Transcension Academy Chapter 258

Chapter 258 – Declaration of War (2)

A heavy silence fell.

Seo-jun’s words that he will destroy the Jinrihoe.

It was because the people gathered here fully knew what that word meant.

No, people living in the dimension of Earth couldn’t have known it.

It’s like a bomb exploded.

No one dared to open their mouth.

Seo-jun calmly raised his gaze and looked at Que-ku.

Queque’s eyes were trembling terribly.

The hero of Cataclysm, Queku.

More than others, what kind of existence Jinrihoe is and what kind of power it has.

because I knew it well.

And Seojun was the same.

It was even more like Seo-joon because he had come face-to-face with a great voice.

so that.

“Can you help me?”

Seo-joon alone could not destroy the Jinrihoe.

There were clear limits to what one could do alone.

Cueku stared blankly at Seojun.

Silence falls again.

“Captain Cueco. This, this…”

“Ah, no matter what…”

In the meantime, the voices of people mixed with concern flowed.

The prestige of Jinrihoe.

To be honest, I couldn’t help but be afraid.

The Jinrihoe was an organization that was influential all over the world.

No country could go against Jinrihoe.

And South Africa was just about to be liberated.

Freedom gained from long and long tyranny.

In that situation, it was natural to be afraid to directly oppose Jinrihoe.

Of course, I know that Jinrihoe is suspicious.

Citizens of South Africa do not know,

At least the rebels who fought against Acudoapo knew.

That’s why I can’t understand Seo-joon’s actions.

But what if it fails?

Although Seo-joon is the strongest hunter of mankind, his opponent is Jinri-hoe.

In fact, it was like going to fight against the whole world.

Of course, the odds of winning had to lean toward Seo-jun’s defeat.

And if Seo-jun was defeated, the aftermath could be known without having to say anything.

A decision that could possibly risk the life and death of the country.

It would be scary, and that’s why Cueco couldn’t make a decision easily.

Seo-joon waited for Cue-Cu without a word.

Queque didn’t answer for a really long time.

The long silence that descends like that again.

After that long period of silence.

“I will help you.”

Queque’s answer came.

“Captain Cueco!”

“Uh, why!”

People shouted in amazement.

The opposite was evident in their eyes.

But he didn’t say it directly out of his mouth.

It is also true that the liberation of South Africa, which has now been greeted.

Dawn restored.

Because he didn’t know that Seojun’s help was absolute.

Fear of the Truth Society.

And thanks to Seojun.

Those contradictory emotions must be colliding.

Seo-jun and Que-ku did not know that.

However, that is something that Seo-joon cannot or should not force.

Queku looked at Seo-jun.

There was a certain determination in his eyes as he looked at Seo-joon.

long ago.

A cataclysmic hero who fought for the world.

However, the heroes did not fully achieve that will.

Queku turned his gaze from Seo-jun and looked at the people.

slowly, very slowly.

Eventually, when the gaze reached the end.

“Our fight . . . is over.”

Queku slowly opened his mouth.

“But look around.”

Queku fixed his gaze as it reached the end.

Numerous corpses were neatly arranged there.

None other than the residents of Kuzan Village.

Innocent citizens of South Africa who just wanted to live quietly.

However, he had to be slaughtered by a twisted being, by professional hunters in South Africa.

those who are powerless and weak.

“Many people died and were sacrificed. South Africa is dyed red.”

Their deaths clearly melted their responsibility.

justice and conviction.

Innocent people died because of that absurd story.

They made innocent people their scapegoats.

at least these.

I thought so.

“What were we fighting for! Why are we carrying these swords!”

Cue-coo shouts.

“People who are oppressed and persecuted. I fought for the tomorrow that none other than my beloved family, friends, lovers and our children will live.”


“Who are these people lying there right now?”

Cueco pointed his finger at the piles of villagers’ corpses.

eyes of the people watching.

Their heads drop one by one.

“The fight in South Africa . . . is over. Yet! Our fight is not over.”

After the long darkness in South Africa, the dawn has dawned.

The tyranny and oppression are gone and peace has come.

But the darkness that fell on that dawn,

A crisis that threatens peace

It hasn’t gone away yet.

“Raise your head! Raise your head and face it smartly! Families we couldn’t protect. Innocents we couldn’t protect!”

And the people we killed.

That’s why it shouldn’t be repeated again.

“I will not run away any longer! This is South Africa we must protect from now on! Fight everything that threatens South Africa! Our fight is not over yet!”

The heads of those who had fallen were slowly lifted.

And there was a deep speculation in the eyes that dwelled in them.

Cueku turned his head and looked at Seojun.

Following such a cue, people’s eyes also turned to Seo-joon.

All gazes turned toward Seo-joon.

Seojun looked at each one of those gazes.

And when the end of that gaze finally met Cue-Cue, Seo-Jun felt a strange feeling.

Quecu’s face is full of wrinkles from the winds of the years.

“We will fight alongside you.”

The look in Queku’s eyes looked strangely young.


Cape Town, the legislative capital of South Africa.

and Cape Town International Airport located inside the city.

buzz buzz.

