Transcension Academy Chapter 285

Side Story Episode 2 – Coincidence, Inevitability, and Meeting (1)

Seojun slowly looked around.

Dense bushes and densely packed trees.

Anyone who saw it could tell at once that it was a landscape of a dense forest.

“Have you returned…?”

The first thought that passed through Seo-joon’s head was this.

Of course, at the same time as the boundary space collapses.

Seo-joon also lost his mind at the same time, so he did not know what happened after that.

However, the familiar scenery of the forest now visible.

No matter how you look at it, it was very similar to the shape of the earth.

I naturally thought that maybe that’s why I came back to Earth.


Seojun was able to shake his head right away.

Thick bushes and dense trees that make up nothing but a forest.

It was because it was the kind of thing you can’t see on Earth.

And what does this mean?

This is not Earth.

“······ What?”

Seo-joon looked around once again, just in case.

And then he quickly nodded.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it was the first time in my life, it was a kind of things that did not exist on Earth.

Of course, Seo-jun did not know all the vegetation on Earth.

For example, let’s say there is a vegetation that only grows in the remote Amazon.

It is obviously the vegetation that grows on Earth,

Seo-joon couldn’t tell it was a plant growing on Earth.

I’ve never seen that vegetation, and I don’t even know.

Therefore, it would be too early to conclude that this place is not the Earth simply because it is a first-of-its-kind vegetation.

Even so, Seo-joon was able to be sure that this place was not Earth.

It’s just what you see right in front of your eyes.

“No matter how hard it is, there are probably no trees that look like money bugs…”

Because there was no way something like that could exist on Earth!

Seojun shook his head.

At the same time, as if following Seojun.

A light breeze blew and the leaves of the trees and bushes swayed together.

The problem is that the swaying leaves belong to the money beetle tree.



The leaves swaying in the wind looked like the legs of countless money bugs pattering.

“… crazy.”

How can a tree resemble a money bug?

No, in the first place, were those trees hit?

Something like that could exist on Earth.

It was vegetation that shouldn’t exist.



Seeing the tree continue to wriggle, Seo-jun hurriedly looked away.

Anyway, it’s more than enough that this place isn’t Earth.

Finding a way to return to Earth was an urgent priority.


Seo-joon gently lowered his gaze and looked at his physical condition.

The Spear of Longinus, which did not let go even in the midst of losing consciousness.

A subspace pouch hanging well from the waist dance, kibisis.

otherwise lost.

It looked like nothing had changed.

But just one thing.

“… Almost all of them are gone.”

Only the power of magical power was no longer felt.

The magic power of the three-tier field that has no limits.

Everything that the past Seo-joon has achieved, far beyond the realm of transcendence.

I couldn’t feel that power anymore.

Seo-joon drew out his magic with a mindset.

It was because only Beserk’s heart, which was located in the middle ground, had not disappeared and remained.

That’s why I tried to draw out the mana…

I didn’t feel any magic or power.

It seemed that Beserk’s heart had become just a strong heart as he lost his magical power.

Seojun calmly raised his head.

The law of causation.

A law that must necessarily occur in order for one state to reach the conclusion of another state.

In simple terms, it was said that the effect must follow the cause.

Therefore, the ‘effect’ that seeks to deprive the basic laws of the world of causality requires a comparable cause.

A cause comparable to an effect.

There was no hint of an in-between cause.

In fact, it’s not that there’s no way to find it, but it couldn’t be found in this universe that was tied to the causal law.

That’s why it’s impossible to break the boundary space.

In other words, it was a paradox and contradiction that could not exist.

However, it was possible only for Seo Jun, who was not bound by causality.

Transcendence beyond transcendence.

And the magical power of the three-tier field that has no limits.

All of these things created a paradox and contradiction that cannot exist together.

I was able to reverse the laws of the world like that,

In return, Seo-jun had to lose everything he had achieved.

Now, for Seo-joon, transcendence is impossible.

