Transcension Academy Chapter 253

Chapter 253 – Reclaimed Dawn

Kwabna hugged the fallen Seo-jun.

Due to the intense battle, Seo-jun’s body was in a state of disrepair.

The heart was still not beating,

Perhaps because of that, the warmth I felt at the tip of my hand was extremely cold.

“Because of me…! It’s just because of me…!”

Kwabna’s voice trembled slightly.

because of the power of sin.

Because he absorbed the power of sin from himself…

Seojun is dead.

Even when fighting the twisted being, it seemed fine.

Instead, he used the power of sin and overpowered him.

But no.

It wasn’t that he was okay, he was pretending to be okay.

Again, it was overbearing.

It was clear that it was difficult.

An ancient evil that humans should not have.

The sin of the source eventually led to Seo-jun’s death.


Something hot trickled down Kwabna’s eyes.

he should have died

I shouldn’t have handed over the power of sin.

what am i

What the hell am I like?

“Tongue, brother…”

Kwavna could feel something rising in her chest.

But I couldn’t define what it was.

Sadness, guilt, gratitude, emptiness, mourning.

Would it be like this if all the emotions you could feel were intertwined?

“Keep it off…! Hehehe!”

Tears flowing endlessly.

Kwabna couldn’t bear to raise her head.

“I’m sorry… Hehe. I’m really… I’m really sorry…!”


“Because of me… is it because of me?”

For an instant, Kwavna’s body hardened like a stone statue.

The tears that seemed to flow forever also stopped.

“What are you sorry about?”

A familiar voice echoed through them.

The flow of Kwabna’s thoughts suddenly stopped.

Kwavna’s head, which had been buried in Seo-jun’s body, was lifted up like a doll with a string off it.

A vision covered in tears and snot.

There, Seojun was looking at Kwabna with blank eyes.


From Kwabna’s expression, spirit and absurdity ascended at the same time.

Like seeing something that shouldn’t exist.

An expression as if facing something in the abyss.

Is it hallucination?

Kwabna nodded once.

Then he lifted his sleeve and wiped away the tears that had been forming.

So I straightened my eyesight and looked again.

Seojun tilted his head and opened his mouth.

“What are you doing?”


why don’t you talk If it was a hallucination, I wouldn’t be able to speak.

Are you dreaming?


Kwabna unknowingly slapped herself on the cheek.

However, the pain is clearly felt.

The blow was so hard that Kwavna’s cheeks swelled up in an instant.

“No, what are you doing?”

It’s really strange.

why do you hurt If it was a dream, I wouldn’t be sick.


Are you a ghost?

Like a last goodbye… something like that?

before leaving for the afterlife.

A horn that appears in front of Kwavna as a spirit to leave something like a will!


Kwabna freaked out and ran back.

Because my body wasn’t healed yet, I was in terrible pain,

Kwabna couldn’t feel the pain at all.

Bleeding, open eyes.

Whoops, open mouth.

“Why, why, why, why, why!!!! Why are you still alive!!”

Kwabna exclaimed in horror.

Seo-joon unknowingly let out a smile.

“Did you just wish I was dead?”

“You don’t mean that!!”

Kwavna yelled out loud, as if complaining.

“I… I thought my older brother died… I thought he died because of me…!”

Soon, the tears welled up, and his expression contorted like an ugly one.

It seemed that Seo-jun had finally accepted that he was alive.

Seo-joon let out a shy smile.

Leaving Kwabna crying like that behind,

Seojun slowly got up from his seat.

I thought I was stuck, but fortunately I was able to escape on my own in the boundary space.

At the end, the observer seemed very angry…

Well, what can I do?

If you forcefully call me, I’ll have to give you another free coupon.

Perhaps the observer would not have called them directly.


‘Could I go?’

Come to think of it, it was.

If you can escape with Irina’s senses,

Couldn’t it go the opposite way?

If you go back and forth every time you need a free coupon…

‘Free coupon automatic issuing machine!’

Of course, it was just a possibility.

