Transcension Academy Chapter 246

Chapter 246 – The Most Brilliant Hope (1)

The sky in Johannesburg was not very clear.

The sky looks like it’s going to rain any minute.

The sun was obscured by dark clouds, and even though it was not midnight, the surroundings were dark.

under the dark sky.

Seojun looked at Kwavna.

Eventually, Seo-jun could see Kwabna’s eyes looking at him.

There was no longer any longing or envy for Seo-joon in those eyes.

Only fierce jealousy (Invidia), stronger than envy, remained.

Then Kwavna slowly turned her head.

There was a man lying on the floor.

The man covered in blood was wriggling, as if in pain.

It was not difficult for Seo-joon to know that the man was Acudo Apo, the current president of South Africa.

Judging by the reaction, it seemed that he was not dead.

And Kwavna’s eyes looking at Akudoapo.

There was only endless rage (Ira).

fierce jealousy.

endless anger.

human original sin.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Man.

Seojun could feel the power of the two sins inherent in Kwabna.


Kwavnaga stepped towards the strewn Akudoapo.

An immense amount of anger erupted from Kwabna.

A terrible murderous intent sprang from that endless rage.

Seo-joon flashed and fired TRP’s speed.

Then he blocked the front of Kwabna and showed it.

Kwavna slowly raises her head and looks at Seojun.

“Please get out of the way. No, get out of the way.”

Once an object of admiration,

But now it has become an object of envy.

“I don’t want to fight… with my brother.”

There was an unknown sadness in Kwavna’s eyes.

Kwabna lowered her gaze again.

Then he tumbled past Seo-joon.

Seojun did not catch such a Kwabna.

One step, two steps.

Just when I was about to take three steps.


Seojun slowly opened his mouth.


Kwavna stopped moving at the sound of Seojun’s voice over her back.

Seojun slowly turned his back.

“He’s still alive.”


Kwavna’s body stood tall, stiff like a stone statue.

Before long, Kwavna’s head turned like a doll with a string off it.

Kwavna’s expression looking at Seojun.

There was a shock that I couldn’t explain.

“That, that, that, that lie… the word…”

Kwabna’s eyes trembled greatly.

“That’s a lie… I-I definitely saw it. Equina… is dead. Equina is dead!!!”

As if denying reality, Kwabna yelled at Seo-joon.

And Seo-joon could fully understand Kwabna’s reaction.

That would be the case, because Seo Jun also thought that Equina was dead.

Even with Seo-jun’s senses, he could not perceive Equina’s life reaction.

Had it not been for Hayoon’s ability to communicate with the soul,

Seo-jun could not have thought that Equina would be alive.


“Equina is alive. And now Uiseong-nim is coming from Korea to treat Equina.”

“That, that…!”

Kwabna’s eyes began to tremble as if an earthquake had struck.

Even though I know it’s a lie

I want to believe Seojun’s words.

The two contradictory feelings were colliding.

And it was then.

“You’re not going to believe that, are you?”

A familiar voice came from somewhere.

Seo-joon’s gaze turned to the place where the sound came from.

The existence that was seen in Seo-jun’s field of view.

Seo-joon gnawed his teeth and called the existence by name.

“A twisted being…!!”

The twisted being grinned and replied with a smile.

“ha ha ha! nice to meet you, long time no see? however···.”

The twisted being took a step forward and continued.

“I am not mocking anyone. Isn’t it kind of a lie to lie like that?”

Then the twisted being looked at Kwabna and said.

“And don’t be seduced by powerful people. You saw it clearly with your own two eyes. your brother is dead That guy is nothing but bullshit trying to fool you like the others.”

Then Kwabna’s eyes changed instantly.

A twisted being whispered between them.

“So kill me. who made you like this Do the same for them as you did.”

boiling madness.

Kwabna’s eyes began to redden with bloodshot eyes.

and trudge.

Kwabna began to take steps towards Akudoappo again.


Seojun immediately burst into TRP’s speed.

It was to prevent Kwabna’s actions.



“Where are you trying to interfere?”

The twisted existence seemed to block Seo-joon.

