Transcension Academy Chapter 241

Chapter 241 – Great Voice (1)

A transcendent academy located outside the dimension.

Among them, the director’s office located on the highest floor.

With a clear forest in the background, this place was the director’s office, set in the village where Irina lived before she became a transcendentalist.

Irina was sitting in a place made of grass and trees, doing her business.

Then all of a sudden

Irina’s blonde hair, resembling the sunlight, swayed in the soft wind that blew softly.

Irina tucked her wavy blonde hair behind her ears.

Then he slowly raised his gaze and looked at one side of the director’s office.

I only see the clear forest in the background,

It was empty, nothing existed.


[I didn’t expect you to visit me so often.]

Irina opened her mouth as if someone was there.


“What the hell have you done? Irina.”

As if responding to Irina’s words, I could hear the will from there filled with anger.

[I don’t know what you’re talking about because you came to visit me.]

For a while, I couldn’t hear Irina’s words.

The will to be heard after such a little time.

『The two met.』


Irina’s body trembled.

『This is an unrecorded fate. No, it was a fate that could not be recorded now.”

A word that follows again.

“What the hell have you done? Irina.”

Irina stared in the direction where the will came from.

Then, with a calm expression, he slowly opened his mouth.

[As I said last time, I didn’t do anything?]

“Looks like you’re joking right now!!”


A tremendous gale raged along with an angry will.

A blizzard that felt like it would shatter your whole body just by brushing against it.

However, Irina stood unconcerned even in the storm.

『This has gone beyond the level where cause and effect are not recorded! So tell me.”

An angry will was directed at Irina.

『The first Transcendentalist and that bastard. What kind of relationship do you two have?”

Irina immediately opened her mouth.

〔The reason why you personally annihilate Master and ask me, what kind of symbol are you?〕

『I said I destroyed the first Transcendentalist? That’s not even a funny excuse.”

As if a quiet voice had stopped, the will was heard again.

『I did not annihilate the first transcendent.』

[Are you asking me to believe that?]

『Have you ever thought that believing in the fact that I destroyed the first transcendental person looks more stupid?』

Irina did not answer.

Before long, the will came again.

『As the record was deleted, it seems that your memory itself was blown away.』

『But the second… no, you who are the third Transcendent. The first transcendence, do you not know what this word means?”

Irina gave no answer.

It was because I knew what it meant.

first transcendence.

This does not simply mean the first transcendence.

Transcendence before the concept of transcendence was established.

I first created a concept that did not exist,

That meant breaking the limits of cause and effect.

Creation from nothing to being.

It was a complete escape from causality.

『The first Transcendentalist was an existence that even I couldn’t carelessly do. But did I annihilate the first transcendent? It’s not even funny.”

〔Then… is Master destroyed by his own will?〕

The will did not come immediately.

『······ Judging by the appearance, it seems that four years don’t know anything. Hagishi, you weren’t the one who saw the first Transcendentalist up close.”

Eventually, a determined will followed.

『I don’t know what you were thinking to teach that bastard… but I won’t tolerate any further intervention.』

『The transcendent academy’s system based on the covenant is unavoidable. Irina, it is impossible under any circumstances for you to step forward.”

『The more you intervene, the faster the causal constraints weaken. It is still practically limiting. If it becomes weaker than this… that guy’s restrictions will be lifted.”

“At that time, no one could handle it. Irina, don’t you think you can handle it?”


Irina was speechless.

The will was heard again as if mocking Irina.

『Before that, another student at your academy. I’ll have to worry about him first. No matter how much that bastard learns from you… this time will be difficult.”

The cold will came again.

『Then and now, all you can do is sit there and pray.』

And with that will,

No further will was heard.


At the sudden sound of will, everyone stood tall and stopped.

The Dream Team members and the six apostles continued a fierce battle.

They seem to have forgotten that they fought just before.

I stopped my actions and looked at Seojun.

To be precise, Seo-joon and an unidentified being.

I watched the strange confrontation between the two.

There is an illusion that time has stopped.

Seo-joon looked at the unidentified being in silence.

His face was not visible because he was wearing a long robe.

It was so thick that I couldn’t even get a glimpse of its shape.

So neither age nor gender.

Even human beings.

Seo-joon did not know.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear.

Woo woo woo woo…

Longinus’ spear trembled slightly.

The unidentified being looked at the spear of Longinus.

