Transcension Academy Chapter 248

Chapter 248 – The Most Brilliant Hope (3)

The twisted being was caught in the explosion and was thrown backwards.

However, he immediately corrected his posture and prepared for Seo-joon’s attack.

However, Seo-joon’s additional attack did not follow.

The twisted being slowly raised its gaze.

Sure enough, Seojun was hugging Kwabna.

“Tongue, brother…! Aaaaagh!”

Kwabna was expressing terrible pain in Seo-jun’s arms.

Is it because of Kwavna’s appearance?

Seojun’s complexion was pale.

‘What is this… isn’t this kind of fun too?’

Kick kick kick kick…!

The twisted being decided to observe the situation for now.

Seojun hugged Kwabna tightly.

Even so, Kwabna’s body swelled up and shrunk repeatedly.

The power of sin in Kwabna’s body.

It was because the power ran out of control.


Each time Kwabna complained of terrible pain.

This is the power of sin that even Seo-joon cannot bear.

There was no way Kwavna could stand it.

And Kwabna knew that fact better than anyone else.

“Equina… you said you were alive…?”

Kwavna struggled to open her mouth.

Seojun nodded and said.

“Alive. It’s a dangerous situation, but if Uiseong comes, you’ll be able to live. certainly.”

“I’m so glad… I’m so glad… Ugh!”

Kwabna’s body swelled greatly.

The power of the sin that bursts out becomes stronger.

approaching death.

“Really… Really, I know it’s a shameless request… Hyung.”

Kwabna struggled to open her mouth again.

“May I ask for my sister… Equina…? It’s because I’m sick… He’s a kid who’s good at anything.”

Seojun didn’t answer anything.

He didn’t even nod his obvious head.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Kwavna smiled faintly.

“As expected… that must be a difficult request…”

Then he lowered his head helplessly.

“Still… it was nice to be able to meet you.”

It’s a real honor.

Kwavna’s behind-the-scenes words are almost audible.

Kwabna said her dream was to become a professional hunter.

However, Kwabna had to be frustrated by the harsh reality.

didn’t give up though.

Kwavna has lived a tenacious life, chasing her sick sister and weak hopes.

“Really…really…it was an honor bro.”

Tears trickled down Kwabna’s eyes.

Kwabna was quite small because she didn’t eat properly.

“Heuk… Hehehe…!”

So, where are all those tears coming from?

Seo-joon couldn’t figure it out at all.


The two sins began to run rampant.

Kwabna let out a painful scream.

A life lived in pain all his life.

As much as the moment I die, I wanted to go comfortably.


It hurts so much.

So, honestly, I regret it.

But at the same time, I also felt fortunate.

Because I can die as a human being, not as a monster.

Above all, I thought that I would never be able to meet you,

He couldn’t even look at it, he couldn’t even look at it.

Because he was able to meet his idol, Seojun.

So meeting Seo-jun like this was nothing short of a miracle for Kwabna.

But did I say that human greed has no end?

‘If I had met hyung sooner… would it have been a little different?’

Kwabna could feel death approaching.

I don’t even feel the pain anymore.

My vision is darkened, and my consciousness is far away.

I wanted to see Equina run around.

this would be greed

Kwabna slowly, very slowly, closed her eyes.

and right away

It was then.

“I won’t die.”

I heard Seojun’s voice in my ears.

A difficult sight.

There, Seo-joon was making an expression like a demon.

Kwabna shook her head slowly.

“No, brother… I will soon…”

“I won’t die.”

Seojun firmly cut off Kwabna’s words.

Kwavna just stared blankly at Seo-joon.


The power of sin erupts.

Seojun slowly rose from his seat.

Currently Kwabna.

The power of the two sins is running rampant and dying.

And the sins that had already begun to rampage could not be stopped.

So, the way to save Kwabna is…

It was virtually non-existent.

but only one

It was possible if the runaway powers of the two sins were separated from Kwabna.

But the two evils clinging to Kwabna were inseparable.

Even Seo-joon couldn’t forcefully remove it.


