Transcension Academy Chapter 242

Chapter 242 – Great Voice (2)


Blue thunderbolts bursting out of Seo-jun’s body filled the space.

Countless thunderbolts swirl around.

The raging thunderbolt is imbued with the magical power of Samdanjeon (三丹田).


The thunderbolt exploded and thunderbolts came together.

It is shot at a single point like a hound chasing its prey.

Kwak Kwak Kwak!!

The thunderbolts that were fired collided with the white curtain.

Thunderbolts hit the curtain and an explosion erupted.

The entire space was shaken by the power of that magical power.

Seo-joon’s heart, which has been perfected by absorbing Beserk’s heart.

The power ejected from the Dragon Heart, which is said to be the ultimate of the middle school, is not enough to be called transcendence.


In an instant, small incontinence was engraved on the white curtain.

He couldn’t stand Seojun’s strength.


The great-voiced robe swayed slightly.

I kind of expected it, but

The power of Seo-joon that he actually faced was far beyond his expectations.

Damn it.

The incontinence that had spread through the tent spread like a spider’s web here and there.

Seojun held Longinus’ spear high up.

Pajik, Pajijik!!

Hideous thunderbolts swirled around and lodged in Longinus’s spear.

Seojun lowered Longinus’s spear.


【You’re stupid.】

The great voice neither avoided nor retreated.

The great voice stretched out the hand holding the veil to the side.

The veil disappeared, and a new white light glowed in my hands.

A great voice gripped the space with white magic in his hand.

Forcibly grabbing the axis of space and twisting it to create distortion.

Quad de de de deuk!

The thunderstorms that had been swirling disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Seo-jun’s body stood tall and stopped.

A strange feeling that cannot be explained.

Something unknown gripped Seo-joon’s whole body.

It was as if the space in which I was standing now became an adversary.

gaze seen.

The great voice gripped the air again.

Something intangible was caught in that hand.

Seo-joon’s body trembled.

At the same time, an alarm bell rang in my head incessantly.


But my body didn’t move at all.

It’s like entering someone else’s house.

Even the movement of a step,

It felt like I had to get someone’s permission.

Just like when Irina was in the realm of expanded senses…


For an instant, thoughts run through my mind.

Seo-joon focused his mind.

My senses came up, and an unknown sense of exhilaration surged through me.

Seo-joon could feel something taking over his surroundings.

At the same time, I could also feel the senses that were restrained within that area.

Seo-joon drew out the magic of the triple battle.

And like drilling a small hole.

Reflecting on the senses I learned from Irina,

It squeezed through the cracks in the expanded area.

The lost senses returned little by little.

I couldn’t break the domination spread over this space,

Only the restrained freedom of movement could be regained.


A great voice waved his hand.

Something intangible in his hand tore through the space.

One side of the mine wall was torn to shreds with space.

However, Seo-jun was not there.


In an instant, a group of lights burst out from one entrance.

Soon after, Seo-joon appeared and thrust the spear of Longinus at the great voice.

The great voice raised its hand again and opened the white curtain.


There was a roar, and Longinus’s spear was blocked.

Eyes meeting across the curtain.

A great voice murmured its will.

[To escape from the sense of dominance… It’s vague, but I guess I used the same sense of dominance.]

In the face of darkness.

The gaze contained in it is directed to Seo-joon.

[Did Irina teach it? However, even if you learn it, it won’t be easy to use.]

“You know the director…?”

Seo-joon’s eyes widened involuntarily.

Of course, if you are a student at the Transcendent Academy,

It was only natural that he knew of the director’s existence.

But knowing that the director’s name was Irina was another matter.

Even if it wasn’t Seojun right now, I didn’t know that name until I met Irina in person.

Still, the great voice knew Irina’s name.

that means that.

The great voice meant that he had met Irina.

“Who are you… who the hell are you?”

【Looks like Irina didn’t say anything about me.】

The great voice only uttered an unknown will.

And again, he didn’t seem to want to say anything.

Seo-joon took a bite of his teeth.

if you don’t say

just have to tell


A bright light burst through Seo-joon’s body.

TRP’s speed raised to the limit of the limit.

The swiftness that infinitely approaches the light leaps through space.

And as if tracking the movement of speed.

The fingertips of the great voice headed for Seojun.


A white light shone at the tip of her hand.

The swollen light left the fingertips.


Suddenly, a large explosion erupted.

When I looked there, nothing was visible.

Exactly, nothing was visible.

nothing could be seen.

Not even visible.

A movement that cannot be perceived by the senses.



