Acknowledge the stranger as the crown prince.

never existed in the history of the Empire.

And the prince is an existence who will one day become emperor.

It was to be seen that the prince of the crown was the same as the master of the empire.

“your majesty. Soshin Vettel. May I say something?”

In response, Vettel, the representative of the nobility, took a step forward.


“His Highness the Crown Prince is the person who will later become the father of the empire. Isn’t His Highness’s teacher, the crown prince, the same as the teacher of the empire?”

“What do you mean?”

“Please reconsider having a stranger as the crown prince.”

Vettel lowered her head slightly and finished speaking.

Elian looked at Vettel without saying anything.

And is it really the ruler of the empire?

Even just watching, Vettel could feel some heavy pressure.

Certainly, the situation itself was different from that of the new-born prince.

Eventually, Elian slowly opened her mouth.


“good night.”


Elian’s answer was a little surprising.

No, beyond the level of surprise, it was the exact opposite of what was expected.

Of course, Vettel knew that Elian would push.

If it was Elian’s tendency that he had known so far, it would be like that.

So, Vettel was also thoroughly prepared for his rebuttal.

During the time of the last prince, Carls, I was taken aback because it was so sudden, but not now.

There was plenty of room for refutation no matter what he said.

But suddenly you’re going to stock up?

Elian’s voice came through Vettel’s dazed mind.

“Vettel, like you said, I’ve been thinking about this too.”

Elian thought of Seo-jun for a moment.

In addition to the appearance that is not easily found in the empire, the awkward atmosphere as if a screw was missing somewhere.

Besides, how much is the money?

It was to the point where I didn’t know whether it was the imperial teacher or the raw robber.

“However, I heard that he gave many things for the empire. He even swept through the Dark Forest alone. He was even acknowledged by Aren, the great ruler of the kingdom.”

“Your Majesty, that’s…”


Elian interrupted Bethel and continued.

“I would like to make a proposal to a stranger.”

Elian looked around the conference hall for a while and then slowly opened his mouth.

“I think everyone gathered here knows that I went missing after I went to subdue Beserk.”

Silence fell in the meeting room for a moment.

As Elian said, it was because there was no one here who did not know that fact.

“And in light of the history of the empire, the appearance of Beserk was not unheard of.”

Beserk in Astelgia was the same concept as the Demon Lord on Earth.

A powerful monster or a notorious evil being.

All of them were called Beserkh here.

“Most of them were dealt with by the current Grand Master Aren.”

And most of the beserks disappeared by Aren.

This is the background of Aren’s position in Astelgia.


“Actually, they weren’t Beserks.”

That is Beserk as a designating pronoun.

It wasn’t a real Beserk.

The real Beserk is a story that every citizen of the Empire would have heard at least once.

It must be traced back to the beginning, the origin of Astelgia.

And the one who took care of that beserk was an unknown hero.

Aren said the hero was the first Transcendentalist,

The people of this dimension did not know that fact.

Just like a myth, a legend.

It was only a story that had been handed down and handed down.

That’s why people here didn’t believe in Beserk’s existence.

On Earth, there are various gods and monsters in Greek and Roman mythology or Norse mythology.

And various concepts based on the names of the gods and monsters also exist on Earth.

But don’t those gods believe that the monster really existed?

It’s just one story.

To them, Beserk’s existence was just such a position.

a mythical being.

A fictional being that literally only exists in mythology.


“How would you feel if that being really existed?”




At Elian’s words, the nobles in the meeting room opened their eyes.

That would be the case, because what Elian was saying now meant one thing.

In the beginning, the resurrection of Beserk, which put the entire dimension in danger.

“That, what do you mean…?”

Someone’s trembling voice turned to Elian.

However, Elian shook his head and replied.

“I don’t know because I haven’t met him in person. To be precise, it was just facing the existence beyond the barrier. so i’m not sure However…”

Elian continued with a look of unanswerable fear.

“That was… something I just couldn’t handle.”




At Elian’s words, astonishment settled in the meeting hall.

Who is Elian?

He was the emperor of the empire and the ruler of the dimension.

Simply put, the first existence of the Empire.

