Transcension Academy Chapter 243

Chapter 243 – Sin (1)

A huge cavity covered in darkness.


In an instant, a bright light broke out in a place filled with silence.

The light as if facing the sun continues,

When the light faded before I knew it.

“What is this all of a sudden…?”

“What happened?”

The six apostles showed up.

Each of the apostles had a puzzled look on their faces.

That’s because he couldn’t even guess what the situation was now.

Even living like this was questionable.

Seo-joon’s blow at the end.

To be honest, it had power that wouldn’t be strange even if he died on the spot.

but didn’t die

I was standing in an unknown space now.

“Hey, is this…?”

“Where are you?”

The apostles looked around and looked around.

And it wasn’t long before I realized where this place was.


“The headquarters?”

The headquarters of the Truth Society.

It was none other than the main body of the Jinrihoe located in ‘Greenland’.

I was in South Africa a while ago.

It was like moving across the continent in an instant.

What this word means is one thing.

The mass teleportation was successful.


“Uh, why?”

“Why are you here…?”

The apostles could not understand the situation at all.

I understand that the mass teleportation was successful.

But why did you move to Greenland and not South Africa?

Originally, I shouldn’t have come here.

Originally joined with the twisted being after that.

And I should have carried out the plan to get rid of Seo Jun.

So, if mass teleportation was successful, it would have to be in South Africa, not Greenland.

Still, being here…

The plan went awry.

completely too.

It was then.


A scream of pain was heard from somewhere.

the place you looked at.

A great voice stood there.

“This, what is this…?”

“Oh, how could this happen…!”

The apostles were amazed at the sight and cried out.

That’s what the great voice looks like now.

It’s like…

Isn’t it the same as if Seo-joon got hit?

It can’t be.

It could never have been.

What kind of existence is a great voice—!


A scream of pain is heard.

A face cast in darkness.

The condition inside was not visible at all.



Only the red blood flowing out of the darkness was clearly visible.



The apostles’ expressions instantly turned into astonishment.




When a huge explosion suddenly erupted in the mine.

“What, what!!”

“What happened all of a sudden!!”

The rebels waiting around the mine were in great confusion.

When I finally checked the appearance of the mine that collapsed miserably.

“Oh, how can it be!!”

“Oh, no!!”

The crew had no choice but to fall into the Honbibaeksan Mountain.

It was also because Seo-jun, Dream Team, and Que-ku, who had entered the mine, had not yet come out.

In that situation, the entire mine collapsed.

It was clear what had become of the people inside.

“What the hell happened inside…”

“There is no time to be idle! We have to save the captain and the Dream Team!!”

“Move quickly!!”

Crews hurriedly began to clear away the collapsed debris.

However, the site collapsed miserably.

At the sight, the members of the crew murmured involuntarily.

“Eh, does this mean anything?”

“Maybe already…”

No matter how famous the dream team is, can they come back alive?

“Stop talking and clean up!”

Still, the crew did not stop clearing the rubble.

How many wrecks did you clean up like that?

-Hey oh oh oh!!

Suddenly, a faint voice came from inside.

A young woman’s voice.

It was none other than Suyeon.

“here! There are people here!”

“What, what?!”

At the sound of that voice, the members of the crew gathered in harmony.

-Those who are outside! Stay far away!!

“Gee, is it real?”

“To be able to survive this shock… is it a dream team after all!”

“Captain Cueco! Are you okay!!”

-I told you! Get away from me!!

“But what are you talking about inside?”

“I think you’re telling me to stay far away?”

“what? Far away… what is that?”

Right then.

pierce through

Prominence Explosion.

with a low-pitched voice.


A tremendous explosion erupted from within.


“What, what!!”

The sudden explosion scattered the crew in all directions.

Boulders that were thrown off by the explosion fell.

However, like the hunters, no one was hurt.

And where the explosion came from.

“Whoa! It just came out!”

There, you can see Soo-yeon breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Joe, if you were just a little late… I could hardly have endured.”

Ooh oh oh…

Hayoon and Shinryeong with exhausted faces.

“Grandpa… are you okay?”

“It’s a relief our men weren’t late.”

Min-yul carrying the dark star on his back.

Queku let out a sigh of relief.


“Are you okay Seojun?”

“I can only hold on…”

I could see Seo-jun being supported by Seo-yoon.

Seo-jun leaned on Seo-yoon’s shoulder and barely moved.

I didn’t have the energy left to stand still.