The twisted being was blocking Longinus’s spear with a single sword.

A clashing spear and sword.


Eerie sparks began to fly in all directions.

Amidst the flames, the twisted being smirked and smiled.

“In the end, you can’t do it with words, so you’re trying to do it with force, right?”

Then he shouted at Kwabna again.

“Come on, kill me! That bastard is trash that doesn’t even deserve to be alive anyway!”

Kwabna stepped towards Akudoapo, turbug.

A deep murderous intent arises from Kwavna.


Sin did not completely consume Kwabna.

Anger and jealousy, of course.

Both sins clearly had a place within Khwabna.

But he hadn’t completely swallowed Kwabna yet.

A mental barrier inherent in Kwabna’s nature.

It suppressed the madness of sin.

‘Even though he’s the one who killed his brother, he’s like that. Is my nature good or stupid?’


Because of this, the two sins were not fully germinated.

But if sin fully germinates.

Kwabna is no longer Kwabna.

Just like the gluttony and greed that were extinguished by Seo-joon in the past.

It becomes a monster that only longs for endless anger and fierce jealousy.

And the trigger for the germination is none other than the expression of sin.

The most terrible sin that a human being can commit against the same human being.


At the moment of killing, Kwabna germinates into perfect sin.

Of course, at the time of capturing Akudoapo.

Exactly, you don’t even need to be captivated like this.

If he had killed Acudoapo right away, the situation would have ended immediately.

But the twisted being didn’t do that.

Capture Acudoapo alive,

I created this situation on purpose.


It was none other than Seojun.

The twisted being could see that there was some connection between that kid and Seo-joon.

And it was also predictable to some extent that Seojun would come to stop such a Kwabna.

So I created this situation.

“I will kill you…”

So that Seo-jun could watch Kwavna turn into a sin right in front of his eyes.

could be saved, but

Frustration that could not be saved.

With hope in front of me,

turn it off instantly

He struggles clinging to hope and eventually gets frustrated with endless despair.

The image of Seo-jun suffering from that despair…

I missed the twisted being so much.

So now.

“stop!! Kwabna!!”


Satisfactory results were obtained.

‘Ha ha ha ha ha!!!’

The Twisted One found this situation so… so much fun.

“It’s not too late! Equina is alive! She will surely survive!”

One problem was that Seo-joon knew about it for some reason.

If Kwabna commits murder,

He seemed to know that there was no turning back.

So it seems like he’s desperately trying to stop it…

I honestly don’t know how that could be.

This was something that could only be known by fully understanding the mechanism of sin.

To be precise, they were things that could only be known when one was swallowed up in sin.

Have you ever been swallowed up by the power of sin?

No way.

If he did, he would have gone mad and couldn’t keep his senses.

Of course, I knew that most beginners were taking courses on Shakyamuni’s Unmoving Mind.

But this is the root of human sin.

Immobility is only a barrier to the mind, it does not prevent inherent sin.

So, is it some kind of intuition?

If so, it is an amazing sensation.


He wasn’t an easy guy to see.

But that’s all.

Anyway, everything was over.

Because the sin that clung to that little boy can’t be undone.

It was a sin that was difficult to separate even from himself.

And those sins have already begun to eat away at Khwabna.

Murder is literally just a trigger.

Kwabna being swallowed up by sin was as if it had already been decided.

“trust me! Equina is alive!!”

But what on earth does this bastard believe in and is so desperate?

so that.

‘How disgusting to see you falling into despair!!’

cu cu cu cu…

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

The Twisted Being was so excited about the current situation that it felt like it was going to go crazy.

“What would Equina think if she saw you turned into a monster!!”


At Seojun’s cry, Kwavna stopped moving.

The distorted being shouted at Kwavna’s appearance.



The twisted entity kicked the ground.

The body stretches and stretches.

In an instant, dozens of afterimages spread out.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear.

and then flash

I chased afterimages with TRP’s speed.

Distance and space are folded.

With one movement, the distance between the two is instantly reduced.

Eventually, when the sword of the twisted being surged toward Seo-jun.

Longinus’ spear was already shooting forward.


