Transcension Academy Chapter 254

Chapter 254 – Transcendence Crazy Guy (1)

Seo-joon stood there blankly.

It’s been such a long time.

when the departed spirit returns.

To be precise, when the Ascended Oi returns.

Seojun looked at the screen reflected on his smartphone once again.

“What is it really?”

But once again, it’s just outrageous.

Seo-joon still couldn’t understand the notification window that popped up on his smartphone screen.

Seo-joon had to repeat the exodus and ascension several times.

So again after a long time has passed.

“What is it?”

Seo-joon was still speechless.

And Uiseong (醫星) asked Seo-jun as if he was curious.

“What are you talking about to yourself from earlier?”

“Ah, that… it’s nothing special. haha···.”

Seojun just laughed awkwardly.

Uiseong tilted his head several times at the sight of Seo-jun.

However, as if he was not very interested, he continued Equina’s treatment.

“Not all medicines apply equally to all patients. Even for the same drug, it varies greatly depending on the condition of the patient. So, a doctor is…”

Does that cure Equina?

I’m not sure if it’s teaching Kwavna or not.

Seojun shook his head.

Well, if it’s onomatopoeia, he’ll take care of it.

There didn’t seem to be any particular problems, so there seemed to be no reason for Seo-joon to remain here.

And did he notice Seo-joon’s feelings?

“Are you going out?”

Ha-yoon, who had been deprived of her seat by Kwabna, asked Seo-joon.

Seojun nodded slowly and replied.

“To do so. It doesn’t look like you really need me.”

Then, Ha-yoon secretly followed Seo-joon’s side.

It seemed like a gesture to go out together.

Seo-joon took Ha-yun and quietly left the house.

outside the house that came out.

Outside, the rebels were busy moving.

It is none other than the president of South Africa, Acudo Apo, whom Seo-jun handed over.

It seemed to be working on him.

At the same time, I couldn’t see the members of the team either.

It seemed that he was helping Queku clean up after himself.

Seo-jun looked at the busy rebels and asked Ha-yun.

“I have some work to do. What are you going to do?”

“I want to rest a little.”

Then Ha-yoon shook her shoulders and answered helplessly.

Is it because he took care of Equina until Uiseong came?

Ha Yoon’s complexion looked quite haggard.

Originally, Hayoon’s atmosphere itself was cold.

However, even taking that into consideration, it was clear that it wasn’t very good.

“thank you. If it wasn’t for you, Equina couldn’t have been saved.”

At Seo-jun’s words, Ha-yun stared at Seo-jun’s face.

Want something for a while.

“That girl. Didn’t she say her name was Equina…?”

Seo-joon nodded at Ha-yoon’s question.

Ha-yoon doesn’t seem to want to forget Equina’s name.

I started repeating it several times.

Seo-joon let out a smile.

Even at the time of our first meeting, I couldn’t grind it like that even if I grinded my personality.

Since becoming a disciple of spirituality, people have definitely changed.

“I did it because I wanted to. Even if it wasn’t for your request, I would have done it.”

Hayoon turned around and turned around.

And then, without hesitation, he walked away.

“It remains unknown.”

Seojun shook his head.

Ha-yoon left, and Seo-joon found a reasonably secluded place to sit down.

Then, he immediately connected to the transcendent academy.

It was none other than to check the notification window that had just popped up.

‘What the hell happened…’

Seojun went to ‘My Course List’ and checked the current lectures.


It was just when I was about to check.



Suddenly, a series of beeps rang out.

Before long, numerous warning windows popped up on the smartphone screen.

“warning! The causal figures derived from the specific lecture are not appropriate.》

《Inappropriate causal lecture – [Scam is originally a way to learn while being directly. (Instructor: Loki)]》

“warning! This is a figure that does not match the cause and effect of the current student.”

《causal resetting…》

It was a warning phrase that I saw somewhere.

So little time passed.


《Reflecting the transcendence level, the ‘deception technique [S]’ is changed to ‘fraud – deception [SS]’.》

《Recording a new cause and effect.》

“warning! It is a cause and effect derived from a lecture that does not exist.”

《Lectures are necessary for supply and demand of causation.》

“warning! It is a cause and effect that cannot be taught.”

“warning! This is an area that the transcendent academy’s system causality cannot access.”

《Transcendence Academy Customer Center – Reporting to the causal department…》

A long loading screen followed.

And Seo-jun, who was watching the screen.

“No, what…”

As soon as I connected to the transcendent academy, I wondered what this was.

Seo-joon was really dumbfounded to be left behind.

No, why did the fraudulent technique, which had been quiet in the first place, change?

What did you do?

Seojun could not understand at all.

And just then.


<What the hell did you do?

The mentor jumped out of his smartphone screen with a scream that bordered on screaming.


The mentor who popped out of the screen was quite furious.

A tiny little mentor like a person living in a small country.

