Transcension Academy Chapter 271

Chapter 271 – Transcendent causality (1)

The dimension of the abyss entangled in chaos.

And the unknown will heard in my ears.

Seo-joon turned his head in the direction he heard his will.

But the oppressed body still couldn’t move.

Right then.


I heard the sound of footsteps somewhere.

and trudge again.

Not long after that, a presence appeared in front of Seo-joon’s field of vision.

His face was not visible because his long robe was pressed down deeply.

but rather so.

Seo-joon was able to know who the existence in front of him was.

The one who planned all this,

The one who stands at the pinnacle of the meeting of truth.

“A great voice…!”

great voice.

He trudged out in front of Seo-jun’s field of view.

Why is the great voice here?

For a moment, a question popped into Seo-joon’s mind.

But I couldn’t figure out the answer.

Above all, the great voice is different from Seojun.

It didn’t seem like he was under any kind of pressure.

or under pressure,

I didn’t know if I was getting over it.

The important thing is that Seo-joon’s body still didn’t move,

The great voice was shown standing in front of Turbuck, Seo-joon.

Seo-joon slowly raised his gaze and looked at the great voice.

Then I felt a terrifying presence breaking through my suppressed senses.

Currently, Seo-joon was in a situation where he had actually stepped onto the stage of transcendence.

But the presence I feel now.

‘I can’t figure it out.’

Seo-joon’s great voice could not be measured at all.

I’m not exactly sure I can win.

It feels like facing the transcendent above the transcendent.

【Amidst the many twists and turns of fate… this is how we eventually come face to face.】

The will of the great voice dug into Seo-jun’s ears.

Seo-joon once again unleashed the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

At the same time, Irina’s senses were brought out to the maximum.

A sense of dominion encroaching on the dimensions of the abyss.


My body, which could not move for a moment, began to move little by little.

But that’s all.

It was impossible to completely escape the bondage of the body.

The great voice looked at Seo-joon with a look of surprise for a moment.

Then, slowly, he let out his will.

[I never thought he would use the release of causal constraints to attract Irina…]

At the will of such a great voice, Seo-joon quietly looked up.

same as last time

Even now.

The great voice knew Irina for some reason.

Of course, if you are a student at Transcendent Academy.

Or if you are transcendental.

It was only natural that he knew the director of the Transcendent Academy.

However, the director’s name is Irina.

Knowing this was another matter.

Even if it wasn’t Seojun right now, I didn’t know that name until I met Irina in person.

Still, the great voice knows Irina’s name.

that means that.

The great voice meant that he had met Irina.

“How do you know the director?”

【I can’t help but not know.】

The great voice immediately followed the will.

【Since we were brothers and sisters who lived under the same existence.】

“······ what?”

Seo-joon’s eyes widened involuntarily.

It is also true that Irina’s teacher was none other than the first transcendentalist.

However, the will of a great voice to have a teacher like Irina.

that means that.

The great voice also meant that he was a disciple of the first transcendent.

A time when the concept of beginning and transcendence did not exist.

The first transcendentalist who created and transcended the concept of transcendence.

After that, the second transcendant was none other than Irina.


“Are you the Third Transcendent?”

The great voice did not answer Seo-jun’s question.

Only the face cast in darkness is visible.

Seo-joon looked at the darkness that hung in it.

gaze to face.

【I am not the third transcendent.】

The great voice slowly opened its will.

Eventually, the moment Seo-jun was about to ask again.

The great voice continued its will again.

【I gave up transcendence to refuse to become a transcendental person… If I had to put it in order, I’d say it’s the second Transcendence.]

“What does that mean—”

Seo-jun stopped talking in the middle and closed his mouth.

A great voice had just given up on transcendence.

And ‘if I had to put an order’.

Because I knew what these two sentences meant.

In a word, the Great Voice was the second transcendental being after the first transcendentalist, but for some reason gave up on becoming a transcendentalist.

So Irina, who transcended after that, became the second transcendentalist,

A great voice could never be second or third.

And why great voices gave up transcendence.

Regarding this, the observer said that the great voice was to destroy the earth dimension.

But that’s all.

The Observer was silent as to why the Great Voice would destroy the plane.

It gave off a nuance as if Seo-jun shouldn’t know about it.

That’s why Seo-joon couldn’t fully understand the reason.

But now.

The person who would give the answer was in front of his eyes.

“Why? Why did you give up even transcendence to destroy the dimension?”

[The question and answer are long. Is there any reason I should tell you?]

