Transcension Academy Chapter 261

Chapter 261 – Advancing Fate (3)

The three transcendentalists were in a fuss for a while.

The problem is that the rampage was also smoked according to each person’s personality.

[Can you sell just one dragon you breed? I’ll pay my full price.]

Hwa-ta made a fuss asking if there were any dragons to breed, please sell only one.

[Are there any bones or flesh left after the slaughter? I heard dragon maeuntang is so good…]

If there is something good for the side, let’s share it and begged.

[When boiling, ask for dragon breath. That way, the taste comes out deeply.]

Paracelsus took another drink there.

No, what else makes you use dragon breath to boil dragon spicy soup?

Seo-joon was ridiculous… well, anyway.

Fortunately, when Seo-jun explained well, the uproar was able to end.


[Ah… I’m sorry.]

[I’ve been wanting to do some regular recovery for the first time in a while.]


The disappointment was as great as expected.

No, it’s strange to expect that in the first place, but well, anyway.

The three transcendentalists immediately looked at Seo-joon with their eyes sparkling.

Anyway, for them, it means refining Beserk’s heart.

Because that alone was satisfying enough.

Seo-joon handed over the heart of Beserk he was holding to the three sparkling transcendentalists.

With this, there are a total of two hearts that need to be refined.

If Seojun absorbed that heart, Beserk’s heart could finally be made perfect.

After passing Beserk’s heart, Seo-joon unknowingly swallowed his saliva.

A bowl of three-tiered fields with no limits.

The heart of Beserk imbued with the power of transcendence.

What kind of synergy will the two exert?

It was because Seo-joon had no imagination at all.

And do the three transcendentalists have the same idea?

The look in Beserk’s heart was unusual.

A historic moment since the beginning of time.

Do they have the pride of making that historic moment with their own hands?

There was a strange excitement and anticipation in their expressions and eyes.

Seojun carefully asked the three transcendentalists.

“How long do you think it will take?”

[Well… Did I say the Holy Grail you gave me? It seems like it will take quite a while to work while drawing out that miraculous power.]

[You’ll know when you start, but… it’ll probably take longer than last time.]

[Above all, you have to consider the fusion with the heart you have already absorbed. Because there can be conflicts. This shouldn’t be time consuming. In that sense…]

Paracelsus’ gaze, which had suddenly turned to Beserk’s heart, turned to Seo-jun.

Then, with a hopeless expression, he said to Seo-joon.

[Couldn’t this be kicking us out at the end?]

At the words of Paracelsus, Pyeonjae exclaimed in amazement.

[Not this time! If we can’t see this primordial moment, we won’t do it!]

It seems that Paracelsus also agrees with the words of such an arrangement.

He nodded his head up and down.

The gaze of the two transcendental beings.

Only Hwata fell behind and let out a shy smile.

Seo-joon was momentarily dazed at the gaze of the two transcendentalists.


Come to think of it···.

I couldn’t think!

Hwa-ta, Pyeon-jak and Paracelsus.

The total cost of incarnating these three transcendental beings was 1 trillion won per hour.

And the money in Seo-jun’s hands is only 97 trillion.

Simply put, it meant that they could be summoned for 97 hours.

Of course, the word ‘only’ could not be added to the money of 97 trillion won.

However, it took about 200 hours to boil the heart of Beserk last time.

Simply put, it meant that 200 trillion had evaporated.

Apparently, it took more time than that this time, but it didn’t seem to decrease.

In a word, Article 97 means ‘only’!

“ha ha ha···!”

Seo-joon laughed involuntarily.

I was thinking of quickly brewing Beserk’s heart,

I couldn’t think of the details.

To be precise, 5,000 trillion to be received from Arthur.

I just thought that if I received it, I’d be able to do something…

I wasn’t aware that I hadn’t received it yet!

[Stop, no way you!]

[You are!! It’s really nothing but garbage!!!]

Pyeonjak and Paracelsus shouted at Seo-joon’s bewildered appearance.

“That, that’s…!”