There will be clear limits to future growth.

I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be able to reach the same level as before.

downcast gaze.

[Beware of observers.]

[Someday… when the time to choose comes…]

In the meantime, a mysterious voice that I heard one day sounded like an auditory hallucination.

who it is and what it means.

A previously unknown voice.

in the determined fate.

An ending that has already been written.

Maybe he was aware of this situation already.

I was determined from the beginning,

The choice was also made by Seo-jun, so I had no regrets.


The bitter reality he faced was unavoidable.

For a while, Seo-joon stood there blankly.

So little time passed.

Seojun shook his head from side to side as if shaking off his thoughts.

the work has already been done,

What has been done can no longer be undone.

So what’s important now.

Because what I had to do now was not those worries.

“Anyway, how did things turn out?”

Seojun calmly organized his thoughts one by one.


The boundary space has obviously collapsed.

It was a fact that Seo-jun clearly confirmed before he lost consciousness.

As a result, the observer was banished from the world,

This world has changed to a free world, no longer a fixed future.

An undeniable fact so far.


“Doesn’t something have to change?”

Seojun looked around slowly once more.

What Seo-jun saw through his eyesight was the gentle wind.

And the money bug trees swaying and swaying with the wind.

That was all.

“Isn’t that shameless-looking tree a change in the free world…?”

Well, it looks really freewheeling…

“Stop, no way!”

Seo-joon suddenly shouted in surprise at the passing thought.

“As the law of causality collapsed, the vegetation of the earth changed like that… isn’t it?”

Then, is this actually Earth…?

“Ah, that can’t be.”

Seojun hurriedly shook his head.

Although the environment of the forest is similar to the earth,

Anyway, because that wasn’t the case.

But why?

For some reason, Seo-joon couldn’t easily get rid of that thought.

It is also the will that the observer shouted for the last time.

It kept ringing in my ears.

Right before Seo-jun broke the boundary space, the observer said this with a will full of screams.

‘Are you trying to break the law! Calm down!! If you break the flow of causality, the fate that has been set will not be decided, and the world will be filled with chaos!!’

Actually, it’s a world of chaos.

Seojun didn’t know exactly what that meant.

But now.

Look at those shameless faces!



Even after washing my eyes and looking for order, I couldn’t find it!

No matter how you looked at it, that vegetation was just full of chaos!

“My, what the hell did I do…!”

For an instant, cold sweat ran down Seo-joon’s back.

His face turned white and he began to think of different things.

A world disorganized and distorted into chaos.

if this is earth

If it is an earth deprived of causality and distorted by chaos.

Looking at those vegetation now, I felt like I knew how the earth had changed.

Perhaps zombies have spread and the world has become an apocalypse.

maybe right here

It may be right after the earth has already perished.

Seo Yoon, Soo Yeon, Ha Yoon, and Min Yul.

Uncle Mancheol is everything.

Could it be that he died a long time ago?

Maybe I came back too late?


Maybe he became a zombie and wanders aimlessly in the nine heavens—.



Seo-joon shuddered at the sudden voice.

A voice that came out of nowhere without any sign.

Thanks to that, I was able to stop the endless delusion,

In a different sense, Seo-joon felt a chill run down his spine.

I really didn’t feel anything until I heard a voice that was none other than that, and most of all, that voice came from Seo-jun’s arms.

A situation in which all power is lost and even the senses are limited.

Seo-joon forcibly awakened his hardened body.

And slowly.

Very slowly, I put my hand into the chest where the voice came from.

won’t you ask? For a while, I think I want to.

With a soft touch, something small was caught in Seo-joon’s hand.

And I slowly took it out and checked it.


He was none other than a mentor.


The mentor tossed and turned while being held in Seo-jun’s grasp.

“… what else is this?”

Seojun really felt like he was ascending to heaven.

What is a mentor out of the blue?

Why was he sleeping in Seo-jun’s arms?

Seo-joon stared blankly at the mentor sleeping in his hand.

