Transcension Academy Chapter 279

Episode 279 – A world without him, and… (1)

Seo-joon calmly lowered his gaze and looked down at his body.

A golden light shimmering all over the body.

The body that blended with the light was broken into tiny particles like dust.

Little by little, little by little.

Existence was disappearing as if blown away by the wind.

It was as if the dimension of Earth was denying the existence of Seo-Jun.

You said you shouldn’t be here.

At the same time, Seo-joon knew instinctively.

if you can refuse

that you can deny it.

But that would break the laws of this world itself.

Seo-jun also knew that if he did such a thing, the dimension of the earth would collapse.

Trying to prevent the end

Collapsing the dimension to avoid exile.

What kind of irony is this?

Seo-joon unknowingly let out a smile.

To be honest, I wanted to refuse deportation.

It wasn’t that he didn’t think of a way to reject transcendence like a great voice.

It wasn’t that I didn’t think about whether I could remain on Earth while accepting the constraints of cause and effect.

But that too was impossible.

Seo Jun stepped into the realm of transcendence and beyond with the limit of martial arts.

The existence of Seo Jun was no longer bound by the flow of cause and effect.

It was a situation where the constraints of causality itself did not apply to Seo-joon.

That is why even the existence of Seo-jun could not handle the dimension of Earth.

Of course, this was also forced to remain, and it was possible if you wanted to…

If that happened, the Earth would collapse without being able to handle cause and effect, so Seo-jun accepted the denial of existence.

However, it was possible to delay the expulsion.

That was all Seo-joon could do.

But it literally only delays the expulsion.

Exile, itself was unavoidable.

Seo-joon slowly turned his gaze to the great voice.

The great voice lay all over the floor, bloody.

It was hard to believe that he was still alive.

Seo-joon stared blankly at the great voice and then turned his head again.

looking up at the sky.

Soon after, Seo-joon spit out the words.

“It’s really… it’s jingle. really.”

It was a word that did not specify who the target was.

Exactly, I didn’t know who I was talking to.

But did the party know?

【······ Cool!】

The body of the great voice that had suddenly collapsed shuddered greatly.

Then my body squirmed a little,

The darkened face began to shake for a moment.

“To be alive after being hit by that…”

Seo-joon felt like he was transcending absurdly before his soul.

That is also true of the last unfolded Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

the beginning of everything

end of everything.

martial arts.

It was an absolute power that surpassed even the realm of transcendence.

A state of denying and transcending the cause and effect of all dimensions that reside in the universe.

That’s why it’s a force no one can withstand.

The great voice was alive and not dead.

Even without a heart.

Seo-joon went beyond being ridiculous and now his great voice even jingled.

But that’s just what I thought.

Seojun did not take any particular action.

Because I knew Seo Jun and the great voice.

just stay alive

That there is no power, no causality left.

All levels of causality absorbed by the great voice were wiped out by martial arts.

The great voice now was just an empty shell.

So, in fact, it is as good as dead.

Even so, there is only one reason why the great voice is alive.

It was because the status of the creator god still remained.

But that was only for a moment.

Now that the cause and effect of the dimension has disappeared due to martial arts.

The status of a creator god was destined to disappear soon.

At the same time, the Great Voice also disintegrates into existence and disappears.

Just like Seo-joon disappears now.

in other words.

The apocalypse on Earth has completely come to an end.

This was the last story that the dimension called Earth finally had.

Seo Joon and his great voice.

I was well aware of that fact…


Still, the great voice couldn’t believe the situation at all.

this future.

this fate.

this conclusion.

It was not scheduled.

It is an undetermined story.

But why the hell…


For an instant, a thought passed through the great voice’s head.

I knew it was a really crazy idea.

But the great voice couldn’t dispel the thought.

【I thought it was a failure… but…】

Has he not failed?

A being passes by in the memory of a great voice.

first transcendence.

that too.

It seemed like he was trying to deny the future like Seo Jun.

But he couldn’t overcome it in the end.

The first transcendentalist also reached the point where Seojun could be seen now,

In the end, he couldn’t overcome the transcendental laws that bind the world.

Thus, causality was extinguished,

Existence was erased from this universe.

And now.

Like the first transcendentalist, there was an existence in front of him that wanted to deny the future.

I thought it was really stupid.