That was the blow that was delivered to the last great voice.

Seojun replayed what had just happened.

To be honest, I thought that Seojun would not be able to block the blow.

As well as the benefits of Shinchang Hapil,

The realm of bal-gyeong (發勁).

It was because that power was contained in the spear of Longinus for a moment.

Even so, the great voice managed to parry the blow.

Beyond blocking, he counterattacked Seo Jun.

Because of that, Seo-jun was now in a state of disrepair.

Even Jecheon Daeseong could have prevented that blow.

Was it possible to counterattack beyond blocking?

If there are no restrictions, it is possible.

However, if it is Jecheondaeseong, which has limitations…

I’ll have to stick to the details to find out.

Now, Seo-joon had the confidence to face Jecheon Daeseong, which was subject to causal constraints, to some extent.

Of course, there was no hint of Jecheon Daeseong, which is free from causal restrictions.

However, if there are restrictions

I was confident that I wouldn’t be fooled like before.

Absorbed Beserk’s heart,

Because it has grown tremendously during that time.


It wasn’t a great voice.

Seo-joon was never able to gain the upper hand in the fight against the great voice.

If only the great voice hadn’t been tied to mass teleportation.

If only he hadn’t created that situation with Gungnir.

Could I have stood like this?

Had it not been for the help of the team members in the first place,

I wouldn’t have been able to get out of there.

‘A great voice…’

Seo-joon was sure.

He is a higher level transcendent than Jecheon Daeseong.

I know it’s a crazy idea, but

It was a skill comparable to that of Irina.

maybe even more

That’s why Seo-joon knew.

The existence he wants to destroy the earth.

That he is a transcendental person who has given up transcendence.

But what is his true identity?

Why did you give up transcendence and remain here?

And why do you want to destroy this earth…


For an instant, Seo-joon’s body staggered.


Seoyoon was startled and hugged Seojun’s body.

Seo-jun was barely able to straighten his staggering body by leaning against Seo-yoon’s body.

“Oh, are you okay?”

Seojun nodded his head hesitantly.

However, Seoyoon’s worried expression did not go away.

Seojun slowly turned his head.

Then he called Min-yul, who was carrying the ignorance.

“Minyul. Are you Amseong? How is Amseong-nim?”

“It’s small, but I’m breathing. But the condition…”

Minyul could not bear to speak.

And Seo-joon didn’t bother asking behind the scenes.

It was because the state of ignorance was beyond words.

“Captain. Is the captain all right?”

Seojun nodded his head with difficulty once again.

then the beetle

Seo-joon’s body shook once again.

“It’s okay, what’s okay!”

Thanks to Seoyoon hurriedly catching him, he was able to avoid an unfortunate accident.


Seojun only laughed awkwardly.


There was no strength left in my body.

Seeing Seo-Jun like that, Que-Ku approached.

“Leave the cleaning up to the crew and go back to the village. Both you and the cancer. It seems like you need treatment as soon as possible.”

Seojun nodded slowly.

A great voice is missing,

Still, the ignorance succeeded in rescuing it.

So leave the complicated thoughts behind.

For now, it was time to return to Kuzan Village.



The twisted being suddenly stopped moving.

A man was in the hand of such a twisted being.

Whole body stained with red blood.

There was no life force to be found in the limp body.


The twisted being stood there, holding the man in its hands.

“Um, what’s going on…”

A man carefully asked about such a distorted existence.

A man dressed in a luxurious suit.

It was none other than the man called the Chief Secretary in the South African government.

Behind such a man, dozens of South African professional hunters were also making curious faces.

Secretary General and South African professional hunters.

The reason they were with the twisted being was simple.

It was because the twisted being called.

And that’s because they didn’t know the location of Kuzan Village.

Of course, I visited once.

But even then, I was guided and went,

I couldn’t remember the exact location.

So the twisted being went to the South African government,

The twisted being had entered Kuzan Village with them.

The twisted being looked down indifferently.

A human male who had lost his life was held in his hand.


There was no Seo-jun in Kuzan Village.

Have you been away for a while?

Or did you leave at all?

I didn’t know that.

That’s why the twisted being changed his mind to call Seo-jun rather than visit him.

I didn’t even know where it was in the first place.

Most of all, thinking about it,

I didn’t know why I had to go there.

I didn’t like it exactly.

Why do you mean you have to go there?

he is a god

And as always.

It had to be human to find God.

