Transcension Academy Chapter 263

Chapter 263 – Advancing Fate (5)

There were team members around

The appearance of the mentor was not visible to the team members, so he was not paying much attention.

In fact, even if I could see a mentor, it didn’t seem to matter much now.

A huge gate covering the sky above Seoul.


“Uh, how could this happen…”

Everyone was stunned by the overwhelming sight.


The mentor passed between the team members and approached Seo-joon’s side.

Seo-joon looked at such a mentor blankly.

At the same time, I remembered what my mentor had just said.

Irina’s message that if it was Seojun, this situation could be prevented.

And that’s what this situation is all about.

Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo !!

It was a huge gate covering the sky above Seoul.

Seo-joon raised his gaze again and looked at the shaking gate.

The biggest gate Seo-joon had seen so far was Beserk’s gate that appeared in England.

However, the gate he sees now couldn’t even be compared to then.

At the time, it covered the sky over London,

Because now it was covering the whole of Korea beyond Seoul.

And usually, the level of the monster is determined by the size of the gate.

The level of magical power contained within the gate.

Because the size is determined by the level.

So, what the hell could be inside the gate covering the sky now?

Will beings from many dimensions descend?

Or will a more overwhelming existence descend?

Seo-joon couldn’t even guess.

And that means.

It meant that the earth was messed up.

To be precise, all the dimensions intertwined with the earth are shit.

<Right now, our transcendent academy had an emergency, but…>

gaze seen.

The mentor was also looking up at the sky in Seoul with a shocked expression.

And is it because of the kind of mentor?

‘Why is that?’

Seo-jun could not understand this situation at all.

Of course, dimensional convergence is in progress,

Because of that, he didn’t know that the earth was a mess.

At the same time, he was unaware that all dimensions were in dire straits.

so that.

‘Why the observer?’

I couldn’t understand why the observer acted like that.

If you postpone the words of the mentor.

It was all because of the observer that the situation had come this far.

It would have been all right if the observer hadn’t tried to break the constraints of cause and effect.

No, there was no reason to loosen the causal constraints in the first place.

To prevent the destruction of the dimension.

This was the observer’s purpose.

trying to destroy the dimension.

This was the purpose of the Great Voice.

Their goals were completely opposite.

A perfect antipode with no room for compromise or negotiation.

But for such a great voice, the contemplative observer releases the constraints of cause and effect?

This was nonsense.

Contradictory behavior completely inconsistent with the observer’s purpose.

I’d rather not have a great voice,

Helping Seo-jun was the right thing a hundred times over.

So, it was something that could never happen.

Woo woo woo woo woo…!

The amazing thing is now happening right in front of my eyes.

It wasn’t that level!


So Seo-jun could not understand the behavior of the observer at all.

Was it because he was so angry that he was hurt by Seo-joon?

no way.

Seojun shook his head.

There was no way he could have done such a stupid thing for that reason.

Or are you really stupid?

No way.

This was an even more absurd story.

No matter how much Seo-joon suffered, the observer was the observer.

A transcendent being who manages and supervises causality in all dimensions.

There was no way such a being would be stupid enough to not think of such a thing.

‘… I guess not.’

It won’t be.


If so, there was only one answer that could come to mind.

The Observer had some reason to help the Great Voice.

And what kind of reason is in line with the purpose of the observer.

He thought that helping the great voice could prevent the destruction of the dimension rather than helping Seo-joon.


‘Does that make sense?’

that didn’t make sense

In the first place, Seo-joon had no intention of destroying the earth.

As the old saying goes, even if you know ten roads in the water,

One way people say they don’t know.

Anyway, there was a degree.

There was no doubt that the observer would not know that Seo-jun had no intention of destroying the earth.

Nevertheless, the observer helped the great voice, not Seo Jun.

so maybe

before the fall of the dimension.

I thought that there might be a hidden intention of the observer.

If you think about it carefully.

Seo-jun did not know what the purpose of the great voice was.

All I know is that they are trying to destroy the Earth.

I didn’t know why he was trying to destroy the Earth dimension.

I asked about this

The transcendent academy said that it could not answer due to the oath,

The observer was consistent in silence.

No one mentioned anything about him.

Observers and even transcendent academies.

When I think about it like this, when I was cremated last time in the United States.

To be precise, at the time of waking up from being cremated.

Seo-jun had heard a mysterious voice.

[Beware of observers.]

[When the time of choice comes someday…]

Did that voice know something?

Whose voice was it in the first place?

At first, I thought that the observer would only wish for the continuation of the dimension, but…

now it’s clear

The observer does not simply wish for the continuation of the dimension.

There is a purpose behind it.

I still don’t know what it is, but…

‘I need to hurry to prepare.’

There was no thought of sitting still and suffering.

The fusion of dimensions that has already been achieved cannot be undone.

However, complete convergence was not yet achieved.

Precisely, there remains a way to defy this fusion.

I also didn’t know how to do it.