And just when he was about to shake the mentor up with Hei who came back.


A faint cry was heard from somewhere.

A sound that sounds like riding on a gentle breeze.

It was a faint sound that could not be heard if the spirits had not been raised to the fullest due to the presence of the mentor.

Is that why?

The sound was quite different from the mentor talking in his sleep that he had just heard.

Seo-joon slowly turned his head,

With that view, Patter, the streets could face money bug trees.

It was a landscape no different from before.

But Seo-joon couldn’t think that way at all.

Because patter, the streets are those trees.

Because the trees wriggling their leaves like legs were carefully approaching Seo-Jun!

Suddenly, Seo-jun didn’t know how to turn his head, so the trees stood tall and stopped in place.

It’s like a hibiscus flower has bloomed.

It seemed like they were pretending to be nothing.

However, as Seo-jun stared blankly, the gap between the wooden beams opened up, revealing terrifying eyes.

And Seo-jun, whose eyes met with those eyes.

Seojun was able to nod his head right away.



Those shameless things couldn’t have been trees.




Beginning with a roar, the densely packed trees began to stand up all at once.

And like chasing prey.

He began to run fiercely towards the prey named Seojun.

Strange beings attacking from all sides, without any cover.

It would be like this if the entire forest rushed toward Seo-jun.

And while pattering and stomping his legs like a money bug!

“Damn it!!!”

Seo-joon threw himself without even thinking about it.

Normally, I would have fought, but I couldn’t do that now.

I lost all power now.

Seojun’s level was nothing more than an ordinary pro hunter.

On the other hand, the unidentified monsters that attacked Seo-jun did not.

“Eh eh eh!”

That was a 10-star or higher monster!


Seo-joon desperately continued to run.

Still, thanks to the stamina and strength he had trained, he managed to escape.

A series of chases almost impossible to catch.

And is it because of the fuss?


The mentor who had fallen asleep suddenly opened his eyes.

Before long, I leap into Seo-joon’s shaking hands! aroused

And then look around.

Soon after, I found the trees that were running, pattering.


In Seo-joon’s hand, he started to wrestle.

Seo-joon shouted as he stretched out his hand holding the mentor in front of his eyes.

“Mentor! Stay still! Then it falls!”

Hearing Seojun’s voice, the mentor stopped moving.

Then, checking Seo-jun’s face reflected through his fingers, he shouted.

<Seojun Kim? Why is Seojun Kim here?>

That’s what I want to ask!

Seo-joon couldn’t bring himself to ask a question.

<Hey, what is this situation right now??>

“Can’t you see! Run away—!”

An alarm that strikes the head in an instant.

Seojun hurriedly lowered his body.


And almost at the same time, something brushed through Seo-jun’s hair.

I didn’t see what

If he had reacted just a little bit slower, he would have split his body in two, or he would have been broken.


The mentor who watched the eerie appearance was frightened and looked surprised.

Seo-joon gnawed at his teeth and shouted again.

“Aren’t you running away!!”

<Then why are you running away?



“Why are you running away! Will you fight then?”

<Isn’t that obvious?!? Instructor Jecheon Daeseong is also the one who will beat that monster!>

“I can’t fight!”

<······ Yes? what does that mean-!>



Kwak Kwa Kwak!

“Whee! It’s bloody.”

<It’s bloody! That’s bloody!! You just almost died! We just almost died!!!!>

“Didn’t you die?”

<It must be now!>

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

The mentor started yelling like a madman.

<Don’t just run away, do something!>

“What are you going to do! Shall I throw a mentor and use it as bait?”

<That’s right now…! Ugh! Do not do that! Really don’t do that!!! What are those eyes! please don’t do it!!!>

The mentor put on a desperate expression and began to beg.

That’s when you wonder how you can make such a variety of facial expressions.

<Hey, at least throw a gungnier at me, not me!>


Is that a good idea?

