Transcension Academy Chapter 297

Gaiden Episode 14 – Deleted Cause and Effect (1)


Aren’s question, which he hadn’t expected at all, left Seo-joon in a daze.

first transcendence.

He was the first to establish the concept of transcendence, denying the future determined in the world of causality established by the observer.

Simply put, beings who created something out of nothing.

At the same time, the first director of the Transcendent Academy,

He was known as the teacher of Irina, the current director.

But other than that, there was no information at all.

I don’t know if he was a master who established the concept of transcendence, but for some reason, all related causalities of the first transcendent were deleted.

To be precise, all memories of the existence related to him were erased.

Even his disciple, Irina, did not remember the first Transcendentalist.

Only the fact that he was his disciple remained like a reverberation.

At least, like Irina, a great voice who was his disciple.

And only the observer knew the truth about him to some extent.

But the great voice is dead,

The observer is also expelled by Seo Jun.

The first transcendent was a being that could never be remembered again.

But now.

A question about the first Transcendentalist heard from Aren’s mouth.

Aren’s expression looked more serious than ever.

Does Aren know something about the first transcendent?

No, how did Aren know about the existence of the first transcendent?

Seo-joon swallowed all those questions and asked Aren back.

“Why are you suddenly asking that?”

Aren did not easily answer Seo-jun’s question.

As if lost in thought, he slightly lowered his gaze.

Rather than being embarrassed to answer, he seemed to be contemplating where to start and how to explain.

Seojun calmly waited for Aren.

How much time had passed like that?

“It’s a story from a very long time ago…”

Aren slowly opened his mouth.

“Long before the establishment of the Volunian Empire, Astelgia was a world full of chaos.”

The dimension of Astelgia where Seo-joon is now is a long time ago.

It was a chaotic world full of demons and monsters.

A world that is more chaotic than during the cataclysmic days that Earth went through.

People are relieved to survive this day,

Worrying about having to live tomorrow again.

It was a world where only survival was the greatest virtue, and a world full of suffering.

In the midst of living in relief that I survived like a bug every day.

Suddenly, a hero appears.

That hero subdues the monsters and monsters that have fallen over the world.

As the chaos-stained world began to be organized, the world gradually began to find stability.

That moment.

“uh? This story…?”

Suddenly, Carls tilted his head and expressed his doubts.

It seemed like she had been laughing as if she had lost her mind just a moment ago, but it seemed that she came to her senses, perhaps because a story she knew came out.

“Do you know the story?”

Carls nodded as if it were natural.

“It is a story that comes down like a myth in the empire. It’s a story that every citizen of the Empire has heard at least once. When I was little, my nanny often listened to it.”

In a word, it was like a fairy tale told to children.

Like the story of the hero who defeated the demon king on Earth, a story that a grandmother tells her grandson.

Why is Aren suddenly telling such a fairy tale?

Do you know whether or not you know Seo-jun’s question?

“That’s how Astelgia felt like finally finding stability.”

Aren continued his story.

The hero cleared the world of chaos with his overwhelming power.

However, it is said that the stronger the light, the darker the darkness.

Out of the final chaos the most terrible evil was born.

“That being was Beserk.”

Hero and Beserk continued a fierce fight.

A battle that even the word myth would not suffice.

In the end, the hero succeeded in defeating Beserk.

But was the fight against Beserk too fierce?

The hero also meets his end at the end of the fight.

After that, the world regained stability and found peace,

Heroes could not exist in that peaceful world.

In order to honor its existence forever, people named the dimension they live in after the hero’s name, ‘Astelgia’.

And to remember Beserk’s notoriety, the concept of Beserk settled in Astelgia.

That was the beginning of what the concept of a demon king on Earth refers to as Beserk in Astelgia.

And just then.

“Ah… that’s what happened.”

Suddenly, Carls nodded and murmured.

It was as if he realized something he didn’t know.

Seojun tilted his head and asked Carls.

“You said you knew the story a while ago?”

“Yes, but… I only knew about the story related to Beserk. I didn’t know that Astelgia was named after that hero.”

With Carl’s answer, Seo-joon couldn’t help but question even more.

Isn’t that a famous story that everyone in the empire knows?

But you didn’t even know what the etymology of Astelgia was?