The battle between the two of them was done by tearing apart the moment.

But Seojun and great voice.

Neither of them was caught up in the time.



Rather, it seemed that the moments of that time made it difficult to follow the fight between the two.


“This, how could it be…!”

The eyes of those who watched the scene widened and opened.

team members.

and six apostles.

“You can fight this far against your brother…?”

“To be able to stand against the above, the great one…!”

They couldn’t believe the fight in front of them in their own way.

Kwak Kwak!

A huge explosion engulfed the air.


A burst of light shoots out.

The sound couldn’t follow the movement.

The sound-cutting workshop collided.


The remnants of the two colliding forces burst forth.

The earth, unable to withstand the force, cracks apart.

The great voice held out both hands as if to open space.

Suddenly, the space was torn apart, and a terrible force erupted from within.

Thousands of bundles of mana poured out.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus while facing the bundles of magic.



Seo-joon’s movements did not have any special technique.

It was so simple with the attribute of pleasure.

But to my surprise, that was enough.

Thousands of pouring bundles of magic power,

Seojun blocked it without delay.

It was nonsense.

Each attack was fatal.

Such attacks are not dozens or hundreds, but thousands.

How could he block thousands of attacks with just one spear?



It flows naturally like flowing water.

The movement of the spear thrust into it is uninterrupted.

Thus, the momentary time is split and split again.

Seo-joon was completely making fun of the concept of time.

【・・・・・・ Amazing.】

Its phenomenal speed was such that even the greatest voices could admire it.

At the same time, a great voice could make decisions quickly.

In the current state, Seo-jun cannot be completely subdued.

The great voice turned and looked at the apostles.

The apostles who met that gaze suddenly came to their senses.

And as if he knew the intentions of the Great Voice.

The apostles gathered together and drew strength.

bursting power.

It was aiming for none other than Seojun.


‘It’s difficult if the apostles join us.’

Seojun slightly twisted his eyebrows.

It was a daunting situation just to deal with a great voice.

I’m barely blocking the great voice…


Kwak Kwak!

That was all.

It was a daunting situation just to block, let alone counterattack.

The only thing you can do is endure it.

It felt like facing Jecheon Daesung.

In addition, Seo-joon did not have the strength to withstand the attacks of the apostles.

If we continue like this, we will surely suffer greatly.

Right then.

“Have you forgotten that we are there?”

“Don’t ignore us!”

In an instant, the team members and Que-Qu rushed towards the Apostles.

“These are…!”


The apostles were greatly taken aback by the sudden intrusion of the team members.

If they were ordinary small puppies, they would have ignored them.

However, the level of the teammates I just faced was absolutely nothing to ignore.


In the end, the power that was heading for Seo-jun turned and headed for Dream Team and Que-ku.


A clash of bursting power.

The team members and the apostles continued a fierce fight.

Does that mean that they have reached the level of the apostles…?

The great voice that had been watching the scene murmured softly:


Kwak Kwa Kwak!

Of course, the apostles were not pushed back.

At least a little, the apostles had the upper hand.

However, the difference was not so great as to decide the game at once.

that means that.

that time drags on.

The problem was that there was nothing good about wasting time.

more than this,

I couldn’t help it.

【I was going to use it as bait for the stage, but…】

Aren’t they on the verge of turning the tables before they even prepare for the stage?

The great voice regulated his breathing.

Then he extended his right hand out to the side.


A huge white mana erupted from his right hand.

A great voice gripped the space.

Whirling white magic.

The distorted space was torn apart as it were.

Damn, the place where the force passed by was split into several branches.

A gaping space, the hand of the great voice was swallowed in it.


Seojun raised TRP’s speed to the limit.

Drawing out the magic of the triple battle, he hurled the spear of Longinus.

And it was then that the hand of the great voice, swallowed up in space, escaped.

There was something in the hands of the great voice.

The great voice threw something at Seo-jun’s flash of light.

it flew effortlessly

That’s why Seo-joon tried to penetrate the great voice with it.

But the moment I confirmed its reality.


Seo-joon’s movements had no choice but to stop.

What the great voice threw.

His face was not visible because his whole body was covered in blood,


It was clearly a dark star.

Iron pudduck.

The ignorant body fell to the floor helplessly.

The fallen star of darkness did not show any movement.

Could it be that he died…?

Seo-joon hurriedly checked the state of the castle.

······ The wound was so bad that she lost consciousness.

Fortunately, he didn’t seem dead.

Right then.


An eerie sound came from the front.

There, a huge magical attack was attacking Seo-jun.

