Transcension Academy Chapter 274

Chapter 274 – Decided End (2)

The smell of the unfolding battlefield creeps up.

It was unfamiliar, yet also frightening.

Beserk’s heart, beating inside his chest, felt strange.

I’m not used to this kind of feeling.

Seojun took a deep breath.

The clear air stimulates the lungs and clears the mind.

At the same time, the mana soars through Seo-jun’s whole body once again.


Space vibrates.

White magic power soared around the great voice.

Two transcendental magical powers swirling around.

should be stopped here.

You may or may not run away.

Seo-joon shot his magic toward the great voice.

Against him, white mana shoots out.

Blue magic and white magic encroach on the space.

They rushed in, entangling each other as if biting each other’s necks.

Kwak Kwak!!

A huge explosion erupted between Seo-joon and the great voice.

Blue light and white light flash alternately.

An enormous weight of pressure weighs down the entire space.

The unfolding sense of dominance.

Kwak Kwak Kwak!!


It’s like fighting each other for territory.

The two magical powers clashed fiercely, and the heavens and the earth trembled.

“Three, my God…”

It was a battle of transcendental beings who could no longer be called human beings.

Kwak Kwak Kwak!!

The sense of dominance entangled in the space was biting each other.

A sharp confrontation in which no one has the upper hand.

in that dire situation.


The first to move was none other than Seoyoon.

Seoyoon grabbed the sword and jumped out in front of Seojun.

For an instant, white mana was shot towards Seoyoon.

However, the rushing blue magic consumed the white magic.


The blue magic and the white magic were entangled again, and the space exploded.

The transcendent sight of tearing and collapsing continues.

However, there was no hesitation in Seoyoon’s steps.

The team members rushed after Seoyoon.

Again, the heroes of the cataclysm jumped in after him.


oh oh oh oh-!!

An army of monsters roared in all directions and charged.

“That the end is the only salvation of this world…”

“How foolish you are.”

Calia and the six apostles raise their magical powers.

The one who wants to bring about the end.

The one who wants to stop the apocalypse.

The momentum of the two sharpened forces

Finally, they bit each other’s necks.


Space is shaken by the clash of terrifying forces.

And a large-scale melee unfolds.

“It must be stopped!!”


A great war unfolding over the end of the earth.


“no!! These motherfuckers! die!!”


The madness of the battlefield to die and kill.

And the one who had the upper hand in that fight.

It was none other than Jinrihoe.

The powers of the two forces were almost equal.

A slight advantage could be argued, but

In fact, it was difficult to decide whether to win or lose.

Nevertheless, the reason Jinrihoe had a clear advantage was simple.

Kee Ee eh ─!


Quo! oh oh oh!

It was none other than the distorted crack, because of the army of monsters constantly pouring out of it.

The army of monsters pouring from the distorted rift was literally endless.

An infinite army that never ends no matter how many times you kill it.

However, there were limits to the power of the Dream Team,

Their stamina was already at its limit.

Those with limits and those without limits.

It was a natural result of which side had the upper hand.



In an instant, Demonic Spirit vomited blood and collapsed.

A monster rushed at that gap, but

Fortunately, with the help of spirituality, I was able to avoid the crisis.

However, he seemed unable to continue the fight any longer.

As it is…

It shouldn’t be like this.

Seojun, who was watching the scene, clenched his fists.

Even now, the army of monsters was constantly pouring out, and the power of the Dream Team was falling one by one.

In order to reverse this fight, we must clear that distorted rift.

And there is only one way.

You have to hit the great voice yourself.


Kwak Kwak Kwak!!


In order to strike a great voice directly, you had to reap the ground that was spread out with a sense of dominion.

The sense of dominion spread by the great voice far exceeded Irina’s.

I thought I had mastered the sense of dominance, but this was the only way I could respond.

It was impossible to deal with a great voice while maintaining a wide range of senses.

Of course, as long as you reap this area.

It didn’t have a big impact on Seojun.

But others didn’t.

If Seo-jun reaps the realm here,

There is no stopping the domain of domination that the Great Voice has spread.

An area that squeezes into space.