But guess.

It was clear that the great voice would do something with the ceremony as a starting point.

A great voice and observer.

and Seojun.

The intertwined fates are just beginning to come to a close.

And the final destination is none other than the Apostle Ceremony.

“Mentor. May I ask you a favor?”

<······· Yes?>

When Seo-jun spoke cautiously, looking at his teammates, the mentor tilted his head.

Seo-joon stared at the mentor for a while before opening his mouth.

“Can you tell the director something?”


Shortly after a huge gate was created over Seoul.

All Koreans came out and looked up at the sky.

“That, that… what is it?”

“The sky is all pitch black…!”

A huge gate that covered the entire Gyeonggi area beyond Seoul.

Countless people took pictures of the rising sky with their smartphones in the shocking scenery.

The fear of not knowing what might happen.

However, it was not easy to suppress the rising curiosity.

Above all, the overwhelming danger was bound to take away the awareness.

There was no point in running away anyway.

And of course.

The news quickly took the world by storm.

The world was literally turned upside down.

A super-large gate that cannot be found in history.

What’s inside that black gate?

What kind of monsters might lurk there?

People couldn’t even imagine.

Accordingly, under the skies of Seoul and Gyeonggi-do,

Reporters from all over the world started flocking to it.

“I am now in Seoul, the capital of Korea. The sky behind me right now is…”

《To a huge gate unprecedented in history…》

《The uneasiness of Korean citizens in the black sky where not even the sunlight leaks through…》

《With this, Dream Team and Jinrihoe. Opinions about the confrontation between Kim Seo-joon and the apostles also change…”

News from around the world only reported the scenery of Seoul.

As soon as things started to go awry,

Public opinion on the confrontation between Seo Jun and Jinrihoe was also clearly overturned.

To be precise, public opinion urging reconciliation between the two was rapidly formed.

『[Jeon Lee Man Gap Oh Reform]: With the situation like this, is Kim Seo-joon doing anything to reflect on the truth?』



“All Koreans would agree.

Even though I am a normal person, when I go outside, my whole body tingles.

The energy I felt at the gate was really amazing.

The Awoken were really shaking.

If you listen to the heroes of Cataclysm, they say it wasn’t like this even in Beserk.

That means that the Gate can spit out at least Beserk.

Literally the least.

Of course, Seojun Kim is present…

I’m not sure this time…

Isn’t this something we should join forces with the Jinrihoe instead of fighting each other?”



└ [Doing Private Ryan]: I agree with you. The whole world is broadcasting the situation in Korea live. Everyone says that the cataclysm of old is really nothing.

└[Taejo Shotgun]: Correct. I live in Seoul, but it’s not a mess here. Even when I am in the house, I can feel something like magic. Really, what are we?

└[Flame Karitsuma]: I’m moving to Seoul in 2 days, should I not go…?

└[You paid me for a bath]: It doesn’t matter whether you go to Seoul, London, or Paris. I don’t know what that is, but if you can’t stop it… the world itself is over.

└[Gambling crickets]: Did I tell you? If you’re not sure, don’t bet the game and go to neutral gear. In the end, it looks like all of my palms are gone.

└[My child split]: What do the members of Jinrihoe think?

Public opinion has suddenly turned

People demanded Jinrihoe’s position on the current situation.

And the official position of the Jinrihoe, which was heard not long after.

《We will proceed with the Apostolic Ceremony as scheduled.》

The position of the firm truth meeting.

It was a position that had virtually no meaning, but people didn’t think so.

A resolute attitude displayed in the face of a global crisis.

Because it was also the fulfillment of the will of ‘there will be no reconciliation or joining forces with Seo-joon’.

As a result, people’s anxiety only increased.

At the same time, people were also curious about the position of Dream Team and Seo Jun.

And Seo-jun’s position on him is silence.

Seojun did not show any position.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, people couldn’t hide their dubious feelings.

Some people even criticized Seo-joon.

fate to come.

Time passed so quickly.


The two weeks passed quickly,

There were only two weeks left until the Apostle Ceremony.

The gate that appeared in the sky became even stronger,

At present, public opinion was on the verge of exploding.


“No, everyone. How long are you going to keep debating…”

The most important person was not impressed at all.

No, there was inspiration.

[Ugh, why are you so hasty?]

[You can’t rush time for such an important matter. It’s a law to be careful, careful, and do your best.]

[You’re thirsty after a lot of discussion. Go and get me a glass of holy water.]

The excitement that money is still evaporating!


Seojun let out a deep sigh.

It was impossible to guess how many liters of holy water they had saved up.

Of course, it wasn’t too much of a problem, since all you had to do was pour holy water into the Holy Grail.

No, because of that, there was a group that was not a group.

In addition to the three transcendentalists,

Because I made a lot of holy water to take care of my teammates.

how many made

It was to the point where a government official came to ask if the water pipe had burst.

When I think of the expression on the expression of the government official who was frightened at that time…

well, anyway.