He was a mentor who exudes a pleasant atmosphere and always thinks of surprising Seo-joon.

Somehow, this time around, he didn’t seem to think so at all.

<What! What the hell is wrong with overloading the causal system!!!>

The mentor who jumped out of the screen waved his arms loudly and shouted loudly.

Then, the arm that was stirring was dropped, and it stopped.

He put his hands on his hips again and shouted again with an angry expression.

<Seojun Kim! What kind of accident did you have again this time!!!>

“yes? no accident I am nothing…”

<The academy is going crazy right now!!!>

Then, as if telling them not to pretend, the mentor shouted firmly.

unconditionally, necessarily, inevitably.

It was an expression that Seojun had done something.

At the sight of such a confident mentor, Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

Well… Even if Seojun thought about it, it seemed like it was because of himself.

<What the hell! What the hell is this uproar about!>

“I don’t know either… but suddenly this notification pops up.”

Seojun handed the entire smartphone to his mentor.

The mentor rushed over and started checking the notification windows that popped up on the smartphone screen.

how much time had passed like that?

Before long, the mentor turned his head toward Seo-joon and shouted.

<What is this!!!>

What if you ask me about it?

However, since the mentor had a very confident expression on his face, Seo-joon did not bother to express his thoughts.

The mentor turned his head again to look at the smartphone screen.

<Are the causal figures inappropriate? Doesn’t match the causality of the student?>

Then, the head that was facing the smartphone screen was jerked again!

<What the hell is this!!!>

No, so what if you ask me about that…


Seojun had nothing to say.

<No! I’m seeing you for the first time! This is the first time I’ve seen this! Last time you completed transcendence, what is it again this time!>

“I’m fine too…”

<What did you do to make this happen!!>

“I didn’t really do anything…”


The mentor opened his eyes and shouted at Seo-jun.

Unconditionally, necessarily, inevitably and fatefully.

The mentor’s eyes were filled with the conviction that Seo-joon had done something.


Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“I didn’t do anything, but… I have met the Observer one more time.”

<By the way?>

The mentor received Seo-jun’s words very naturally.

A beginner meets an observer.

Originally, it was normal to be stunned by this fact.

However, the mentor who has been watching Seo-joon the closest.

Now, this level was not even included in the axis of surprise.

Seo-jun briefly explained what happened with the observer to such a mentor.

Negotiation(?) with the observer.

As a result, 7 free coupons were ripped off.

And when the story of escaping on their own from the boundary space came out.


Mentor’s spirit itself ascended with Hei.

that’s it

Is that really the right person?

Oh sure, people will be right.

No, is it really true?

I guess not?

The mentor was distraught.

I’m out of my mind… no.

Madman… no.

My mind went out… no.

······ I don’t know.

No matter how much I searched through the expressions recorded as cause and effect, I couldn’t express Seo Jun.

Oh, so why did this happen?

Is it because Loki’s fraudulent techniques can’t be matched to Seojun’s ‘fraudulent trickery’ that even the observer was fooled by?

Has fraudulent technology lost its place?

But was that even possible?

What is it that a mere beginner exceeds the ability of an instructor?

Not a transcendent, but a beginner?


i get it.

The spirit of the ascended mentor has returned.

It’s an error.

It was clear that there had been an error in causation.

The mentor manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone without saying a word.

After a while, I checked the current lecture in ‘My Course List’.

Hold on.

《Progress rate of Shakyamuni Lecture 98% (+17.6%)》

《Dongbin Lu Lecture Progress Rate 98.4% (+3.1%)》

《Satan Lecture Progress 92.9% (+63%)》

[Sense progress rate ??.??%(+??%)]

{Lecture completed – Reverse divergence [A], Metamorphosis [A], Insight [S], Divinity [S], Celestial Emperor – Neung Gong Heo Do [S], Jecheon Grand Seongsik – Rannachal [S], Fraud – Heist [SS] ], dragon heart [SS], indestructible [A], non-poisoning [A], non-severing Hanseo [A], speed [S], celestial meteor spear [SS], unification of gods [SS] }




The mentor who was looking at the screen nodded slightly.

Eventually, it seemed like he knew it would be the case.

The mentor calmly opened his mouth.

<I can see why this division happened.>

The mentor operated the smartphone again.

Even so, the contents of the notification window do not change.

The mentor rubbed his eyes and blinked.

<98% of lectures given by instructor Shakyamuni. In addition, he has completed his course of study up to the fa-kyung.>

As if that wasn’t the case, I rubbed my eyes with both hands nonstop like a cat.

And check the notification window again.

<Oh! That’s right!>

The mentor clapped his palms together as if he was really happy.

And then I looked at Seojun.

<I think there must have been an error!!>

He shouted with an excited expression.

Seo-joon asked with a puzzled expression.

“Didn’t you say that causality is infallible?”

<Yes! There can be no errors!>

“But why…”

<But this can’t be explained that way!>

The mentor nodded in satisfaction.

