Transcension Academy Chapter 280

Episode 280 – A world without him, and… (2)

Scattering golden grains of sand.

Suddenly, Seo-jun’s figure was scattered like dust and disappeared.

Seoyoon reached out and caught the grains of sand that were scattered.

But the more I grabbed it, the faster it disappeared.

Like something that I wanted to reach, but couldn’t reach in the end.

Seoyoon’s hand could only catch the dry empty air.

Seoyoon’s hand fell helplessly.

At the same time, Seoyoon collapsed into her seat.

My legs were weak and I couldn’t stand up.

no thoughts.

no words.

doesn’t come to mind

“iced coffee···.”

Only a trembling voice echoed in the void.

Seoyoon stared blankly at the place where Seojun disappeared.

Now even the golden grains of sand have completely disappeared and nothing can be seen.

I didn’t really see anything.

As if the existence of Seojun never existed.

However, Seoyoon did not take her eyes off her.

I couldn’t take it off.

Because it seemed like it would come back again.

As if it was like that, I came back and said ‘Haha…! Mr. Seo Yoon! Is there anything worthwhile?’ It felt like scratching the back of my head.

With that bewildered expression that one screw was missing somewhere.

That’s why, with a friendly expression that even feels strange warmth.

Because I thought I would come back and say that.

Because I wanted you to tell me…

But no matter how long you wait.

No matter how much you wish and hope

Seojun did not return.

Even so, Seoyoon did not move from the spot.

to be honest···.

I vaguely knew.

someday, that someday

that this day will come.

That parting with Seo-joon was planned.

I couldn’t stand him

That he was the one who had to leave someday.

I didn’t know where it was.

Because he was a person whose behavior was difficult to predict.

It was like that when we first met.

Aren’t you squatting with a monster corpse on your back?

Won’t you go to the academy competition with an iron bar and win?

Don’t you think you’re going to fight against your grandfather who was a swordsman?

Are you raising money bugs? Even after earning trillions of won, don’t you sing money and money every day?


When I think about it like this, I don’t think he’s a person whose behavior is difficult to predict, but he’s just a crazy guy.

The relationship between the two started like that and deepened as the days went by.

Seoyoon wants to create the world’s best academy through Seojun.

Seo-jun wants to become the world’s best hunter through Seo-yoon.

The story of the two, who had the same yet different dreams, began that way.

In a way, it started from a place where each other used each other, but in that gap, it became a kind of will to each other.

and at some point

Suddenly, Seoyoon had the idea that she wanted to be with Seojun.

I wanted to stand with Seo-jun on the path he walked,

So I was looking at the same place.

I continued my relationship like that and finally came to this point.

That’s why I thought I knew more about Seojun than anyone else…

Now that I think about it…

Seoyoon really didn’t know much about Seojun.

I didn’t even know why I was squatting with a monster corpse on my back,

How have you overcome impossible things in the meantime?

More than anything, where the hell are you spending that much money?

Seoyoon didn’t know anything.

Normally, I just thought I was going to do it and moved on.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t curious, but I didn’t ask because I thought there might be a secret of my own.

I just thought that one day Seojun would tell me directly.


If I had asked that, would Seo-joon have answered?

Had I heard that answer, would I have known where Seo-joon had gone?

So, would he have been able to follow him there as well…?

I don’t know.

And now it has become an unknown question.

So now… now…

I regretted it so much,

It just felt so savage.


Seoyoon’s head fell helplessly.

Anything is good.

Anything in the future is good.

Even just a little bit is fine…

down view.

Seoyoon had some expectations about what kind of touch she would feel stroking her hair.

But no such miracle happened.

A drop of something transparent fell between Seoyoon’s bowed head.

and drop again.

Drops of water form and fall down.

The people who watched Seoyoon’s appearance couldn’t approach Seoyoon or say anything.

Seoyoon stood there for a while.

A lot of incidents, a lot of things.

A lot of memories that were made intertwined.

The end of a long, long relationship.

Standing blankly at the end of it.


I waited endlessly for someone who would never come back.


After the tens of millions of monster armies disappeared.

The remaining remnants of Jinrihoe were quickly suppressed.

In fact, there was no such thing as suppression.

The British Royal Knights, the Italian Mafia, the Mi Pro Hunter Authority and the African rebels.

In addition to that, numerous pro hunters,

Even the heroes of cataclysm around the world.

Jinrihoe couldn’t handle the power that could be called everything, let alone the core power of the earth.