The power it contained was truly terrifying.

hard to block

Seojun immediately burst into TRP’s speed.

But stop.

body stiffened.

Even the word transcendence was not enough for the power of the huge approaching magical attack.

But only the power is amplified.

The attack itself was monotonous.

That’s why TRP’s speed was enough to avoid it.


It was not cancerous.

If I evade like this, the castle of darkness will be hit directly by that attack.

He was already in a bad condition, but there was no way he could survive.

No matter how fast TRP is,

It is impossible to avoid taking it to the dark side.

Seo-joon made a quick decision.

blocking the front of ignorance,

Raised the magic power of Samdamden.


The spear of Longinus, filled with the power of a triple battle, fell as if resonating.

The assault of the approaching magical power.

Seojun thrust the spear of Longinus with all his might.


Tremendous power weighs down Longinus’s spear.

A transcendent power never encountered before.


A tremendous gale blew behind Seo-joon.


Seo-joon was crushed by that force and could not move.


In an instant, the great voice disappeared.

And where it reappeared,

It was none other than the middle of the Dream Team and the apostles.

For a while, I was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a great voice.

A great voice waved his hand lightly.

【Get out of the way.】


The place where the power passed was cracked and cracked.

The terrible power of the team members and Que-Ku were thrown far away.

The great voice slowly raised its hand.


The bursting white magic encroached on the space.

Lines of thin white lines burst in all directions and were rolled up.

Multi-space movement magic, mass teleportation.

The gaze of the great voice turned to Seo-joon.


Seo-joon was still fighting against the strong force of magical power.

The great voice turned slowly again.

gaze into space.

【Your method… eventually failed.】

However, I will be different.


The white mana spread more densely.

It wrapped around the space and started spreading in all directions.

and right away

It was then.


A piercing sound was heard from somewhere.

The head of the great voice turned again.

There, I saw a spear rushing through the space.

It was none other than Gungnir.

Gungnir was flying straight towards the Great Voice.

It’s like, ‘You bastard! Let’s go!’ seemed to be shouting.

Even though it looked like that, Gungnir was a top-notch transcendence weapon.

It had a power that could or should not be ignored.

The great voice paused the casting of the spell.

Because of that, the formula was distorted, and the variables of the dimension began to twist.

If I cast teleport like this, there was a risk of my whole body being torn to shreds.

But right now it was fine.

It would have been fine as long as the spell was corrected quickly.

If transcendentalists of other magical professions see this,

It was the sound of asking what kind of bullshit he was talking about.

But it was a story that was possible enough for a great voice.

The first thing to do now is to stop that gungnir.

The great voice spread a white curtain.


A roar erupted as Gungnir hit the white curtain.

However, Gungnir is a spear of unstoppable accuracy that always hits the target enemy.

Gungnir continued to squeeze through the gaps in the veil.

It’s like ‘Clean up! Get rid of this!’ As if shouting, he squeezed the curtain.

The great voice raised another hand.


Mighty power pulsated through the body of the great voice.

and momentarily


With an explosion that erupted, ‘Queek!’, Gungnir was slammed to the floor far away.

And it didn’t move again.

The great voice only then reaped its magic.

And again, he corrected the erroneous spell.

No, I was trying to catch it.


Suddenly, the entrance to one side of the space exploded.

Flash at the same time!

A flash of light shot in a straight line toward the great voice.


The great-voiced robe trembled loudly.

Could it be that he suppressed that power…?

A single flash of light rushes in.

Whatever you have to respond to.

A great voice couldn’t do that.

It was because he had to correct the erroneous spell now.

Otherwise, you will get caught up in the dimensional variable and your whole body will be torn to pieces.

And to compute multi-dimensional spatial variables,

It requires tremendous concentration.

It is impossible to make that calculation while blocking Seo-jun’s attack.

Even if I stopped the cast here, it was the same.

I wouldn’t know if there were no restrictions.

It was a meaningless assumption.

So, the best thing you can do is

It was just to complete the magic quickly.

If there is another way…


“You know you’ll miss it!”

The extreme swiftness did not allow a gap in his thoughts.

Seo-jun’s eyes sink with a gloomy light.

The air descends heavily around it.


A blue thunderbolt fired from the tip of Longinus’s spear.

In between them, the mind and gain of the unity of the body and creation dwell.

That transcendent power possessed a momentum that seemed to tear apart anything in the world.

so that’s it.

can stop it,

It was an unavoidable blow.


darkness over the face.

A feeling of bewilderment creeps in between them.



With a big explosion coming out,

The shaft of the mine rumbled and collapsed.

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not work with dark mode