Transcension Academy Chapter 294

Side Story Episode 11 – The First Disciple…?(2)

“What are you all doing?”

Seojun looked at Mentor and Aren alternately with absurd eyes.

And look down again.

Carls hadn’t thought about getting up.

It was also true that today, Carls experienced things he had never experienced in his entire life all at once.

Meet the Emperor of the Empire, Aren.

I visited Aren’s residence for the first time in my life,

At the same time as Seo-jun’s true powerlessness,

I came into contact with the reality of the transcendent academy, even if only for a moment.

In a word, the astonishment and fear that Carl could handle.

It was far beyond the allowable amount.

Cook Cook.

<You have completely hardened.>

Perhaps the ability to petrify really had an effect on Calth’s mind.

‘If I listen to instructor Medusa’s lecture later, I don’t know if I’ll be transcending.’

Seo-joon burst into laughter.


In fact, Seojun had no intention of rejecting Carls if he wanted to learn.

The reason was simple.

Currently, Seo-joon needed an enormous cause and effect,

If you teach Cals, you can cover that cause and effect to some extent!

‘I think it’ll be enough for me to return to Earth.’

Although Aren has not yet been able to calculate the exact cause and effect,

Still, 500 trillion per hour would have been more than possible.

This means one less cause and effect worry.

Then there is only one thing left.

Seo-joon looked at the countless piles of gold spilled on the floor.

Then he turned his gaze back to Aren.

“May I ask you a favor?”


Aren quickly nodded.

There was no other explanation

He seemed to understand what Seojun was saying.

Sure enough, Aren moved slowly.

Seojun followed Aren and moved along.

Another room located in the abode like that.

I was able to reach the research institute or the study.

The atmosphere is quite different from the clean room just before.

<This place… It really feels like you’re looking at our director’s study.>

Simply put, it meant shit.

Seo-jun revived his memories of the last time and headed to the center of the room, where various magic circles were engraved like scribbles.

As Seo-jun stood in his seat, Aren stretched out his hand into the air.

Cheer la la rock.

Then, one by one, the gold that Seojun had collected began to disappear as it floated into the air.

It’s as if they were annihilated in exchange for something.

and at the same time as


In an instant, Seo-jun’s whole body began to feel a clear energy.

It felt as if something small had filled the empty space.

How much time had passed like that?

“It’s done…”

In the meantime, Aren’s faint voice was heard.

Again, cold sweat was pouring down Aren’s face like it was raining.

It looked simple and didn’t take much time.

However, it seemed that a lot of force had been put into it in the process.

Seojun slowly examined his body.

Again, it feels very different from before.

And as expected, about 10% of the power was returned compared to the original power.

This made it possible to use about 15% of the power in addition to the existing 5%.

Aren brought a chair and sat down.

Aren’s expression looked as if all of the gin was gone…

Just by looking at it, you can imagine how difficult this task can be.

“Thank you so much for helping me with this.”

Seojun expressed his sincere thanks to Aren.

The power lost as the price of destroying the border space.

A power that I thought I would never regain.

Aren was a benefactor to Seo-joon just by allowing him to regain that power.

Besides, looking at Aren’s appearance now, I could clearly see how hard this work was for Aren as well.

“no. As I said at the beginning, I also want Kim Seo-joon to help me like this, so you don’t have to be so grateful. Did you say that this is a give and take in the words of Kim Seo-joon?”

Where did you get those words from?

Seo-joon unknowingly let out a smile.

“In that sense.”

Aren took a deep breath and spoke again.

“Could you help me?”

“As much as you like.”

Seojun nodded without thinking.

Of course, Seo-joon’s first priority was, of course, to collect cause and effect.

Dealing with the threat looming over the empire and finding the whereabouts of the emperor.

The work of regaining lost power and returning to Earth.

In the process, there was Vettel’s trickery, but Seo-joon’s current priority was naturally these things.

And it was only natural that if Aren’s request was granted, time would be delayed.

But even putting all that aside, it was worth doing Aren’s request.

Seeing Seo-joon answer without hesitation, Aren showed a grateful smile.

