Transcension Academy Chapter 262

Chapter 262 – Advancing Fate (4)

The mentor roamed about all the spaces in the room.

<Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!>

With both hands held high,

A mentor who runs in all directions as if calling for national independence.

In fact, it was preferable to run amok rather than run around.

[What, what is that.]

[Can I do anything?]

Seeing the mentor go mad, even the three Transcendentalists stopped the discussion and looked this way.

The look on their faces was that they couldn’t understand the mentor who ran amok here and there.

and likewise,

Seo-joon also couldn’t understand the mentor’s behavior.

“Me… Mentor? Calm down for a moment…”

<Something happened! Something big has happened!! >

Somehow, Mentor didn’t stop emitting light, as if he couldn’t hear it with his ears.

That time when I want to stop that light emission…



Suddenly, the mentor hit his head against the wall and sat down on the floor.

Did he run rampant with his eyes closed?

Judging by the bulging forehead, it must have been hit really hard.

I don’t know if it’s because of that, but the mentor was able to calm down the excitement at that time.


Mentor rubbed his forehead with his small hand.

Seojun shook his head slightly and opened his mouth slowly.

“Are you okay?”

Then, suddenly, the mentor burst out! got up from the seat

Then chuck your hands on your waist!

<Yup! No nod!>

He shouted with a very proud face.


Seeing such a mentor, Seo-jun was at a loss for words for a moment.


“Is your forehead bleeding…?”

Because it didn’t look good at all!

But the mentor doesn’t seem to mind at all.

He shouted again with a calm face.

<Don’t worry! Nothing like this!>



Seo-jun was at a loss for words once again.

well, anyway.

It didn’t seem like he was too concerned about being okay.

Of course it didn’t look like that, but…

It’s okay, but it’s not like I’m making a fuss about it.

Above all, he was a mentor who was no different than usual.

It was questionable how a bump could bleed from the forehead… but it wasn’t a big deal either.

One important thing now.

“What are you making such a fuss about?”


Then, the mentor suddenly raised his head.

face to look at.

<Seojun Kim! I’m really in trouble!!!>

There was a rare urgency in his face.


A space filled with pure white light.

It is a space located outside the dimension, on the boundary line,

This place, the space of the boundary, governs the flow of cause and effect and is not bound by it.


An unexpected guest came to that border space.

A corner of the space distorted and a being appeared.

A beautiful woman with long blonde hair resembling sunlight.

It was none other than Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy.

Through the distorted space, Irina was fully exposed.

“What are you doing here?”

At about the same time, the observer’s will was heard from the entrance of the space.

However, there was a hint of displeasure in that will.

I don’t know if that’s because

Irina’s expression was also not very good.

[Are you asking because you really don’t know?]

As expected, Irina’s voice stood out.

The observer did not give any answer to Irina’s question.

Why did Irina come to me?

because I clearly knew

Irina’s gaze turned to the air.

A world of white light where nothing can be seen.

Irina slowly opened her mouth.

[To release the causal constraints on the dimension. Don’t you know what the consequences of that action will be?]

Despite Irina’s screeching tone, the observer still did not respond.

this also.

Because I didn’t know either.

Liberate the causal constraints imposed on the dimension.

This was like releasing the limitations bound by cause and effect.

There were many problems that could arise from this.

But the biggest problem is none other than this.

[I wouldn’t say he didn’t know that there was no existence that could handle it once his restrictions were released…]

A constraint on great voices.

that it was liberating.

〔When did you sarcastically ask if I can handle it, and what are you doing right now?〕

Irina’s voice grew sharper.

The observer still had no will.

A heavy silence descends.

How much time had passed like that?

“I didn’t know that it would turn out like this.”

The observer slowly let out his will.

〔You didn’t know? Are you asking me to believe it now?]

Irina was inconsiderate.

It was because he knew better than anyone what kind of existence the observer was.

A contemplative person who contemplates and manages all dimensions of the universe.

It was a superior existence of a transcendental person even if it was measured only in terms of rank.

There was not a single being in this universe who could do anything about the Observer.

Even the transcendental director himself.

If it wasn’t for the original oath,

Even he couldn’t handle the observer.

There is only one existence that can do anything to the observer.