Seojun tilted his head once more.

And ironically.

The answer to that question came from none other than Aren.

“The story Carl knows is the story most people know. Exactly… that was the only way it could be known. In fact, the story I just told you is a story that has been modified quite a lot.”

Aren continued with a more serious expression than ever before.

“Astelgia, all memories related to it have been erased.”


At Aren’s answer, Seo-joon paused for a moment.

Aren’s words that related memories have been deleted.

It was because it matched with someone Seo-jun knew.

“Ser, can’t you…?”

Seojun asked with a puzzled expression.

Aren nodded and opened his mouth slowly.

“yes. The protagonist of this story is the first Transcendentalist.”



The eyes of Seo-joon and Mentor widened and opened.

Silence that subsides for an instant.

<What, what, what?!?!?>

In the meantime, the mentor’s astonishment burst out.

The look on the mentor’s face was more surprised than anything Seojun had ever seen.

And Seo-joon’s feelings were not very different from him.

“Go, why are you suddenly like that?”

Only Carls put on a puzzled expression.

Seo-joon hurriedly calmed down his surprised mind.

And I summarized the story Aren had told me once again.

That the first transcendent was Astelgia.

And the achievements he made here…

huh? for a moment.

Achievements here…?

“Now, wait! What does that mean then…?”

Seo-joon asked Aren with a doubtful look.

And even though I didn’t say anything behind the scenes,

Aren nodded calmly as if he understood.

Then Aren looked at the cane Seo-jun found and opened his mouth.

“Here, Astelgia, is the dimension where the first Transcendent was born.”



At the same time as the reversing view, the scenery of the room was reflected in Seo-joon’s eyes.

Overall, the room is spacious, clean, and has a warm atmosphere.

It was none other than Aren’s residence.

Even though I had been there a few times, it was a scenery I was used to because I couldn’t get used to it.

In fact, rather than saying that he was used to it, it was more accurate to say that his mind was blank right now.

Aren trudged and took a chair from one side of the room.

Then, after recommending Seo-jun,

He also went to a chair that was left and took a seat.

Soon after, Seojun sat down in the chair Aren had given him.

Aren gave Seo-jun a cup of tea in a kettle.

It must have been quite a luxurious tea, but the strong aroma of tea brushed the tip of my nose, and I felt like I was coming back to my senses a little bit.

By the time the fragrance spreads like that.

“Are you calming down a little?”

Aren’s voice sounded like the scent of tea.

Seojun nodded slowly.

A first-time story about the first transcendent.

I was just surprised by a story I thought I would never know anymore, but for no other reason.

Seeing Seo-joon like that, Aren continued talking again.

“It seems that this is the reason why the anomaly occurred in our dimension. I told you the other day that something that could not exist under the existing laws seems to have come back to life in our dimension.”

To be precise, something that could not exist in a world ruled by observers.

At the time, Aren didn’t know what this was,

Seojun guessed that it might have something to do with Beserk.

“That’s the causation of the first transcendental being deleted. It seems that cause and effect has been restored to our dimension again.”

Aren was affirming that it was the first Transcendent.

“Originally, it was a cause and effect that could never be restored… No, there was only one possibility to be precise. What it is… I think Kim Seo-joon knows better than anyone else.”

At Aren’s words, Seojun nodded once more.

The expulsion of none other than the observer.

And the laws of the world changed as the boundary space collapsed.

Apparently, these two things were intertwined, and something that could not exist before could exist.

“But it is a cause and effect that was literally ‘erased’. Simply put, it was a cause and effect that shouldn’t exist. But that causality was suddenly restored, and with that, the dimension couldn’t make judgments about it.”

In a word, the system of the dimension was twisted.

As a result, unknown anomalies occur in the dimension.

The connection with the transcendent academy was also severed.

It will all be because of this. Aren added.

“Then… what is the wand I found?”

Seo-joon pointed to the cane lying quietly beside him and asked.

He grotesquely twisted the magic beast,

A strange staff that tried to transform even Seo-joon.

Aren sneaked a glance at the staff and opened his mouth.

“I think it might be the staff used by the first Transcendentalist.”

The first transcendental person’s causality was deleted, and the existence itself was literally erased.

Of course, items bearing his traces could not exist either.