Nevertheless, Jinrihoe’s history was not something that could be ignored.

So the war is not over yet,

It was thought that there would be many sacrifices.

However, Jinrihoe did not continue the struggle.

They all declared surrender, losing their will to fight.

None other than Seojun and the great voice.

They also watched the battle between the two,

It was because he had an intuition that everything was over with the death of the great voice.

The last war unfolded over the end of the world like that.

The war ended with mankind’s victory.


“I am now in Yeouido, Seoul, where the Apostolic Ceremony was held…”

“The scene behind me is the site of the final war…”

Numerous reporters and broadcast cameras were covering the scene in Yeouido, Seoul.

The battlefield where the end of the world was fought.

The aftermath of the war left Yeouido literally in ruins.

In fact, it was safe to say that the island itself was blown away.

That’s why it was difficult to regain the same appearance as before.

“In the restoration work of Seoul, not only pro hunters, but also the heroes of the cataclysm stepped forward directly…”

“With aid pouring in from all over the world, the restoration work is fast…”

“The Korean government will create a memorial park inside Yeouido to commemorate the victims of the war…”

With aid from around the world, Seoul was quickly returning to its former self.

The end so completely ended.

With the peace that came, everything was returning to its place.

but only one.

“There is no story about Hunter Kim Seo-joon who disappeared yet…”

Seo-joon was unable to return to his place.

The final war unfolding over the end of the world.

It could definitely end with the victory of mankind in the end.

However, countless people were sacrificed to prevent the apocalypse.

Many people died and were injured.

The drooping end has receded.

The wounds left by the end remained like scars and could not be erased.

And among them, the deepest wound was none other than Seojun.

The strongest hunter of mankind and the existence of mankind’s salvation, Kim Seo-joon.

After the Great Voice fell and the war ended.

Seo-joon had disappeared and hadn’t been seen until now.

At first people didn’t believe it.

Because that was also Seojun.

As always.

as it has been so far.

Because Seojun was the strongest hunter of mankind who raided even death.

Because it was clear that the resurrection would surprise us again as if it had never happened before.

People had no doubt that this time it would be of the same kind.


“It’s already been half a year, but…”

Half a year has passed since he disappeared, and Seo-joon still hasn’t returned.

People are starting to get a little puzzled.

That is also true, the longest time Seo-joon died the other day was 3 weeks.

However, half a year was more than six times that period.

First of all, unlike the other times, this time his body was nowhere to be seen.

It had completely disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.

Still, people waited.

I believed it would come back.

But time goes by and by, now half a year has passed.

“There are many opinions that it is not going to come back now…”

One by one, they began to acknowledge Seo-jun’s death.

In particular, it was even more so for those who watched the scene of the apocalypse.

Because the apocalypse they watched was literally the apocalypse.

and that prevented its end.

It was not something a human could dare to do.

So maybe…

It was the thought of people who might not have risked their existence at the cost.

Could the earth have had to pay a huge price for escaping from the fate of the apocalypse?

Of course, not everyone felt this way.

The center of Yeouido where restoration work is in full swing.

There, a memorial park was being created to honor those who were sacrificed in the war.

and the center of the park.

“Thanks to your support, today’s fundraising was successfully completed!”

There, Soo-yeon was standing and giving a speech in front of many people.

Su-yeon shouted at people like a religious leader.

“What in the world can’t be done with money! Isn’t that so!”

“you’re right!!”

The answer that burst out like a shout.

Soo-yeon continued her speech.

“We have already seen a miracle once! Seo-joon oppa, who was resurrected by the call of money. So this time too! You must believe!”

“I believe!”

“Do you believe you can resurrect Seo-jun!”

“I believe!!”

At that moment, Minyul approached Sooyeon.

Then, like Soo-yeon, she started giving speeches to people.

“The captain will definitely come back! He’s not coming back now, so you shouldn’t turn around! The more this happens, the more we need to raise money!”

“That’s right! The reason the headmaster isn’t coming back is because we don’t have enough money!”

“Because we are short of money!”

Soo-yeon, who had been watching them from the side, nodded once.

“great! great! Now I will read a passage from the Money Church!”

Then he shouted with a confident expression.

“Dirty money is money, and shit-stained money is money!”

Dirty money is also money,

Poop-stained money is money!

“Money is measured by quantity, not by quality!”

Money is measured only in quantity,

It’s not about quality!

“I cannot say that a thick wallet is always good. But an empty wallet is always bad!”