It was a different story if the power of sin itself was separated from Kwabna.

It was possible if the two runaway sins separated themselves from Kwabna.

Seojun slowly looked up.

There, a twisted being was making an expression as if it were going to die of laughter.

Seo-joon bites his teeth hard.

Emotions ran wild and my mind went blank.

You just have to avoid getting caught up in your emotions.

This time, I couldn’t control my raging emotions.

A fierce anger…

Seo-joon’s whole body blooms.


Seeing Seo-jun like that, the twisted being burst into laughter as if he couldn’t stand it.

What Seojun is trying to do now.

Because I understood the intention.

The only way to voluntarily separate the two sins.

It was to create a new home for sin, not Kwabna.

“Are you going to absorb the rampant sins?”

Sounds funny!

The twisted being couldn’t contain the laughter that erupted.

Even so, that was literally a sin itself.

Man’s original sin, primeval evil.

It drives your mind crazy just by holding it.

Of course, the twisted being knew.

If you are a beginner, you are listening to Shakyamuni’s lecture on the floating mind.

And Shakyamuni’s unmoving mind was so fucking terrible, there was no room for human sins to penetrate.

Because it was the highest level of mental barrier that had nothing to do with SSS rank.

However, that was in case Seo-jun’s spirit was eroded by sin.

It wasn’t this.

This time the case was different.

This is because Seo-joon is accepting the sin himself.

To put it simply, it meant that Seo-joon himself broke down the barrier of immobility.

By doing so, he opened the way for evil to enter.

Once the evil entered the barrier that was broken down like that, Shakyamuni’s unsteady mind could no longer serve as a barrier.

And the sin that has settled in him gradually rots Seo-joon.

The only thing facing you at the end is destruction.


“Kukkukkkukkkuk!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!”

Things got so much fun.

Seo-joon looked at such a twisted existence.

And he erupted in even greater anger.

Turn it off!!!

To that terrible fury, the wrath (Ira) within Khwabna began to react.

“Tongue, brother…!! Hey, don’t do this!”

Kwabna was embarrassed and dissuaded Seo-jun.

What is Seojun doing?

It was because he knew what was going to happen to Seo-joon.

But Seojun did not stop.

Again, a fierce jealousy flared up.

In the fierce jealousy, the jealousy (Invidia) inside Kwabna also began to respond.

It seems like you’ve found the perfect place to stay.

It seems that they have found a more comfortable place than the current nest.

I feel the joy of endless anger.

I feel the bliss of intense jealousy.

Eventually, anger and jealousy slowly began to move toward Seo-joon.

When all the power was transferred to Seo-joon.

Seo-joon could feel the power of the two sins running amok inside.


Seo-joon could not come to his senses from the terrible madness that was bursting out.

“Puhahahahahaha!! How stupid!!”

The twisted being let out a frenzied laugh.

soon now

Seo-joon dies.

With Seo-joon’s level, he wouldn’t die soon.

Sin wasn’t even fully established yet.

But the sin was clearly established.

The evil that has been established like this can no longer be removed.

Wasn’t it even possible to separate yourself?

Now, the sin will gradually stain Seo-jun’s mind with madness.

In the process, immobility doesn’t help at all.

This is because Seo-joon himself broke down the barrier of immobility.

And the human mind without the barrier of immobility was weak.

No matter how many defenses you put on,

What is inside is only the weak human spirit.

And even if it’s mankind’s strongest hunter.

Seo-jun is also nothing more than a human being after all.

Seo-joon will not be able to endure the madness of sin.

I was getting mad and crazy like that… Phuong!

My whole body would explode from the runaway power.

How stupid and stupid this is.

And what a funny situation!!!


The twisted being couldn’t contain the laughter that erupted.

The twisted being looked at Seo-joon, who was suffering from pain.

die now

Seo-joon goes mad and dies!

just now!





The twisted being involuntarily tilted its head.

something… something…


Originally, Seo-joon should have gone crazy with the madness of sin.

I couldn’t stay sane,

At worst, I should have killed the kid in front of me without even knowing it.

