Transcension Academy Chapter 257

Chapter 257 – Declaration of War (1)

Arthur’s Ascended Eoyi was able to return after quite a long time.

At the same time, I was able to come to my senses, but

Arthur just stared blankly at Seo-joon for a while.


Seeing Arthur like that, the mentor quietly approached him.

Then he nodded his head as if he understood everything.

<It’s not the instructor’s fault. Neither the observer nor the director could do anything about it.>

[What, what?!]

At the words of such a mentor, Arthur was startled and shouted.

Observer and Irina.

Those who are called the transcendent above the transcendent.

These two were beings that could not be easily met even among transcendental beings.

By the way, a mere beginner faced the observer and Irina?

<The two of you were also beaten by Kim Seo-joon, but can you say that you are the instructor? It’s just… just because it’s the first time. Please do so…>

Face-to-face isn’t enough, now what, what?


After returning, Arthur’s oi went out again.

At the same time, Arthur was certain.

If there is a state even in madness, Seo-joon must be in the state of transcendence.

The so-called transcendent madman.

Arthur was dizzy.

Arthur slowly opened his mouth with Hei, who returned after a long time.

[It will take some time to prepare 5,000 trillion. I think I need to borrow a little bit from the knights.]

And at Arthur’s words, Seo-joon nodded slowly.

The Knights of the Round Table have a total of 100 members.

It was unknown how much causality Arthur currently had, but he had to borrow 50 trillion out of 5,000 trillion.

Of course, I didn’t know whether to lend it or not, but…

Well, as long as you get the money right.

It didn’t matter where the money came from.

[It will take some time, so I will give you the Holy Grail in advance.]

Arthur handed the Holy Grail to Seo-jun right away.

In a way, it was a situation where he had not received Excalibur, but Arthur had no hesitation at all.

It seemed that he was concerned that Seo-joon would change his mind in the middle.

In the process of borrowing causality, it would be difficult if Seo-joon suddenly said that he would not sell it.

It seemed to be a kind of contract payment.

Of course, Seo-jun was taking the risk of gulp the Holy Grail, but…

No way, I thought Seo-joon didn’t think that would be the case.

In the first place, Seojun also had no intention of doing so.

<······ Isn’t it?>

Well, the mentor looked at me meaningfully, but it’s true.

I definitely take what I get, but I never cheat.

in that sense.

“If you do this, you know that 500 billion won in value added tax will go out once more, right?”

[What does that mean?]

The look of Arthur tilting his head.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

Arthur’s class and lectures were priced at 500 billion an hour.

And the unit and lectures were paid in advance.

In a word, I had to pay 500 billion won in advance to meet Arthur for an hour.

That is, next time you make a trade, not now.

I had to pay 500 billion won again to meet them.


“As I said, VAT is borne by the consumer.”


Arthur was once again speechless and stumped.

At the same time, Arthur was once more certain.


It was clear that Seo-joon was a transcendent madman.


Arthur shook his head with a trembling expression.

Thus, the final price of Excalibur is 5,001 trillion including Holy Grail + VAT.

Arthur left the place with a dizzy spirit.

It hasn’t even been an hour yet…

I checked and there were about 31 minutes left.

Converting 500 billion per hour into minutes is 8.3 billion per minute.

In other words, 257.3 billion evaporated.

Seo-joon would have been trembling normally, but not this time.

As I said before, the VAT was borne by the consumer.

Arthur left 257.3 billion like that.

<Kim Seo-joon is the real…>

At the same time, the mentor murmured softly.

Before long, put your hand on your waist! He raised it and looked at Seojun and shouted.

<You really are the most crazy person in all dimensions!!>

The expression is also very dignified,

It seemed that he would never accept a refutation.


I thought so as I kept listening to it.

Seo-joon left behind his screaming mentor and fiddled with the Holy Grail that Arthur had handed over to him.

The Holy Grail, which contained the Holy Blood of Jesus.

