Transcension Academy Chapter 273

Chapter 273 – Decided End (1)

Silence fell.

No one was quick to say anything.

And it wasn’t just those who were at the scene of the ceremony.

The people who were watching the current scene over the screen.

They also couldn’t bring themselves to speak at the scene on the screen.

Some people stood still, their eyes wide open as if they had lost their minds.

Another was staring blankly at the screen with his mouth wide open.

This has been seen everywhere in the world,

As a result, a thick silence fell over the entire earth.

A giant gate that covered the entire Seoul and Gyeonggi area.

Monsters are pouring out of it,

When the Dream Team and the heroes of Cataclysm fall apart.

People are in deep despair.

The moment I thought that it was over now.

in the deepest, darkest despair,

As if the brightest hope blooms.

Seojun is back,

Seojun wiped out hundreds of thousands of monsters in an instant.

Powerlessness that even the word transcendent would not suffice.

Humanity’s strongest hunter.

Upon his return, people involuntarily shed tears.


Seojun, who was sweeping away the monsters, suddenly disappeared.

and how it happened.

Once again, the Dream Team and Cataclysm heroes started to fight against the hordes of monsters.

And Seo-jun, who is still invisible.

“What, what how…”

“What the hell happened…”

People could not hide their bewilderment at the sudden situation.

-What, what is going on…?

Even the reporters at the scene couldn’t hide their embarrassment.

The scene without Seo-joon was filled with only the smell of blood.

But that’s for a while.


I heard the sound of space warping,

White cracks like spider webs began to be engraved on the super-giant gate that covered the sky.

It looked like it would break into pieces if touched.

And again.

With Chaeng-!!

When the distorted crack finally shattered.

-The gate… the gate…!

The pitch-black sky that covered Seoul and the Gyeonggi area gradually dissipated.

-Gates are disappearing!!!!

There, only the clear sky could be seen.

the end of the earth.

It was the moment when the threat of the end disappeared.

Only then did people understand the situation.

Why did Seojun suddenly disappear,

Where did you disappear and what did you do?


“Ki, Hunter Kim Seo-joon…”

Humanity’s strongest hunter.

-He… he saved humanity once again!!!!

An unknown emotion wells up in your heart.

The silence that descended upon the entire earth.


It soon turned into a loud roar and exploded.

The people who watched the screen let out a cheer.

It was the same as all the people on Earth.

The shouts that erupted throughout the earth were so great that the reporters at the apostolic ceremony could hear them.

And in the clear sky where the gate disappeared.

A new model shined through the sky.


The gate shattered.

A jet-black aura that dissipates in an instant.

Under the clear blue sky shining through them.

Seo-joon was slowly sinking downward, guided by the force of gravity.

at last.

Unable to withstand the power of the two transcendences colliding, the gate collapsed from the inside.

At the same time, the cause and effect that caused the fusion of dimensions were all scattered.

With this, the fusion of dimensions was stopped.

In the end, the collapse of the dimension did not happen.

The end of all dimensions that exist in the universe.

Seo-joon was able to drive the end to the end.



At that moment, someone called Seo-joon.

Let’s look away, under the gaze.

It was none other than Seoyoon.

On the other side, the faces of the team members were also visible.

Behind them were numerous cataclysm heroes and professional hunters lined up.

And hundreds of thousands of monsters confronting them.

The gazes of millions of beings were all directed toward Seo-joon.

Seo-joon flashes while facing those gazes! I fired TRP’s speed.

Completed transcendental magic.

The extreme speed that bursts out of it.

It made Seo-jun no longer obsessed with the streets.

To be precise, the concept of distance had no meaning to Seo-jun.

limitations of speed.

Seo-joon far exceeded that limit.

Bounce – Bounce!

A bright light bursting out once again.

Along with him, the place where Seo-jun reappeared was above a group of monsters.

And again.


In an instant, Seo-jun’s whole body began to run amok.

Longinus’s spear was imbued with transcendent magic.

Seojun lightly swung the trembling Longinus spear toward the monster group.

Kwaji support!

Space is scratched and blue light floods.


Flashes of blue light exploded in all directions.

The light swallowed everything that got in its way and colored the world.

A strange phenomenon that devours space.

That is why it was a transcendental power that could not be resisted or resisted.

“Kie, kieek…!”


Hundreds of thousands of monsters were frightened and hesitated and backtracked.

However, the bursting blue light only engulfed everything around it without mercy.

Right then.


From somewhere, the sound of heaven and earth vibrating was heard.

Before long, white mana burned in all directions.

The blazing white magic soon exploded in all directions,

It began to shatter the space swallowed up by blue light.


A huge explosion sounded as if the world was collapsing.

It kept popping out over and over again.

“Um, what is that…”

People just stared at the marvelous sight, mesmerized.


Seo-joon landed on the floor due to the force of gravity.

Then Seo-yoon and her teammates followed Seo-joon.

Eyes meeting for a while.

There was a lot to say, but no one spoke up.

Seojun turned his gaze to the front again.

Following Seo-jun, Seo-yoon and the team members also turned their attention.

Under the sky of the crumbling gate.

A wondrous sight in which space breaks and disappears.

In the middle of it, an unknown figure wearing a long robe was floating in the sky.

A face cast in darkness and white magic power swirling around it.

“Woah, great voice…!!”

The cry of someone screaming in surprise echoes.

As the party that brought an end to the cataclysm of the past,

He was hailed as the savior of mankind.