An uncertain possibility.

I wasn’t used to Irina’s senses yet…

‘I’ll have to practice whenever I have a chance.’

It was something you never knew.

‘Well, because I don’t need it right now.’

Seojun shook his head once.

This time, there were a whopping 7 coupons ripped off from the observer.

If you add up to the existing one, there are 8 coupons in hand.

A whopping ‘8’ free coupons.

‘Should I ask instructor Daesung Jecheon to create a special customized lecture package?’

Or, at this point, I could set up other transcendence equipment.

Weapon, Longinus’ spear and gungnire are enough…

All you had to do was craft armor or other utility transcendence equipment.

I didn’t know if it would be possible to meet Irina again.

Cause and effect will go crazy, but…


What does it matter!



This was insane, mind-boggling!

I couldn’t even figure out how to use causation!

I thought I should call a mentor and have a thorough consultation.

I mean, it’s very sincere.

So now I had to deal with the important stuff.

Seo-joon jerked his head and turned.

Could it be because of the fierce battle with the twisted being?

The horribly distorted urban landscape came into view.

And something visible between the scenery.

10 million fortunately.

“there is!”

The hearts of Excalibur and Beserk remained on the floor.

To be honest, Seo-jun was also worried that the great voice might not have been retrieved.

But is it because Seo-jun suffered a lot of damage in the mine?

The hearts of Excalibur and Beserk were in place.

Seo-joon approached with quick steps.

I wanted to use TRP’s speed, but

I stopped because I wasn’t feeling very well.

Seo-joon approached the front like that.

Seojun carefully reached out his hand toward Excalibur.

All the items sold at the Transcendent Academy could not be touched by anyone other than the owner.

Counterfeit goods are non-transferable.

Even in the case of a genuine product, it is impossible to take it by force because it is imprinted.

It was possible if there was no will to own it, but

Now, Seo-joon had a lot of intentions to have Excalibur.

But is it because the existence of the owner itself has disappeared?


Excalibur was caught in Seojun’s grasp without much resistance.

A sword from the legend of King Arthur.

When you think of spears, what comes to mind is the spear of Longinus.

When you think of a sword, what comes to mind is this Excalibur.

‘How did the twisted being have this?’

Causality was also causal,

King Arthur would never have passed it on.

Gungnir got it by blackmailing Loki…

Could it be that he threatened Merlin?

If so, I don’t know, but how did the twisted being know the story about Merlin?


I felt like I needed to talk to my mentor about this.

Or ask King Arthur directly.

Seojun put Excalibur into the kibisis.

Then he picked up Beserk’s heart.

Beserk’s heart split into three fragments.

One was absorbed by Seojun and completed the middle danjeon (中丹田).

If you absorb what is now in Seojun’s hand,

I thought maybe Hadanjeon would be completed.

The power of the now perfected stop battle is enormous.

Seo-joon couldn’t imagine what it would be like if even the lower part was completed.

And if he absorbs the heart of the last Beserk…

‘Is the Sandanjeon (三丹田) perfect?’

A bowl of magical power that has no limits.

Its true power was unknown even to Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy.

Seojun also put Beserk’s heart into the kibisis.

That time when you want to pack everything and turn around.

Something strange caught Seo-jun’s senses.

living creature.

It was none other than South Africa’s president, Acudo Apo.

Kwabna tried to kill him but couldn’t.

He is the culprit behind all this,

A dictator who tried to rule South Africa with the help of the Jinrihoe.

They were all dying, but not dead.

Seojun looked at Kwavna for a moment.

Kwabna was still crying with an ugly expression on her face.

Although sin was separated,

Murder was too harsh for Kwabna.

Kwabna, who might become the apprentice of the star of medicine.

There was no reason to put blood on the hands that saved people.

However, Acudo Apo cannot be left as it is.

‘I wonder if I can bring it to Que-ku.’

If it’s Queco, it will organize everything, even the current situation in South Africa.

Seo-joon decided to entrust it to Que-ku after a moment’s thought.