And it was the spear of Longinus that Seo-jun was using that drew the holy blood.

To be precise, the spear of Longinus pierced the side of Jesus as he was hanging on the cross.

It is said that this Holy Grail contains the blood of Jesus that flowed through the Spear of Longinus.


Perhaps because of that, Longinus’s spear was vibrating violently.

Also, according to tradition.

The last owner of the Holy Grail was not Jesus, but his disciple, Joseph.

To be precise, it could be said that the original owner of the Holy Grail was actually Joseph.

The Holy Grail belongs to Jesus, but

After the Last Supper, Jesus personally gave the Holy Grail to Joseph.

‘But that’s what a great voice had.’

Of course, this was just a guess…


My thoughts started to get a little complicated.

And is it because of those thoughts?

‘Looks like I’ll have to start soon.’

Seo-joon was able to intuit that the time had finally come.

There was a reason he received this Holy Grail with that intention in the first place.


‘This is how it happened. Let’s start by looking at the functions of the Holy Grail.’

Not right now.

Seojun pushed that thought aside for a moment.

Usually, the Holy Grail was the king of artifacts related to sacredness.

Even this is the real Holy Grail that Jesus used.

It was clear that it would have a tremendous effect.

Seo-jun took out a small water bottle from the kibisis after a moment of thought.

Because I never knew what would happen,

The minimum necessities were always stocked in Kibisis.

Seo-joon poured water into the Holy Grail.

With a gurgling sound, the Holy Grail filled with water in an instant.

‘Looks like there’s nothing special about it.’

Seo-joon stared blankly at the water in the Holy Grail.

Then, suddenly, I drank the water from the Holy Grail.



An indescribable refreshing feeling dominated the whole body!

‘Is this crazy?’

Seo-joon opened his eyes wide and looked at the Holy Grail.

The water in the Holy Grail was ordinary water.

Common water sold in the market.

However, the moment it was contained in the Holy Grail, it seemed to become holy water.

That would be too.


It was because I felt the power of magical power even in a small way.

Similar effect to when taking elixir.

“It’s a perfect elixir maker?”

Seo-joon’s eyes widened and opened.

Of course, the effect was negligible.

To be precise, compared to Seojun’s Samdanjeon bowl, he didn’t even send a message.

However, the fact that ordinary water is changed into holy water without any conditions.

Considering the cost performance and effectiveness, it was nothing short of crazy.

Seo-Jun filled the Holy Grail with water again.

And the moment you want to take another sip.

< Me too! Give me a sip too!>

The mentor shouted as he struggled with his short hands.

He must have been curious about the taste after seeing Seojun’s expression.

Seo-joon let out a smile.

He stopped while handing the Holy Grail to his mentor.

‘Can I give this to someone else?’

Of course, transcendence items basically had the owner’s mark on them.

Items sold at the Transcendent Shop cannot be transferred.

Transcendence weapons cannot be used by anyone other than the owner.

‘But it’s a crafted item made from the Holy Grail, so it doesn’t matter?’

Seo-joon asked his mentor about the question that came to mind.

“Can mentor-nim drink this?”

<Uh… maybe it will be okay?>

Then, the mentor looked worried as if he was not sure.

“How come, it seems dangerous, but would you like to try it?”


The mentor also thought for a while, wondering if he was worried.


However, the mentor nodded vigorously, probably out of curiosity.

Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon let out a smile.

Well, what Seo-joon himself experienced.

There was no death from the aftermath of the imprint.

It hurt a little, but it didn’t cause any major problems.

Still, it would be unreasonable to use the Holy Grail directly.

Seo-joon poured the water from the Holy Grail into an empty bottle.

Soon after, the mentor took the bottle and immediately brought it to his mouth.



Suddenly, the mentor’s eyes began to widen.

And then, like a child sucking on a bottle, he didn’t take his mouth off the bottle.

In an instant, the water in the bottle decreased.


Mentor let out a cool exclamation.

And then, yank your head!

