Transcension Academy Chapter 270

Episode 270 – Mankind’s Strongest Hunter (2)

An outburst of deaf ears.

It was entangled with the darkness that bloomed in a lump.

dazzling dark light.


That contradictory light bursts once.

At the same time, the time that had flowed differently is aligned.

Then the wind blows,

eyes open

The lost enemy of darkness.

The unfolding world of nothingness.

Inside, the incalculable monsters pouring in from the super-large gate disappeared all over the place.



With the sound of space warping.

White cracks like spider webs began to be engraved on the super-giant gate that covered the sky.

It looked as if it would shatter and shatter if touched with a flick, like a window that would soon break.


‘It didn’t break.’

It just looks like it’s about to break.

It didn’t really break.

Kee Ee eh ─!


Quo! oh oh oh!

The gate was still pouring out uncountable monsters.

For an instant, Seo-jun’s eyes flashed open.

Heart pounding at the same time!

The completed Beserk’s heart began to beat violently.

The bursting out of the three-stage magic power.

That near-infinite power exploded as a huge thunderbolt that pierced the world.

A blue thunderbolt as if it had torn the world apart.

It hangs in space with thunderclouds.

At that point, Seo-joon had already reached a place that could not be called a human being.


Kwak Kwak Kwak Kwak!!!

A huge explosion tore apart space.

The monsters that poured down the sky were torn apart along with the space and disappeared.

“Three, my God…”

“Is that… is that a human…?”

The people who watched the spectacle lost their spirits.

That force that breaks space itself.

Because that was not a human being, it was a state that transcended even the realm of martial arts.

So people could realize it at once.

How wonderful is the realm that Seo-joon is now reaching.


The hugely swollen space is closed again.

At the same time, Seojun’s eyes narrowed.

The sky seen through closed spaces.

‘It didn’t break.’

The gate was not broken this time either.

The white cracks, like spider webs, carved into the gate looked as if they would shatter and shatter if touched with a flick like a window that would soon break.

But the gate was not broken.

Even the power that Seo-joon showed just now wasn’t the power of simple dragon words.

Spatial Interference and Phenomenon Manipulation.

It was a power that was expressed by mixing the two techniques learned from Irina.

The power of simple dragon words was not enough to wipe out hundreds of thousands of monsters all at once.

That’s why it was a transcendent power that couldn’t be called a dragon word in reality.

Even so, the gate was not broken.

A giant gate that covered the entire Seoul and Gyeonggi area.

It could be seen that the dimension that spans the entire universe is fused and appears as a collection of cause and effect.

That’s why breaking the gate itself was impossible.

Because the causality of already intertwined dimensions was something that even the observer could not do anything about.


‘If you use the celestial moon meteor spear…’

Then there were plenty of possibilities.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd types of Cheonwol Yuseongchang were the sum of the myoris ranging from 1 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 to 9 plants, respectively.

And the heavenly moon meteor spear.

This is the sum of all those herbivorous types 1 to 3.

It was the sum of all the tricks of those types 1 to 3.

In a word, all the tricks of the Cheonwol Meteor Spear are added into one.

It was literally a heavenly moon meteor spear.

Therefore, Jecheondaeseong was only made into a theory.

Even Jecheon Daeseong could not cast it.

He only said that only Seo-jun, who has the magic of samdanjeon (三丹田), could handle it.

It was an insane skill.

That’s why it was definitely possible to break that gate.

However, Seo-joon could not use it hastily.

Because it was obvious that if I unfolded my secret intentions, I would be dragged into the boundary space.

And this time, if you are dragged into the boundary space.

There was a chance he might never come back.

May it be none other than Jecheondaeseong.

Because Seo-joon had already stepped into the realm of transcendence, and originally, it was right that he should be expelled from the dimension.

Even so, Seo-joon was not expelled from the dimension.

I couldn’t figure out why,

It was clear that Seo-joon would be dragged into the boundary space and banished out of the dimension at the same time.

Then you will never return to Earth again.

So, you shouldn’t cast mischief.

However, in order to break the gate, you have to cast an oui.

A foreigner who can neither do this nor that.

That moment.


A thought passed through Seo-joon’s head.

If you think about it now, the fusion of dimensions was in fact complete.

Because it was impossible to break the gate by any means.

Even so, the great voice kept Seo-joon in check.

As if there is only one way.

It seems that there is a way that only Seo Joon can do it.

And the way…


Seojun burst into TRP’s swiftness and came down to the ground.

The center of a place where people gather.

Seeing the appearance of Seo-jun suddenly appeared, people’s eyes turned to Seo-jun at once.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth while facing that astonished gaze.

“We need to get rid of the gate.”

At Seo-jun’s words, Demon Star was startled and asked.

“Removing the gate… are you really talking about that gate?”


Seojun nodded slowly.

And seeing Seo-joon like that, people were at a loss for words.

Because that didn’t make sense either.

A giant gate that covered the entire Seoul and Gyeonggi area.

It wasn’t the kind of thing that could be removed.

No matter how transcendent Seo-joon’s power was, the impossible was impossible.

Didn’t Seojun just fail in the first place?

“impossible. It’s not the kind of thing that can be broken.”

As expected, the sword star shook his head resolutely and spoke.

At the words of the swordsman, Seojun nodded once more.