The face, eyes, and expressions were not visible.

However, Seo-jun could feel a clear gaze.

And I could feel the vague emotions that dwelled in it.

It’s like reminiscing about the past.

As if looking at something of love and hatred.

Seo-joon didn’t know why he was feeling this way.

In addition, is that feeling toward the spear of Longinus?

Or, I couldn’t even tell if it was directed at Seo-joon himself.

The senses are intertwined.

A drop of sweat ran down Seo-joon’s back.

A chill creeps in.

Unbeknownst to me, my hands were shaking and trembling.


What Seo-joon was feeling right now was a clear fear.

In front of transcendent beings, Seo-joon had never felt the emotion of fear.

Of course, when I was beaten by Jecheon Daeseong, I felt a little…

But it wasn’t quite like this.


Demon King Eldrich.

It cannot be compared with any other monster.



Even compared to the transcendental person Seo-joon met in person, it cannot be compared.

Among the beings Seo-joon met, there was only one person he could compare with.

The director of the Transcendent Academy, Irina, was the only one.

But Seo-joon couldn’t believe it.

What kind of existence is Irina?

It was because I saw it with my own two eyes and felt it.

second transcendence.

The strongest transcendentalist in existence.

To the point of being comparable to that kind of Irina…?

The identity of the existence in front of your eyes.

The answer came from elsewhere.

“Woah, great voice…?”

It was a voice trembling with astonishment.

Where I looked, Queku was looking at me with a shocked gaze.

“Wee, a great voice?”

“Me, is that person?”

The team members shouted in amazement.

A religious organization for the salvation of mankind that ended the cataclysm in the past.

The number of believers reaches as many as one billion,

taking over the world,

Order of Truth.

The one who stands at the pinnacle of such a meeting of truth, the great voice.

The great voice was an opaque existence.

Neither age nor gender was known.

It was an existence that was thought to be a fictional character that did not exactly exist.

Only the heroes of Cataclysm knew of the existence of the Great Voice.

Even that, according to the words of the swordsman the other day.

During the final battle with Beserk.

I just said that it was all I saw from afar.

“Uh, how are you here…!”

Maybe that’s why Queque seemed to believe what he said even after he spat it out.

【It was an unexpected encounter…】

The will to hear is dizzying.

Seo-joon slowly looked away.

The gaze of the great voice was directed at Seojun.

And as much as Seo-joon is surprised,

The great voice was also surprised.

Of course, direct confirmation was not possible because the face was covered in darkness.

However, there was a clear feeling of surprise in the will that was heard.

【Did you come to save the planet of darkness? But how do you know this place?]

Seojun didn’t answer anything.

However, the great voice continued his will as if penetrating Seo-jun’s thoughts.

【The ignorance must have done something. coincidence and necessity. Did invisible things overlap to create a new destiny?]

The great voice slowly turned its back.

visible gaps.

But Seo-joon couldn’t move hastily.

It was because, even at this moment, there was an enormous pressure.

【However, the end scheduled for you is not me.】

Beyond the back of the great voice, the will was heard again.

and then trudged.


A great voice moved toward the apostles.

Tuck, Tuck.

There was no hesitation in the steps of the great voice.

A great voice passed by the Dream Team members and Que-Ku.

The teammates and Quecu just stared blankly at such a great voice.

Soon a great voice appeared before the apostles.

“He showed ugliness.”

“I should have prepared a little more firmly…”

The apostles bowed their heads deeply toward the great voice.

【It was. It was a fate I could not see either.]

The great voice slowly raised its hand.

In the hands of such a great voice, tremendous magical power began to gather.


A burst of white magic.

It wrapped around the space and started spreading in all directions.

The wave of power vibrated the entire mine.

The power of transcendence that cannot be dared to be touched bursts forth.

Hey hey hey!

The white light that engulfed the space became thicker.

Lines of thin white lines burst in all directions and were rolled up.

“Mae, mass teleportation…!”

Faced with that power, Soo-yeon exclaimed in astonishment.

Multi-space movement magic, mass teleportation.

It was a high-level magic that moved multiple beings into space, not just one.

In the first place, even teleportation was a magic impossible for humans.

But now it’s being cast—!

as soon as

It was then.

Bounce – Bounce!

A single flash of light shot across space.

The flash of light with a terrifying force,

It had the power to pierce anything in the world.

And it shredded the white lines that burst out.


