Transcension Academy Chapter 244

Chapter 244 – Sin (2)

In the distance, you can see the town of Kuzan.

Kwabna stopped for a moment in the friendly scenery of Kuzan village.

In time, Kwabna spoke to the rebels who had followed her.

“I will go alone from here. Thank you for taking me there.”


Then the crew tilted their heads and replied.

“I’ll just take you to the village for coming here.”

“okay. You know what else will happen as you go.”

Kwabna made an okay expression.

“no. I don’t know if I go back to the village. Didn’t you have to go back to the mine?”

“That’s true, but…”

“Then I’ll go alone from here.”

Seeing Kwabna like that, the crew was troubled.

Although they came close to Kuzan Village, there were still quite a few streets left.

And like Kwabna said, they had to go back to the mine.

“There is no problem going alone. Do not worry.”

Kwabna’s words continued.

Eventually, the crew nodded.

“・・・・・Yes then.”

“You have to go carefully.”

The crew went back to the mine.

Kwabna looked at the backs of the departing crew members.

“Because I’d rather go and help my brother than waste my time on the likes of me.”

Kwabna nodded as if she had done a very good job.

For Kwabna, Seo-jun’s safe return was the top priority.

Although there were diamonds that Seo-joon promised as compensation…

To be honest, Kwabna wasn’t interested in diamonds.

Seo-joon suggested that we go to Korea together if everything goes well.

And there, I was able to treat Equina to a person called Uiseong.

If only you could cure Equina’s disease,

Kwabna had nothing to do with diamonds.

“I can’t help it if you give it to me, but…”

Kwabna startled and shuddered.

For some reason… it seemed that he had become a snob.

But he quickly shook his head.

The money church says.

A thick wallet is not always good,

Didn’t they say that an empty wallet is unconditionally bad?

So it was clear that he was not a snob.

It was certain that his idol, Seo-joon, said so himself.

of course.

Seojun had never said anything like that.

well, anyway.

“Hee hee!”

Kwabna’s steps toward Kuzan Village were extremely light.



The twisted being stood tall once more, stopping motion.

A scene unfolding right in front of your eyes.

It was because the sight was so absurd.

“Oh, misunderstanding!”

Seeing such a distorted existence, the chief secretary stepped forward and shouted.

With a trembling body, he approached the twisted being and bowed his head.


“That, so…!”

The twisted being tilted its head and asked again.

“Is this a misunderstanding?”

The twisted being turned its gaze back to face the front.

the place you looked at.

All the villagers were lying dead there.

without a single person missing.

Without a single survivor to call the bastard.

everyone was dead

The twisted being showed no inspiration.

He just looked back and looked at the secretary.

“I am one, one. Didn’t I tell you to kill me slowly?”

“Yeah, it was, but…”


The twisted being tilted its head once again and continued.

“What is this in my eyes?”

flesh bursting out.


The chief secretary was terrified and could not answer anything.

“Are you not answering? Are my words funny?”

The twisted being grabbed the chief secretary by the collar.

And just then.

“Oh, I couldn’t help it!”

Someone took a step forward.

It was none other than one of South Africa’s professional hunters.

He lay flat on the floor,

He appealed to the twisted existence as if begging for mercy.

“Eh, because the villagers joined forces with the rebels…!”

“Yes, yes! We had no choice but to live!”

“You can’t just be being bullied, can you?”

After that, other professional hunters added word by word.

The twisted being heard it all and nodded.

“therefore. Did you guys kill all these people?”

“That, I don’t mean that…”

“What does that mean? After all, it’s not that you ignored my words and killed all the people.”


South African pro hunters had nothing to say.

The twisted being threw away the head of the secretary who was holding onto it.


The twisted being smiled lightly.

“How dare you, how dare you disobey God?”

However, the expression contained in it was not light at all.

“Are you crazy?”

Terrible momentum erupted from the whole body of the twisted being.

of frenzied flesh.

Turbuck, I took a step towards the pro hunters.

There is no need to spare those who disobeyed God.

The twisted being slowly raised its hand.


The irresistible power of sin.

“Sah, save me!!”


Just when that power was directed at pro hunters.

“Oh, no···!!!”

A cry filled with screams came from somewhere.

The twisted being’s gaze naturally headed there.

The eyes of the trembling pro hunters also headed there.

The place that caught everyone’s attention.

There stood a boy, Kwabna.

Kwabna’s eyes were trembling.

He was looking at me with an expression that could never happen.

“Ah… no…! No…!”

There was an unknown despair in Kwabna’s voice.

Kwabna trudged and took a step.

And trudge again.

Soon after, he started running like crazy.

The twisted being looked at Kwabna with interest.

Even as Kwavna passed by him,

The twisted being held no restraint.

