Transcension Academy Chapter 277

Chapter 277 – Wu Geuk (1)

Cheonwol Yuseong Chang (天月流星槍) was an improved singing method based on Cheonwol Yuseongbong (天月流星棒) of Jecheon Daeseong.

Not only that, but also Taeja’s singing method.

The singing techniques of Ares and Athena.

Also, although Jecheondaesung was not revealed,

It was created by adding the singing techniques of several existing transcendentalists.

The nine ceremonies containing the minds and gains of those eminent transcendentalists.

And the three forms that combine the descriptions.

In fact, there was no such thing as a secret meaning in the Heavenly Moon Meteor Spear.

Of course, the Cheonwol Meteor Spear itself was a technology that did not exist.

This was because Jecheon Daeseong made it for Seo Jun only by improving his technique.

Therefore, it could be said that the Cheonwol Meteor Spear itself was a non-existent technique, but the Ohui of the Cheonwol Meteor Spear was different.

It is none other than the Cheonwolyuseongbong (天月流星棒) used by Jecheon Daeseong.

The Cheonwol Yuseongbong didn’t have the concept of Ohui.

That is, it is not derived from somewhere.

It meant that it was a technique unique to Cheonwol Yuseongchang.

That’s why Jecheon Daesung said this to Seo Jun.

‘I can’t teach you this.’

‘······ yes?’

Seo-jun could not readily understand the words of Jecheon Dae-sung.

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn the ‘Thousand Moon Meteor Spear (天月流星槍) Myth [SSS]’.》

It was because he was openly on the list of lectures.

But can’t you teach me?

Seo-joon stared blankly at Jecheondaeseong Fortress.

Jecheon Daeseong said to Seojun with a serious expression that was not typical.

‘Now you have a rough idea of ​​what transcendence is, right?’

Seojun nodded slowly.

Of course, at the time, it was a situation before hearing the words of the great voice, so it was a little different from the concept I know now.

But the big picture didn’t deviate too much.


In simple terms, it meant going beyond impossible limits.

To put it a little more accurately, it is to transcend the limits of existence.

Mentor compared this to a fight between an ant and a dragon.

In the law of cause and effect that makes up this universe, it never happens that an ant defeats a dragon.

That is impossible no matter what variables are put into it.

Even if it’s a dying dragon,

Death by ants never happens.

Even if that really happened, it was ‘killed by ants.’ Not ‘The dragon died a natural death.’ define it as

The possibility and probability that an ant can defeat a dragon in this universe.

It necessarily converges to 0.

Literally zero (0) percent chance.

What is transcendence?

It means reversing that zero percent probability.

To surpass the probability of zero that cannot exist.

It is the foundation of this universe.

It is against the most basic law, and that’s why the moment it becomes possible.

This world, this universe banishes them out of the dimension because they can’t regulate them.

A realm of pure martial arts that is not bound by any laws.

It was the realm of the transcendent to discuss it.

so that.

‘I can’t interfere from here.’

Jecheon Daesung could no longer teach Seo Jun.

It was literally the realm of pure martial arts.

Be it ants, dragons, monkeys, or humans.

A state of equality in which there is no longer a difference in rank.

In what direction will this simdeuk develop?

which way to go in the future

It’s only Seo-joon’s job.

The heavenly moon meteor spear was the starting point of such a realm.

And the Cheonwol Yuseongchang Ohui, which Jecheon Daeseong made with a lecture, was nothing more than a method, direction, and path.

In a word, the grade judged by the causation was the SSS grade just by suggesting the direction.

‘I’ve shown the way, but I’ve only literally suggested it. In fact… I can’t dare to touch the realm of your martial arts.’

It is none other than the magic power of the three-tiered field that has no limits.

The only being in this universe whose causal record has not been measured.

So, of course,

Even Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy.

No one could have guessed the path of martial arts that Seo-joon was walking.

only one being.

‘If you’re the first transcendent… I don’t know.’

Except for the first Transcendent.

However, for some reason, the record of cause and effect was destroyed.