“You don’t have to. But wasn’t it necessary to procrastinate?”

Then the great voice seemed to tremble slightly.

A reaction never seen before.

It was as if he was embarrassed that his intentions had been penetrated.


“I said Gingamin, but it was real.”

In response to such a great voice, Seo-joon grinned.

It was a bit strange.

That would be the case, because now Seo-joon couldn’t move his body due to the pressure that seemed to weigh him down.

The great voice, on the other hand, was free to move.

Therefore, no matter what the great voice did, Seo-joon could not resist.

Even if they kill Seo-jun right now.

Seo-joon had no choice but to be helpless.

In that case, killing Seo-jun was enough.

The great voice wants to destroy the dimension.

On the other hand, Seo-jun wants to prevent the destruction of the dimension.

In the beginning, there was no compromise between the two goals.

A fight that ends when one of them dies.

So it was enough to kill Seo-joon to put an end to this fight.

There was no need to show up in the first place.

If you kill Seo-jun on sight, this long, long fight ends with the victory of the great voice.

But the great voice did not.

I dared to show myself,

He started spouting nonsensical sophistry.

I thought it was a bit strange, but

I was convinced by the reaction of the great voice I had just heard.

The Great Voice has a reason why it cannot kill Seo-Jun now.

Of course I didn’t know what it was.

But maybe guess.

It seemed to be related to the cause and effect of all dimensions pouring down on Seo-joon now.

“I don’t know what to do or how long it will take… But wouldn’t it be okay to talk about waiting?”


The great voice just stared blankly at Seo-joon.

Silence between moments.

Then a great voice spoke slowly.

【I don’t think you can understand. I also have no intention of being understood—.]

“No, what kind of heart is it to think on your own without even talking about it? And is it something you don’t know? Will I join forces with you because I think destruction is justified?”

Seo-joon’s words break through his will.

The great voice stayed there, with no will to say anything.

A dreadful silence descended again.

【・・・・・・ There must have been a reason why the observer went mad.】

“I’ll consider that as a compliment.”


The great voice made no reply.

His face was still covered in darkness, so his expression could not be seen.

However, Seo-joon could feel that something was out of place.

Silence fell for a moment.

Only the dimension of the abyss, entangled in chaos, shook around.

How much time had passed like that?

【What do you think fate is?】

A great voice spoke slowly.


Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

Even so, what kind of fate do you mean suddenly?

As if he knew Seo-jun’s question.

The great voice spoke again.

【Ask again. What do you think the concept of transcendence is?]

Seo-joon looked at the great voice for a moment.

The concept of transcendence.

Seojun also had doubts about this.

So once, Seo-joon asked his mentor,

Let the mentor answer this.

‘It means to transcend the limits of existence!’

In addition, I had a memory of comparing ants and dragons.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“Isn’t that what transcends the limits of the race?”


Then the great voice nodded as if he knew it.

And a word that followed.

【Transcendence means escaping from causality that restrains existence. The limits of the species you mentioned are only one of the broad categories of cause and effect.]

“… isn’t that what you mean?”

The great voice looked at Seo-joon for a moment and then slowly spoke out its will.

【Ask for the opposite. How can you transcend In other words, what is the way to overcome the limits of a race’s rank?]

“Yes, isn’t it that you become strong enough to go beyond your limits by listening to the lectures diligently?”

A great voice might not nod,

I didn’t even cross it.

He just asked Seo-joon with his face covered in darkness.

【Then, what do you think about beginners in other occupations?】


And Seo-jun was momentarily speechless.

That would be a way to overcome the limits of the species.

Exactly the way Seojun just said.

It was because it was a law that only applied to transcendent fighters.

However, transcendentalists were not the only transcendentalists in combat occupations.

Art, production, medical and more.

There were transcendentalists in many fields.

And no matter how transcendent they are,

It was clear that their fighting power would be infinitely insufficient compared to the transcendentalists Seo-jun thought.

They are not strong enough to overcome the limits of their race.

It wasn’t exactly those who transcended it.

Art reaches the level of transcendence,

Production has only reached the level of transcendence.

However, I couldn’t figure out how that would transcend the limits of the race.

【Transcendence means escaping from causality that restrains existence.】

The great voice’s will is starting to make some sense.

【And the cause and effect that redeems existence. We call it destiny.]

Seo-joon looked at the great voice quietly.

The great voice in the field of vision showed no emotion whatsoever.


Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“What does that have to do with wishing for the destruction of the dimension?”