With the exception of Aren, who was Taesah, there was no one superior to Elian in this dimension.

An existence that looks beyond the Grand Sword Master and sees a level above it.

Of course, the concept of a transcendental person wasn’t even an idea, but anyway.

To the extent that such an Elian would say such a thing?

Is it just the presence?

“No, that’s ridiculous…!”

“How could that…!”

The nobles were not easily able to escape from shock and amazement.

“This is the situation where I proposed the job to a stranger. If you investigate this properly, I offered to promise you a large amount of gold as well as the position of prince.”

To be exact, twice the gold previously given.

That moment.

“Ha, ha, Your Majesty! But isn’t it too much to promise that much gold!”

A nobleman exclaimed in amazement.

It was none other than the finance minister in charge of the empire’s finances.

The treasurer shouted at Elian with a look of absolute disapproval.

That would be a whopping 2.3 trillion gold, twice the amount of gold previously given.

About 2 kyong 3,000 trillion in Korean currency.

It was a level of money that went crazy, couldn’t go crazy, and transcended.

No matter how huge the empire’s budget was, it wasn’t enough to ignore it.

No, ignoring bullshit!

Perhaps the empire itself could fall…!

“What good is that?”

“What, what are you talking about…?”

Elian spoke straight away.

“If the empire perishes and all beings in the dimension are annihilated, what use is it even if there is infinite gold?”


The treasurer was at a loss for words for a moment.

“Cha, how about asking Aren instead? If it’s Taesa, I’m sure you’ll be willing…”

The words of another nobleman continued.

Elian spoke calmly.

“Taesa will surely help. However.”

A word from Elian that followed.

“Taesa thought it would be impossible.”



At this, all the nobles showed a look of astonishment in astonishment.

Aren who handled countless beserks in the history of the empire.

Even such an Aren is an existence that is impossible to handle…?

“We are now on the brink of extinction.”

Only Elian’s dreamy voice echoed in the void.


“ha ha ha. Elian used his hair properly this time.”

Hearing Aren’s laughter, Seo-joon tilted his head.

Then Aren opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

“Didn’t Kim Seo-joon properly give the cause to move?”

“Any reason for me to move?”

Aren nodded slowly.

“I think I made a request to Kim Seo-joon, knowing that I couldn’t handle it at my own level. Originally, it was in the form of a request… but it seems that he protected his pride as an emperor by covering it with money.”


does that happen?

“This time, Kim Seo-jun was defeated.”

Aren gave a small smile.

After hearing it, it seems like that, but to be honest, Seo-joon had nothing to do with it.

I didn’t really feel like I was being beaten.

It’s because the money given to me was too much to think I was victimized.

That would be a whopping 2 views and 3,000 trillion.

If you add up to the first 1,500 trillion won you received earlier, it was a level of money that went out of your mind, went crazy, and transcended a whopping 4,500 trillion won.

Even if you give 1 trillion, it’s pride, nabal, and development.

It was Seo-joon who had the confidence to sell everything.

Even more so if it is 4,500 trillion in 3 views…

That’s enough to regain lost strength,

It was an instant until the cause and effect to return to Earth.

The question was, how did he trust Seo-joon and make the proposal?

Probably Aren’s letter of recommendation from Carls.

Seeing that, he seemed convinced that there was something in Seo-joon.

“I didn’t see it that way… is the emperor an emperor?”

“Didn’t I tell you that you are usually very cool-headed and rational?”

If only I was involved, a screw would come off somewhere.

Aren shook his head.

Certainly Elian is somewhere if only Aren is involved…

‘No, wait.’

Seojun thought carefully about Aren’s appearance.

A look that seems to belong to the top no matter what standard of beauty.

That’s why I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman.

And Elian seemed to think of Aren as more than a teacher.

It could be so far, but…

‘Isn’t Elian silver-haired…?’

Carls, on the other hand, is blonde.

And the Aren you see now is blonde.


“Stop, can’t you?!”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I just want to say no.”

“Do you know what I am thinking?”

“Aren’t you doubting the relationship between me and Elian?”

right at that moment.


Suddenly, Carl’s cry was heard.

