Transcension Academy Chapter 255

Chapter 255 – Transcendence Crazy Guy (2)

Was the shock I received significant?

Quite a long time passed, but the mentor showed no signs of waking up.

It seemed that if I left it alone, it wouldn’t wake up all night.

Seojun had no choice but to shake the fainting mentor to wake him up.

“Mentor. Mentor!”

<······ Hmm? ah? hmm?>

Fortunately, the mentor slowly opened his eyes.

After a while, he rubbed his eyes and half-raised himself.

Then he looked around with a hazy expression.

<Where am I? Who is this?.>

Suddenly, he started talking nonsense.

Before long, the mentor’s hazy eyes turned to Seo-joon.

Then, with a stern expression on his face, he opened his mouth.

<Odysseus are you doing well? You can’t act crazy just because you don’t want to go to the army.>

I went beyond the level of nonsense and even said gibberish…

Could it be the confusion of memories?

He seemed to mistake Seo-jun for Odysseus.

No, but that’s a story from when…

It seems that he just woke up and hasn’t come to his senses yet.

Seojun shouted into the mentor’s ear.

“Calm down, mentor!”


The mentor looked startled at Seo-jun’s cry.

Thanks to that, the hazy expression changed, and the blurry focus came into focus.

<Uh…ra? uh, what happened?>

It was the appearance of the mentor that Seo-joon knew.

“You suddenly passed out when I asked if you could sell Excalibur.”

<Oh right! It was!>

At Seojun’s words, the mentor showed his palms.

And then again.

<What is it, it was like that!!>

The mentor yelled at Seo-joon.

Two eyes widened in anger.

<What happened! how! How could Seojun Kim have Excalibur?!>

“Ah, that’s why…”

<No, how could that be! How could you kill Instructor Arthur!!>


Seojun tilted his head momentarily.

who kills whom?

“What do you mean by that? Did you kill Instructor Arthur?”


“Who is it?”

Mentor Chuck Seojun with his index finger! pointed and shouted.

<Seojun Kim!>


What nonsense is this again?

Have you not come to your senses yet after passing out?

As Seo-jun stared blankly at the mentor, the mentor carefully asked.

<No… is it?>


<······ Really?>

The face of the doubtful mentor.

“of course. Why am I killing Instructor Arthur?”

<So you want to steal Excalibur and sell it?>


At the words of the mentor who jumped out without hesitation, Seo-joon was momentarily at a loss for words.

What on earth do you think that such words come out right away?

Well, there are things I’ve seen so far…

No, anyway.

“Can I really kill Arthur for that reason? No, how am I going to kill Arthur in the first place?”

Seojun replied with an absurd look.

Arthur Pendragon.

Commonly known as King Arthur, he is the owner of that famous Excalibur,

He was the leader of a group of 100 sword masters called the Knights of the Round Table.

Of course, he did not become the head simply because he was the most powerful.

To be precise, it was true that his strength was inferior to those like Lancelot and Galahad.

But that’s what Lancelot and Galahad are crazy about.

It didn’t mean Arthur’s strength was weak.

Aren’t the Knights of the Round Table a group of sword masters in the first place?

9th grade sword master.

It was the lowest realm among the transcendentalists, but it was the standard of the ‘transcendentalist’ to the end.

Seojun personally experienced mock exams.

The Sword Master was never something to be taken lightly.

well, anyway.

“How can I, who haven’t even transcended yet, kill Arthur?”

At the current level of Seo-joon, Arthur could not handle it.

<That’s true too, but…>

The mentor nodded slightly.

<By the way, the progress of Kim Seo-joon’s lecture was really… it really didn’t make any sense. ‘if···?’ I thought so.>

<Besides, you are ‘Kim Seo-joon’, not anyone else! The craziest person in the transcendent academy! Who has a history of giving a blow to Jecheon Daeseong instructor!>

So, as for Instructor Arthur…

The mentor glanced at Seo-joon with meaningful eyes.

A suspicious look as if it was really true.


Seojun really didn’t know what to say.

<Then… how did you get Excalibur?>

“Ah, that is it. The beginners from another dimension that I mentioned earlier. Do you remember?”


“That freshman had it.”


In an instant, the mentor’s head tilted to the left.

Then, after a while, the mentor said with a puzzled expression.

<I can’t say more?? How does a super-first student have a transcendental weapon imbued with narrative?>

“I was curious about that too, so I tried to ask my mentor…”

Needless to ask, the mentor didn’t seem to know.

If I had known, I wouldn’t have fainted in the first place.

“But isn’t there anything that makes no sense? I have it just by looking at it.”

<Kim Seo-joon is an exception. Because Kim Seo-joon is a dimensional madman!>

“… are you listening to me?”

<But it’s true!!>

The mentor raised his hands on his hips and shouted.

Also, how dignified the expression is.

It was the momentum that I would never receive a refutation.

Seojun just shook his head.


“How to use the 8 free coupons in my lecture progress. And it was the moment I wanted to get counseling because I even disposed of Excalibur.”


The mentor thought for a moment before opening his mouth again.