It was self-evident that countless people died and were sacrificed.

That’s why I can’t solve the area unhurriedly…


At that moment, a cry broke Seo-jun’s thoughts.

the place you looked at.

There, Seoyoon was dealing with Calia, who was ahead of her.

Next to him, the team members were continuing a fierce fight with the other 6 apostles.


clashing force.

“We will block this place! So go ahead!”

Seoyoon shouted without even looking at Seojun.


“Leave this to us and go!”

A loud voice followed Seoyoon.

There, other cataclysmic heroes were fighting the pouring monster legions.


The power of Seo-joon and the great voice collide and the space is terribly distorted.

That’s why Seo-joon had a deep hesitation.

The power of a great voice that gets stronger and stronger.

If Seo-jun reaps his strength here, they will…

“Who do you think we are!”

At that moment, the sword star’s tip was heard.

Seojun’s gaze naturally turned to the swordsman.

Geomseong was looking at Seo-jun even while fighting the monster army.

And the eyes of the swordsman looking at Seojun.

“Shouldn’t we go and end this fight!”

There was a certain faith that had never been seen before.

“We are not weak! So don’t worry here and go!”

Only then did Seo-joon suddenly come to his senses.


They are not weak.

These are the heroes who prevented the end of the cataclysm in the past.

They are not as weak as Seo-jun is concerned about.

Above all, this war is not fought by Seo Jun alone.

everyone here.

facing the apocalypse.

Seojun slowly looked up.

gaze seen.

A great voice floated in the sky through the shimmering space.

At one time, he was the most respected human being of salvation,

Now it is the worst, the existence that has become the end of the worst.

to bring him down.

To drive this apocalypse away.

It’s not everything Seojun has,

We have to walk everything.


Seojun firmly grabbed Longinus’s spear.


And with a low voice, he took the domain of dominion.


The white magic began to run amok in response to the blue magic that disappeared in an instant.

Soon, white light bursts out in all directions.

A sinking sense of dominance oppresses the entire space.

The space fills with seething violence.



One by one, people began to break down at the overwhelming violence.

Some hesitation grips Seo-joon once again.



But he didn’t hesitate.

I shouldn’t have hesitated.


The magic power that wrapped around the tip of Longinus’s spear gathered into a single point and exploded.

The runaway power of sin subsides calmly.

But it didn’t disappear.

It was dormant inside Seo-joon, and it was becoming his strength.

Anger, envy, and murderous intent.

Those negative emotions were swirling beneath the calm water surface.

without glamor and clutter,

Simple enough honest.

Overwhelming and transcendent power.

The grip of Longinus’s spear is heavy.

Maybe it’s because of the magic in the window.

or for some other reason.

Seo-joon did not know.


Seojun let out a roar and flashed! I fired TRP’s speed.

The speed that transcends the concept of distance goes beyond the limit.

Currently, Seo-joon is in the realm of transcendence in terms of speed.

It touched the area slightly ahead of that.


Seo-joon became a thunderbolt and shot toward the great voice.

The great voice reached out.

The hanging white magic engulfs the surroundings and blocks Seo-jun.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus toward the white light.


The white world disappeared in an instant.

Seo-joon’s blue magic filled the space between the scattered white magic.

For an instant, white magic unfolds and attacks Seo-jun.

Seojun once again burst into TRP’s speed.

The speed of transcendence that can be called the speed of light.

The visual information seen in that speedy world constantly disturbs my eyes.

An illusion as if your brain is about to burn.

If it wasn’t for the help of Insight [S], it occurred to me that it might have been so.

Seojun pulled out Longinus’s spear.

The technique of foot-gyeong is mixed with the pushing and throwing out.

The error of the perfect zero state.

The power that even the word transcendence lacked collided with the attacking white mana.

Quad de de de deuk!

Space-time warped and the unfolding white world disappeared.

Beyond the twisting space-time.

The great voice raised its hand and pointed it at Seojun.

White light explodes.


The white light that burst out pierced Seo-jun’s chest.


Whoops, blood soaring.

A hole the size of a fist was carved in Seo-joon’s chest with his gaze calmly lowered.