An explosion exploded in the middle of the city.

The Spear of Longinus collided with the sword of the twisted being, and it trembled.

Seo-joon and the twisted being who faced each other again.

Seojun shouted at Kwabna beyond the twisted being.

“Your hand was the one that saved Equina! It wasn’t a hand to take a person’s life!!”

“One death sometimes saves thousands of lives! How many lives will that bastard kill? Killing just one cub will save thousands of lives that do not need to die!”

Kwabna’s eyes began to tremble violently.

Confused look.

“I… I am…”

Kwabna stood still, not knowing what to do.


The twisted being clicked its tongue.

What is that stupid little boy hesitating about now?

It seemed that the little boy’s admiration for Seo-jun was beyond imagination.


“If he sees you being crushed, that kid will change his mind too.”

The twisted being grinned and smiled.

Soon, a boiling sound came from the whole body of the twisted being.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!

The space around it was torn apart, flooding with black air currents.

A flashing jet-black light burst in all directions.


Seojun could feel it at once.

The twisted being’s power far exceeded those he had encountered before.

a completely different being.

Facing him, Seo-joon immediately burst into the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).


Seo-joon’s whole body exploded with tremendous magic power.

Waves of unleashed magic hit the twisted being.

I thought I might be able to suppress it a little, but

The twisted being was not so easy.

The twisted being relaxed the sword that was blocking it for an instant.

The spear of Longinus, which was blocked by the sword, rushes in.

From the depths of the twisted being’s body, a piece of flesh exploded.

Seojun spun the spear of Longinus in his hand.

The front part of the spear that was swinging over slashed down the twisted being’s knee.

Longinus’s spear went in, shattering the joints in his knees.

Pull out the spear again and attach it to your waist.

Stab the scruff of the neck, spin the spear and hit it with the spear.

And Kwajik again!

All these movements are as natural as flowing water.

And it happens in an instant.

Kwajik! puck!


The spear of Longinus hacked the twisted being to pieces in an instant.


A huge explosion erupted from the entire body of the twisted being.


Flesh that fell off with the explosion poured down like a shower.

But that’s for a while.


The flesh began to come together and patch up.

The power of regeneration possessed by twisted beings.

I wonder if he was trying to gauge what level Seo-joon’s current level is.

It seemed that he believed this and allowed the attack in the first place.

It’s gurgling…!

A twisted existence is instantly mended.

kick kick.

burst of laughter.

“Either way, you can’t.”


The magical energy bursting from the whole body of the twisted being greatly expanded.

A mighty force oscillates.

Swallowing his breath, the outstretched sword strike turned into a gigantic slash.


The tip of Longinus’ spear collided with the slash.

Beyond that, a twisted being grinned like a lunatic.

Seo-joon took a bite of his teeth.

The grip of Longinus’s spear trembled.

The grip that was crushed by the power burst open.

Seo-joon raised the magic of the triple battle to the limit.


The perfected dragon heart trembled greatly.

Magical power flowed into the spear of Longinus.


Seojun pushed the spear of Longinus with all his might.


The wall power exploded.

The bursting thunderbolt of light engulfed the twisted being’s body.

Seo-joon threw himself into the explosion.

He jumped forward without stopping.

As I ran in, I mixed up Rannachal’s blow.

A blow that cuts through the gaps in your thoughts.

The twisted being’s power was shattered.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!

Red blood gushed from the twisted being’s mouth.

The mangled, twisted body staggered backwards.

How many attacks were made in a split second?

It was truly astonishing.

The twisted being’s mouth parted.

Still, he was smiling.

Dark magic power waved through the whole body of the twisted being.

It came like a huge tidal wave.

Wedge love!!

Between them, a huge sword attack cuts through space.

Against the rushing sword attack, Seo-jun did not avoid it.


A blue light burst out of Seo-jun’s eyes.

A thunderbolt bursting out of Seo-jun’s whole body tears the world apart.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear.

The mind and heart of the unity of the body and soul.

Take another step into the realm of transcendence.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa!!

The indescribable power of transcendence resides in Seo-jun’s body.

common sense and cognition.