The rough situation is over.

It wasn’t quite finished yet, but

The situation itself could be seen as almost over.


It’s time to get back on track.

“Let’s go back, Kwabna.”

At Seojun’s words, Kwavna slowly lifted her crying head.

Still ugly face.

Seo-joon opened his mouth with a laugh leaking out.

“I’m going to see Equina.”


Seojun was able to return to Kujan Village with Kwabna.

That’s how we arrived at Kuzan Village.

The first thing Seojun could see there was none other than the appearance of the team members.

“Guys, are you ready?”

“Don’t worry, sister.”

“Let’s leave right now.”

The appearance of the team members who are busy moving with Seoyoon as the main axis.

It looked like he was about to leave somewhere in a hurry.

Seo-joon looked at him blankly, wanting something.

And did he feel Seo-jun’s gaze?

Seoyoon’s gaze turned to Seojun.

The eyes of Seojun and Seoyoon encounter each other.

“Sir, Seo-jun!”

Seoyoon opened her eyes wide and looked greatly surprised.



Suyeon and Minyul were also greatly surprised by Seoyoon’s cry.

However, I couldn’t see Hayoon’s face.

It seemed that he was taking care of Equina.

Before long, the team members rushed to Seo-joon as if bursting forward.

“Uh, how…? What happened, brother?”

“Is your body okay?”

“The captain’s condition is unreasonable…”

Then he started pouring out all sorts of questions.

Seo-joon didn’t have the energy to give a complicated explanation, so he answered with a faint smile.

momentary silence.

Seojun asked Seoyoon.

“What about Equina? Uiseong-nim by any chance…?”

“You are healing inside now. Hayoon is helping.”

Seojun gently lowered his gaze and looked at Kwavna.

Kwavna’s eyes were trembling violently as if she had heard Seoyoon’s words.

“How about Equina?”

“that is···.”

did something happen?

Seoyoon slightly hardened her expression and continued.

“I think you’d better check it out for yourself.”

Kwabna’s expression also began to harden.

So Seo-joon headed to the place where Equina was with Kwavna.

The place where Equina was was Kwavna’s house.

A shabby shack that is collapsing.

Kwabna was standing in front of him, unable to open the door easily.

It seemed that he did not have the courage to face the truth contained within.

Seojun did not urge Kwabna to do so.

So little time passed.

As if Kwavna had made up her mind, she slowly opened the door.


The door opened slowly with the sound of worn hinges.

And the scenery inside the house came into view at a glance.

Uiseong (medicine star) devoted to treatment.

Ha-yoon is assisting with something next to him.

And even Equina lying in bed.

Kwabna’s face went white.


Uiseong turned his head at the sudden presence.

“Ah, are you here?”

And when he saw Seo-joon’s figure, he slowly got up from his seat.

Uiseong flew from Korea to South Africa at a sudden request.

Although it is the duty to say thanks with a small reunion.

“What happened to Equina…?”

Seo-joon skipped all those steps,

I had no choice but to ask Uiseong right away.

It was also because the condition of Equina lying in bed did not look normal.

There was no blood in it, and it looked even worse than when Seo-joon checked when he left.

It doesn’t feel like the energy of life at all.

When Seo-jun asked, Uiseong gave a small smile.

Eventually, just when Uiseong opened his mouth.

“brother? Brother… hey…?”

A faint voice echoed in my ears.

There was no power whatsoever.

It was just a voice that seemed to die out any minute.

But it was definitely Equina’s voice,

It was a clear sign of life.


Kwabna’s breathing began to get rough.

Kwabna trudged and stepped towards Equina.

“It was in a very dangerous condition. However, thanks to the disciple of spirituality, I was able to overcome the crisis fortunately.”

As if explaining to Kwabna.

A voice of reason was heard.

But Kwabna couldn’t hear the voice.

What Kwavna could hear was the last word of onomatopoeia.

“It will take time, but there will be no difficulty in getting well.”


Kwabna’s legs gave out and she collapsed on the spot.