But now.

“What, what is…?”

For some reason, Seo-joon was fine.

The screams of pain had also diminished.

And the momentum you feel…?


In an instant, a blue thunderbolt rose from Seo-joon’s body.

Thunderbolts engulfed the entire space, emitting blue light.

blue… color?

The twisted entity straightened its sights.

It wasn’t blue.

To be precise, the bursting blue thunderbolt was gradually turning dark red.

A terrible power is felt there.

Are you consumed by madness?

The twisted being was unsure.

It was something, something… strange to say that.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwah!!!

The magic exploded.

An explosion of magical power tore the surroundings apart.

trudged between them.

Seojun took a step.

The blue thunderbolt no longer existed.

dark red thunderbolt. The space was bathed in dark red light.

It was as if a demon had manifested itself.

That’s why Seo-joon seemed to be engulfed in madness.

But the twisted being couldn’t think that way.

No, I was sure.

Seo-joon is not consumed by madness.

Rather than being eroded…

The madness, the sin.


It seemed to be in control.


The twisted being shouted like a roar.

No words… No words!

How can a mere man rule over the power of sin!

It was impossible!

Above all, it was not a mere sin.

It was the seven deadly sins, the root of human sin.

No matter how unusual Seojun is, it is said that he is a freshman.

Even if Seojun is the strongest hunter of mankind.

No, because he was the strongest hunter of ‘humanity’.

Seojun could never control the power of the Seven Deadly Sins.

As a human being, it was an inescapable law.

But how…?

As if to penetrate the question of such a twisted existence.

“Because I… don’t always think positively.”

Seojun’s voice is far away.

“What, what…?”

The twisted being opened its eyes and looked open.

Seo-joon trudged and took a step.

“Not just me, but everyone else.”

you don’t know

Seo-joon trudged and continued to walk.

The twisted being hesitated and took a backward step without even realizing it.

Fear of rising fear.


‘Are you afraid? I?’

Am I, a god who has entered the ranks of transcendence?

No way.

The twisted being quickly shook its head.

The twisted being’s eyes were bloodshot.

Eventually, he raised his sword and swung it at Seo-jun.

The black magic of black magic shoots out.

It had the power to destroy anything in the world.



Seojun lightly blocked the blow.


The twisted being’s expression contorted in astonishment.

And it wasn’t because the attack was lightly blocked.

It was none other than the power that Seojun used just now.

It was because of the power of the sin of anger.

“It is impossible!!!”

cried the twisted entity.


How can humans use the power of sin!

That is not a power that humans can use.

To use it, you had to be swallowed up by sin and become a monster that only craved desire.

The root of man’s sin is such power.

“The barrier of unsteadiness must have been broken down, but why…!!!”

“I told you.”


“It’s not just me who thinks positively.”

The source of human sin.

Pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, sloth.

Anyone with a heart.

Everyone will have the experience of falling into this sin.

And to confess, Seo-jun also had this experience.

To put it simply, Seo-joon had already been swallowed up by sin.

The utopia you want to become and the jealousy you can’t reach.

And that longing being also longs for and is jealous of someone.

It’s not just jealousy.

No matter how positively you try,

Being human is not like that.

the approaching reality

The ordeal you encounter,

If it is more difficult and difficult.

If you think you can’t get out of it.

Unknowingly, I have negative thoughts.

No affirmation of any kind is helpful.

It just sounds like annoying hypocrisy.

So rather than saying ‘Cheer up’, ‘Isn’t it difficult?’ There are times when I want to hear more.

No matter what you say, I have no strength anyway.

Rather, there are times when the words that know that it is hard are more touching.

so everyone

Think negative thoughts.

And even in such a situation, don’t have any negative thoughts.

Knowing how to always hold a positive mind.

With that in mind, we have ‘strong mentality.’ says


It could be said that it was the highest level of spiritual power.

Even at the transcendent academy, it was almost the only SSS grade.

That’s why Seo-joon, who has an immovable mind, could not have any negative thoughts.

No negative feelings could invade Seo-joon.