<First of all, I think I’ll have to report directly to General Manager Thoth about the ‘fraudulent blackmail [SS]’. I came to understand the situation…>

Meanwhile, the mentor manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

<By the way, no matter how much Kim Seo-joon’s skill, how can ‘fraudulent trickery’ be on the same level as the Cheonwol Meteor Spear? Are you still a freshman?>

No matter how you think about it, you’re sure to be wrong.

My mentor muttered something to himself.

So little time passes.

<And before the lecture consultation, let’s deal with Excalibur.>

Seojun nodded slowly.

This was because the use of the coupon differed depending on the degree of causality obtained from Excalibur.

Because coupons could not be used in the case of Dan and Lectures.

<Did you say you wanted to sell it?>


The sound of the mentor swallowing saliva could be heard from here.

The legendary sword of transcendence, Excalibur.

It seemed that I was nervous about selling that Excalibur.

“yes. By any chance, is there an auction house at the Transcendent Academy where beginners can trade?”

The mentor thought for a moment and then gave an answer.

<Hmm… It’s not an auction house, but there is one that functions similarly. But if it’s Excalibur… I think not only beginners but also transcendentalists will flock to it.>

Seojun nodded calmly.

A transcendental weapon that even transcendentalists covet.

Well, if it was Excalibur, it was worth it.

I was very curious what the price would be.

<How do I upload it right away?>

Perhaps the mentor seemed to be curious, so he urged him.

Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon smiled softly.


He shook his head sternly.

<······ Yes?>

The mentor’s expression went blank for an instant.

Seo-joon laughed involuntarily.

Of course, it wasn’t that he had no intention of selling Excalibur.

Although Excalibur is a tremendous transcendental weapon,

It wasn’t a transcendental weapon that was so necessary for Seo-jun, who used a spear.

And what Seo-joon wanted to confirm was that he could sell it at the ‘auction house’.

Before putting Excalibur on the auction house.

“Let’s meet Instructor Arthur first.”


It wasn’t that difficult to meet Arthur.

It was because Arthur had not only swordsmanship, but also the Mana River in the middle school.

So, if you had enough money, meeting Arthur was not difficult.

Of course, collecting that money was the hardest part.

Even so, Arthur’s dan and lecture were cheaper than expected.

None other than 500 billion per hour.

Much cheaper than Seo-joon’s thought…?

‘Since when did 500 billion become cheaper?’

Seo-joon stopped thinking for a moment.

Looking at it objectively, 500 billion won was absolutely not a cheap price.

However, compared to the dan and lectures that Seo-joon had been in, it was definitely cheaper.

The contradiction of cheap and not cheap.


It was a crazy academy no matter how you look at it.

[Nice to meet you. My name is Arthur Pendragon. Feel free to call me Arthur.]

Arthur’s appearance was a crown on his head and neat armor.

While exuding the feeling of a profound article,

With the dignity of a king.

Literally, the title of King of Knights fit perfectly.

“nice to see you. My name is Seojun Kim.”

Seojun greeted Arthur face-to-face.

[Yes, he wants to learn the round table swordsmanship from me.]

Arthur seemed to know nothing.

Seo-joon applied for a lecture with the round table swordsman,

Because I didn’t know in the first place.

Seojun shook his head resolutely.

“no. Rather than swordsmanship… I want to talk a little bit.”

[hmm? What does that mean?]

Arthur asked, tilting his head.

Do I really need to waste my time?

Seojun immediately pulled out Excalibur from the kibisis.

And Arthur looking at Excalibur.


Arthur’s eyes widened greatly.

[That, why did you…?]

Arthur muttered in disbelief.

Two very trembling eyes.

[Stop, no way!! That, that person disappeared? No, can’t it? But why? Wait, then, what about the causal relationship you rented…?]


A significant word was heard.

Seojun asked Arthur.

“I would rather ask. Why is this in my hand?”

Arthur made no reply.

Only the eyes fixed on Excalibur trembled.

Seo-joon was able to gain confidence in his thoughts from Arthur’s reaction.

What Seojun thinks.

It was thought that there was no way that a twisted being would have directly purchased Excalibur.

Necessary causality was also causal,

It was because Arthur could never sell Excalibur.

Arthur and Excalibur.

These two were inseparable.

In a way, it was more than Odin and Gungnir.

It was not an exaggeration, but it was safe to say that Arthur’s identity was Excalibur.

You sold such an Excalibur?

Even for a beginner?

No matter how much I thought about it, it made no sense.

But even so, Arthur handed over Excalibur.

He handed over the transcendence weapon, which is like his identity, to someone else.

It was not difficult to guess that there was something here.

Just like how Seojun got Gungnir by using Loki.

Arthur couldn’t help but think that he handed over Excalibur ‘out of necessity’.

Probably not because of the twisted existence.

someone else.

Someone made Arthur sell Excalibur.

And Seo-jun thought that someone might have a great voice.

So, one question arises here.

Who is the great voice?

What kind of persuasion or intimidation did you do?

Did Arthur hand over Excalibur?

Seo-joon wanted to meet Arthur in person to figure out his identity.

Arthur must know the identity of the great voice, and if you interrogate Arthur, you will find out what it is.


But Arthur was still silent.