I thought it was really stupid.

Didn’t you see with your own eyes that this was impossible?

But it seems like nothing is impossible.

Seo-joon seemed to deny the future to the end.

The determined future that even the first Transcendentalist fell to his knees.

the written conclusion.

predestined destiny.

blatantly denied it.

Finally, a new story was created.

The story has changed so much…

“Let’s ask one thing.”

At that moment, Seo-jun’s voice came to the ears of the great voice.

A hard gaze.

There, the figure of Seo-joon shimmering in golden light was reflected.

And every time the light flickers,

Seo-jun’s body turned into small grains of sand and was slowly disappearing.

Will existence disappear like the first transcendental person…?

The great voice had such thoughts for a moment,

I quickly realized that it wasn’t.

The disappearance of the first transcendent.

As I witnessed the extinction with my own two eyes, the extinction of existence does not happen in that way.

That would most likely be expelled from the dimension.

The great voice looked at Seo-joon with a blank gaze.

Facing such a great voice, Seo-jun slowly opened his mouth.

“Why didn’t you kill me then…?”

If that’s the case… Ah.

The great voice was able to immediately notice when Seo-jun spoke.

It was none other than England.

Right after Seo-jun destroyed Beserk.

It was at the time I was taken to the boundary space.

At the time, the great voice was able to face Seo-joon for the first time while retrieving Beserk’s heart.

Of course, at the time, there were causal restrictions.

Therefore, it was not possible to exert full force,

In that state, there was no guarantee that he would win against Seo-joon.

However, at the time, Seo-jun was completely defenseless.

A situation in which the time of the body is stopped after being dragged into the boundary space.

It was possible to kill Seo-joon even if he gave a knife to a child with cruel words.

once like that.

The great voice once grabbed Seo-jun’s lifeline.

“If you had killed me then, things wouldn’t have come this far. You would have achieved what you wanted.”

But the great voice didn’t do that.

For some reason, he didn’t kill Seo-joon.

“Why did you do that? Did you think there was no need to kill? Even so, fate won’t change? Was it some kind of arrogance?”

Seo-joon constantly asked questions.

The great voice listened to Seo-jun’s question without saying anything.

【It’s arrogance…】

You might think so.

The great voice’s will was helplessly scattered.

And with that answer, the great voice no longer opened its will.

Could it be… is it dead?

Seo-joon suddenly had this thought.

But as if denying that idea.

【Me too… I don’t know.】

Soon, the will of a low, great voice was heard.

The great voice’s face was still shimmering with darkness.

Even though it was a feeble life that was fading away, it maintained as much as the darkness that fell on its face.

It’s as if the face can never be revealed.

That’s why Seo-jun couldn’t tell what expression the great voice was making.

The great voice slowly turned its head.

In fact, it was more correct to say that he fell powerlessly rather than turning his head.

glimpse of sky.

The great voice recalled what had happened in England at the time.

Frankly, the great voice couldn’t understand his actions at the time.

Like Seo-jun said, if he had killed Seo-joon then, everything would have ended.

But the great voice did not kill Seo-jun.

He didn’t even understand why he did what he did.

I just thought it was a whim.

That’s why I didn’t have the will to answer Seo-joon’s question.


Now that I’ve come back and thought about it like this…

It seemed vaguely familiar.

first transcendence.

The future and fate he wanted to deny.

I thought that will failed with his extinction, but…

In fact, it didn’t seem like that.

No, I thought it was a failure, but it was deep in my heart.

It seemed to have been vaguely left somewhere.

So maybe…

I don’t think he killed Seo-joon.

me at that time

Maybe another salvation that you can’t do yourself.

It seems that he hoped that he would be able to create a salvation that only blooms in a future that is denied.

So now.

Seojun in front of me.

Seo-joon opened up that impossible possibility.

【What I’m talking about…you guys who are watching won’t know yet.】

A great voice whispered its will.

Seo-jun tilted his head at the will of such a great voice.

You guys, not the word ‘you’.

It was because the great voice seemed to be referring to beings other than Seo-jun.

But such doubts are short-lived.

【Not yet… everything is not over】

The will of the great voice was heard again.

The gaze of the great voice turned back to Seo-jun.

Seo-joon’s body slowly disappears.

I thought it was over.