“······ Here it is.”

While sighing, Seo-jun made holy water and handed it to him.

Then, the three transcendentalists continued a fierce discussion with holy water.

It looked like people chatting at a drinking party.

Seo-joon looked at the scene blankly and just shook his head.

Even if time seems to be delayed,

In fact, it must be a necessary process.

The heart of Beserk that holds transcendental magic.

The power of transcendence that could possibly complete the Sandanden.

Refining it was never easy.

Rather than doing it hastily and getting sick,

It was right to do it perfectly even if it took time.

The time it took was two weeks.

In the meantime, Seo-jun was able to receive 5,000 trillion from Arthur.

To be precise, it was 5,001 trillion including value-added tax…

well anyway

With this, if we subtract 336 trillion of expenses for the three transcendentalists,

The money in Seo-joon’s hands is 5,860 trillion won and 500 billion won.

It was a very hearty amount,

It was also an amount that I did not know when it would disappear.

But right now, it’s a hearty amount.

Seojun calmed down calmly.

The power of transcendence, the heart of Beserk.

The karma to be received from Arthur by selling Excalibur and 5,000 trillion.

The great voice probably thought that this was the best Seo-jun could prepare for.

The reason behind giving Beserk’s heart was unknown.

I can only speculate that it will be something necessary for the fusion of dimensions.

In any case, that too was a variable that the Great Voice could control.

fate approaching.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t Seo-jun who set the plate.

It was a position where they had no choice but to move on the board they had laid.

However, variables always exist on the floor.

The great voice tried to control that variable,

A variable is a way to become something no one cares about.

Just as the most insignificant pawn on a chess board reaches the end and becomes a variable that no one can handle.

Now, due to the fusion of dimensions, the causal constraints on Earth were being released.

Correspondingly, the limitations of great voices were also being released.

But one thing.

There was a fact that the great voice hadn’t taken into account.

That is, Seo-jun still has 8 free coupons left.

Constraints of cause and effect disappearing due to dimensional fusion.

Thanks to that, the great voice was being freed from constraints.

But it was the same on this side.

8 free coupons.

It also meant that the limitations of that free coupon also disappeared.

that means this.

It meant that it didn’t matter what Seojun did with the free coupon.

In the meantime, I had to use one coupon per lecture due to the causal burden on the dimension.

Even then, it was impossible to give lectures that would require excessive causal burdens.

But now that the constraints of cause and effect are lifted.

It didn’t matter at all now.

8 free coupons.

“It’s about time to come…”

It was the moment when I thought about it.


<Kim Seo-joon, I’m finally here!>

In an instant, a mentor appeared through the smartphone screen.

You might be surprised by the sudden appearance, but

Could it be that I’m already waiting?

“Are you here?”

Seo-joon didn’t look too surprised.


Seeing Seo-jun like that, the mentor made a sullen expression.

sagging shoulders.

Seo-joon said, bursting into laughter without even realizing it.

“How did your request go?”

<Ah! That’s it!>

The mentor continued with a fighting expression, as if asking when he became sullen.

<Hmm… I have a few things to say about that…! I’ll show you this first!>

In the meantime, the mentor manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone here and there.

He pressed down here and there with his small body, and soon turned the screen and showed it to Seo-jun.

Seo-jun checked what was reflected on the smartphone screen.

『Cheonwol Meteor Spear(天月流星槍) Myth. [Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong]』

『All of my skills! [Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong]』

『If dragon ↘ language ↗ doesn’t work, blue dragon school! Dot↗com↗! (Instructor: Four Gods, Blue Dragon).』

『Space Interference. [Instructor: Irina]』

『Phenomena Manipulation (現象造作). [Instructor: Irina]』

『Cause and Effect Collapse. [Instructor: Irina]』

『Transcendence of mind (超越心得). [Instructor: Irina]』



《If you complete this lecture, you will learn the ‘Thousand Moon Meteor Spear (天月流星槍) Myth [SSS]’.》

《If you complete the lecture, you will learn ‘Dongducheol Liquid (銅頭鐵額) [S]’》

《If you complete the lecture, you will learn the ‘Fire Eye Golden Jewel [S]’.》

《If you complete the lecture, you will learn the ‘Counter-Bullet Attack [SS]’.》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn ‘Slayer of Ghosts’ [S].》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn the ’72 Disguise and Murder Taoism [SS]’.》

《After completing this lecture, you will learn ‘Dragon Words [SS]’.》

《After completing this lecture, you will learn “Spatial Interference [EX]”.》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn “Phenomena Manipulation [EX]”.》

《After completing this lecture, you will learn ‘Causal Collapse (因果崩壞) [EX]’》

《If you complete the lecture, you will learn the ‘Transcendence of Mind Gain [EX]’.》






It didn’t end here.

There were endless notification windows lined up all the way down the screen.

An amount that cannot be ascertained.

“… crazy.”

Seo-joon muttered involuntarily.

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