Even though Seo-joon lost all his powers, he didn’t lose his items.

And Seojun always kept Gungnir in Kibesis.

Since the kibisis is still hanging from the waist,

Gungnir should be intact inside.

Seojun moved the mentor to the other hand.

Then, he immediately put his hand into the kibisis.

Then, when I thought of Gungnir, I felt a good, warm feeling inside.

It still seems to be working properly.

Seojun grabbed the Gungnir wrapped around his hand.

And without even having time to check the figure of Gungnir taken out of the kibisis, he threw Gungnir with all his might.


Gungnir rushing at the moneyworm trees while scattering a terrifying sound.

But why?


Suddenly, Gungnir stopped moving in the air.

Eventually, the head of the spear was slowly turned toward Seo-joon, and it began to sag somewhere.

It was as if he didn’t like something.

How could that figure be like, ‘Eh… the throwing power is weak. It’s been a while since we met? Throw me with a little more force!’ seemed to say


It seemed that he was disappointed that he did not have magical power.

“Hey you crazy bastard! Just fly away!”

Seo-joon shouted out of nonsense,

Then Gungnir again powerlessly turned the spearhead and was shot.

It’s like, ‘Sheesh, I can’t help it. Only this time.’ It seemed like he was saying.

This was enough to convince me that I had a real self.

Seojun looked at the mentor in his grasp and said.

“Mentor, why is he really like that?”

<How do I know!! You must be like the owner!>


A terrible explosion sounded along with the shout of the mentor.

There, Gungnir was piercing through all the money bugs rushing in a straight line.

pop! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

A bunch of money bugs bursting out unable to withstand the power of Gungnir.

It’s like ‘Eureacha! Let this body appear!!’ It seemed like he was shouting…

After all, a transcendental weapon was a transcendental weapon.

The moment I wanted to let go like that.

One thing Seo-joon overlooked about Gungnir started to come to mind.

At first glance, it seems that Gungnir has an ego, but

In fact, he’s a guy who can’t do anything by himself.

Therefore, to control Gungnir,

That it requires magic power to throw again.

However, Seo-joon lost all his powers.

So when that rush is over now.


that that is the end.

Having pierced all beings in a straight line, Gungnir fell helplessly to the floor.

It was Gungnir who pierced through the hordes of money bugs that covered the entire forest, creating a transcendental scene like the parting of sea water.

Perhaps because of that, Gungnir fell to the floor and said, ‘I did it! I did it!!” as if shouting, lying down in satisfaction.



“Kik! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Even if the seawater was split, the seawater was still seawater.

A bunch of money bugs still covered the entire forest.

Anger at the loss of their people creeps up.

“ha ha ha···.”

Laughter that leaks out without me knowing.


fucked up


The screams of the angry money bugs filled the sky.

can’t help it

Seo-joon gritted his teeth and grabbed Longinus’s spear.

They say they lost all their power, but they literally just lost their power.

The knowledge and enlightenment Seojun learned, including the Cheonwol Yuseongchang, were still intact.

However, it could not produce the same power as before.

To be precise, it could not withstand the recoil and the body could be smashed first.

However, death this way, death that way, the same situation.

Seo-joon took a step forward, grabbing Longinus’s spear.


Right then.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!!!

In an instant, a huge explosion occurred and a group of money bugs were swept away at once.

I couldn’t see because of the thick fog of dust.

However, in the meantime, no more screams or death were felt.

“What, what…?”

<What, what is it…?>

Seojun and Mentor stood there blankly.

And as if answering both of those questions.

“There was a sudden commotion, so I came to see…”

A mysterious voice came through the dust fog.

“I didn’t expect an intelligent body to come to this rough place…”

Eventually, the dust fog calmed down and the owner of the voice trudged out.

Seo-jun blankly looked at the existence,

Then Seo-joon couldn’t help but be surprised.

It is none other than the existence that walked out of the dust fog.

“what? you are···?”

Because it was a face Seojun knew.

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