Transcension Academy Chapter 259

Chapter 259 – Advancing Fate (1)

As the world’s attention was focused, the news spread quickly.

And there were many stories,

To summarize the Jinrihoe’s position, it was as follows.

《I will reveal everything related to the Apostolic Ceremony.》

In fact, it wasn’t even a position.

To be precise, ‘when will I reveal my position?’ Because it was just that.

People are starting to get a little suspicious.

Same with the sudden death ceremony.

If you are proud, you just have to express your position.

Because Jinrihoe’s action now was nothing more than postponing the situation.

On the other hand, Jinrihoe also needs preparation for a proper explanation. A lot of opinions followed.

Public opinion is a melting pot of chaos.

Thus, the currently vacant Apostolic Ceremony of Chastity was scheduled, and the place was none other than Korea.

People’s interest in this has exploded.

Willingness to hold the Apostolic Ceremony in Korea, not Greenland, where the main body is located.

It was safe to say that this was aimed at Seo-joon in the Jinri-hoe.

Humanity’s strongest hunter vs humanity’s salvation group.

Daily headlines in newspapers around the world,

The news of the broadcast did not stop talking about it.

Naturally, related community sites were also covered with stories about Seo-jun and Jinri-hoe.

『[Sweeping Our Baby]: Kim Seo-joon vs Jinrihoe. The reason Kim Seo-joon is right.”



“It’s just my personal opinion, so let’s get it out there.

What Seojun Kim has done so far.

In particular, if you think about Eldritch, the answer comes out.

When the eldritch appeared, you thought we were going to be annihilated.

Fuck watching on the real-time screen.

It’s a real gambit.

Ah, that’s the end of the Beserk class.

I’ve never seen Beserk, but I just felt it.

Even Eldritch is said to be weaker than Beserk.

At that time, my respect for the heroes of Cataclysm was welling up.

And when all the heroes are gone.

Honestly, I thought it was all over.

Because I thought the world was going to end.

But who handled the eldritch?

Isn’t that Kim Seojun?

What the hell did the Jinrihoe do then?

didn’t do anything

Since then, there has been no other expression of position or follow-up.

Even though I wondered why

I wondered if I didn’t have enough time, so I thought I could…

In the first place, there are things that Jinrihoe has been doing.

However, after hearing Kim Seo-joon’s words, my thoughts changed completely.

They probably didn’t come out because they did.

A religious organization for the salvation of mankind.

There was no reason not to step forward due to the nature of the Jinrihoe that has been acting so far.

Still didn’t come out?

You can see the answer.”



└[Brain hemorrhage story]: Honestly, it’s a Kingly-style god-sim. If you look at Jinrihoe’s actions in the meantime, it is strange that only Kim Seo-joon was passive. It seems that there is something with Seojun Kim.

└[Gambler’s Foot Gambling]: Don’t be quick to judge and hit the neutral gear. There is also a possibility that Kim Seo-joon will play the press.

└ [Margarine made by Margarine]: Can’t you see the situation? What kind of Kim Seo-joon is a media play. What is the benefit Kim Seo-joon gains from breaking the Jinrihoe? How does the idea of ​​media play come about?

└[Sound of crickets gambling]: There is a possibility of that, so be careful. Do you know what will happen if you go against the planting of Jinrihoe? If Seojun Kim is lying, what will the storm do after that?

└ [Christopher is very surprised]: Are you a member of Jinrihoe?

└[Gonibal Sound Gambling]: I’m not a follower of Jinrihoe, so if I’m not sure, I’m not going to bet on the game. Haven’t you heard of this?

└[Small peppers are spicy, big peppers are also spicy]: Nick is cheap. However, most European countries, led by Italy and the United Kingdom, came out to defend Kim Seo-joon, led by the United States, the Americas, and even the African continent, led by South Africa. I think this is almost certain.

└[I think he was with Dr. Undo-hyun]: Come to think of it, Beserk that appeared in England was like that too. During the final battle of Cataclysm, you said that Beserk was taken care of by the Jinrihoe. But why did it appear again? I don’t know, but it seems certain that Jinrihoe is hiding something.

└[Chosun Dynasty Real Look]: I wonder what’s going on. Anyway, even if we fight among ourselves here, there is no answer. I guess I’ll know the truth only when I go to the ceremony.