<Ha, one more drink please!!>

I shouted at Seo-joon with an expression in ecstasy.

I even started struggling with my short arms…

Even if the taste was second, it seemed that the effect of the imprint would not activate for the result made from the Holy Grail.

‘If that’s the case… there are infinite ways to use the Holy Grail, right?’

I didn’t even have to go far.

None other than Beserk’s heart.

It was a transcendent item that changed ordinary water into holy water.

If this Holy Grail is used in the process of refining Beserk’s heart…

‘How many times does not the effect increase?’

I thought I should give it to the three elixir makers as well.

<Papa, please hurry up! It makes me feel dizzy!!>

Seo-joon gave another bottle of holy water to the struggling mentor.

Then, after taking a sip,

I put it in the kibisis.

With this, Excalibur has roughly resolved the situation.

Now it was my turn to receive lecture counseling…

It was then.


I heard a voice calling Seo-joon from somewhere.

none other than far away.

Seoyoon was anxiously looking for Seojun.

Somehow… I thought something had happened, but I guessed roughly what it was.

And did the mentor also discover Seoyoon’s appearance?


Then the mentor exclaimed and continued.

<Then I’ll come back a little later. Anyway, consulting Kim Seo-joon’s lecture… Actually, I’m having a hard time right now. The progress of the lecture is close to transcendence…>

<Above all, since you are not an ordinary first-year student, I think you should listen to the director’s opinion on what kind of lectures you should take more here.>

<Besides, I’m also going to report to General Manager Thoth about the advanced scam-deception [SS]!>

Seojun nodded slowly.

It was also before the 5,000 trillion was deposited,

Seo-joon also couldn’t afford to listen to lectures right now.

More than anything.

“I just had something to do.”

Because Seo-jun also had to start preparing slowly.

In many ways, getting counseling right now didn’t seem very good.

“Then, while asking the director for his opinion, would you also ask instructor Jecheon Daeseong?”

<Instructor Jecheon Daeseong?>

Seojun nodded.

“I completed Cheonwol Yuseongchang and Sinchang Hapil. Please ask if there is anything else to learn after that. You can make it yourself.”

<Uh… Then, cause and effect really go crazy on a transcendent level in the universe… Ah. It doesn’t matter anyway. How long has it been?>

Seo-joon grinned,

Mentor shook his head.

“Please tell me that it is possible to bet against each other!”


The mentor was at a loss for words.

So little time passes.

<Okay! I’m going!>


As always, mentors.

It disappeared from sight in an instant.

“Seojun, you are here.”

And almost at the same time, Seoyoon approached Seojun.

“By the way… has anyone just been there?”

While doing so, Seoyoon looked around, looking around.

Apparently, I overheard a conversation with my mentor.

Of course, it seemed that he was not sure because only Seo-joon had heard the mentor’s words.

Seojun shook his head slightly.

“no. Who is it?”

“It is strange. It seemed like they were talking…”

Seoyoon with a confused expression.

Seo-joon moved straight ahead.

“Everyone will be waiting for you, so let’s go quickly.”

“yes yes?”

Then Seoyoon started to panic.

“Do you know what happened?”

Eventually, he followed Seo-jun and asked,

Seojun only smiled.


The place I arrived with Seoyoon was an entrance to Kuzan Village.

It was where the rebels were stationed.

There, the team members and Que-Ku.

Numerous rebels were huddled together.

They gathered around someone,

As Seo-joon approached, everyone lowered their heads and opened their seats.

Seojun also lowered his head slightly and moved on.

The first thing I saw was the President of South Africa, Acudo Apo, lying on the floor.

But was it treated so that he would not die?

It looked better than when Seo-joon checked last time.

Of course, it literally just looks better than it did then.

The overall condition was still miserable.

It seemed that he had been treated just enough not to die.

And the rebels looking at Akudoapo.

There was intense anger in their eyes.

oh oh oh oh!

The anger was so intense that the sin of anger inherent in Seo-jun reacted.