The beginning and the first transcendent.

However, he disappeared due to the disappearance of records of cause and effect.

So, as of now, there is no one who can do anything about the observer…

no, maybe

For a moment, Irina’s thoughts flashed by a single being.

A little special freshman.

However, he was only one of the many beginners enrolled in the academy.

Why does he suddenly come to mind?


That such a contemplative observer liberates the constraints of cause and effect.

It was impossible not to know what the consequences would be.

That was nonsense.

So of course.

『I haven’t completely released restrictions.』

The observer was also very aware of that fact.

[That’s… what do you mean?]

The observer slowly made up his mind.

『It is true that I tried to release the causal constraint on him. Although there were risks involved, there was a need to keep that bastard in check. Thanks to whom.”

The observer was momentarily helpless as if looking at someone.

Irina felt a strange gaze, but

Irina did not blink an eye.

『However, breaking the constraints of cause and effect is something that even I cannot easily do. Exactly, ‘I can’t do it’ is accurate. It is the same as turning the law of cause and effect.”

Causal restrictions on one dimension are based on the causal law.

Therefore, to solve the constraints of causation is,

It’s the same thing as turning the causality rate itself.

that means that.

It was like twisting the laws of the world.

The laws of the world that have been regulated since the beginning of time.

No observer could interfere with the law.


『It is possible to adjust it. So I integrated the causal ties of the other dimension with the earth.”

You can’t interfere with the law itself.

I was able to adjust the flow inside it.

Thus, the observer merged the causes and effects of the two dimensions.

Combine the causality of dimensions A and B.

Then, the causal effects of A+B are harmonized as one,

The laws of the world judge this to be a higher dimension.

A new causal rate will be applied.

And it is self-evident that the causal rate is much higher than the existing causal rate.

Therefore, the constraints of causality also rise to some extent,

As a result, the constraints of cause and effect appear to be ‘liberated’.

But there are definitely limits.

Although the limitations of causality have been relaxed,

It’s just ‘ascended’.

To put it simply, it was not to the extent of reaching transcendence.

If you enter the state of transcendence, you have to make a choice because of restrictions.

Did he give up transcendence and remain in the dimension under the restrictions of causality?

Or transcend and be banished out of the dimension.

release the constraints,

A way to create a safety device.

The Observer understandably did not fully believe in the Great Voice.

This loosens some of the limitations of great voices.

However, since it was not complete liberation, the current restrictions definitely exist.

So I thought it was the perfect solution.

『That guy… already knew.』

The great voice perfectly grasped the observer’s intentions.

And the watcher’s method was taken by the loophole was precisely noticed.

There are many dimensions in the universe.

However, not all of them exist alone.

Cause and effect tied to one dimension cannot exist alone.

Simply put, it means that all dimensions are organically related.

It is based on this that the Transcendent Academy can receive students of all levels.

So was the destruction.

If one dimension perishes,

It affects all dimensions of the universe, not just that dimension.

And this was the situation in which the observer could not stand by and watch the destruction of the dimension.

Because of that, I was bitten by a certain guy, but… Well, anyway.

The key point here is that all dimensions are organically related.

A gap arose as the observer adjusted the flow of cause and effect for the integration of the two dimensions.

And the great voice knew both of the above.

In response, the great voice fiercely dug the loophole.

〔Stop, no way…〕

Irina’s expression hardened.

The observer slowly opened his will.

『That guy has tied the cause and effect of all dimensions into one.』

The great voice took advantage of the momentary gap and weaved the cause and effect of all dimensions in the universe into one dimension.

As a result, causality of all dimensions was currently being tied.

Naturally, the constraints of causality have also risen exponentially.

The observer hurriedly changed the tide,

It was impossible to reverse the causality already applied as a law.

Water already spilled.

“I didn’t know that it would come out like this.”

In the causal law managed by the observer, spilled water could not be picked up.


Irina had nothing to say.

The work of tying all dimensions of cause and effect into one.

Irina also never expected that a great voice would go this far.

Irina knew roughly what the purpose of the Great Voice was.

He knew why he wanted to destroy the dimension.

And he knew that his teacher, the first Transcendental One, also had the same purpose as the Great Voice.

the meaning is the same,

its way different.

