Transcension Academy Chapter 275

Chapter 275 – Decided End (3)

Unknown dimensions of the abyss.

Like a hallucination, the world slowly becomes colored.

Woo woo woo woo…

The distorted space, the broken space vibrates small.

Space is broken and the providence of time and space is distorted.

Time stood still without an identity.

That strange phenomenon took over the space and formed a great flow.

Seo-joon stepped on the air and rushed forward without delay.

The steps learned from Jang Sam-bong, Cheon Sang-je (天上梯) – Neung-Gong Heo-Do (凌空虛道) [S].

Combined with TRP’s speed, it overcomes the limits of distance.

In distorted space-time.

The great voice’s hand reached up to the sky.

At the same time, terrifying white magic rippled like a wave.

Before long, the white mana attacked.

do not avoid

Kwak Kwak!

The tip of Longinus’ spear collided with a wave of magic.

The space is vibrating and blah! Cracks were engraved in the waves of magical power.


For an instant, Seo-joon’s mind became clear.


sharp cry.

nothing in this space

has no meaning



Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Equation 7.

The cosmic universe.

The nothingness unfolding in the infinite world swallows everything.

Mana running amok.

The face of the great voice cast in the darkness shook greatly.


The thunderbolt explodes and the swallowed space collapses.

The great voice’s body staggered away.

The white curtain that had been cast was swallowed up by the world of nothingness and disappeared.

Seojun moved without rest.

The body that has surpassed the limit of speed turns into a blue thunderbolt and shoots toward the great voice.

Dismissed! Jigsaw Jigsaw!

A great voice stretched out its hand from the blue thunderbolts that exploded in all directions.

White magic swayed in his hands.

Before long, the space shook as if it were about to explode.

Seo-joon bites his teeth at the feast of magical power rushing in.

can you break through

No, that’s not the problem.

must be pierced

A burst of blue thunderbolt.

It vomits intense light and emits a popping sound.

and fired.

Just one hit.

Green onions—- Jik!

A ray of blue thunderbolt crossed the gap between the spreading magical powers.

Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Equation 3 (Section 3).

Infinite Jecheon (無戟齊天).


A large hole was carved in the unfolding magic curtain.

The blue thunderbolt shot through and exploded when it touched the tip.

Jigsaw Jigsaw! The bursting thunderbolt engulfed all the magic around it.


A great voice reaches out and grabs it.

At the same time, an unknown pressure once again hangs over the entire space.

Before long, the transcendental magic possessed by Seo-jun greatly swelled.

A phenomenon that erodes space itself.

Just before.

It was the same phenomenon as when suppressing 72 disguises.

Are you trying to erase the cause and effect of the heavenly moon meteor?

It’s not like that.

Seojun exploded the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

pounding! Beserk’s throbbing heart radiates transcendence, magic beyond that.

“Go away.”

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!

Time and space were twisted by the power of dragon words.

Language itself is the highest level of speech spirit magic that interferes with the laws of the world, dragon language.

If a great voice creates the laws of the world.

Seo-joon interferes with the laws of that world and twists them.

The power of creation that was caught up in it fades and disappears.

The magical power of transcendence, which had greatly swelled, returns to its original place.


At that moment, the blood rushed up.

My mind was dizzy and I lost consciousness.

Dragon language is the highest level of language magic,

The greater the degree of meddling with the world’s laws, the greater the amount of mana it entails.

And the law that Seo-joon just interfered with is the law of creation based on the causality of all dimensions that exist in the universe.


It was a force that was unreasonable even with the power of transcendence possessed by Samdanjeon.



It was a great voice too.

The power to create the law of cause and effect was not the power permitted to beings.

The more you use it,

Existence is rapidly disintegrating.

【······ Big Hak!】

The limits of a great voice were clear.

can do.

Hope passed through Seo-joon’s head.

Although he has the status of a creator god,

The rank is not perfect.

Above all, the great voice is not the true creator god.