For a while, I want to do this.


For a moment, a thought passed through Seo-joon’s head.

It is none other than the causality of the twisted existence.

It is also true that the fight between the first students could absorb the cause and effect of one side.

Wasn’t it possible to get 200 trillion won in the United States thanks to that?

Now that the twisted existence is extinct.

The causality possessed by the twisted being must have been absorbed into Seo-joon.


‘Probably not much…’

Seojun did not expect much.

Because it was clear that there really wouldn’t be much of it.

Of course, he knew that the Twisted One had plundered all of South Africa’s diamonds.

But even so, it was a small amount.

As far as Seojun knows, diamond production in South Africa is about 1.2 billion dollars a year.

It was about 1.3 trillion won in Korean currency.

Only 1.3 trillion won.

Of course, the word ‘only’ could not be added in front of the money of 1 trillion.

It didn’t even stick.

However, in front of this fucking transcendent academy, 1 group was at best.

Isn’t it money that evaporates if you call the three transcendentalists for an hour without having to go far?



That’s why, to be honest, Seo-joon wasn’t expecting much.

But you have to check how much came in to know.

“Hey, wait a minute…!”

Seo-joon hurriedly took out his smartphone.

Then I immediately checked my account balance.

Before long, Seo-joon’s balance appeared on the screen.



Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

The number reflected on the screen was… something strange.

Even if it was strange, it was very strange.

《₩ 1,100,955,000,000,000》

The amount of money reflected on the screen is 1,195.5 trillion won.

It was the amount of money that I ran out of my mind.

“Can’t this be?”

Seojun tilted his head.

That is also true, Seo-jun originally had only 97 trillion won.

Once again, the word ‘only’ could not be added in front of the money of 97 trillion won.

However, it was only in front of 1,195.5 trillion won on the screen now.

Seo-joon rubbed his eyes and looked at the screen again.

However, the numbers did not change.


Is there a computational error?

Seojun pressed the refresh button.

The screen reappeared after a while.

《₩ 1,100,955,000,000,000》

Nothing has changed.

that means that.

It means no error or anything.


Seo-joon’s eyes swelled open in an instant.

At the same time, a calculator was quickly pounded in Seo-jun’s head.

Originally, the money Seo-jun had was 97 trillion.

500 billion here spent on Arthur’s class and lectures.

Of course you’ll get it as VAT later, but anyway.

And now, the prepaid lecture fee of 1 trillion paid to summon the three transcendentalists.

Excluding the total of 1.5 trillion…

‘A whopping 1,100 trillion!!!’

It was an additional deposit of 1,100 trillion won.

Not 11 trillion, not 110 trillion, but a whopping 1,100 trillion.

A whopping 1,100 trillion!!!!

“What, what?!”

Seo-joon let out a scream close to screaming.

But that’s for a while.

‘for a moment.’

Seo-joon’s excitement subsided in an instant.

[What, what?]

[Are you crazy? No, she originally looked crazy, but.]

The eyes of the three transcendentalists trembled greatly at the sight of Seo-joon’s bizarre appearance.

However, Seojun didn’t care at all and continued his thoughts.

‘How is this possible?’

1,100 trillion.

This was a really ridiculous amount.

The total budget of the Republic of Korea was approximately 558 trillion.

Simply put, astronomical funds to run the entire Republic of Korea for two years.

So, this was also a fund that could not be owned by individuals.

Of course, like a twisted entity sweeping away diamonds in South Africa…

‘Even so… that doesn’t make sense?’

Still, it made no sense.

In the first place, South Africa’s annual diamond production was only about 1.3 trillion won.

Even if they absorbed everything they had previously collected in South Africa.

There was no option for 1,100 trillion.

‘But how…?’

leaving everything else

There is no place where you can manage unlimited funds of 1,100 trillion…


A thought flashed through Seo-joon’s head.

In fact, the fund of 1,100 trillion was not easy to have.

Even if someone had it, being able to operate it was another matter.