Where I looked, Carls was looking this way with a face filled with shock, fear and astonishment.

To be precise, he looked at Aren and shouted with a trembling voice.

“Tae, Tae, Taesa-nim… My ah, Abamama…!!!”

Seeing Carl’s like that, Seo-joon was able to realize one thing.

Apparently, Carls also had no memory of his father.

If I had, I wouldn’t have reacted like that.

This makes me even more suspicious.




Could it really be?


“Rather than that, the original Beserk, to the extent that Elirian said that, it definitely seems different from the Beserk I’ve dealt with in the past. Elian was also there when we dealt with some Beserks.”

“If you go through such shared joys and sorrows together, a bond grows between the teacher and the teacher without knowing it…”

“Stop it.”


I guess I’ll have to dig it up properly later.

“How are you currently feeling?”

Following Aren’s words, Seo-joon calmly contemplated his physical condition.

A situation in which all the causalities worth 1,500 trillion won in 1 view have been poured out.

Perhaps because of that, the magic power of Sandanden was almost activated.

Not all of his strength has returned yet, but it seems to have returned about 70%.

“I think about 70% came back.”

“Huh, even after pouring in so many causes and effects, it’s only 70%…”

Aren let out a devastated laugh.

Eventually, Aren said as he prepared to leave.

“Then let’s start right away.”

“what? Are you going with me this time?”

Seeing Aren like that, Seo-joon tilted his head.

It is also true that Aren is a causal agent about the first transcendental person who was suddenly restored.

It was because he was busy investigating the resulting anomaly of the dimension.

Aren nodded as if he knew.

Then, with serious eyes, he slowly opened his mouth.

“Anyway, this Beserk seems to be closely related to the first transcendent.”


The Imperial Palace after the meeting.

Vettel’s office located inside.

Vettel stared blankly at the scenery of the imperial capital through the window.

People moving in a hurry.

Their faces bore the tiredness of everyday life.

However, because everyday is everyday, is it called everyday?

None of the Imperials in the landscape showed a hint of concern.


In the expressions of the people of the Empire, the current situation of the Volunyu Empire was melted without filtering.

“To think that the emperor would come back alive…”

Vettel looked at the scenery and slowly turned his head.

“That stranger…”


Vettel unknowingly bit his teeth.

everything was perfect

With the disappearance of the emperor, the crown prince takes charge of state affairs.

However, the crown prince, still a new chick, was just prey.

At the same time, the crown prince was incapable of handling the threat posed to the empire.

After expelling such a stupid prince, he swallows the empire.

Of course, there was a major stumbling block along the way.

It is none other than the Grand Master of the Empire, Aren.

As the guardian of the Empire, he was a being that Vettel did not dare to do anything about.

Because any tricks couldn’t measure up to mere pranks on Aren.

So, in fact, Vettel couldn’t even dream of this plan.

However, the ancient ruins discovered not too long ago.

It was something that could not be accurately called a ruin.

Originally, it was a wilderness where nothing existed.

But suddenly, unknown ruins appeared.

Literally all of a sudden.

Vettel investigated the place out of curiosity,

I was able to face a certain existence sealed in the ruins.

Thus, I was finally able to arrive at a certain truth.

“To think the story in the myth was true…”

A myth related to the origin of Astelgia, the beginning.

That it was not just a story, but a story that existed.

A being sealed in a ruin that suddenly appeared.

Because it was the real ‘Beserk’ that appeared in the myth of Astelgia in the beginning.

As the emperor, Elian, said, that being was an existence that no one could stand against.

Even Aren, who has dealt with numerous beserks, cannot stop this existence.

A known hero who fought against Beserk in the beginning.

Unless that hero.

So everything was perfect.

lured the emperor into disappearance,

expel the stupid prince,

To devour an empire.



Everything went wrong because of one guy.

The threat posed to the empire was removed at once,

Sweeping the dark forest alone,

He even returned to find the missing emperor no matter what he did.

No, even the emperor who thought he was dead came back alive.

Because of only one person, a stranger like a bastard, not anyone else.

Everything that was perfect has gone wrong.