However, the causal effect on the first transcendental person was extinguished and disappeared.

So Irina had only thought that the first Transcendentalist had failed.

But now the action of the great voice.

Did Master really fail?

No, what did Master want in the first place?

[Now that this has happened, I need to listen.]

Irina slowly opened her mouth.

〔Then why did Master disappear? And how…]


[Sahyeong(師兄) couldn’t erase the memory of Master?]

Irina’s expression looked somewhat confused.


“・・・・・・Does this mean that not only the Earth but also the causal effects of the dimensions are all intertwined?”

<Yes, yes!>

The mentor vigorously answered Seo-jun’s question.

As a result, the causal restrictions imposed on the earth were virtually non-existent.

In a way, it was as if the limitations of all dimensions had disappeared.

Precisely, there are limits to restrictions, but

The permissible value of that limit is really close to infinite.

Of course, not all dimensions of causality have yet been integrated.

There were countless dimensions in the universe,

It was not a simple task to integrate the causalities of those numerous dimensions.

But in the end it was just a matter of time.

And if that happens, different causal laws become entangled and twisted.

How can one or two dimensions be controlled?

It is impossible to control all the dimensions that exist in the universe.

The phenomena of all dimensions are intertwined.

Movement between beings in each dimension becomes free.

It is obvious that chaos will result,

Perhaps even the collapse of the entire dimension is a serious issue that needs to be considered…

<This is the director’s personal statement!>

The mentor shouted again vigorously.

At the words of such a mentor, Seo-joon thought for a moment.

And just then.

“Sir, Seojun!!”


Suddenly, an urgent voice burst from outside the door.

What else happened?

Seo-joon jumped up from his seat and went to visit.

Let’s go outside, far away.

Seoyoon and Suyeon were running towards them with urgent expressions.

The two became close in an instant.

Seojun asked Seoyoon.

“What else happened?”

“That, that’s…”

But Seoyoon couldn’t speak easily.

Looking at it, it was difficult to explain.

“It will be quicker to see it than to explain it.”

Behind the hesitant Seoyoon, Suyeon added her words.

So Seo-Jun followed the guidance of the two and went out of the guild building.

Seo-jun couldn’t help but stiffen on the spot without taking a few steps.

The skies over Seoul, dyed black.

Thick dark clouds that looked like they were going to rain soon spread quickly across the sky.

It covered the entire sky of Seoul in an instant, and furthermore, it continued to spread without knowing the end.

Before long, the entire sky of Seoul was covered with thick dark clouds.

No, it wasn’t just the Seoul sky.

These unimaginable clouds were covering the whole of Korea beyond the Gyeonggi area.

Even the people passing by stopped for a moment and looked up at the sky.

For an instant, Seo-joon felt a chill run down his spine.

Seo Yoon-do, Su-yeon-do, and even Min-yul and Ha-yoon who followed them.

Everyone on the team couldn’t keep their mouths shut.

The black sky began to sway as if it would swallow the entire earth.

That’s why it wasn’t like a dark cloud.

Dark clouds don’t move on their own.

That means one thing.

An unprecedented gate.

A giant gate created in the sky was covering all of Korea.

“No, that’s ridiculous…”

“How can such a gate…”

A gate of a size unprecedented in history.


Seojun unknowingly clenched his fists.

As a result.

Dimensional integration is already taking place.

The gate covering the sky is proof of that.

And there was virtually no way to stop it.

The spilled water could not be contained in any way.

So, it was practically the end of the situation.


‘It’s not over yet.’

Seo-joon could see that it wasn’t over yet.

The reason was simple.

If it was really over, the great voice wouldn’t have done the cumbersome thing of an apostle ceremony.

If no way existed,

It was a sado-style thing, and I just had to leave it as it is.

But Jinrihoe, the great voice, did not.

As if there was only one way left.

The only one not subject to the flow of cause and effect.

The only being who can defy the causality of the unified dimension and its enormous fate.

<The director said that if it was Kim Seo-joon… it might be possible to stop it.>

Possibility of Seojun.

Seojun slowly turned his head.


There, the mentor was walking cautiously toward Seo-jun.

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