Now it has become the end that threatens mankind.

The head of the Society of Truth,

A being that stands at its apex.

“What, what…?!”

“Why is the great voice here…!!”

The eyes of the astonished people all turned to the great voice.

Seojun also raised his gaze and looked at the great voice floating in the sky.


It’s not over yet.

Seo-joon was able to be sure that his hunch was not wrong.

The collapse of the gate stopped the fusion of dimensions.

But last minute.

The Great Voice risked its own existence and absorbed the cause and effect of the dispersing dimension.

Seo-joon tried to stop it, but

I couldn’t completely stop it.

However, it would not have been able to absorb all causal effects.

The gate collapsed before the absorption was complete,

Because Seo-joon didn’t just watch it.

but just before

The sight that offset Seo-jun’s blow and the terrible presence felt now.

The pressure felt by mere presence was like pricking a needle through my skin.

Jecheondaesung, of course,

Even Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy, couldn’t compare.

A great voice freed from constraints by absorbing the causality of the dimension.

The end of the universe has been extinguished,

The end of the world is not over yet.

The great voice floated above the sky even in the midst of that terrible shock.

【There is no way there is hope in this hell. cast fate. determined future. That is the absolute law bound to this world.]

The will of a great voice is heard.

It was a low will, but

For some reason, it sounded as vivid as if it were being spoken right next to it.

And it was vividly conveyed not only to those gathered at the scene of the ceremony, but also to all those who watched this scene beyond the screen.

【No one can go against it. You can’t go against it…]

A great voice swept around slowly.

The exploding presence weighs down the entire space.

[What value is there in a life that loses the meaning of existence? The future has already been decided, and what is the meaning of a reality that cannot change it?]

The soaring spirit peeks at the arrogant place.

【Many destinies have been intertwined… but now it’s time to move towards a pre-determined ending.】

Before long, the gaze of the great voice stopped in one place.

Where that gaze was directed, none other than Seo-joon was standing.

Two eyes meeting each other.

In an instant, a great voice stretched out its hands.


Before long, dazzling white magic power dwelled in both hands.

It exploded in all directions and opened up a magical world that did not allow even a gap.

The power of transcendence that governs the entire space.


Suddenly, space began to warp into the sky above a great voice.

It looked like a gate being created.

It was infinitely small compared to the gates that covered the entire Seoul and Gyeonggi area, but still huge enough to remind people of the size of a high-rise building.

Ooh, ooh ooh…!


Distortion of space continued to occur.

In an instant, an uncountable number of gates fell in the sky.


Kee Ee eh ─!


Quo! oh oh oh!

A huge number of monsters began pouring out of it.

It was a super-giant gate that existed just a moment ago.

It was the same type as the monsters pouring in there.

“You said you created a gate…?”

“No, no way!!”

At the sight, everyone shouted in disbelief.

Creation of a collapsed gate.

that was absolutely impossible.

It was impossible to create a gate in the first place.

That’s why people couldn’t believe the scene in front of their eyes, but Seo-joon was able to understand the situation at once.

A great voice that has absorbed the causality of the dimension.

It is probably a phenomenon or a causal manipulation using the cause and effect.

Of course, it wasn’t the kind of thing that could be done just because it was possible.

There was no choice for any cause and effect,

Reaching the level of being able to utilize that cause and effect was almost impossible.

But the great voice satisfies both conditions.

However, it was not without side effects.

Being crushed by the causality absorbed by nothing else, the existence collapses.

as it goes on over time.

It was clear that the absorbed causal power would accelerate the more it was used.

Therefore, it should be used sparingly as much as possible, but the great voice did not do that.

It was pouring out all the causal effects of the dimension it absorbed.

As if everything is going to end here.

Kee Ee eh ─!


Quo! oh oh oh!

As a result, gates continued to be created,

The army of monsters also constantly poured out from within.

It didn’t even end there.


In an instant, a large gate was created above the ground.

And what jumped out of it was a huge group of people.

“I will yield to the will of the Great One.”

“I will yield to the will of the Great One.”

It is none other than Calia and the six apostles who disappeared somewhere.

And they were the members of Jinrihoe, lined up in countless numbers.

They permeated among the pouring monsters.

The monsters didn’t attack them for some reason.

As if identifying Pia.

The monsters naturally accepted the members of the Jinrihoe.

“Uh, how…?”

The voices of panicked people burst out.

Could it be that the Great Voice controls the monsters?

Hundreds of thousands, no, millions of monsters?

I can not know.

It doesn’t even matter in the first place.

The gaze of the great voice is directed to Seo-joon.

Seojun faced such a great voice directly.

Then, he grabbed the spear of Longinus to break it.

Behind Seo-jun, Seo-yoon grabbed the sword.

Soo-yeon, Ha-yoon, and Min-yul were determined to fight.

At the same time, numerous cataclysmic heroes and professional hunters lined up.

They also raised their fighting spirit again.

Pro hunters and members of the Jinrihoe.

Heroes of cataclysm and monster corps of the apocalypse.

The Dream Team and the 7 Apostles.

And Seojun and the great voice.


The colliding force vibrates the heavens and the earth.

Two forces in sharp conflict.

Seo-joon trudged through the gap.

took one step forward.

and at the same time.


I exploded the transcendental magic that dwelled in Sandanjeon (三丹田).

The end of the universe has disappeared,

The end of the world is not over yet.

No, the end of the earth had just begun.

So it must be blocked.


【Come, risk your everything.】

risking our all

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