“While Kim Seo-joon was collecting cause and effect, I was investigating an anomaly that occurred in our dimension, Astelgia.”

At the same time, Aren slowly rose from his seat.

Then, he brought a chair that was randomly placed in a corner of the room and offered it to Seo-jun.

It seemed like there was a long story.

As Seo-jun sat down on the chair, Aren opened his mouth again.

“It was so sudden, and I was taken aback as this had never happened before… But after hearing what Kim Seo-joon said, something caught me.”

“What if I was talking about…?”

“The story of breaking down the space of boundaries.”


Seojun nodded slowly.

“To put aside the complex story and start with the main topic, it seems that something that could not exist under the existing laws has resurrected in our dimension.”

“Something that couldn’t exist?”

“yes. To be precise, it could be said to be something that could not exist in a world ruled by observers. However, now that Kim Seo-joon has banished the Observer, it can exist again.”


Seojun summarized Aren’s words once again.

existed but could not exist.

But something that has become possible again.

‘What do you mean by this?’

Not twenty heads.

Seo-joon honestly couldn’t understand it well.

But it wasn’t that I didn’t understand the context itself.

In the end, this is what Aren wants to say.

“Anyway, you’re saying that the problem is that something unknown has arisen, right?”

“yes. So it seems like something is off on our side of the dimension.”

Aren nodded as if he had correctly pointed out.

“what is that?”

“I don’t know that. There are dozens of things I can guess… but there are literally dozens so I’m not sure.”

Aren shook his head as if he hadn’t figured it out yet.

Seeing Aren like that, Seo-joon chewed over the previous contents once again.

existed but could not exist.

But something that has become possible again.

Still incomprehensible like twenty heads…


At that moment, a thought flashed through Seo-joon’s head.

The existence of none other than Beserk.

Beserk, who was said to have gone missing after the emperor went to subjugate him, was in fact an entity that had been annihilated by Seo-jun on Earth.

But for some reason, Seo-jun could hear Beserk’s name again here.

existed but could not exist.

But something that has become possible again.

Might it have something to do with this?

“It’s just my guess…”

Seojun explained everything related to Beserk to Aren in detail.

End of such a long explanation.

“Hmm… that sure is strange.”

Aren also raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he thought it was strange.

“In fact, in Astelgia, Beserk is the same title as the Demon King, but… there was a being on Earth who used the name Beserk…”

Aren seems to be continuing his thoughts.

fell into a long silence.

How much time has passed like that.

“More than that, Elian was missing. Somehow, Kim Seo-joon said he was with the crown prince, not Elian.”

“Are you Elian?”

“Ah, my disciple’s name is Elian. He is the emperor of the empire.”


Seojun nodded slowly.

Apparently, Aren was unaware that the emperor was missing.

It seemed that he didn’t care about investigating the situation in the dimension.

And even though the disciple was missing, Aren didn’t show much concern.

Maybe he thought Elian couldn’t have died.

It seemed that he believed in Elian’s ability.

But is a disciple still a disciple?

“I think we should look for Elian together with Beserk. Well, if that’s the case…”

Aren continued with a slightly worried expression.

“I’m really sorry, but could you help me a little?”

“Sure. How can I help you?”

Seojun nodded without thinking.

Of course, judging from Aren’s expression, it seemed like it was quite difficult, but…

Still, if it was Aren’s request, it was worth it.

And do you see

Aren seemed to be thinking of finding out about the whereabouts of the emperor.

Seo-jun also had to investigate the emperor’s whereabouts anyway.

After all, it’s not Seojun helping Aren,

Aren was helping Seo-jun.

Do you know or do not know such a situation?

Aren is grateful and sorry.

The two of them opened their mouths again with mixed emotions.

“As I said before, while investigating the phenomena of the dimension, I was able to find a place where a particularly severe abnormal phenomenon occurred. Thinking that a more thorough investigation was needed, I was about to return to my residence and get ready, but Kim Seo-joon came to me.”

Aren seemed to organize his thoughts for a moment.

After a short pause, he opened his mouth again.

“Originally, I was going to investigate this place… but could Seojun Kim investigate this place? In the meantime, along with Beserk, I will look for Elian’s whereabouts.”