Seo-joon’s body, which lost its strength, fell down.

That moment.


Seo-joon’s body, which fell to the floor, turned into smoke and disappeared.


The great-voiced robe swayed loudly.

and momentarily


It was as if he was trying to take advantage of that gap.

A ghastly murderous intent erupted from behind.

I hurriedly turned my head and looked at the place where Seojun was holding out the spear of Longinus.

However, the hole that had been carved in his chest just before had disappeared.

The great voice hurriedly raised its mana and opened the curtain.


Longinus’s spear pierced the white curtain.

The body of the great voice was pushed back greatly by the shock.


Red blood gushed from his darkened face.

The 72 ways of disguising and killing people learned from Daeseong Jecheon, and the art of copying themselves – Hwan (幻).

That goal was well served.

Seo-joon once again unleashed the magic of the triple battle.

Beserk’s heart pulsating inside his chest exudes transcendental power.

Right then.

【You have a talent that is not the same.】


The great voice clasped its outstretched hand.

At the same time, an unknown pressure hit Seo-jun’s body.

Eventually, the transcendental magic that burst out of Seo-jun’s body swelled greatly.

A phenomenon that erodes space itself.

Seo-joon once again cast the clone technique.

I never knew if the great voice would get hit again,

It was enough to escape the current situation.


Jecheon Daeseong’s magic trick was not cast.

As if the Taoism itself did not exist in the first place.

think later.

Seojun hurriedly fired TRP’s speed.


Kwak Kwak!

With the sound of the world disappearing, the space Seo-jun was standing in was torn apart.

A breathtaking moment.

If I had been a little late, I would have been caught up in that space and my body would have been torn apart.

However, Seo-joon did not feel any relief.

Seo-joon slowly raised his mana.

Then, I tried casting the disguise killer again, but…

Again, it was not cast.



Seojun quickly shook his head.

I felt it last time, but this was a different kind of magic.

Magic was a way to twist the laws of the world and perform miracles.

And in general, mana is the method and means by which wizards can shake the laws of the world.

But the method used by the Great Voice was similar to magic, but different.

This was the way to use the fundamental power of mana, itself.

By doing so, it is not to distort the laws of the world,

A way of manipulating the laws of the world itself.

In a word, it was to create a new law of cause and effect, and this was no different from creating a new world.

A great voice that has absorbed causality from all dimensions that exist in the universe.

It would not be lacking even if he was called a creator god.



The status of the creator god was not perfect.

It’s because he couldn’t absorb the full dimension of causality.

Because of none other than Seo-jun’s intervention.

Big Hag!

In the shimmering darkness of the great voice, fresh red blood erupted once again.

At the same time, the body is greatly bent,

The white mana that engulfed the surroundings faded.

The right hand of the great voice stretched out to one side trembled.

Seeing that, Seo-joon could be sure.

I just don’t know how many times I can use that power.

However, it was clear that it was a power that could not be used hastily.

Even if you use it, your existence will quickly disintegrate.

Above all, even at this moment.

A great voice is collapsing into existence through excessive causal use.

Time is on Seo-joon’s side.

However, it wasn’t just Seo-jun’s side.

A sense of dominance still hung over the space.

【A heart that is swayed by personal affection… that is defined as weakness.】

The created causal force was entangling the people fighting fiercely below.

The great voice lowered its gaze slowly.

“Hold on! Don’t die and hold on— Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!


A terrible scream is heard.

The people who get entangled in the realm of suppressed domination are also visible.

approaching end.

[The fugitive struggle… I feel very sorry.]

The will of a great voice is heard.

Seojun grabbed the spear of Longinus.


For an instant, the mana around Seo-joon rotated greatly.

An unfolding sense of domination.

The blue magic that burst out began to unite under Seo-jun’s control.

Seo-joon’s consciousness expanded for an instant.

Time is on Seo-joon’s side,

Aren’t you on Seojun’s side?

It was a great voice too.


The veins burst in Seo-joon’s wide-open eyes.

The sensation of being dyed red and rising.

‘If only now.’


In an instant, an infinite world spread around Seo-jun.

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