A creator god created by borrowing the cause and effect of all dimensions that exist in the universe.

In other words, he is a false creator god.

So you can.

A great voice can drive away the apocalypse.

Seo-joon let out a rough breath and shot forward.

Watching Seo-joon shoot out, the great voice also stretched out its hand as if it had been waiting for it.

The white mana that engulfed the space is still there.

A world of magical power unfolds without gaps along with the sparkling white light.

The white magic power emitted by the great voice greatly expands.


It sounded as if the space around it would be torn apart.

‘Avoid direct confrontation.’

Seojun put his hand into the kibisis.

Eventually, he took out Gungnir and injected the magic power of Samdanjeon.

An absolute spear that makes sure to hit the target enemy.

The weapon of transcendence that tore Ymir, the primordial giant.

Gungnir, imbued with transcendent magic, trembled.

The look ‘let go! Let me go right now!!’ seemed to be shouting.

Seojun threw Gungnir with all his might.

I love you so much!!

The shooting Gungnir flew across the space, scattering an eerie sound.

The great-voiced robe swayed loudly and the hand swung.

The high-density magic that was pressed down suppressed Gungnir.

Right then.

“Grow up.”

With the low voice of Seo-jun, the power of the dragon burst out.

At the same time, the power of the dragon dwelled in Gungnir, and its size began to grow.

It seems to pierce the entire earth,

The spear of a god that presses down the firmament.

Kwak Kwak Kwak Kwak!!!

There was an explosion that tore through space.

The terrifying mana emanated from the great voice is extinguished by Gungnir.

Seo-joon ran towards the remnants of the extinct magical power.

Right then.

I’m sorry.

In an instant, Seo-joon’s body jerked and stiffened.

It is too late for the senses to warn.


A terrifying deafening sound.

Seo-jun’s body flew through the air like a doll with a string off.

The exploding mana of transcendence was scattered in an instant.

No matter how much he suppressed the blood that gushed from his throat, it was of no use.

【It must be a meaningless struggle…】

A ghastly will came from behind.

Seojun immediately turned over.


A shock that seemed to hit Seo-jun exploded behind Seo-joon.

The blood that had been suppressed gushed out from his gaping mouth.

Seo-joon’s body fell without strength.

Seo-joon hurriedly came to his senses and stepped on the steps.

The magical world covered in white covered his vision.

The great voice was quietly looking down at Seo-joon from within.

Seeing such a great voice, Seo-joon couldn’t understand the current situation.

It must have been pierced by Gungnir, but how…?

As if to answer that question.


The sound of thick smoke could be heard from somewhere.

gaze seen.

There he saw another great voice turning into smoke, and Gungnir falling boldly beneath it.

It’s like ‘I am! I did it! It’s been a while!!’ It sounded like he was screaming.

However, Seo-jun had no time to care about it.

That would be the appearance of another great voice that had just turned into smoke.

It was because it was the 72 ways of disguising himself, the illusion of self-immolation, that Seo Jun learned from Jecheon Dae-seong.

And what happened to Seo-joon now.

This was the same kind of goal that Seo-joon had just been aiming for with a great voice.

Even a great voice could use the Disguise Slayer…?

It couldn’t be.

Transformation killing was a technique unique to Jecheon Daeseong.

No matter how great the voice was, it was not a bad thing.

But how…?

Seo, no way…?

At that moment, a thought passed through Seo-joon’s head.

The causal force that creates the laws of the world.

What the law was, of course, was the mind of the being who created it.

You didn’t get rid of cause and effect, but stole it…?

Seojun’s eyes widened greatly.

A great voice floating in the air with flapping robes.

In an instant, the outstretched fingertips twisted powerfully.


The covered white world is distorted.

Seojun hurriedly swung the Longinus spear.

Kwak Kwak!

The tip of Longinus’s spear, which had been swung, did not reach and scattered.

With a blow that scatters, white magic power rushes in.

The power of transcendence swirls through Seo-jun’s body.

An unfolding blue thunderbolt.