So the twisted being decided to call Seo Jun.

The method was to kill the villagers of Kuzan one by one.

The twisted being slowly raised its gaze and looked straight ahead.

“Sah, save me…! Please, please save me…!”

“Ooh, we don’t know anything…! I really don’t know anything…!”

There, with the people of Kuzan Village,

Several members of the so-called rebels were tied up.


Iron puduk.

The man who had just been in the hands of the twisted being was also one of the people there.

“Hee, hee…!!”

“Sah, save me…!”

Nulbridge crawled across the floor, frightened by the man’s corpse.

I really liked the way they stumbled under their feet.

However, the twisted entity quickly lost interest.

That would be too.

“It’s annoying…”

Because it was too annoying.

Killing the villagers as a way to summon Seo-jun was good.

show one’s rank,

I also really liked the slaughter of humans.


That it shouldn’t be killed all at once.

It was quite annoying.

To be honest, it wasn’t that difficult to slaughter a village in Kuzan.

It wasn’t that difficult.

If you put your mind to it, you could do it right now.

But that wasn’t the case.

Because someone had to escape alive and tell the news.

Only then will that bastard hear the news and come running.

So, the ‘hope’ that this situation can be prevented if they hurry up.

With hope in front of me,

turn it off instantly

Watching with joy as they struggle clinging to hope.

Absorb the endless despair that bursts out.

The twisted being wanted to see Seo-jun so much.

So, most frighteningly

I had to kill people as slowly as possible.

But do you actually do it?

“It’s annoying…”

It wasn’t bothersome at all.

The twisted being slightly turned its head and opened its mouth.


“Yes, yes!”

The chief secretary approached, startled.

The twisted being spewed out the words.

“Those. You guys take care of it.”

“Are we… the Word?”

The twisted being nodded slowly and continued.

“okay. slowly one by one. You know what I mean?”

“Yes, yes! Sure! Don’t worry!”

The secretary-general nodded his head.

What kind of existence is the twisted being.

What happens if you go against planting?

Because he knew better than anyone else.

The twisted being stared blankly at the secretary.

he is a god

Those trembling before my eyes are humans.

Before God, man is just a creature.

It was no different from a worm or bug.

There was no reason to go through the trouble of finding and killing bugs.

Above all, anger (Ira) and envy (Invidia).

I also had to find a way to separate the two sins.

Besides, a stage that a great voice will make.

Even for that, I had to finish preparing as soon as possible.

So, to the buggy bugger.

Coincidentally, there are bugs called pro hunters, so isn’t it just right?

The twisted being nodded in satisfaction.

Then he indifferently turned his back.

Just when I was about to leave.

“이 개새끼가!!!”


Did you think there was a gap?

Members of the rebels rushed at the twisted being at once.

It was obviously tied up.

It just didn’t look right.

“Anyway, what about the bugs’ work?”

The twisted being shook its head.

I had no intention of going through the trouble of finding and killing bugs.

However, the story is a little different if the insect flies directly.

They do not bother to find and kill the swarms of flies that have gathered in the sewer.

But if that swarm of flies buzzes before your eyes,

I just accept the annoyance and get rid of it.

The twisted being gently extended a hand forward.


When I snapped my fingers, a terrible force struck me.

Kwajik, a sound that is heard.

A large hole was pierced through the soldiers’ chests.

Blood poured out of his gaping mouth.

As if reclaiming the life you gave,

Death came so easily.

The twisted being looked at it indifferently.


it’s bothering.

The face of the twisted being was filled with boredom.

It was natural.

The twisted being’s action was nothing more than killing a flying insect.

But it wasn’t the people who were watching it.

“Ah ah ah ah ah···!”

“Buy, buy, save…!”

People’s minds went crazy.

My body stiffened with fear and I couldn’t even find the courage to run away.

The mind goes mad with fear.


“Now, now, now, now, now… do it, do it…”

I saw a girl who was terribly frightened.

It was none other than Kwabna’s sister, Equina.

The twisted being stared blankly at the sudden sight of Equina.

Eyes full of innocence.

Its interior was tainted with thick fear.

The twisted entity trudged closer and met its eyes.

It is also because of fear,

In the first place, her complexion was pale, probably because of her sickly body.

“Buy, buy, consider… considerate…!”

Equina’s lower leg,

dampened with something

The twisted being lowered its gaze slightly.

And then.

“How many people will have to die before they come.”

I indifferently turned my back.

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not work with dark mode