Transcension Academy Chapter 284

Episode 1 – The letter that reached us

hot! hello!

Greetings again after a long time!

I am the author of ‘I became a student at the Transcendent Academy’… that is to say, I am a ‘communicator’!

Of course, there will be some people who are a little suspicious.

After appearing in the previous episode, it’s been a while since he appeared in the next episode. I think there are people who think that.

That’s… actually.

Write the last story of the previous episode,

This is the situation where I came back from a short break.

If you continue to watch it, this is in one episode! It looks like it appeared, but in terms of time, it reappears in almost 20 days!

That’s why I’m saying hello again to other people after a long time!


long time no see

whether it’s just a moment

I don’t deliver the story of the abduction that I’m going to do, and I’m going to say what kind of nonsense.

That’s actually… Kuhm.

In fact, there was a little problem with the story of the side story.

Rather than a problem… A little setback?

uh, um…

What should I say about this…


In fact, as I said in the previous episode, the original side story consisted of stories that could not be delivered in the main story.

Actually, I also wanted to tell you the last story after that, but…

At the same time Seojun broke the boundary space, the observer was expelled and the world was no longer bound by cause and effect.

Therefore, I couldn’t see the world after that, so I couldn’t tell you the back story.

So, among the things that have already passed, I can tell you about them.

The 10 months that Seo-joon was in another dimension.

And a story about the first transcendental person whose cause and effect were deleted.

I tried to tell you two stories like this.

That’s how I was in the space of the broken border to organize the story.

As you know, the space of the boundary was lined with devastating traces of Seo Jun-yi’s destruction.

As expected, the world after that was nowhere to be seen.

Looking at them, something…

I had mixed feelings.


At that time when I was so heartbroken.

Suddenly, one side of the boundary space was distorted, and the director came to visit me.


Irina-sama, the director of the Transcendent Academy.

It was the same with the caretaker.

Actually, I have a little relationship with the director…

You were still pretty.


To be honest, I was really surprised.

It is also true that the boundary space has been broken,

Because of that, it was impossible to interfere or contemplate the world between each other.

Therefore, it was a situation where no one other than me and the Creator could come to the boundary space.

In such a situation, I have no choice but to be surprised that the director visits me.

so what am i doing

No, how did you get here?

I asked the director about this and that, but…

You didn’t say anything different.

You couldn’t really say anything different.

Because he disappeared soon.

It seems that he somehow found a way to come to the space of the broken boundary, but it seemed like he couldn’t stay there for long.

And did the director already know that?

Just before the director disappears.

You gave me a letter.

What kind of letter is… Hmm.

I think it’s faster to see this in person than to explain it in words.

wait a minute.






It was a letter sent to us by Seo Jun.

And as you can see…

The letter is not in very good condition.

Apparently, now it is a borderline space where no one other than me and the creator can come.

Is it because you put a lot of effort into coming here?

I don’t know what method the director used, but I think the aftermath was beyond my imagination.

Fortunately, I didn’t have too much trouble reading the letter.

I was really surprised when I checked the contents of the letter.


I was very confused.

It was a complex, subtle, inexplicable feeling.

And this is also the reason why the story of the side story was disrupted…

I think some people will curse at me to do the concept in moderation, but it’s really not a concept!!

As you can see from the picture above, it’s really… Yes?

Does it matter if it’s a concept or something?

Aren’t you curious about my feelings?

······ Well, that’s right, right?

Still, I wonder if you might be a little curious…

is not it?

Ha, but it’s a side story and there must be a reason why I suddenly appeared.

You may be slightly curious about my current situation… Yes?

I’m not curious at all, so I hit the noise,

Tell me what the hell is written in the letter?


it’s okay!

After all, I’m a story slave who only tells stories… no, because I’m a ‘transmitter’!


uh, anyway!

Due to this reason, a setback occurred!

The invisible world, the story after that.

It’s a ‘letter that reached us’.






Oh, how are you?

uh… well.

Is it right to say hello like this?

I don’t know how to say hello

It’s quite awkward to meet like this.

Besides, I wonder if it’s okay to say hello…


ha ha ha.

Anyway, if you read the letter like this,

Fortunately, it means that the director has succeeded.

To go back to the space of the broken border and deliver this letter.

In fact, the boundary space is collapsing…

Exactly, I knocked it down, but anyway.

At the same time as the boundary space collapsed and the observer was expelled, many changes really took place in the world.

There are so many that I can’t tell you all of them, but I’ll tell you a few things though.

First of all…

As the causal law that restrained the world was stripped away, it became possible to welcome freedom that is not suppressed by any rules.

To be honest, I was a little worried.

As you all know, the world without causality, the world of chaos without order, the observer scared me a lot.

That’s why monsters are infested without even trying.

Relieved to survive this day.

Wouldn’t the era of cataclysm continue every day?

I was really worried.

but what

It wasn’t like that.

Maybe it was because it was a world that had already been ordered by the law of causation, so it wasn’t that different from the existing world.

Although causality has been deprived,

That’s not to say that the causal rate itself has disappeared.

It’s just that the law of causation comes down from the main laws that make up the world. I think it would be nice to think of it as a concept called

Maybe that’s why it hasn’t changed much from the existing world.

However, it is that we can no longer see our story.

And the fact that the dungeon distortion phenomenon has become a little more frequent?

It seems that the distortion of the dungeon was a phenomenon that was out of line with the law of cause and effect.