People’s argument went on every day,

The confrontation between Seo Jun and Jinrihoe heated up the whole world.

In general, public opinion on Seo-jun’s side prevailed.

If Seo-jun had plotted this by himself, he would have been buried and buried right away.

No matter how Seojun is the strongest hunter of mankind,

Because Jinrihoe had the influence to overwhelm its prestige.

But Europe, led by Italy and England.

America with the United States as the main axis.

Finally, South Africa as a representative to Africa.

Let the countries distributed on each continent defend Seo Jun

People started leaning towards Seo-joon.

Of course, there are many more who haven’t yet.

Hundreds of millions of believers worldwide.

The prestige built up by Jinrihoe was not the kind that could be easily destroyed.


Right after the position that is not the position of Jinrihoe was announced.


Seo-joon sat alone and looked at his smartphone screen.

It was unexpected.

As the reaction of the Jinrihoe.

To be honest, there were two things Seo-joon expected from the reaction of Jinri-hoe.

Did you say that you were so good and set the fire back?

Or did they pretend not to talk nonsense?

However, Jinrihoe acted differently than Seo-jun expected.

He delayed expressing his position, saying that he had held an apostolic ceremony.

A reservation, not an unwillingness to take a stand.

“If this is the case, is there anything we can do until then?”

Because of that, there was nothing more Seo-joon could do.

You said you would reveal it during the ceremony, but what else did you say?

Are you pressuring me to reveal it right now?

Not only does it make no sense,

It was unknown whether Jinrihoe would listen.

The ideal that was already decided to be revealed during the apostle ceremony.

Even if Jinrihoe remained silent, that justification was sufficient.

That’s why it was literally just a throwaway.

As a result, there was nothing Seo-jun could do.

It was a case of flexibly countering Seo-jun’s goal.

But it wasn’t just like that.

Come to think of it, there was no reason to proceed with the Apostolic Ceremony of Chastity.

Apostolic ceremony to elect the leaders of the Jinrihoe.

In the process, of course, there was no choice but to come out with a great voice.

Great voices do exist, starting with Manet.

Various stories were coming out, including Manet attending the ceremony.

It’s like throwing firewood into a burning fire.

In a way, it could have been self-inflicted.

“They say the ceremony is still going on…”

Did you ever need to buy some time?

But does Jinrihoe need to waste time?


Seojun was once again lost in thought.

What is your intention?

I don’t know what it is, but it was clear that something was being prepared for the ceremony.

Or finish something until the apostolic ceremony.

In a word, it means that they are making a handful of tricks…

“I mean, I don’t know what that is.”

The worry only deepened.

But it didn’t last that long.

Even if you think about it, the ceremony will proceed,

After all, everything is decided during the ceremony.

What tricks does the Jinrihoe do?

Although I couldn’t figure out why I had to buy time.

Seo-joon also had no intention of sitting still and waiting.

Beserk’s heart using the Holy Grail.

5,000 trillion to get from Arthur.

And 8 free coupons.

Seojun was thinking of preparing for the worst that could happen.

Seojun slowly rose from his seat.

There was some time left until the ceremony,

Everything that could be done in South Africa was finished.

Now it’s time to go back to Korea.

Korea, where the Apostolic Ceremony will take place.

I had to go back to the place where everything was decided.


Having made a decision, Seo-joon moved quickly.

Although there is time until the Apostle Ceremony,

Because I didn’t know when and where Jinrihoe would spread its magic.

So, I had to go back to Korea as soon as possible.

“Are you leaving already?”

Upon hearing the news that Seo-jun was leaving, Que-ku showed a sign of regret.

However, he couldn’t or couldn’t catch Seo-joon as he left.

Seojun did so much for South Africa.

drive away the long darkness of South Africa,

He used his name to publicize the case in South Africa.

Although it did not attract much attention from people,

The situation in South Africa revealed at the press conference was clearly imprinted in the eyes and ears of people around the world.

As a result, aid is coming in from many countries.

South Africa’s wounds were quickly healing.

So even if I can’t repay the favor,

I never had to hold my ankle.

“We, South Africa, will never forget your kindness.”

Queku soothed his regret by bowing his head deeply toward Seo-jun.

“I will also attend the apostolic ceremony.”

And he even showed a willingness to help.

Seojun only smiled awkwardly in gratitude.