Even the United States cannot operate 1,100 trillion for individuals in such a short period of time.

That’s why it didn’t make sense, but there was only one.

There was a place that made this situation possible.



Jinrihoe also has a fund of 1,100 trillion won.

It was also explained that the funds could be managed.

If Jinrihoe supported causation to the twisted being…

It was quite possible.

It must have been intended to support various transcendental items, including Excalibur.

But before doing it,

The Great Voice encountered Seo Jun and the plan went awry.

Because of that, causality could not be used,

That cause and effect returned to Seo-jun intact.


It was the only possibility I could think of.

well, anyway.

Seo-jun, who recalled the possibility, did not think deeply.

Here and there.

Because having money is a good thing!

‘There would be no problem at all like this?’

Above all, there was no problem with this.

Seo-joon asked the three transcendentalists who were standing in a daze.

“It all boils down, how long will it take?”

Then, the three transcendentalists suddenly came to their senses.

Soon after, they started whispering something to each other.


After a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

[Last time wasted… about 200 hours, maybe?]

Simply put, it meant that 200 trillion had evaporated.

So, lay the basic 200 trillion.

[To study and apply the Holy Grail… I think it will take about 100 hours. Then 300 hours should be enough.]

Simply put, it meant that 300 trillion, 200 trillion plus 100 trillion, evaporated.

If both are mastered, the total is 600 trillion.

[Finally, you should consider the fusion with the heart that you have already absorbed. I think 100 hours will be enough for this part.]

Simply put, it meant that 100 trillion would be evaporated.

That is, 600 hours + 100 hours.

It took about 29 days with a total of 700 hours.

And the time left until the apostle ceremony is one month.

I guess… the time was right.

In other words, a total of 700 trillion evaporated…


Seojun’s thoughts stopped momentarily.

stupid mind.

‘No, am I out of my mind?’

Is 700 trillion an amount that makes sense at the moment?

In the first place, what in the world is asking for 700 trillion won?

No matter where I looked in the world, I couldn’t find anything like that.

shouldn’t even exist.

But, oh my god!

This fucking transcendent academy doesn’t hesitate to ask for 700 trillion!

‘This bastard’s academy is real…!’


Seojun let out a deep sigh at the end.

Well, not once or twice…


Once or twice, I don’t know.

What happened was that it was like this until the end!


The sighs only grew thicker.

1,100 trillion.

I thought I would be able to live happily this time.

‘Yes, what kind of saving is my subject.’

As expected, it seemed that I would not be able to escape the single room life this time.

‘I want to make a living in the guild.’

The owner of the guild is none other than Seoyoon.

‘Will Seoyoon allow it…?’

I guess I’ll have to ask later.

“······ Up to 1,100 hours is possible.”

[oh! This time, it’s plenty!]

[Then do your best!]

Only then did Pyeonjak and Paracelsus’ expressions brighten.

Before long, the three transcendentalists started working.

Seo-joon looked at them blankly.

And why?

Seo-joon began to feel some kind of anxiety.

‘Maybe even 1,100 trillion won’t be enough.’

ah, please

probably not

[Hmm… this is the Holy Grail. It’s more effective than I thought.]

[I’ll have to consider other ways to use it. I don’t know if the research will take longer than expected.]


probably not


The headquarters of the Jinrihoe located in Greenland.

“It is said that Calia handed over the heart safely.”

“Judging from the huge use of causality, it seems that it is also trying to absorb the heart.”

The great voice calmly nodded at the report of the Apostle of Temperance and the Apostle of Patience.

As expected.

Seojun was moving appropriately.

Of course, it wasn’t entirely what I expected.

From the disappearance of the twisted being.

Even the causality of the twisted existence was absorbed by Seo-joon.

In fact, it could be seen that the plan went completely awry.



The great voice raised its gaze still and gazed into space.

As always.

Great voices do not consider themselves good.

Just because you have faith does not mean that evil becomes good.

Evil is just evil.

Here, beliefs are nothing more than packaging materials.