It even turned out that the Distortion was a bizarre phenomenon that only happened on Earth.

I wonder if the earth is a phenomenon that was created when a great voice distorted the law of cause and effect.


Transcendentalists are free to enter and exit the dimension.

Even if the transcendental ones stay in the dimension, the dimension no longer bears the burden of causation and does not expel the transcendental ones.

What did Instructor Merlin say?

As the causal law was pushed out of the main law, the concept of transcendence was newly established, and it was accepted as a law along with the causal law.

In fact, you explained something more…

To be honest, I didn’t quite understand.

In any case, transcendents were no longer banished from the dimension…

Still, the majority of Transcendentalists, including the Transcendentalist Academy, hope to stay outside the dimension.

There were a lot of people who didn’t feel the reason to go back to the dimension.

It’s not fun because the level is low.

Well… Considering the level of transcendentalists, it makes sense.

And above all, the director strictly prohibited it.

No matter how heavy it is,

You judged that it was still too much to accept the existence of a transcendental being.

As I said earlier, we are well aware of the level of transcendentalists, right?

Here, even the constraints of cause and effect are gone.

The dimension itself could collapse if we were kidding around.

To be honest…

I’ve had that happen a few times.

No, to be more honest…

I wonder if such a situation came out and the director forbade it.

that is···.

I saw instructor Jecheon Daeseong being dragged away by the director.

After all, you are still the same person.

In any case, it is strictly forbidden for transcendental beings to return to the dimension.


I’ve been a bit of an exception.


Where should I start with this story?

In fact, even as I am writing this letter,

I don’t know if this letter will reach you safely.

As the boundary space collapsed, you and our world went beyond the dimension and the world itself became separated.

Strictly speaking, it is realistic that this letter cannot be delivered.

It will probably be sucked into the void and lost forever.

So I tried not to write this letter.

In the first place, I didn’t really feel any reason for that.


You guys are the ones who watched me and our story, right?

ah! I’m not complaining about that though.

I was a bit reluctant at first, but… now what?

just think it might be

Because that was all the watchers intended.

And I vaguely feel it,

I think the country would have supported and liked people a lot.

Well, there must be some beings who hated me.

To be honest, I did sometimes act out of character…?

big hmm

No, but you guys know it too.

I couldn’t help it either?

Even if the transcendent academy goes crazy, you have to be crazy normally!

Even now the price has gone up again?!

Since the causal burden of the dimension disappears, these people are just…


well, anyway.

A bastard named Kim Seo-joon is like this.

I was not a perfect person.

still the same now

And you guys who cheered me on.

who watched my whole life together.

He loved my life and supported me.

I thought that I would like to tell you at least about my last story.

Of course, those who are curious about my story.

There may be other beings.

More than anything, I don’t know if this letter will be delivered safely, but I still have a pen like this.

Right now, the director and other magic-related transcendentalists are researching how to deliver this letter.

In particular, ‘2,700 years of virginity’.

I don’t know if you will remember.

A beginner in the magic profession who was active in the chatter of beginners.

He also transcended and is helping me the most right now.


He married a succubus.

At first glance, I heard that the succubus suffered a serious (?) from the post…

It is said that the succubus absorbed 2,700 years of energy and transcended by becoming the commander of the dreamy corps.

After that, I don’t know the details.

It seemed like the two of them had a family and lived happily.

well, anyway.

Like this, the possibility of the letter being delivered to you is very low, but it’s not impossible.

I am writing this long and long letter just in case.

Well, where should I begin with this story…

In fact, I don’t even remember the first one.

As the boundary space collapsed, I lost my mind there as well.

And how much I really struggled.

To be honest, I really regret that you guys can’t see this story…

So, I’m going to try to talk about it from now on.

However, I’m not really good with words, so I’m worried that I’ll be gibberish…

Well, that kind of thing will be adapted well by the conveyer.

Alright then.

After the boundary space collapsed and the observer was expelled…

uh… so.

As for what happened then…


transcendence, beyond.

martial arts.

Seo-jun’s blow in extreme martial arts breaks the boundary space,


His presence is expelled with the Observer’s screaming will.

Eventually, the boundary space where only white light exists.

When the cracks, like spider webs engraved there, distorted and the space of the universe was shattered.


Seo-jun also lost his mind.

And how much time has passed?

I couldn’t even call it a certain amount of time.

In the first place, Seo-joon couldn’t perceive the flow of time.

With the space of collapsed borders, the world has been transformed,

Seo-joon could not recognize anything because he was caught up in the dimension of chaos and emptiness left by the banishment of the observer.

as well as the passage of time,

A dimension where even memory is excluded.

life and death.

A time that does not belong to either side and cannot be called time.

In that void, even thinking and cognition were not permitted.

Precisely because existence is not allowed to exist.

It was impossible to feel any sensation.


For an instant, Seo-joon could perceive the feeling of a breeze.

At the same time, a warm, yet friendly smell that flows into the tip of the nose.

The smell, which was strangely warm, began to awaken Seo-jun’s spirit little by little.

Eventually, the mind that had been swimming in the water returned at once, and Seo-jun’s closed eyes flashed open.

And the appearance in front of Seo-jun’s eyes.

Seo-joon blinked his eyes as he looked at the scenery in front of him.

“Uh… Lala…?”

For a moment, I couldn’t hide my embarrassment.

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not work with dark mode