So Seo-jun was able to finish preparing to leave for Korea.

However, unlike when I came to South Africa, there were additional people mixed in.

It is none other than Uiseong (medicine star) and ignorance (暗星).

And Kwabna and Equina were them.

“Hyung… can I really go with you…?”

Kwabna asked Seo-jun with a nervous face.

Something happy, but something anxious.

Seo-joon said with a smile.

“no? You can stay here if you don’t like it.”

“Oh no! That, it’s not like that…”

Kwavna then began to panic, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Kwabna like that, Seo-joon burst into a light laugh.

“I-I wonder if I can do this… I wonder if I’m causing trouble to my brother and to my teacher for no reason…”

huh? Master?

Seojun tilted his head at Kwavna’s sudden words.

Then, I looked at Uiseong with slightly surprised eyes.

“It’s big… uh hmm.”

Then Uiseong coughed and averted his gaze.

It seemed like it had already been snatched away.

Seo-joon burst out laughing involuntarily.

well, anyway.

It was decided that Kwabna and Equina’s residence would be in the Dream Team’s building.

If you want to learn from Uiseong, it would be better to stay at Uiseong’s house.

Right now, the demonic powers of Jinrihoe may be spreading in Korea.

Kwavna and Equina thought it would be nice to stay in the Dream Team building for the time being.

like that.

The long and long schedule in South Africa has come to an end.

But the fight isn’t over yet.

A fight that might be the last.

“let’s go.”

Seo-jun stepped into the battlefield of the fight.


The return to Korea was carried out quietly.

Right now, people around the world are paying attention.

It was because it was obvious what would happen if the news of his return was known.

And as you said.

As long as Jinrihoe made the justification for being an apostle, there was nothing Seo-joon could do.

Therefore, it was the best decision to prepare rather than fight for useless cause.

The Dream Team building that arrived so quietly.

Seeing the Dream Team building in the distance, Seo-joon could feel as if he had come to his hometown somewhere.

“It’s like a real house now.”

“I think I’ll just move here.”

The team members were also not very different from Seo-joon’s feelings.

And maybe it’s because he returned home quietly.

The area around the guild building was no different than usual.

Seo-joon and his teammates trudged and entered the building.

And each of us started unpacking the luggage we had brought.

Actually, it didn’t take long.

Because I didn’t bring anything with me in the first place.

So the only thing left to do was to arrange a room for Kwavna and Equina to stay.

That’s how the rough work is done.

Seo-joon went straight to the private practice room.

Then, he immediately took out his smartphone.

Mentor has not been contacted yet.

Now Arthur also hasn’t deposited 5,000 trillion yet.

There was only one thing Seojun had to do.

[Isn’t that really too much!!!]

It was none other than Beserk’s heart tablet.

At the same time as a light touch, a loud shouting sound erupted in an instant.

I was surprised for a while.

When I turned my head and looked at it, it was flat.

[You are truly trash!!]

And Paracelsus stood there with an expression full of anger.

After that, Hwata stood there with a shy expression.

Alchemy and Alchemy.

There is no one to follow in that realm The three known transcendentalists.

[how! How could you do that to me!]

[You are truly trash!!!]

Among them, Pyeonjak and Paracelsus hurriedly approached Seojun and shouted.

For some reason…

It seemed that he was angry with Seo-joon.

“yes yes? Go, why all of a sudden…?”

Seo-joon made an expression that he did not understand.

Then Pyeonjak and Paracelsus shouted as if shouting.

[He refined his heart through hardships! Didn’t you send me back suddenly!!]

[You are truly trash!!!!]


It was only then that Seojun could nod his head.

none other than the last day.

Shortly before taking Beserk’s heart, Pyeonjak and Paracelsus were forcibly reverse summoned due to lack of tuition.

So only Hwata could watch Seojun absorb Beserk’s heart.

I wanted to be very angry because of that, but…

To be honest, it was also because the premium lectures were too expensive.

The reason why only Hwata could remain was because Hwata’s lecture fee was cheap.

That’s why I couldn’t say it was completely Seo-jun’s fault.

[That heart is hard to find even for transcendent people like us, so it could have been a great study…!]

[You really are nothing but rubbish!!!!!]

Seo-joon didn’t bother to say it out of his mouth.

“Ha ha ha… I didn’t send it back then, and I couldn’t help it.”