That way Kwabna was able to stand in front of a pile of corpses piled up unhindered.

Corpses of Kuzan villagers and rebels.

in those piles of bodies.

“iced coffee···! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Kwabna’s eyes saw something he shouldn’t have seen.

I trudged, and took a step.

However, the strength in my legs gave out, and I collapsed into my seat without even realizing it.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get any strength into my legs.

Kwabna crawled towards the Koopa, a pile of corpses.

Just like that, Kwabna was able to stop in front of the corpse of a girl.

The girl’s face was very pale.

In the eyes that held together the innocence of the world,

Nothing was visible anymore.

Kwabna hugged the girl tightly.

The girl’s whole body was wet with something.

Was it damp with filth?

Or was it wet with red blood?

now i didn’t know

However, the body embraced…

It’s too cold.

“A billion… a billion…!”

No voice.

what… what…



Kwabna cried out loud.


I was a child who knew nothing.

Equina, who lost her parents early, did not even know her parents’ faces.

That’s why I was a child who didn’t know what grumbling was.

Because of her sickly body, Equina could not go out well.

That’s why I was a child who did not know the joy that children of my age had.

Because of the sin of poverty, Equina always had to live in poverty.

So I was a child who did not know that life gives happiness.

What Equina knew.

What Equina had to know.

‘If I get better… I can play with my friends too!’

and utter loneliness.

‘Oh no brother! I’m okay! Compared to my brother, nothing… Ugh!’

The patience to endure without being able to call pain pain.


‘It’s good to have a brother! Oppa is the best!’


was oneself

For Equina, the world is

Kwavna was everything.

always looking at yourself

It was Equina who always smiled at me when I came back from work outside.

And such Equina was also a world for Kwavna.

dire poverty.

persecuted life.

I struggle to get better, but in the end I’m in my place.

Even in such a fucked up world, I have lived looking at Equina.

I have lived through those days with Equina.

It was a series of hellish days, but I persevered.

persevered steadfastly

If you still live like this

If I persevere, won’t the day come when the sun will rise?

Then I persevered with my heart.

And the word miracle is not enough,

As if the existence of God really exists.

Kwabna was able to meet Seo-joon like fate.

I was able to meet Seo-jun, whom I had longed for.

And it didn’t end there.

Equina can be cured.

In addition, you can also become a professional hunter.

Come with me when this is over.

Seojun said so.

The darkness that seemed to have no end was over.

right now.

The light of life has just begun to shine.

Those hellish days are over.

Now all that remains is to be happy.

Now all that remains is to be happy.

The only thing left to do now is to be happy…



“Here… I’m lying here…”

Equina now.

I couldn’t see the light.

Kwabna hugged the cold Equina tightly.


sobbing tears.

Kwabna hugged Equina for a while.

And the fountain of tears is dried up,

When Kwabna finally looked up.

Kwabna’s face was more distorted than any demon.

“Kill… I will kill you!!!!”

Kwabna stood up from her seat with an expression like a thug.


Then he ran towards the South African professional hunters who created this situation.

But Kwabna was a small boy,

A pro hunter was a pro hunter.

“This bastard!”


Kwabna’s body flew away from the professional hunter’s kick.


It seemed to contain magical powers, and a tremendous pain surged through it.

However, Kwabna suddenly stood up from her seat.

A pain that feels like the whole body is going to break.

But I didn’t care.

Didn’t care.

Even if he died right here and now, Kwabna thought it wouldn’t matter.

the world made this way.

Those bastards who made this.

if only i could kill

“die!! die!!! Die you bastards!!!!!!”

Kwabna continued to run towards the pro hunters.

“This is real!”

“You’re not crazy!”



The professional hunters started beating Kwabna.

Even so, Kwabna did not stop charging.

“You little bastard is cheeky!”

“You have to die to come to your senses!”


The professional hunters took out their weapons with the intention of killing Kwabna.

Kwabna looked at the professional hunters with a swollen face.


It’s a fucking world.

We just wanted to live a quiet life.

Even if I live without it, I just dreamed of the day when things would get better someday.

But was it that difficult?

Wasn’t that what happened?

want to kill

All those who killed Equina,

I want to kill everyone related to him.

Even if the government hadn’t brought the country to this point.

If only the rebels hadn’t established themselves in this town.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

what does it matter now

Equina is dead.

Either the government or the rebels.

I want to kill them all.

but he has no power

If only I had the power too.

If there was an untouchable power.

i envy you.

I envy those who have that power so much.

If only I had the power

If only I was strong like them.

If so.

I would have killed them all.

Upcoming Pro Hunters.


An eerie cracking sound was heard.

And that inflection was not Kwabna’s.

A professional hunter who tried to kill none other than Kwabna.