Then he pointed his finger at one corner of the screen.

<Come on! look at this.>

《Sakyamuni Lecture Progress 98%》

<You think this makes sense? you’re welcome! Don’t be funny. Such a number cannot exist. Oh, of course they exist. But now, this is a shame Kim Seo-joon shouldn’t see.>

Yeah, anyway, this didn’t make sense.

No, it didn’t even make sense.

The progress of Shakyamuni’s lectures boasted of the atrocities of the atrocities.

It was a lecture that was notorious for going crazy even among beginners.

Even among the transcendentalists, there were those who had not completed the Shakyamuni lecture.

There were people who didn’t exactly listen.

Almost the only SSS grade in the transcendent academy.

In order to obtain that power, at least tens of thousands of years was really ridiculous.

But what?

98% after a little over a year?

<Even if Kim Seo-joon thinks about it, it really makes no sense, right?>


The mentor nodded with a small smile.

So it must be an error.

That’s the only explanation.

Of course, the mentor knew better than anyone else that there were no errors at the Transcendent Academy.

But this can only be explained that way.

In this way, it was possible to explain the previous ‘fraud-spoofing technique [SS]’.

Adari fit perfectly.

me, true

How do beginners surpass their instructors?

It did not exceed the level, but robbed the cause and effect of technology itself.

An error is certain.

If you think about it, can’t you say that Seojun himself is an error whose causality has not been measured?

What you see in front of you is probably of that kind as well.

It will.

No, it had to be.

The mentor clenched his fists.

<I guess I’ll have to break this error-ridden medium. I should have broken it last time too. Let’s get you a new one right now. Don’t use this kind of broken junk.>

Then, the mentor threw a fist at the smartphone.


The mentor’s small fist hit Seojun’s smartphone hard.

Surprised, Seo-joon grabbed the mentor.

“Now, wait! calm down!”

<Leave this! Those who openly send out causal errors must disappear from this universe!>


Seo-joon had to go to great lengths to calm his excited mentor.

After such a considerable amount of time, the mentor managed to calm down.

<Hahahaha… how could this be… hahahahaha… This is unbelievable…>

The mentor was muttering something into the air like a madman.

I don’t know why Seo-joon,

He opened his mouth more slowly than he noticed his mentor.

“excuse me···.”

Then the mentor jerked his head.

Open your eyes, open your eyes.

<Tell me now!>


<If you’ve done more crazy things, tell me now!!>


Seojun couldn’t think of what to say.

stupid mind.

The mentor let out a small sigh and said.

<It can’t be. I’ve gone way beyond crazy enough even now. I was really just in case, just in case, so I told you in advance.>

For a moment, the mentor’s mouth fell shut.

It was because Seo-jun’s expression when he looked at it was something unusual.

“It’s not even crazy.”

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

The mentor looked at Seo-joon with an expression as if telling him not to do that.

I don’t know if I know the feelings of such a mentor.

Seojun pulled out a sword from the kibisis.

The appearance of the sword is unusual even at first glance.

Mentor knew very well what that sword was.

<Eh, eh, eh, Excalibur?!?!?!?>

Mentor’s eyes widened in astonishment.

wide open

The transcendental weapon, Excalibur.

Called the holy sword, Excalibur was a transcendental sword that competed for the top rank among transcendence weapons.

Spear of Gungnir and Longinus.

An insane transcendence weapon that is incomparable to any other transcendence weapon.

<This, this, why is this, Seojun Kim…?>

It wasn’t even just what they had.

Excalibur wrapped around Seo-jun’s hand.

That means one thing.

<Lord, Lord, even the owner’s seal is unlocked?!?>

Mentor started to feel dizzy.

That would be the case because, as Mentor knew, the owner of Excalibur was King Arthur.

The leader of a group of sword masters called the Knights of the Round Table.

As a grand sword master, he was a superior transcendentalist.

Of course, it is a little behind compared to Jecheondaeseong.

But it was by no means negligible.

Aren’t you a transcendentalist in the first place?

Is Seo-jun holding Excalibur, which King Arthur cherishes?

Even without the owner’s mark?

There are not many cases where the owner’s imprint disappears.

For example, the owner’s existence will disappear…?

Come on, no way!!

Seo-joon Arthur…?

As the thought reached this far, the mentor’s astonishment began to transcend.

A sense of astonishment far beyond common sense and cognition sticks in my mind.

confused mind.

“The owner died, so I got it…”

<Lord, the master has disappeared? who, who, who? Ki, Seojun Kim?>

Seojun nodded without hesitation.

“yes. But it’s not really useful to me. So I want to sell Excalibur.”


“Is it possible to trade directly between students? Or an auction house. Because I need a lot of money. With a free coupon…”

It was just when I heard this far.


Mentor collapsed on the floor like a doll with a string off.

To the point where I wondered if he was dead, the mentor was motionless.



It seemed that the mentor passed out in shock.

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