I can’t say that a thick wallet is unconditionally good.

But an empty wallet is always bad!

“Now, I will donate the money raised to the recovery site and proceed with the resurrection ceremony for Seo-jun oppa!”

Min-yul and Soo-yeon moved slowly,

Numerous people followed behind them.

They reached the donation site like that.

After they donated the money raised to the site without delay.


Right on the spot, he started behaving strangely.

What… A bizarre consciousness that is hard to put into words.

The official in charge showed a very embarrassed expression.

But that’s for a while.

Didn’t it happen once or twice?

The civil servant let out a small sigh and shook his head.

He did not dissuade that action.

The noisy scene of Yeouido.

Seoyoon looked at the monstrous scene from a distance.

“What are you doing here?”

Someone approached Seoyoon and asked.

When I turned my head to check, it was none other than Hayoon.

Seoyoon turned her gaze to the front again and said.

“Just… just stay.”

Ha-yoon just looked at Seo-yoon in silence.

It has already been half a year since the war ended and Seo-joon disappeared.

Even so, Seoyoon came here every day.

Words say that there is nothing to do, but

In fact, Ha-yoon did not know that he was waiting for Seo-jun.

Ha-yoon stared blankly at Seo-yoon and stood next to her.

“Shall I come back?”

Then, he opened his mouth as if to spit out a murmur.

Seoyoon slightly turned her head and looked at Hayoon.

Hayun’s face was always cold and indifferent,

Seoyoon was able to catch a glimpse of something similar to herself nestled in it.

“······ well.”

Seoyoon looked straight ahead again and continued.

“But whenever it was important, he was the one who was always late.”

Seoyoon unknowingly burst into laughter.

“It’s too late this time.”

“I see… it’s too late this time.”

The two did not speak for a while.

After a while, Hayun opened his mouth again.

“What if I don’t come? No, even if it comes… what if it’s too late…?”

even if you come back

I can’t even guess when that time is.

10 years? 20 years? 30 years?

If that was the case, what would Seojun look like?

Seoyoon at that time, what would we look like?

feelings and thoughts right now.

Will it stay until then?

“I’d rather just…”

Hayoon let go of his backstory.

Seoyoon didn’t say anything to Hayoon.

In fact… Seoyoon also acknowledged it to some extent.

I thought that Seojun would not come.

Because I vaguely knew you wouldn’t come back.

Even so, the reason for waiting so long… well.

I do not know.


“I’m still going to wait.”

Seoyoon let out a small smile.

no matter how short the memory.

I can’t forget the temperature and scent of that moment.

That person is getting more and more forgotten in my head.

There are times when the senses remain like memories and endlessly torment the heart.

Waiting for someone might be like floating clouds.


Hayoon still couldn’t say anything behind his back.

Seeing Ha-yoon like that, Seo-yoon slowly raised her body.

“are you okay. Even too late. Even if I grow old, even one day I disappear from the world. Even in the distant future, when even those days are forgotten, even if Seo-jun comes back. Even if the day this wait is completed is about that day.”

are you okay.

“Because some waits are longer than life.”

Hayoon blankly looked at Seoyoon’s face.

Seoyoon’s eyes resembling obsidian were visible between her eyes.

Black hair that hangs down long.

“Because there are ties where the wait is longer than life, and you have to leave it behind.”

Her soul reflected in Hayoon’s eyes was so clear and beautiful.


The mind seems to be swimming in the water.

I couldn’t properly recognize the humming sound in my ears.

in a hazy mind.


Suddenly, along with the breeze, a musty yet familiar smell drifted into the tip of my nose.

It smelled somewhere friendly, yet strangely warm.

Perhaps because of that, the spirit of Seo-jun, who was wealthy, began to return little by little…


Seojun smiled deep inside.

Seo-joon expanded his consciousness.

Then Seo-joon’s spirit swelled greatly.

Soon, the mind that had been swimming in the water returned at once, and the closed eyes flashed open.


And Seo-joon couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

flashing vision.

What was visible between them was not Suyeon fluttering about with money.

It wasn’t even that there was a bill stuck in his nostril.

Just pure white light.

Seo-joon’s field of vision was filled with only pure white white light that made it impossible to see the front.

Seo-joon went blank for a moment.

But that’s for a while.

Seo-joon was able to grasp the situation soon.

and at the same time.

“Finally… you’ve come this far.”

The observer’s will, which he had grown accustomed to, was heard.

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