The great voice looked away slightly.

And then he let out his will.

【The flow of this world has been decided. A set future and a set frame. This universe is no different from a closed world flowing according to the law of causality.]

【That’s why the notion of time doesn’t flow either. determined world. In the closed time inside it, we just live chasing the illusion that time passes.]

【Your actions and thoughts that you regarded as your own free will. All of that is just a decided fact. Made with someone’s prank.]

The great voice looked back at Seojun.

A face cast in darkness.

It was still difficult to grasp the expression on his face.

【A world bound by causality. Beings who lose the value of life and wander. Me and he… tried to break this restrained world.]

what the great voice said.

Seo-joon was able to notice that he was talking about the first transcendental person.

【Thus, I wanted to create a world that was not constrained. However… it failed.]

【And I was able to understand. Only the destruction of the world is the only salvation granted to this world.]

Not just a select few,

that it can save the whole existence.

The great voice murmured a last will in a low voice.

And Seo-jun, who was listening to the will of such a great voice.

“What is he saying now?”

Seojun muttered with an absurd expression.


For an instant, the great-voiced Earl disappeared for a while, then returned.

Of course, his face was still covered in darkness, so I couldn’t make out his expression.

“So you’re saying that the future of this world is decided and you’re trying to destroy the dimension to change it?”

what bullshit is this?

“Then what am I?”

Seo-joon had no choice but to ask without even realizing it.

If the words of the great voice were true, then Seo-jun also had to be bound by the cause and effect.

Every action and every thought Seojun does.

All of that had to be nothing more than a decided fact.

But in reality it was not.

In addition to the observer,

Even the great voice in front of him could not predict Seo-jun’s actions.

Of course, it was not difficult to guess why.

It is none other than Seo-joon, whose cause and effect have not been recorded.

Because of that, only Seo Jun could escape from the decided world.

But how?

Why is Seo Jun-man’s cause and effect not recorded?

The Great Voice did not answer this.

Maybe you don’t even know the great voice.

Or do you know it and hide it?

Seojun didn’t know.

【I didn’t think you would understand. I didn’t even think you would be able to understand.]

I thought maybe I didn’t even know the great voice.

【Now it has no meaning. I’m thinking of cutting off all of them now.]

The great voice slowly stretched out its hand.

Eventually, the pressure of the cause and effect that had been pressing Seo-joon began to intensify.

At the same time, causality across all dimensions of the universe.

It began to be sucked into the hands of the Great Voice.

【It’s an empty ending for a last one.】

The great voice whispered its will in a low voice.

This is the end of everything.

It absorbs causality of all dimensions and completely frees the restrictions, thereby creating a new world.

A world full of pure freedom, free from any bondage.


The beginning of it all…


Suddenly, Seojun smiled and smiled.

and momentarily

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwah!!!

The power of transcendence burst through Seo-jun’s body.

The magic power of the Sandanden, whose limit has not been measured.

It was a force that even the great voice could not easily handle.


【no use.】

The great voice only uttered its will calmly.

That would also be the force that is putting pressure on Seo-joon right now.

This was the cause and effect of all dimensions that exist in the universe.

To put it simply, it was no exaggeration to say that the entire universe was weighing down Seo-joon.

No existence in this universe can handle this.

Even the great voice himself.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwah!!!

That’s why Seo-jun’s actions right now can’t even make a fuss—!



The darkness over the great voice shook loudly.

twisting space-time.

“It was necessary to take the time…! It wasn’t just you…!”

In the meantime, I heard Seojun’s voice.

and gaze.

There, Seo-jun was twisting his body to break free from restraints.

No words… No words!

The great voice couldn’t believe the sight.

I couldn’t even believe it

All beings that exist in this universe have limits of origin and cause and effect that they can endure.

And the existence that goes beyond that limit and accepts excessive cause and effect collapses and disappears.

Didn’t the first transcendental person perish in that way?

But now how…!

for a moment.

The limits of causality…?

【Stand, no way…!】

The gaze of the great voice, distorted with astonishment, turned to Seo-jun.

The only being in the entire universe whose causal limits have not been measured.

That moment.

The dimension of the abyss, distorted by chaos, began to sway.

And an infinite world unfolding within it.

A gigantic expanse of space.

the source of all things in the universe.

There is neither beginning nor end before him, and what he has come from is incomprehensible.

Its calmness, emptiness, and purity are the body of qi.

It is false but not false.




Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Type 3 (Section 3).

Empty – Taeheo (太虛).


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