The pro hunter’s heart was pierced.


The professional hunter who tried to kill Kwabna collapsed to the floor.

And after that.

“What are you doing!”

A twisted being stood there.

The twisted being trudged towards Kwabna.

And then.

“Are you okay?”

He spoke to Kwabna with an expression of infinite benevolence.

Kwabna said nothing.

Who is this person anyway?

Who are you to help yourself?

No, is it right to help?

Come to think of it, when Kwabna first arrived in the village.

This person was furious with pro hunters.

Aren’t you on the same side as those who killed Equina?

Kwabna stared blankly at the twisted being.

The twisted being nodded in understanding.

Then he turned his head and shouted at the pro hunters around him.

“These bastards aren’t enough to kill the villagers, are they trying to kill an innocent child too?”

The twisted being had an angry expression on its face.

He seems to have nothing to do with this situation.

He seemed really angry at the current situation.

But that’s for a while.


The twisted being’s mouth opened involuntarily.

The twisted being hurriedly straightened its expression.


But I couldn’t stand the mouth that kept opening.

It is felt.

A feast of rising madness.

The twisted being slowly turned its gaze to Kwabna.

Anger against those in power (Ira).

Jealousy of those with power (Invidia).

I knew it.

It’s a colossal madness.

can’t be seen easily,

Madness that cannot be easily expressed.

And to that madness.

The inherent sin of a twisted being.

The source of human sin.

Anger (Ira) and jealousy (Invidia) began to react.

yes, there it is

Right there.

Inherent sin rejoices.

It seems like you’ve found the perfect place to stay.

As if crying out to separate themselves.

The joy of anger (Ira).

The joy of jealousy (Invidia).

It is felt.

‘Kiki Kiki Kiki Kick…!’

The twisted being couldn’t come to its senses at all.

The twisted being hurriedly turned its head.


It was because I couldn’t stand the excitement that burst out.


The twisted being slowly rose from its seat.

And again.


The twisted being started slaughtering the professional hunters.



The professional hunters were unable to resist and withdrew.

I couldn’t even scream and had to accept death.

Professional hunters including the secretary chief.

It didn’t take long for dozens of lives to perish.

Kwabna looked at the twisted being with quivering eyes.

The twisted being walked slowly toward Kwabna.

And then very disgusting and disgusting.

“······ sorry. If I had come sooner, I could have saved him.”

started wearing a mask.


When Seo-jun and the others arrived at Kuzan Village.

“What, what is this…!!”

“What the hell is going on here…”

It was after everything was over.

Dead bodies piled up in heaps.

Red bloodstains all around.


Seo-joon jumped forward as if spurring his seat.

The battered body kept staggering.

However, Seo-joon gnawed at his teeth and ran away.

And in the piles of corpses of people.

I was able to find a girl lying pale, Equina.

Seo-joon stood tall and stopped.


I had no idea.

Exactly, I could only think of one thing.

the one who did this

Exactly, an existence capable of committing such atrocities.

“A twisted being…!!!”

Deed Dede Deuk!!!

An indescribable anger rose through Seo-jun’s whole body.

A look of Seo-joon that I had never seen before.


“Oh, brother…”

The team members couldn’t easily approach that terrible anger.

Seo-joon clenched his fists tightly.

And then, he took a step forward.

In front of such Seo-jun, Seo-yoon blocked him.

“Mr. Seoyoon. Get out of the way.”

“Where are you going?”

Seojun didn’t answer.

But Seoyoon said as if she knew everything.

“I can’t do anything even if I go as it is now. And I know where you are.”

“Yes oppa, the more you do this… you have to think calmly. You know better than anyone else.”

Seojun couldn’t utter a word.

because i knew

Now this action is an action that is swept away by simple emotions.

But with innocent people lying there.

I couldn’t bear to see Equina’s appearance.

Right then.

“for a moment.”

For an instant, Hayoon took a step forward.

Seo-joon and the team members looked at Ha-yun at Ha-yun’s sudden action.

Hayoon did not give any other explanation.

I just walked in front of piles of corpses.

Ha-yoon exhaled slowly in front of the piles of corpses.

Woo woo woo…

It became a hidden wind and began to circle Hayoon.

The stillness of the soul resonates between inhaling and exhaling.

root of the soul.

The calm that spread from its depths hovered in front of the dead body.

Is it possible to communicate with a dead soul?

Or is it to summon spirits?

Seo-joon did not know.

A mysterious aura wafted through the pile of corpses.

I snooped and examined each corpse.

Then he came to Equina’s body.

Mysterious aura began to react subtly.

Want something for a while.


Hayoon approached Equina.

Eventually, he wanted to check out Equina.

“This child’s soul… has not yet left.”

Hayoon slowly opened his mouth.

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