It was crowded with people out of season.

It was none other than reporters from all over the world.

And why journalists from all over the world flock to South Africa.

It was because of Seo-jun’s press conference.

With the help of Queku, Seo-joon announced his will to hold a press conference to the world.

Then, as well as broadcasters and newspapers around the world,

Even informants belonging to each government department.

Almost the world’s attention began to focus on this place, South Africa.

Humankind’s strongest hunter, Kim Seo-joon.

Even if only one stone letter of the name was printed, the first side was a material that could be easily decorated.

The most influential being on Earth.

It was a natural reaction to hear that such Seo-jun was holding a press conference.

However, the reason for this was not revealed.

That’s why people’s interest has only increased, and in the aftermath, it’s here now.

Cape Town International Airport was literally bursting with nowhere to set foot.

And it was quite predictable that such an enormous crowd would gather.

So the press conference was held not too far from the airport.

Reporters from all over the world gathered at the press conference.

“Whoa…! There was a huge crowd.”

Olivia was one of those reporters.

Olivia burrowed through the crowd to get a good spot.

The press conference venue was a site larger than a football field,

The people gathered were filling their sights.

Olivia squeezed between people.

“By the way, when did Seojun Kim and the Dream Team go to South Africa?”

“I know. Apparently, it was thoroughly hidden from the Korean and South African governments.”

“What happened in South Africa?”

Every time I passed, I could hear the conversation of other reporters making small talk.

word for word.

It was only a short conversation, but since there were so many people, just one word led to a lot of conversation.

As a result, a landscape reminiscent of a Dottegi market was created.

As a result of moving your body around like that.

Olivia was able to occupy her rightful place.

It is a place where you can see the podium well and can even record without difficulty.


I was able to get a better seat than I thought.

And just then.


As if waiting, someone came up on the podium at the press conference.

A man with an atmosphere as if a screw was missing somewhere.

It was none other than mankind’s strongest hunter, Seojun.

Seeing Seo-joon’s appearance, the reporters shut their mouths.

The atmosphere, which was like a Dottegi market, became quiet in an instant, and a heavy tension settled down.

Soon Seo-yoon, Su-yeon, Ha-yoon, and Min-yul, led by Seo-joon.

Following him, Queku slowly climbed onto the podium.

focused gaze.

All the reporters held their breath and waited for Seo-joon’s words.


“My name is Queku. I was leading a revolutionary army, albeit lacking. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you from all over the world who have gathered here.”

For some reason, Cue-Qu, not Seo-Jun, took a step forward.

Before long, Cueco began to tell stories.

To be precise, he started talking about what had happened in South Africa.

The tyranny of Acudoapo.

Innocent citizens who suffered as a result.

However, the international community turned away, precisely those who were bought.

Queco calmly told them all.

The screens unfolding behind such a queue were showing the situation in South Africa so far.


Reporters weren’t very interested.

That’s because he wasn’t too interested.

Of course, the suffering people suffered was a pity.

It was an article worthy of being a news topic.

However, it was not to such an extent that I had to go to a faraway country for field coverage.

Especially when it comes to reporters who came only because of Seo-joon.

Of course, it wasn’t that he wasn’t interested at all.

The things Queco said were surprising enough.

Therefore, there were more reporters who listened curiously,

There were also a few reporters who didn’t listen.


‘Wasn’t it related to Hunter Kim Seo-joon?’

Olivia was one of those reporters.

At Queque’s repeated explanation, Olivia let out a small sigh.

Olivia from the Russian Federal Security Service.

I flew from far away Russia to cover Seo Jun’s press conference.

If I had known this was going to happen, I wouldn’t have to come.

It was just sending a few reporters and that was it.

‘Haa… did I come here for no reason?’

Rather, what should I say to the director?

It was the moment I thought about doing it.

“······ The details of the situation mentioned above will be continued by Kim Seo-joon Hunter.”


Olivia was taken aback when she heard the name ‘Kim Seo-joon’.

And I didn’t hear it wrong

Seojun, who was sitting in the back, slowly rose from his seat.

“Since Mr. Queku explained the general information, I will start by asking related questions first.”

And the words of Seo-joon that followed.

“I’m Larry from the JBC Daily.”

“This is Corlatta, reporter for ABC.”

At the same time, reporters flashed and started raising their hands.

Olivia started to get nervous for a moment.

What was the situation I was talking about…?

Oh, if I knew this would happen, I would have listened to it properly!

“South African…”

“After that…”

Olivia couldn’t even raise her hand while so many questions were pouring in.

Because I hadn’t heard anything Queku said before.

Olivia began to regret her actions.

How much time had passed like that?

Seo-jun’s voice flowed into Olivia’s ears.

“This is not the only time this has happened.”

Seo-joon slightly moved his body to the side.

Then, when I pressed the remote control in my hand, the screen on the back changed with a clicking sound.

On the changed screen, the shape of a huge demon appeared.

“Starting with an unknown demon in Korea.”

Seo-joon operated the remote control again.