However, his causality was restored and his items were also restored.

However, since the first transcendent person could not be judged by the laws of the existing world, such a phenomenon occurred when he was near the staff he was using.

<Ah… is that why the director loved that cane so much?>

At that moment, the mentor nodded as if he finally understood.

The director of the Transcendental Academy, Irina is the first transcendental disciple.

Even though the memories are erased,

Memories related to him remained like reverberations, and it seemed that he instinctively cherished them.

<By the way, this wand was originally enshrined in the director’s study. Why did you suddenly appear here?>

“I’m not sure about that, but the one you have probably isn’t what the first Transcendentalist used. It is assumed that the director made it after yours. Because this wand could not exist in the first place.”

Put it simply.

“This must be the one the first Transcendentalist used directly.”

At Aren’s resolute words, Seo-joon didn’t ask any more about it.

If Aren said that, it was a certainty.

“Then is there any way to solve this?”

“There is a way, but…”

Aren didn’t finish talking.

Why, but I want to for a while.

Little by little, seeing Seo-jun’s notice seemed like he needed Seo-jun’s help.

Seojun looked at Aren and thought for a moment.

It is not difficult to help Aren.

No, I had to help.

Aren regained Seo-jun’s lost power,

Because I was trying my best to return to Earth.

That’s why Seo-joon had an idea to help Aren.


“Can I ask you one question?”

Before that, there were certain things that I had to point out.

“Tell me.”

Aren straightened his expression at Seo-jun’s determined words.

“I will ask straight forward without dragging it out.”

Seojun met Aren’s eyes straight and continued.

“How did Aren know these stories?”

If you think about it, it was.

For some reason, the first transcendental person had all related causality deleted.

There is only speculation that the reason might be because of the observer.

It was a story that is now unknown.

In any case, all memories related to the first Transcendent were erased.

As a result, not only the people of the Empire, but also Cals,

A story that even Irina, who was his disciple, cannot remember.

But for some reason Aren knew the story of the first transcendent.

From the hidden truth in fairy tales to the fact that his name is Astelgia.

Because he was a citizen of that dimension, Kals did not know the story at all to apply the word.

Even thinking about it now, Aren’s true identity was a little puzzling.

From the unbelievable inaction of being a beginner.

Even the knowledge that is comparable to that of most transcendentalists

To borrow the words of her mentor, she was on par with Irina in terms of knowledge.

There were a lot of questions here and there, but that didn’t mean that Aren itself was suspicious.

In the first place, if Aren wanted to harm Seo-joon, there was no need to tell him how to regain his strength in the first place.

Aren is clearly trying to help Seo-joon.

But there were also some things that should be pointed out.

Aren didn’t answer for a while to Seo-jun’s determined question.

downcast gaze.

“I didn’t expect things to turn out like this, but…”

Aren made an expression as if something had come.

Seo-joon waited for Aren’s words to continue.


“I’ve been listening quietly since before…”

Exactly, I was waiting.

Seo-joon’s head naturally turned toward it at the sudden sound.

and looked at it.

There, a woman was looking at Seo-joon with a disapproving expression.

Long downed silver hair and distinct features.

Overall, it was a beauty with a dreamy atmosphere.

“Who are you to be so rude to the Grand Master?”

She started walking toward Seo-joon.

‘Who is it?’ The moment I was questioned.

“Lungs, Your Majesty?”

Suddenly, Carl’s voice sounded in bewilderment.

your majesty?

Seojun tilted his head for a moment.

There is only one existence that Carls calls His Majesty.

“Could it be the emperor?”

He was the emperor of the Volunian Empire.

no, wait.

Was the emperor a woman?

“Carls? How are you here?”

“That, that’s…! No, why is His Majesty here?”

The Emperor and Cals questioned each other.

But that’s for a while.

“I don’t know why you’re here, but wait a minute. I think we’ll have to deal with that unscrupulous guy who was rude to Taesa.”

The emperor seems to be like no matter what.

I took a step towards Seojun again.

How is it… It seemed like the momentum was going to scold Seo-joon firmly.

In the worst case, the attitude of using force.

“Lung, Your Majesty!! It’s not possible!!! Absolutely no!!!”

Carls freaked out and ran out.

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