So, Seo-joon also had the same thoughts as the twisted being.

Top-tier mental barrier.

Seo-joon also considered immobility as a mental barrier.


Seojun was finally able to realize.

now i knew

The unmoving mind that Shakyamuni spoke about and taught was not like that.

Shakyamuni once asked a question.

[There is only one real question in life.]


[Is life really worth living? This is the ultimate question of life.]

[The rest is just details. Then I will ask.]

[Why don’t you end your life?]

It couldn’t have been a more bizarre question.

That would be the case, because my thoughts on this question were based on feelings of infidelity.

The more you dig into the question, the more negative thoughts fill you up.

It was as if Shakyamuni had thrown the seed of negativity into his students.

Seo-joon couldn’t understand that question.

At the same time, I didn’t think deeply.

The more you do, the more negative thoughts fill you up.

But now I get it.

What Seojun has been through.

A lot of people I’ve met along the way.

Doing the impossible,

in the lives of the people you meet.

Seo Jun was able to realize the truth of the unsteady mind that Shakyamuni wanted to teach.

A genuine immobility that may not reach even this madness now.

True immobility was not blocking any negative thoughts or negative feelings.

[The teachings of the monks are based on undoubted thoughtlessness and impermanence. However, wouldn’t that mean the end of the passions and the state in which the passions are cut off?]

What is the immobility that Seojun felt and realized?

What Sakyamuni is talking about is the unmoving mind.

It’s not that I don’t have a negative mind.

[Not staying in a negative mind for long.]

It’s not that I don’t have any negative feelings.

[Not being shaken by any negative emotions.]

Everyone has a negative mind.

That’s what a human being is.

No matter how strong your mind is,

What is inherent in it is the weak human spirit.

No one is perfect.

Immobility is the ultimate mental system,

Ultimate doesn’t mean perfect.

[The lotus, which the monks like, unusually blooms in dirty mud.]

[It blooms in dirty mud and becomes a flower more beautiful than anyone else.]

[Also, the most brilliant hope.]

[It will always bloom in the deepest, darkest despair.]



Sin is not a sin in itself.

It’s just that it’s nothing more than an emotion that humans naturally have.

When it manifests itself in action, it becomes a sin.

But if you don’t dwell on that feeling for long.

If you are not shaken by that sin.


Seojun’s body began to explode with transcendental power.

“No, that’s ridiculous…!!!”

The twisted being couldn’t believe what was in front of it.

The power of sin…

I don’t feel it anymore.

To be precise, I don’t feel the power of sin that the twisted being knew.

Restraining anger.

Jealousy endured.


The two evils were completely dominated.


Dark red thunderbolts soared in Seo-jun’s eyes.

“This, this can’t be—!”

The twisted being hadn’t even finished speaking.


The bursting thunderbolt passed through the space of the twisted being.

Lightning crackled and exploded in all directions.

Terrible dark red magic encircled the twisted being.

Kwak Kwak Kwak!!

A terrible force shattered the entire space.

I hear the sound of the world collapsing.

Flashes of light utterly drive away the dark magic of the twisted being.

No magic power, no strength, no longer felt.

The illusion that time has stopped.


It feels like my mind is clear.

Seojun gently wrapped his arms around Longinus’s spear.

An unknown feeling of exhilaration dominates the whole body.

can i do it

Is it a state that transcendentalists cannot easily reach?

Seojun let out a laugh.

Right now at this moment.

It was because Seo-joon was filled with endless confidence.

It could be considered arrogant.

But it doesn’t matter.

because now i know

What is true confidence?

no certainty that you will do it,

That it’s okay to fail.

if now

yes, now

Unity of body and soul, the realm beyond that.

Longinus’ spear pierced the twisted being’s shoulder.

The magic power of the three-way battle contained within it surges.

In addition, the power of sin bursts the surroundings at once.

The twisted being couldn’t even think of anything.

All of the above happened in an instant,

This is because it was made without even a single gap.


The error of the zero (0) state.

When you reach that distant realm.

What should be shown…



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