The screen changed again with a clicking sound, and the landscape of Italy, which collapsed miserably, was reflected there.

And a colossal monster overwhelming the size of the high-rise building was visible.

“The Demogorgon of Italy.”


“Beserk in England.”


“Eldritch in America. I think everyone knows this.”


“And this incident in South Africa.”

After that, Seo-joon put the remote control down.

Then he looked straight ahead and spoke.

“These monsters were monsters that rarely appeared even during the Cataclysm. They were monsters that rarely appeared. Except for the Beserk I saw in the final battle.”

“But today, after the cataclysm has ended. Horrible monsters like this continue to appear.”

Seojun didn’t say anything further with that question.

And the reporters were dumbfounded.

It was because he couldn’t grasp the intention of Seo-joon’s words.

Right then.


Someone raised a hand and raised it.

It was none other than Olivia.

What I was able to understand for the first time in a long interview.

Olivia involuntarily gulped and swallowed.

Olivia from the Russian Federal Security Service.

Olivia had more information than the average reporter had access to.

So, what does Seojun’s question mean?

Olivia could roughly guess what it meant.

Seojun nodded,

Olivia said with a very nervous expression.

“Does that mean that it is an artificially created monster?”

“That’s right.”

buzz buzz.

In an instant, the conference room was shaken.

A confused atmosphere formed and Olivia’s expression also hardened.

Seojun said that he artificially created a monster like Eldritch.

Olivia asked again.

“T-Does that mean that there is a force behind this situation…?”

All eyes of the reporters turned to Seo-joon.

The eyes that I can’t believe.

As if Seo-joon was living up to their expectations.

“That’s right.”

He seemed to nod.

male voice

The conference hall began to stir again.

Beyond the Dottegi Market, it looked like the scene of a wild fight.

Amidst the chaos, Olivia looked at Seo-joon in silence.

My mind was blank.

That would also be the case because Olivia was also in the middle of investigating what Seo-jun said.

To be precise, it was something that even the Russian Federal Security Service was suspicious of.

As part of that, the Federal Security Service launched its own investigation,

It was information that was eventually discarded.

The reason was simple.

because i couldn’t figure it out

The more I dug into the information, the more I was blocked by some huge wall.

A huge wall that even Russia’s power couldn’t break through.

It felt like I was facing people behind a curtain.

The security agents who were investigating the information disappeared without even knowing it.

Eventually, the Federal Security Service had to give up.

It was information that was treated as top-secret and had no choice but to be discarded.


Could Seo-joon know something?

Olivia opened her mouth with a trembling voice.

“That, who is that?”

At the same time as Olivia’s question, a sudden silence fell.

The silence that descends as if the sound has been cut off.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Seo-joon.


Seojun let out a short breath.

Then he slowly looked around.

A conference hall packed with crowds.

Along with numerous reporters, numerous broadcast cameras were shining on Seo-joon.

What I see in front of me is the gaze of reporters,

In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that people from all over the world were focused on this place.

The eyes of reporters, and the eyes of people around the world.

Seojun met that gaze.

declared a declaration of war that would open the prelude to a true war.

“This is the truth meeting.”


『Is an Organization for Saving Humanity Actually a Group Threatening Humanity?』

『Kim Seo-joon, Declares War Against Jinrihoe!』』

What Seo Jun revealed at the press conference hit the world in real time.

And in real time, the world literally went into an uproar.

I couldn’t make a fuss, so I was blown over.

Naturally, the members of the Jinrihoe stood up first and criticized Seo-jun.

They praise you for being the strongest hunter, so you live for your taste.

Do you think you can compare yourself to Jinrihoe?

Do you know who is able to be active now thanks to you?

Hundreds of millions of people supported Jinrihoe, and public opinion was swept away in an instant.

In this way, an atmosphere of selling Seo-jun was formed.

Even if they did not sell, the negative position was strong.

I heard that Seojun was serious this time.

To say that he fainted, or to say that he had crossed the line.

This reaction was the main one.

That’s how Seo-jun’s press conference was supposed to be buried by the members of Jinrihoe.

However, news from Korea started to open the door.

“Lee Tae-beom, president of Korea’s Pro Hunter Association. Korean professional hunters will fight Jinrihoe with Hunter Kim Seo-joon.”

“The heroes representing Korea. There is nothing wrong with what Hunter Kim Seo-joon said.”

It didn’t end here.

Prime Minister of Italy, Samuele.

Queen of England, Arya.

Hunter Bureau of America, Risbury and Lucas.

And to Queku in South Africa.

All of them represented the country and supported Seo Jun.

“What, what? What is going on?”

“Who is it?”

As things progressed, people started to get confused.

Jinrihoe, an organization for the salvation of mankind.

Humankind’s strongest hunter Kim Seo-joon.

It remains unchanged that both of them are beings who saved mankind.

Because they’re biting each other.

Whose side should people be on?

Who else is telling the truth and who is lying?

That’s when the whole world is in chaos due to the incident of Seo Jun and Jinrihoe.

『《[Breaking news] – Jinrihoe official statement released.》』

The official reply of the Jinrihoe came.

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