Overwhelming power that cannot be measured with it.

As if Seo-jun ejected that power all at once.

Longinus spear.

However, the spear of Longinus that was fired did not reach the end and scattered.

“Because you can’t.”

A whispering voice came from behind.


Seo-joon jerked and turned over.


My mind was cut off in an instant.

When he came to his senses again, Seo-jun’s body was flying in the air like a doll with a string off it.


Blood gushed from his throat.

A fishy smell of blood rises from the corner of his mouth that he forced to swallow.

Seo-joon, who was falling to the ground, hurriedly caught his balance.

Dark waves of magical power covered his vision.

Inside, the twisted being giggled.

“That it shouldn’t. You know that too, don’t you?”

The twisted being pointed the tip of the sword at Seo-jun.


A dark light glowed at the tip of the sword.

Eventually, with a strong rotation, it became a huge awl, and it was launched straight ahead.

Seojun lifted Longinus’s spear and shot it at him.

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

The spear of Longinus and the awl of magical power collided.

The power of the magical power that exploded as they collided swallowed Seo-jun’s entire body.

Has the power of arrogance fully germinated?

It was a power that couldn’t even be compared to the twisted beings of the past.


Seo-jun’s body flew through the air once more.

And this time, I couldn’t avoid being pushed to the floor.

Kwa Dang Tang!

A terrible pain rippled through his body as he rolled on the floor.

“Humans are really stupid. Even though I clearly know that I can’t do it anyway, why are you so far-fetched…”

In the meantime, the voice of a distorted being could be heard sarcastically.

“Why are you doing this? Why do you keep clinging to things that don’t work? huh?”

The twisted being giggled and looked at Kwabna.

Kwabna was watching Seo-jun fight with a blank expression.

And the appearance of Seo-joon that we see now.

The twisted being shrugged.

“Did you see it? It can’t be done. That’s what this fucking world is all about. that’s how it was originally made who? The guy right in front of you.”

The twisted being pointed to Acudoapo and continued.

“So kill me. Killing him won’t save your brother, but at least something like your brother won’t happen again.”

“I-I am…”

Kwabna’s eyes began to tremble violently.

But that’s for a while.

Kwabna nodded slowly, as if determined.

“A world like this… rather. It might be better without it.”

Kwavna approached Akudoapo.

Kwabna held her hand high.

The twisted being smiled contentedly.

“okay. such a dirty world. A world where you can’t do anything and just struggle. just get rid of it So come on…!”

“shut up.”

Seojun cut off the twisted being.

Kkuyeok kkuyeok, I got up from my seat.

To be honest… I wasn’t wrong.

The world is not as beautiful as we think.

If you live your life in such a world.

There were times when I didn’t want to think about anything.

There were times when no matter how much comfort I received, I couldn’t be comforted.

‘please! Without this medicine, my brother will die. So please… please!’

‘The nerves in your leg were necrotic. If you leave it like this, you will lose the use of your legs for the rest of your life.’

There was something I couldn’t do no matter how hard I tried.

I want to give up everything

There were times when I just sat down and didn’t want to get up.

Even so, I…

‘Your brother is fine, Equina. No nodding!’

‘It’s okay, Mr. Mancheol. You can do it all over again.”

There were times when I had to pretend that nothing was wrong.

At least that was the world Kwavna lived in.

The world Seo-joon had been through was like that.

However, Seo-joon was able to speak firmly.

“Don’t listen to that bastard…”

The twisted being sighed and burst into laughter.

“Even that melancholy heart was beautiful. You don’t mean to say such nonsensical things, do you? Anyway… that’s why I don’t listen to Sakyamuni’s lectures.”

The twisted being shook its head.


“It helps…”


“Even if a depressed heart isn’t beautiful, it’s helpful.”

Seojun firmly grabbed Longinus’s spear.

“Because it always makes people desperate and desperate.”

right at that moment.


A blue thunderbolt burst through Seo-joon’s body.


Is this a brain warp?

The twisted being could not define this power.

The power I encountered for the first time in my life.

“This, this…?”


The twisted being couldn’t think further.

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not work with dark mode