A terrifying roar erupted, reverberating through the room.

The shredded white lines disappeared without having their own shape.

At the same time, the power of magical power that exploded also scattered.

And the end where the flash touched.

There, a thick white curtain stretched out,


I could see Seojun pushing Longinus’s spear in front of him.

The White Veil to Block the Spear of Longinus

The spear of Longinus trying to pierce the veil.

Kigigiggigi, Kigigiggigi!

The two forces collided, creating a terrible sound.

and in between,

Seojun and the Great Voice were looking at each other.

Looking at the angle, you can see the face enough, but

Still shrouded in darkness, his face could not be seen.

【Is it hastening death?】

A terrible murder is heard.

Fear spreads and the mind becomes dizzy.

However, Seo-joon did not break.

I can’t believe it.

Her great voice is comparable to that of Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy.

how can that be

what identity is.

I didn’t know that.

But one thing is certain.

“The subject of running away is bluffing…”

No matter how much I thought about it, the great voice seemed to run away.

The momentum felt is a level that Seo-joon cannot reach.

It wouldn’t be strange if Seo-jun couldn’t even resist and was beaten.

However, the great voice just let Seo Jun go.


Seo-joon was able to come to a simple conclusion.

‘Can’t I fully demonstrate my power?’

Great voices are currently under some restrictions.

It cannot exert its full power.

That’s why even the great voice is difficult to deal with Seo-joon, so he tries to avoid his seat.

Seojun grabbed the spear of Longinus.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!

The bursting out of the three-stage magic power.

“I didn’t just say I would let you go.”

Blue thunderbolts began to swirl through Seo-jun’s body.


right after the ceremony.

The twisted being was walking aimlessly out of the mine.

Then all of a sudden

“How on earth are you supposed to separate the powers…”

The twisted being involuntarily let out a sigh.

Eventually, I stopped walking for a moment.

“I said I could do whatever I want, but… Hmm.”

The twisted being stood still, contemplating its condition.

But whatever it was, it didn’t feel any different.

“To go as my heart goes… Eh, I don’t know. Just separate them.”

The twisted being shook its head.

All you have to do is separate it anyway.

I didn’t want to make my head hurt.

And I just wanted to quickly separate it before it collided with the power of arrogance that had germinated.


The twisted being thoughtlessly drew on the powers of envy (Invidia) and anger (Ira).


“······ huh?”

was not separated.

“What, what?”

The twisted being panicked and drew the power of the two sins again.

However, the two forces were not separated.

Just as anger is anger at being abandoned.

Just like jealousy asking why jealousy abandoned me.

The two powers clung to the twisted being and did not think of falling.

“If this…”

It was difficult.

Now, because the power of pride was suppressed, the forces did not collide.

But soon the power of pride will be released again.

Then the forces will collide

I had to feel that terrible pain again.

To feel the pain of the collapse of that existence again…


The twisted being shuddered and trembled.

That’s why you need to quickly separate the powers of anger and jealousy.

“What can I do?”

The two forces were somehow not separated.

The twisted being repeated the will of the great voice.

“I can do whatever I want…”

The twisted being calmly cleared its mind.

no matter how you think

What I want to do now is decided.

quench your sins,

The bastard who plundered Cain.

The twisted being wanted to find the bastard right now and tear it to pieces.

“Then, let’s start by killing them, shall we?”

The twisted being was quick to draw conclusions.

he had himself

The power of arrogance that sprouted and the newly acquired transcendental weapon, Excalibur.

No matter how much he thought about it, the twisted being couldn’t believe that he would lose.

Is this also arrogance?

well, whatever

The twisted being chuckled and laughed.

“The question is, where is this guy…”

But I was just guessing.

The second power of the seven deadly sins, greed.

If you go to the place where that greed disappeared, you should be able to meet him.

Because there was only one existence in this dimension that could extinguish the sin of greed.

“No. Great voice, he can do it too.”

well, anyway.

“The name of that town is…”

The twisted being quietly groped for memories.

Before separating greed,

What the government man said at the time.

“Did you say Kuzan Village? maybe?”

The twisted being nodded in satisfaction.

Of course, it might not have been there.

There was a high possibility that there would be no greed because it had been quite some time.

But it didn’t matter much.

“If you kill each and every one of the people in the village, they will find you.”

humming hum.

The twisted being’s lighter steps headed towards Kuzan Village.

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