Well, I kind of expected it.

And just because there is no answer doesn’t mean there is no information.

Beyond not being able to easily reveal his identity, Arthur is reluctant to mention it.

Arthur struggles with a great voice.

Therefore, it is the great voice that prevails between the two.

A character that Arthur can’t carelessly do when he is related to Arthur.

The range was gradually narrowing.

However, even if it was narrowed down, there was one thing that could not be known.

And Arthur seemed to have no intention of opening his mouth until the end.

I felt like I needed to be stimulated.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“How did I get it…but it’s not very useful to me. Oh, I don’t mean Excalibur is bad. Since I use a spear, I don’t use a sword. So I’m trying to sell this…”

[That, that’s…!]

As expected, Arthur broke the silence and shouted.

Arthur’s eyes began to tremble violently with his eyes wide open.

As mentioned earlier, Excalibur was no different from Arthur’s identity.

When I heard that such an Excalibur was passed on to someone else, I had no choice but to go crazy and jump.

He was probably still quite nervous.

Therefore, it is this side that has the upper hand in negotiations.

Seojun was thinking of stimulating this part.

Seojun gave a nice smile.


Seeing Seo-jun like that, the mentor started to feel uneasy.


Something is about to begin!

“By the way, Excalibur is a weapon that the instructor really cares about. It was a bit like passing this on to someone else. I am also stabbed by my conscience.”

As expected, Seojun started laying the ground rice!

But conscience?

Did Seojun have anything like that?

Didn’t it already look like a circle from time immemorial and worn away?

“So I’m going to give Excalibur to the instructor.”

[That, is that true?]

“of course!”

Seo-joon once again showed a friendly smile.

“It’s not free.”

To be precise, I liked people only with a smile.

“We will make it possible for you to buy it first before handing it over to the auction house. Simply put, it is a priority purchase right.”


At Seojun’s words, Arthur fell silent again.

But that’s for a while.

[Good. How much will it be?]

Arthur accepted Seo-jun’s offer.

To be honest, I didn’t have any regrets, but

I couldn’t help it as long as I had already reached the level of others.

And Excalibur is not different from Arthur’s identity.

I couldn’t see what was in someone else’s hand, even if I died.

“Originally, preemption is a national rule, but…”

Meanwhile, Seo-jun quietly spread out one of his index fingers.

Arthur read Seo-jun’s will entangled in his gestures.

And the result of converting it into the causal value of the dimension where Seo Jun is located is 10 trillion.

[Good. I’ll give it to you right away.]

Arthur nodded happily.

Of course, 10 trillion was not cheap.

However, it was not to the extent that Arthur could not pay even within the causality that he possessed.

Above all, if the proposition of Excalibur was attached, 10 trillion could be said to be a really cheap price.


“yes? 10 Joe. There is an Excalibur class, but 10 trillion is a bit…”

Somehow I thought it was cheap.

Arthur nodded at Seo-joon’s firm words.

Even if Arthur thought about it, 100 trillion was not a bit.

It seemed that his emotions were entangled in reading the will embedded in his gestures.

[I’ll give you 100 trillion right away, the cause and effect of your dimension.]

Article 100.

It was a huge amount indeed, but not to the extent that I couldn’t afford it.

The transcendent academy is a tremendous place that swallows cause and effect.

He is the instructor of that academy.

About 100 trillion was sufficient.


At Arthur’s words, Seojun nodded.

Arthur gave a benevolent smile.


“You mean you don’t want Excalibur.”


Seo-joon’s voice followed, and Arthur was momentarily dazed.

[What is that…?]

“Honestly, isn’t it? Even if you put it on the auction house right away, the basic starting price would be 100 trillion. You want to buy it for 100 trillion? You’re doing too much.”


Arthur had nothing to say.

Because I knew Seo-joon’s words were true.

Arthur nodded slowly after a really, really, really long thought.

[···················· 1,000 trillion.]

It was now the limit.

The limit on the causalities Arthur can pay.

It was possible to pay a little more, but it was there.

Virtually all of Arthur’s property.

And 1,000 trillion was a really crazy cause and effect.

Even in the academy of transcendentalists who eat causal, the causal effect of 1,000 trillion was not a common causal effect.

It wasn’t common, but it was a cause and effect that was rarely seen.


Could it be that I’m really crazy…?


Seojun’s expression was so unusual!!


It won’t be.

Arthur denied the idea.

Even so, it was a thought that came to me, but I pushed it away.


Why can’t those spread fingers fold?

And the mentor who watched it.

<No… it won’t be…>

The mentor was also denying reality with an expression of disbelief.


It won’t be.

The mentor denied the emerging idea.

It must be an idea that makes sense.

It was a cause and effect that was difficult to exist even within the transcendent academy.

Arthur’s unbelievable gaze turned to Seo-joon.

The unbelievable gaze of the mentor also turned to Seo-joon.

Soon, Seojun’s mouth opened slowly.

And the mentor was able to realize at once.

Fraud – deception derived from Seojun.

“First view.”

Why is that fraudulent trickery an SS grade like the Cheonwol Meteor Spear?


Mentor’s spirit faded once again.

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