No, instead, he was stamped out by the emperor and crown prince, and his power weakened.

If he continued on like this, being kicked out of the imperial palace would be an instant.


“Tell me.”

At Vettel’s call, Cedric, the aide, immediately spoke.

Vettel took one look at Cedric and said.

“Are you ready?”

“I finished it right away… but are you really going to do it?”

In response to Vettel’s question, Cedric had no choice but to say something mixed with concern.

That would be the preparation Vettel said.

Because it was to release the power of the existence sealed in the ruins.

Currently, the existence was unable to leave the ruins due to something unknown.

To be precise, the artifacts scattered throughout the empire were forming a barrier towards the ruins.

And one of the artifacts forming a barrier.

One of them was now in Vettel’s hands.

“You don’t have to completely liberate yourself. Even if you get rid of this one in the first place, you won’t be completely liberated. However, the bastard and Aren went there. That should be enough to kill them both.”

“But, if things go wrong…”

Even so, Cedric couldn’t shake off his worries.

That would be the existence sealed in the ruins.

It was because that existence was almost certain to be Beserk, who threatened the entire dimension in the beginning.

If things went wrong and the being was released, then it was all over.

You wouldn’t know that it was Vettel.

“So you’re saying we’re going to stay still like this?”

Even so, Vettel did not break his will.

“······ All right.”

Cedric could only nod his head at the end.

So Cedric left the office.

Leaving behind Cedric, who left, Vettel slowly turned her head and looked out the window.

Peaceful everyday scenery.

“No one will ever come back alive from there.”

But soon.

A landscape tinged with fear.



“This crazy.”

I couldn’t figure out how to express this situation right now.

I was out of my mind

No, it was more accurate to say that he was out rather than out.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh…”

So, that’s all I can say at least.

In fact, rather than saying this, it was more accurate to say that I was losing my senses.

Carls stood there blankly with his mouth wide open.

And in front of Carl’s line of sight.


The monsters rushing in like waves were unconditionally destroying the surroundings.

Even at this moment, the monsters were constantly flocking.


Along with the wild roar of the monsters, the terrible power of darkness began to gather throughout the space.

A terrible force that seemed to tear the surrounding area to shreds.


No one can stop this

How can these beings…!

How can this power…!

Right then.

“Kim Seo-joon, it’s too much for me to deal with at once.”

“Um… I can’t help it.”

A short conversation between Aren and Seojun continued.


Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!!!

In an instant, a terrible mana burst out of Seo-jun’s whole body.

A power that cannot be defined by anything in the world.


At the same time, Beserk’s heart, which had been perfected, started beating wildly.


In an instant, a blue crack was engraved around Seo-jun.

Soon, blue thunderbolts wrapped around Seo-jun’s body,

All the landscapes of the world began to distort.


and a raging storm.

Forming the storm were countless thunderbolts.

Seo-joon trudged through the storm and took a step.

Pajik, Pajijik!

With every step he took, the thunderbolt of the storm raged in all directions.

The power of transcendence manifested.

“Get down.”


I heard a voice like that.


The space changed and blue thunderbolts were emitted in all directions.

The thunderbolts of the storm swept away, deeply scratching the surface of the ground.

The heavens and the earth shake, and the vision is dark.

Soon the view opened.

“M, M, M, M, M, M!”

Carls couldn’t say anything.

That’s because the monsters that hung over the horizon disappeared everywhere!

“This, this, this, this…”

Cals was at a loss for words at that transcendent sight.

“Dragon words imbued with the magic of Samdanjeon are always amazing.”

Aren’s words continued.


“It’s still at 70%, so it’s a little weak.”

After that, a crazy sound was heard.

It was a really crazy sound.

No, it was just crazy!


Are my ears weird?

Carls wanted to take out his eardrum and check it if he could.


That power is 70% right now?

it’s shit

It’s real shit!

If that’s 70% of your power, isn’t that what a god is if you have 100% of it!

<Among our transcendent instructors, there are quite a lot of people who have the status of a god!>

As if to pierce Carl’s heart.

Mentor shouted vigorously.



I couldn’t figure out how to express this situation right now.

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