As the swordsman said, it is impossible to break the gate.

Not just the current gate,

The gates that formed the dungeons were of the kind that could not be broken.

Unless it’s a dungeon implemented with sorcery,

The gate itself could not be broken.

So breaking the gate is literally impossible.


A transcendental person who wants to become Seo-jun and walk again.

Those who have transcended even such an impossibility.

if there is no way

“I will go inside the gate.”

They are the ones who make the way.

“What, what?”

“What is that now…!”

People were greatly surprised by Seo-joon’s words, which were like bombs.

Now… what did you say?

A bewildered expression turned to Seojun.

Seojun faced those expressions and calmly opened his mouth.

“I will go inside the gate and clear the dungeon.”



People really had nothing to say.

It’s a nonsense thing, but it’s a thing,

If you think about it, it was because you couldn’t refute Seo-joon’s words.

If you think about it…

There was some truth in Seo-joon’s words.

It was so huge that I forgot about it for a while.

The essence of the gate you see now is no different from a normal gate that forms a dungeon.

And the role of the gate is a passage that connects the dungeon and the earth.

“If you go inside the gate and clear the dungeon, it will be possible to get rid of the gate.”

If you can’t break the gate,

Enter the gate and clear the dungeon.

The gate that has been cleared in this way fulfills its role and disappears.

Wasn’t that the way we used to know dungeons?

It could be said to be the only way to get rid of the gate.




No one could sympathize with the method.

The reason was simple.

“It is too dangerous!”

Because it was too dangerous.

A cry heard in an instant.

People’s eyes turned to the direction from which the sound came.

the place you looked at.

There, Seoyoon was struggling to get up from her seat.

Even if I fainted right away, there was nothing strange about it.

Seoyoon stood up from her seat.

“In there… I know what the hell is in there!”

Seo-jun could not reply to Seo-yoon’s words.

because it was true

Generally, the size of the gate is determined by the level of the dungeon.

And the level of the dungeon is determined by the level of the monsters in it.

However, the gate that now goes beyond Seoul and wraps around the entire Gyeonggi area.

In the past, even Beserk, who was called the Great Monster of the End, was not at this level.

that means that.

There was a strong possibility that something beyond Beserk was lurking there.

No matter how Seo-jun was, dangerous things were dangerous.

There was a chance that he might not come back alive.


“I have to.”

I had to.


At Seo-jun’s determined words, Seo-yoon was at a loss for words to stop.

How long has it been since you came back

Are you going to go into a dangerous place again?

That’s why Seoyoon wanted to tear it apart, but

I knew that shouldn’t be the case, so I couldn’t say anything.

Kee Ee eh ─!


Quo! oh oh oh!

Uncountable monsters poured down again from the fissure sky.

There was no time to delay.

Seojun stretched out his other hand holding the spear of Longinus.


Power spreads around the outstretched hand.

The strong power fluctuates, and the landscape shakes grotesquely.

A sense of dominating the entire space.

Seo-joon grabbed his outstretched hand.

That moment.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!

Time and space were bizarrely twisted around the pouring monsters.

Irina’s senses and the collapse of time and space with the mystery of causal collapse.

The group of monsters caught up in the phenomenon disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, the surroundings become quiet.

A transcendent inaction with nothing to say.



I didn’t even have the energy to be surprised anymore.

Seojun quickly retrieved his outstretched hand.

Although I wiped out a bunch of monsters,

This is just a matter of buying some time.

Sooner or later, the gate will pour out a bunch of monsters again.

So I had to get rid of the gate as soon as possible.

“Please hold on until I clear the gate.”


At the same time as the bursting light, Seo-jun’s new model disappeared.

And Seo-jun, who reappeared.

Woo woo woo woo woo…!

I was pushing myself into a huge gate.


As soon as Seo-joon pushed himself into the gate, his vision reversed for an instant.

And the first thing that Seo-joon saw along with the reversing vision was not the countless number of monsters pouring in.

It wasn’t even a huge monster that surpassed Beserk.

The dimension of the abyss intertwined with chaos.

Seo-jun’s body was floating in the space of some abyss.

Seojun moved his body slowly.



As soon as he moved his body, a terrible pressure pressed down on Seo-joon’s entire body.

Would it be like this if you put your body into the compressor?

It only got stronger as time went on.

Seojun immediately drew out the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

The perfected Beserk’s heart throbbed violently, and the magical power of transcendence exploded through Seo-jun’s entire body.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa!!

The surging power of transcendence.



The pressure on Seo-joon’s entire body continued.

Seo-joon’s eyes widened involuntarily.

Something that could not be overcome even with the magic of the perfected three-way battle.

Seo-joon forced himself to twist and look around,

Soon I was able to figure out the identity of this pressure.

This is the dimension of the abyss intertwined with chaos, where causality of all dimensions living in the universe is fused.

And now.

Infinite causes and effects that exist in all dimensions were pouring down on Seo-jun.

The pressure I was feeling now was due to that cause and effect.

Under the pressure of the cause and effect, Seo-joon really couldn’t move.

The pain reached the point where I couldn’t even move, and the whole body felt like it was going to cut off.

An excruciating pain ensues as if existence itself would collapse.

dizzying mind.

Right then.

【In the end… it turned out like this.】

An unknown will came from somewhere.

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not work with dark mode