Considering the pain they went through, it was a very natural reaction.

Maybe if it weren’t for QueQu,

It might have been torn limbs right away.

Seo-joon calmed down and suppressed his raging anger.

How can you suppress your anger like that?

“We, South Africa… have lived in pain for so long.”

Queku’s voice came from somewhere.

South Africa’s representative hero of cataclysm, Queku.

There was an unknown emotion on his aged face.

“I thought a lot. In my heart, I wanted to tear it to death right away, but I didn’t think I should kill it so vainly. Exactly… we didn’t deserve it.”

Queque bowed her head.

Queque rises in rebellion against tyranny.

His purpose may have been right,

It wasn’t without wounds.

The massacre in the village of Kuzan now.

Things that would not have been done if the rebels had not been stationed.

Can we really say that QueQu is not responsible?

What is the difference between Acudo Apo and himself?

It’s no different that people sacrificed anyway.

It wasn’t their fault, of course.

Queque and the rebels couldn’t think that way.

‘Tyranny, political interests. This kind of thing… people like us don’t know that. It’s just us… we just want to live a quiet life.’

justice and conviction.

As always, the harm done to the noble belongs to the innocent.

Dawn regained without losing hope.

The brilliant sunlight illuminated the sky of South Africa,

Ironically, the scars left during the night were more clearly visible.

“I… I don’t know what to do.”

Cueco was at a loss.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“It’s not Que-ku’s fault.”

Queku still had no answer.

Seo-jun could fully understand Que-ku’s heart.

But it wasn’t Queco’s fault.

No matter how many people were affected by CueQu,

Queco’s actions were not wrong.

Because Queque was truly a cataclysmic hero who moved for the citizens who suffered and were oppressed by tyranny.

If Cuequ doesn’t move, tyranny and oppression will only get worse.

Someone had to move.

which one is right

Which is bad.

It was something I just couldn’t put into words.

It’s just that the pain they’re experiencing in different positions is now intertwined.

If there was no pain in the first place,

Even this situation was not created.


“I will step in.”

I had to root out the source of that pain.

At Seo-jun’s sudden words, everyone including Cue-ku looked at Seo-jun.

Seo-joon, the strongest hunter of mankind in name and reality.

I wouldn’t know if it was in the past, but now Seo-joon’s position was not something I dared to ignore.

Every single word that Seojun uttered was not an exaggeration, but enough to shake the whole world.

“Please use my name to gather reporters from all over the world. From there, I will inform people around the world about the reality of South Africa.”

Akudoapo’s tyranny.

Innocent citizens of South Africa who suffered and were sacrificed.


“Even the atrocities of the Jinrihoe.”




At Seo-jun’s words, Que-ku and the Dream Team members.

The numerous rebels around were greatly surprised.

Seo-jun’s words that he will reveal the atrocities of the Jinrihoe.

It was because he meant to turn Jinrihoe into a thorough enemy.

To people, Jinrihoe was still known as an organization for the salvation of mankind.

The number of followers of the Jinrihoe alone reached a whopping 100 million units.

one individual.

No, any group or country.

I did not dare to turn Jinrihoe into an enemy.

Because I couldn’t handle the power of Jinrihoe.

That’s why the heroes of Cataclysm could not easily take action even though they knew the truth to some extent.

Again, he only looked at the truth meeting.

But not anymore.

Not exactly as much as Seojun.

Humankind’s strongest hunter, Seo Jun.

Even the Jinrihoe could not carelessly name the name Seojun.

Of course, you can’t just do it carelessly.

It was like turning hundreds of millions of believers into enemies.

It was like one individual fighting against the whole world.

But it didn’t matter.

There was no reason to hide back any longer.

I didn’t even want to hide.

Seo-joon decided to make it clear at this press conference.

Because now is the time

The origin and cause of all these things.

Wearing a mask of hypocrisy, manipulating everything behind the scenes.

“I intend to destroy the Jinrihoe.”

A war against the Jinrihoe.

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