The great voice clasped his hand tightly.



eyes open

And Seo-joon was able to recognize his body falling to the ground.


Seo-joon’s body was violently hit and a large explosion occurred.

The whole body felt like it was going to break.

Consciousness goes far away.

I wanted to black out right now, but

So it shouldn’t have been.

Seo-joon twisted his body and forced himself to rise from his seat.

Remnants of broken pieces fall through the clothes.

straight sight.

“Hold on!! If we collapse, the earth is over!! Be sure to hold on!!”


An army of monsters pouring in there.

And they were fighting fiercely against Jinrihoe.

Kee Ee eh ─!

oh oh oh oh-!!

But the monster army poured out without knowing the end.


“Sah, save me!!”

Eventually, people reached their limit and were falling down.

to keep them.

to prevent this apocalypse.

The great voice must be knocked down.

So you have to fight.

Even if you reach a limit, you have to go beyond it.

It should be.

It must be so…


In an instant, Seo-jun’s body collapsed.

Crying and gushing blood soaks the floor.

Two trembling hands.

body doesn’t listen


The rushing white magic power.

It wrapped around Seo-jun’s body in an instant.

Seo-joon resisted, bursting with the magic of the triple battle.

【No matter how hard you try… the fixed ending cannot be changed.】

Kwaddeudeuk! The white mana distorted Seo Jun’s mana.


Seo-joon’s mouth crackled once more, and blood gushed out.

An excruciating pain ensues throughout the body.

【Nevertheless, to make such a fuss is to think that the ending can be changed.】

Seo-jun hears the will of a great voice in his ears.

The great voice slowly approached Seo-joon.

A robe that flutters loudly.

A great voice descended through the air and landed on the ground.

[However, that outburst is also just a story written in a fixed ending. It has no meaning or value.]


A great voice takes steps.

Seo-joon struggled to resist the restrained magical power.



However, he could not escape the causal restraints of the great voice.

“Buy, buy, save me!!!”

“Oh, no!!!”


Screams erupting all around.

The desperate sound echoes in Seo-joon’s ears.

I thought I could…

Although her great voice surpasses that of Irina,

It is said to be a state of absorbing causality that exists in all dimensions.

Seojun also made great growth,

It was not in a state of absorbing intact causality.

So I thought I could.


The creator god who did not attain the perfect status was also a creator god after all.

Mere humans cannot stand against God.

It’s just a creature that’s just a creature.


The great voice stopped in front of Seo-jun.

A face shimmering in darkness.

In that darkness, Seo-joon could glimpse a dim future.

Is it because of that?


The hand that gripped Longinus’s spear grew weak.

With the appearance of such Seo-jun, the great voice was able to intuit that everything was over.

Many destinies are intertwined,

Due to unexpected variables.

There has been a twist of fate.

But in the end.

The ending didn’t change.

The great voice slowly raised its hand.

White magic power gathered in the hand.

【It’s over.】

This completes the end.

Although it couldn’t bring an end to every dimension across the universe, it didn’t matter.

All dimensions are organically connected,

The destruction of one dimension is not limited to just one dimension.

Above all, he was in a state of absorbing almost all of the causalities of the dimension.

It was possible enough to create the collapse of another dimension starting from the end of the earth.

Of course, his existence would collapse at the end, but that didn’t matter at all.

A world that is no longer bound by cause and effect in exchange for its own existence.

A world where no one is bound.

If only we could create a world full of pure human freedom.


【The salvation of existence.】

If only it could bring salvation to all beings.


The magic power in the hands of the great voice fluctuates greatly.

I have to do something…

Literally, even if I had to go crazy…

There was no more strength left to move.

No, as long as you still have the strength to move.

Can a great voice be defeated?

Seo-joon couldn’t give a definite answer to that question.

approaching death.

Eventually, the time when the white mana was about to leave the hands of the great voice.

Doo doo doo doo doo…!!!

Suddenly, the sound of the heavens and earth vibrating was heard.

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