So the last 10 months.

I struggled with this through many things and experiences I went through there.

But in the end, I couldn’t come up with an answer.

In the meantime, I met an unidentified beginner.

The existence was a super beginner living in that dimension and really helped Seo-joon a lot.

Through meeting him, Seo-joon was finally able to set the direction.

The path of transcendence that Seo-jun decided to walk.

That was the ‘extreme of martial arts’.

In fact, the limit of martial arts could not exist.

It was like saying that numbers have limits.

As an example, let’s say you have an incredibly powerful martial art.

It is so powerful that it can blow up the entire universe in one shot.

So, can it be called the limit of martial arts?

How do you know there could be a stronger martial art than that?

For example, not one universe, but two universes can be blown in one shot.

It is definitely stronger than the preceding martial arts.

However, we cannot perceive the difference between the two differently.

It’s the same as the universe being swept away in one shot anyway.

An existence that can be recognized differently, there is no cause and effect left.

Even if there is a martial art that can blow 3 or 4 universes in one shot, that is the same.

Like adding +1 to a number.

Just add +1 to transcendent martial arts and that’s it.

There is no limit to martial arts.

It is a transcendent law that cannot be escaped even after transcending cause and effect.


If you can break that transcendent law once again.

If only I could transcend once more beyond the limit.

If you can transcend transcendence.


Wouldn’t it be possible to reach the limit of martial arts?

Heavenly Moon Meteor Spear (天月流星槍) Myth.

The path of transcendence that Seo-jun wants to walk.

The starting point of the road.

It starts from here nonetheless.

Seojun opened his closed eyes.

Somewhere… I feel like I’m in another world.

The body is different from before.

It feels like a soul was forcibly injected into a marionette doll.

I feel a slight discomfort.

My body is not like my body.

The great voice, on the other hand, felt even more out of place.

Seojun slowly got up.

While getting up, Seo-joon was able to realize.

The law of cause and effect that restrained existence.

that I have been completely liberated from it.


Seo-joon’s realm was perfectly in contact with that realm.


Seo-joon’s heart was beating so violently that his body shuddered.

Seojun took a deep breath.

Mana dissolved in the air is sucked into Seo-jun’s lungs.

clear mind.

Seojun looked around slowly once more.

The surroundings were strangely silent.

Of course, it wasn’t really quiet.

A war in which almost 10 million beings are entangled.

“Fight!! Don’t back down!!”


The screams and shouts that burst out of it filled the space.

But time seems to have stopped.

Sound seems to have penetrated the space.

Seojun didn’t hear anything.

Is it the process of being expelled from the dimension?

I thought maybe it might be.

Soon, Seo-joon’s gaze turned to the team members who were down.

They lay motionless on the floor as if they were dead.

But small movements felt.

A small breathing sound.

It’s not too late.

Seojun could be relieved.

The moment of the delayed choice.

The decision to make it was not too late.

Of course, sooner or later we will have to say goodbye to them forever.

Team members who were pushed to the limit and suffered serious injuries.

Can I stay here until I wake up?


You may not even be able to say goodbye.


Let’s not think about it now.

Eventually, Seo-jun’s gaze stopped at the great voice.

The great voice’s face was still in the darkness, and its intentions were unknown.

But the darkness swayed within.

The composure he had always maintained was gone.

Seojun’s eyes changed.

Seo-joon trudged and took a step towards the great voice.

At the same time he winced, the great voice instinctively took a step back.

Back… backed out?

The Great Voice was taken aback by his actions and looked surprised.

It was because it was an act based on instinctive fear.


Seo-joon’s state, level, and state.

Not visible at all.


The great voice couldn’t believe it at all.

A transcendent above a transcendent, he was himself who had reached that level.

He was the one who absorbed all the causes and effects of the universe.

Even if it was false, he had the status of a creator god.

Even a transcendent who has escaped from the restraints of cause and effect,

There is no escaping the absolute law.

That is the clear limit of existence before cause and effect.