Even before we get close to Equina,

Kwabna couldn’t bear to take a step.

The ugly face twisted again.


A small cry burst from Kwabna’s face.

“brother···? Are you crying? why are you crying···.”

“No… Oppa, I don’t cry… I don’t… Heuk heuk… I don’t cry…”

Seo-joon looked at Kwavna like that and slowly turned his gaze.

In Seo-joon’s field of vision, he could see the South African sky reflected through the window.

Dark skies in South Africa.

Does the sky even know that everything is over for the first time?

The clouds were clearing, and the sun was shining brightly through them.

“Don’t cry oppa… I’m fine. Grandpa says I’m fine That’s right, Grandpa.”

“then. Eat well, rest well. If you listen carefully to your brother, you will get well soon.”


The darkness that fell over South Africa,

The days that Kwabna went through,

It gave me endless despair.

hope is broken,

Those were moments full of pain.

“So brother. don’t cry.”

“Ah, I’m not crying…!”

But Kwabna did not give up.

He did not give up hope even in the midst of endless despair.

until the very last moment.

Kwabna kept her pride as a human being.

Shakyamuni once said something like this.

[If you ask me what success is, I want to answer like this.]


[And laughing a lot.]

But for today.

I wonder if Shakyamuni was wrong.


Dawn faced without losing hope.


The brilliant sunlight was rising over the South African sky.


After confirming that Equina was safe, Seo-joon could feel the tension being released.

And Uiseong continued Equina’s treatment, saying that he was not yet vigilant.

Could it be because of those words?

Kwabna had a rough body, but her onomatopoeia helped her work.


“hmm? How did you know I would need it?”

“yes yes? That, I just thought you would need it…”

“You mean you felt it? Hmm, can it be? It would be impossible without a general knowledge of pharmacology? No, even if you have knowledge, unless you fully understand the patient’s condition… Stand, can’t you?!”

Onomatopoeia’s eyes began to widen as he looked at Kwabna.

“Uh, at such a young age…? Have you ever been taught differently?”

“no. I don’t have money, so I can’t teach you anything…”

“I can’t help but build up this kind of knowledge alone without any teaching!!!”

The two wide-eyed onomatopoeia began to glimmer in an instant.

Eyes like those of a beast hunting its prey.

Seo-joon unknowingly let out a smile.

Apparently, there shouldn’t be any problems with Equina anymore.

However, Seo-joon’s work had just begun.

Acudoapo had to be handed over to Cuecu,

I had to call a mentor to discuss this matter,

I also had to confirm the causality absorbed from the twisted being,

And how the twisted being had Excalibur.

How to deal with the great voice and Jinrihoe.

He also had to boil Beserk’s heart and eat it.

The situation is over, but the work is not yet over.


Consulting with a mentor seemed to be the first priority.

Seo-joon took out his smartphone from his chest and checked it for a while.



Seo-joon tilted his head at the strange screen he suddenly saw.

That would be the smartphone I checked for a while.

It was because there were numerous notification windows floating on the screen.


Wanting something, Seo-joon checked the notification windows one by one.


《[Unstoppable! Chinese calligraphy! Gold River Fire! Ultimate body training! (Instructor: Atlas)] After completing the lectures, you can learn ‘Geumgang Unbreakable [A]’, ‘All Poison’s Injury [A]’ and ‘Cold and Cold’ [A]’/ fully acquire.”

《[Faster than anyone else, different from others! Let’s run at the speed of light! (Instructor: TRP)] After completing the lecture, you fully acquire ‘Shinsok (神速) [S]’.》

《[It becomes one body with a big and long one. Shinchang-hapil (body change union). (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)] After completing the lecture, you will fully learn ‘Shinchanghapil [SS]’.》

《[Cheonwol Meteor Spear (天月流星槍). (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)] After completing the lecture, I fully master the ‘Cheonwol Yuseong Spear [SS]’.》

“······ What?”

Seo-joon’s absurdity ascended to the sky.

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