And Aren’s words were as expected by Seo-jun.

Of course, Seo-joon had no reason to refuse.

In a situation where you have to find the emperor anyway, what reason would you have to refuse when Aren said he would find it for you?

Above all, he said he would find out the truth about Beserk.

Seo-joon had no reason to refuse.

Well, clearing the dark forest would be delayed a bit, but that was unavoidable.

“Sure. Just leave it to me.”

“thank you.”

Seojun nodded without delay,

Aren expressed his deep gratitude to Seo-joon.

That appearance somehow stung my conscience…

Well, isn’t a good thing a good thing!

“Where is it?”

Seojun immediately asked Aren.

“This Astelgia is a very large dimension, but in fact there are quite a lot of abandoned land.”

And Aren’s explanation that followed.

Astelgia boasted about twice the size of the entire Earth.

However, that was literally only the area, and at least it was useful land.

So, if you only count the land where people can live, what you can call real land has shrunk.

Of course, even that was an enormous size beyond the Earth.

“And there is a representative place called Abandoned Land. It’s a place that’s notorious for being teeming with monsters all the time and darkness where no light shines through…”


Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

That would also be where Aren is explaining now.

It was because it was something I had heard somewhere.

Seo-joon opened his mouth slowly with a feeling of wanting to.

“Couldn’t it be… are you referring to the Dark Forest?”

“what? How did you know that?”

Then Aren was a little surprised and asked back.

Seo-joon opened his mouth once again with a feeling of doubt.

“Is there a place that wants to ask me to investigate…?”

“yes. It is the Dark Forest.”

That moment.

<Oh! Vettel or an upset stomach gave me a really good job!>

The mentor, who had been listening quietly, shouted with his palms facing each other.

How is this…

It seemed like it could be done in one shot.



Kals could feel his dizzy mind slowly returning.

To be precise, I could feel my hardened mind being released.

And just then.

Cook Cook.

I felt something stabbing my side.

And I don’t know if that’s because

The hardened spirit was also quickly loosening.

By the time your mind relaxes to some extent.

Carls could recall the memories of the past.

The meeting with Seo-joon and the great prince of the empire, Aren.

The thing that went to Aren’s residence.

And from Seo-joon, a crazy unit of 10 views.

Until I heard it and my mind was hardened.


Carl’s spirits flashed involuntarily.

At the same time, both eyes flashed open.

Between the two eyes opened like that, I could see someone with a tiny figure sitting on top of Carl’s chest.

It’s like being in the country of small people.

He was none other than a mentor.

Cook Cook.

Mentor sat on top of Carl’s chest and stabbed Carl’s side over and over again.

Then, did he feel the presence of Carls who suddenly opened his eyes?

<Oh! You’re up!>

Ah, the mentor! Jumping with a look like that.

It came down from Carl’s chest.

Carls slowly raised himself.

And just then.

“······ huh?”

Carls could feel a very different sense of incongruity somewhere.

The time when Carl’s mind had hardened once.

So, the last place Carls remembered was none other than Aren’s residence.

Overall, the room is spacious, clean, and has a warm atmosphere.

It was a room that felt like the house of a great sage living alone away from the world.

But now.

The surrounding scenery was not like that at all.


It was a kind of forest where not a single light came in, somewhere eerie yet strangely alive.


Suddenly a forest?

For a moment, Carl felt like his mind went blank.

Eventually, Carls quickly turned his head and looked around.

“Hey, is this…?”

At that moment, information about this place popped into Carl’s mind.

However, Carls struggled to ignore the information.

Because it couldn’t be

No, because it wasn’t!

Carls continued to look around as if denying reality.

But even so, the scenery in front of my eyes has not changed at all.

undeniable reality.

Carl’s face was stained with astonishment and his mouth hung open.

“Hey, yo, ya, ya, this is…!”

Carls was frightened and jumped up.

At the same time, Carl’s mind was on the verge of petrification once again.

That would be the place where Carls is now.

To be precise, this is where I fainted and woke up.

“Uh, uh, uh, isn’t it the dark forest!!”

Because this place was none other than the dark forest.

What kind of place is the forest of darkness?