I thought everything had failed.

It wasn’t all over yet.

One hope to reverse all of this.

it still remains

Even the first Transcendentalist failed.

That’s why I thought it would be absolutely impossible.

the brightest hope,

best salvation.

That possibility was right in front of my eyes.

The great voice spoke slowly to Seo-jun.

It was a long, long story.

It’s like the grandmother used to sing instead of a lullaby,

I fell asleep while listening to the story,

old, old story.

The story continued and when it finally reached its end.


For an instant, Seo-jun’s eyes widened and opened.

Seo-joon looked at the great voice with his eyes wide open.

“Why… why the hell… do you do this to me?”

Seeing Seo-jun like that, the great voice let out a laugh without even realizing it.

Looking at Seojun’s expression,

How come you don’t look like an evil with a story behind you?

The great voice slowly looked up at the sky.


The great voice made me think so without knowing it.

The sky of the earth, where the shadow of the end completely disappeared, was so blue and beautiful.

The great voice gazes blankly at the sky,

laughed once more

Because I have a belief

I don’t think evil becomes good.

Evil is just evil.

Here, beliefs are nothing more than packaging materials.

In any case, the purpose he pursued again was the end of this world.

This blue and beautiful world.

It is said that it has the will of goodness, which is the salvation of existence…

It has no meaning in the position of having to die.

It’s nothing more than an excuse.

he is evil

nothing more, nothing less.

So, evil.

It should disappear as evil.

The great voice could feel its own life fading away.


It’s over.

I tried to save the existence,

In the end, it fails to fulfill its purpose and collapses.


【The choice is…】


【It belongs to you.】

to the end of that will

The will of the great voice was no longer heard.


The will of the last great voice heard.


Seo-joon was stuck there and watched the end of the great voice in a daze.

To be honest, I didn’t sympathize with the great voice.

I didn’t mean to understand.

He was definitely something that should have disappeared.

No matter what it means, no matter what beliefs.

It doesn’t change that he tried to slaughter people and obliterate all beings.

He is utterly evil.

There was not even a word of excuse for that.



The last words of a great voice.

It was a very old story,

It was a story related to a being that existed in the primeval times.

And now that I’ve heard that long story.


For a moment, I wondered if the great voice might not have truly wished for the salvation of this world.

Seo-joon calmly looked down at his body.

Could it be because of the long story of the great voice?

Suddenly, Seo-jun’s presence remained faint.

Sooner or later, you will be banished from the dimension.

Seo-joon turned his gaze back to look at his surroundings.

People were looking this way with astonished eyes,

The team members were still unwilling to wake up.

Because now it’s really the last time.

’cause I’ll never see you again

I wanted to say hello at least once, but

Seo-joon suppressed that greed deep in his heart.

Maybe that’s a good thing.

If any of the team members face it now, it will be the end of the earth, destruction, and nabal.

Because it seemed like he would refuse to be deported.

Because it really seemed like it would.

Seo-joon burst into laughter.


Anyway, everything is over.

So, rather than leaving regrets for nothing,

It would be better to leave in peace like this…


In an instant, Seo-joon’s body jerked and stiffened.

eyes looking back slowly.


There, Seoyoon was running toward Seojun.

Seo-joon’s body breaks into golden light.

Seo-joon, who had already faded, seemed like he would disappear at any moment.

Seoyoon bit her teeth and ran to Seojun with all her might.

However, the battered body did not listen to me at all.

Even while running, Seoyoon repeatedly tripped and fell over.

Every time that happened, Seoyoon’s mind went farther away.

My body cries out to faint right now.

However, Seoyoon stood up far away and did not stop running.

if you stop like this

If you faint like this.

Because it seemed like he would leave forever.

Because it felt like I would never see you again.

Seoyoon ran like a dog.

It’s as if he’s trying to catch Seo-jun’s scattered existence.

That moment.

Seojun shouted something at Seoyoon.

However, it scatters and disappears without making a sound to the existence that changes like a grain of sand.

What… was he trying to say?

What the hell was he trying to say to me?

I don’t know.

I don’t even want to know

just… just…

Seoyoon ran and ran again.

Eventually, when Seoyoon reached out her hand toward the disappearing Seojun.

Asrai under the breaking sky.


Seoyoon’s hand scanned the empty space.

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