That’s why no one can escape from himself.

You cannot change the final outcome.

By the way… by the way…!


In an instant, the model with the great voice flew back.

The face shrouded in darkness shimmered, and red blood gushed out of it.

Seojun quietly raised his hand.

The magic of space begins to fluctuate.

The root of cause and effect that constitutes the world.

Waves of mana gathered in Seo-jun’s hands.

The great voice staggered back, raised its outstretched hands and prepared for defense.

A soundless thunderbolt was fired.

The thunderbolts fired shattered the open white curtain.

Defense is pointless.

In a split second, the great voice made its decision and prepared to attack.


The white magic that was freed from control exploded.

It tore through space and annihilated everything around it.

A terrible magical storm.

Seojun thrust the spear of Longinus through them.

Kwak Kwak!

The spear of Longinus sprang up, dispelling the white mana at once.

Embarrassment is engraved in the darkness that hangs over the great voice’s face.

Seo-joon took a step into the storm of dispersing magical power.


A thunderbolt is carried through Seo-jun’s body.

The magical power of the source of the explosion.

“Get down.”


I heard a voice like that.


space is divided

Transcendent thundercloud.

Blue thunderbolts sprayed out in all directions tore apart.

The great voice quickly waved its hands and opened a white curtain.

Kwak Kwak Kwak!!

Thunderbolts pounded the curtain, and the sound of the world collapsing came out.

An enormous weight weighed down the great voice’s whole body.

The shoulder blades that couldn’t bear the weight were shattered! started to crumble

Eventually, the storm dissipates and the view opens.


The body of the great voice gave way.

In front of him, Seojun was holding the spear of Longinus.

I don’t have time to chill out.


The great voice clasped the outstretched hand tightly.

In an instant, the magic power cast over Seo-jun began to swell greatly.

A phenomenon that erodes space.

It is the power that stole 72 types of transformation tricks from Seo-joon earlier,

It was the power of creation that manipulated the laws of the world itself.

No matter how much Seo-joon reached the state of transcendence, he could not go against this power.

As long as it has the frame of existence,

Because it was a transcendent law that could never be escaped.

There is definitely a wall of limits that existence cannot overcome.

Even if you reach the level of transcendence, the limit definitely exists.

that does not exist

A transcendent law that binds this world itself.

It is unknown how Seo-jun reached the realm of transcendence in such a short time.

However, as long as it exists in this world,

This is unavoidable—!


For an instant, the whole body of the great voice felt a tremendous repulsive force.


Red blood gushed out through the darkness.

The pain that seems like the whole body will be cut off makes my mind go away.

But that kind of pain.

The great voice couldn’t care less.

The power of cause and effect… has disappeared.

The power of creation directed at Seo-joon has disappeared.

The shadowy face began to shake greatly.

The two swaying eyes turned to Seo-joon.

Space is twisting around Seo-joon.

To be precise, the power of creation was not able to reach Seo-joon.

that means that.

The transcendental laws underlying the world are being denied.


It was literally ‘impossible’.

That’s a power that doesn’t exist.

It’s a force that shouldn’t exist.

A power that escapes from the transcendental laws that make up the world.

The world does not allow such power.

Therefore, it was the creation of cause and effect from nothing to being.

A time when there was no concept of beginning or transcendence.

An existence that resides far beyond the one that first created the concept.

Therefore, with the concept of causation.

With the concept of the law of the world.

I dare not define ‘that’.


The warped space was broken.

The power of creation that restrained Seo-jun was eventually crushed and disappeared.


Lightning strikes.

Dragon words explode.

The magic power of the source runs rampant.

The great voice’s body swayed to and fro within it.

The great voice gritted its teeth, biting it, and bursting with magic.

The bursting power of creation resists the swirling magic of the source.

The collision of the two forces began to shatter the space around them.

In an instant, the great voice disappeared.

Just then, when the great voice that transcended space reappeared.

Bounce – Bounce!

a ray of light

It pierced the heart of a great voice.

Fu Hwa Hwa!

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