As the name suggests, it was a space full of monsters.

This darkness, where a single point of light came in, gave strange power to the monsters residing here.

As a result, the monsters in the dark forest were of a different level from the general monsters, and the concept of ‘beasts’ was newly created to distinguish them.

Since this is a dangerous place, the Empire wanted to subjugate this place, but sent countless subjugation forces.

However, the results are often unsuccessful.

In this way, the dark forest has become an unknown and abandoned land from which no one can return alive.

In the first place, there was a reason why Betel selected the Dark Forest as the threat of the Empire.

The purpose of sending Seo-jun to the dark forest to kill Seo-jun.

To that extent, the dark forest was a dangerous space.

A place that no one would go to even if they paid billions of dollars.

But to think that I am in such a dark forest!

Suddenly a dark forest!

And just then.



In an instant, a terrible scream erupted.

At the same time, red eyes began to sparkle in the darkness that fell in all directions.

A life that encroaches on space.

“Oh, oh my god…!”

Kals was so confused that he was on the verge of petrification.

No matter how much Carls is a sword master,

Although he is one of the few powerful people in the empire,

It was not enough for the magic beasts who lived in the dark forest.

It was not called an unknown land and an abandoned land for nothing.


Carls could see the shadow of death cast.

“Do, you have to run away!”

Carls gritted his teeth, biting his teeth, and shouted.

It was too late to run away, but that was the only way to survive.

Carls looked around and looked for a mentor.

But why?

<Yes? why are you running away?>

Mentor tilted his head as if he was puzzled by such a Carls.

No, why are you running away?

If you look at the red eyes that look in the darkness over there, don’t you get an answer?

“No time to explain! Come over here quickly!”

Carls yelled out loud as if shouting.

But the mentor doesn’t seem to know.

It didn’t move from the spot.



A terrible scream erupted at that moment.

Soon, red eyes began to approach.

“Damn it!!”

Cals let out a scream and grabbed his sword.

Even though.

I couldn’t abandon my mentor and run away alone.

He is the crown prince who reigns over the people of the empire.

And just as authority comes with responsibilities, there are also responsibilities that come with it.

Even if the mentor is a stranger,

You couldn’t just run away and leave the innocent alone.

Carls grabbed his sword.


However, he could not stop the trembling of the hand holding the sword.

and right away

It was then.


Terrible power began to explode all around.

It was a power of transcendence that Carls had never faced before.

Unseen even by the emperor of the empire,

A power that literally cannot be defined by anything in this world.

The bursting power of transcendence engulfed the entire space.

And first of all.


The sound is gone.

Soon, the colors faded and the shapes of all things began to collapse.

Everything that exists in the world is collapsing.

The outline of the world collapses.

Everything turns into chaos.

At the same time, a single flash of light pierced down.


This time.

Thus, all things

collapse (collapse)

Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Type 1 (第一形).

Collapse of all things.




Silence passed.


Can we call this static?

The ground cracked and the torn ground rose upward.

But no sound is heard.

As if the sound was cut into the space.

As if the sound is gone.

no sound comes out

I don’t understand.

The color of the space has changed.

A pitch-black space with no light cast.

A light like the brilliant sun was shining there.

The outline of the world collapses.

The entire landscape shimmers like a haze.

space and time.

The space-time that makes up the world collapses.

An unknown chaos raged there.

Everything that exists collapses.

all kinds of things

was collapsing.

And in the time and space where everything collapses.

Eh eh eh!


The demons were disappearing all at once.

And at the same time, all the space reflected in the field of view was shattered.


No, I wasn’t at my level.

A dark forest that has been pierced open.

This was the level at which the space itself changed!

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh…!”

Overwhelming inaction that doesn’t even leak out words.

Carls couldn’t believe the sight in front of him.


And in the meantime, I heard Seojun’s voice.

A little bit of recoil or a little tired look.

Carls looked blankly at Seo-joon.

And one word that I unknowingly uttered.

“Did you say that the cost of tutoring is 50 billion gold?”

How much budget is left in the empire?

Carls asked Aren to collect all the money he had and didn’t have.

Only now did I realize it properly.

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not work with dark mode