Seojun briefly explained the situation at that time.

It was only then that Pyeonjak and Paracelsus tempered their anger a little.

However, the eyes looking at Seo-jun were not very good.

Seo-joon only let out a shy smile.

No matter how expensive the course is,

It was true that they helped, and that’s why it was true that Seo-joon’s fault was big.


“I have prepared another one!”

Seojun took out Beserk’s heart right away without wasting time.




Then, Pyeonjak, Paracelsus, and even Hwata opened their eyes wide.

It’s like when you get angry.

The look on his heart was filled with astonishment.

[Hey, are you…?]

[Uh, how can I do this again…?]

A look that I couldn’t believe.

It was also because Beserk’s heart was not the heart of an ordinary dragon.

In the first place, the dragon’s heart itself was not ordinary.

By the way, Beserk is the Dragon Lord who is said to be the suzerain of all dragons.

The Heart of the Dragon Lord was not something that even transcendentalists could dare to obtain.

That’s why I thought I couldn’t refine the last time anymore.

How long have you been bringing it back?

“How can I ask for the tablets again?”

For an instant, the eyes of the three transcendentalists twinkled.

It blazed like a hyena hunting its prey.

At their sudden change of attitude, Seo-joon let out a smile.


Seo-joon took out the Holy Grail from the kibisis and filled it with water.

And then put it back into a new water bottle.

“Would you like to try a glass of this?”

I handed a cup to each of the three blazing people.

The three transcendentalists accepted the water bottle Seo-jun handed over.

Are you a student after all?

The three of them began to explore this place with puzzled expressions on their faces.

[What is this?]

[On the surface, it’s just water.]

“Try it.”

Seo-joon smiled and offered holy water.

The three of them put their mouths on the water bottle with a suspicious look on their faces.





The expressions of the three transcendentalists were immersed in ecstasy!

Gulp, gulp.

The sound that passed through my throat didn’t stop.

The expression of the three transcendentalists ranging from astonishment to ecstasy.

The disappearance of the holy water in the water bottle was truly an instant.

[This, what this…!]

[Uh, how can this…!]

[No, this is nonsense! This is ridiculous!]

Was it because he personally felt the effect of holy water?

The trio showed expressions of disbelief.

Seojun spoke to the three of them.

“How about using it to purify the heart?”



The three transcendentalists looked at Seo-joon with their necks broken.

Their faces were transcendent anticipation.

The expression of a child right before opening the wrapping paper of a Christmas present.

[This is crazy! This is insane!]

[Everything, I’ll try it right away! No, let me do it!]

[You are really no different from the light!!!]

Seo-joon unknowingly burst into laughter.

Before long, the three transcendentalists began to butt their heads.

It seemed like they were discussing how to make the most of the Holy Grail’s power.

And that was the time when I was watching those three people.


“Is that Seojun?”

For a moment, Seoyoon’s voice came from outside.

Seo-joon went out of the room after thinking for a while.

Of course, the transcendent academy could only influence Seo-joon.

That’s why even if Seoyoon came in, Seoyoon wouldn’t be able to see the three of them.

But there was no need to talk ferociously inside.


As soon as Seo-joon opened the door, sure enough.

Seoyoon was waiting in front.

Seo-jun asked Seo-yoon.

“What are you doing?”

“Ah, that’s it…”

At Seo-jun’s question, Seo-yoon hesitated for a moment.

He looked like someone who was about to say something difficult.

Seojun tilted his head,

Before long, Seoyoon’s mouth opened.

“Someone came to see Seo-jun.”



Seojun’s head tilted once more.

It was also because the news of the return of the Dream Team was confidential.

Of course, just because you can hide it doesn’t mean you can hide it completely.

Some people were able to hear the news of Seo-jun’s return,

That’s why reporters who obtained information could come.

But it had its own problems.

If it were the reporters who came to Seo-joon,

Because there was no way Seoyoon would tell Seojun like this.

You know how to respond

Even so, he dared to come and tell Seo-joon.

“Who are you?”

“that is···.”

Seo-jun asked and Seo-yoon paused for a while.

And a word from Seoyoon that followed.

The successor who was appointed as the Apostle of Purity in this Apostolic Ceremony.

No, an existence that is presumed to be so.

“This is Sir Calia.”

None other than Calia came to Seo-jun.

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