In any case, the goal he was pursuing was the end of this world.

whatever the reason,

even if it makes sense,

whether it is understandable

It has no meaning in the position of having to die.

It is nothing more than an excuse.

he is evil

nothing more, nothing less.

Now, there is only one month left until the Apostle Ceremony.

Everything has to be done in it.

and that day.

Everything that has been built so far will be decided.

Will the world finally come to an end?

Or will you be saved?

Either that or…

【The first Transcendentalist, your will may have been right.】

A trudging, moving step.


The unknown will of the great voice resounded in the void.


Entrusted with Beserk’s Heart Tablets.

Seo-joon tried to ignore them.

That’s also why it’s been an hour of discussion without any progress.

To put it simply, I just blew 1 trillion into the air!!

Of course, it was a necessary process for perfect purification.

But seeing with your own eyes,

Thinking that this process was all about money made me so angry that I was about to explode.

However, it is not possible to urge it from the side.

Above all, they were in a situation where they were not receiving any other labor costs except for the lecture fees that they had no choice but to pay.

A situation that is no different from purely donating talent.

To be honest, Seojun had nothing to say.

In the end, the only way Seo-joon can choose is to turn away.

‘Why did you give Beserk’s heart to me?’

And it was a different idea.

Thoughts continued to bite their tails.

Come to think of it, Calia had no reason to hand over Beserk’s heart.

To be precise, there was no reason for a great voice to pass over Beserk’s heart.

More precisely, there was no reason to pass it so easily.

Even so, the great voice handed over Beserk’s heart in the form of a free curse because it was not easy.

Even though he clearly knew what Beserk’s heart was like.

Even though I know what will happen when the heart is completed.

that means this.

‘Did I pass it on purpose?’

I had no choice but to think about it.

Jeong Hak-hi could only think that there was a benefit to be gained by deliberately handing it over.

the problem is.

‘What is it?’

I couldn’t figure out what it was.

Maybe… it could be that he thought that Seojun would not be able to absorb Beserk’s heart.

Beserk’s magical power was truly transcendent.

Since he was the suzerain of all dragons, he had said everything.

That’s why Beserk’s magical power was of a kind that could not be absorbed.

If Seojun wasn’t a vessel for Samdanjeon, he wouldn’t have been able to absorb it either.

Therefore, there was a possibility that he thought that the great voice would not be able to absorb Seo-joon.

To be precise, he might have thought that he would die while absorbing it.

or neither.

There was also a possibility that Seo-joon would transcend if he absorbed the heart of Beserk completely.

If Seo-joon transcends, he won’t be able to interfere with Earth anymore.


But did you really think so?

Seo-joon’s thoughts only deepened.

prelude to the coming war.

Now, public opinion was divided between Seojun and Jinrihoe, and they were in sharp confrontation.

Pro hunters all over the world support Seojun.

Hundreds of millions of believers who support Jinrihoe.

The force was equal, not inclined to either side.

I don’t know how it will turn over during the Apostle Ceremony,

There was a good chance that these two forces would collide.

A war for the fate of the Earth.

Seo-joon had to become a spear in it.

In the prelude to the coming war, it must be a spear that will outwit the great voice.

Transcendent magic, Beserk’s heart.

And into something the great voice didn’t expect.

There is only about a month left until the Apostle Ceremony.

A total of 8 free coupons remain.

The karma to be received from Arthur and 5,000 trillion.

And 1,100 trillion currently in hand, but soon to be evaporated.


It was just then that Seo-joon’s thoughts deepened.


Suddenly, in Seo-jun’s arms, a mentor pops up! and ran out

<Wow!! Seojun Kim!!!>

And then they shout in all directions.

“Wow sir!! It’s a surprise!!!”

Seo-joon was really astonished!

And if you are a regular mentor to Seo-jun’s appearance, ‘Surprising Kim Seo-joon is a great success!’ He must have made a V with his fingers.

But why now?

<K, I’m in big trouble!!!!!>

What was going on, the mentor was screaming and running wild.

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